want 20 billion a year ?

Regardless if you are for legalization or not, the REALITY is that prohibition will never work in a free society. There is also a certain irony that we are bombarded with advertisements by the drug companies pushing narcotics for every ailment imagined or real, but on a federal level it is against the law for a doctor to prescribe a joint. Legal narcotics now account for more overdoses than all illegal drugs combined. The drug war is hypocritical and a massive failure.
The drug companies do not want legalization as that would end their profits on the heavy narcotics that they push on America.

I think most of us are against drugs being legal is that we fear the damage it will do to the youth. We also are aware of the tremendous cost that will be placed on us from legalization.

I have no problem if an adult decides to use any drug if he can do it in the privacy of his own home and will not interfere with the rest of us in society. That adult should be clean when he is in a public place. I should not be put in danger in any way because of his drug use and I should not have to even walk around him if he is passed out on the sidewalk. If he wishes to shoot battery acid in his veins so be it.

Anyone selling drugs (including marijuana) to a child should be given a death sentence. That would definitely help with the overcrowding prison population problem.

If the above would be included in the legalization law I would vote for it.
addicts resort to crime to feed that habit. so have at it. come thru my door ill send you home to momma in a fuckin' box
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Regardless if you are for legalization or not, the REALITY is that prohibition will never work in a free society. There is also a certain irony that we are bombarded with advertisements by the drug companies pushing narcotics for every ailment imagined or real, but on a federal level it is against the law for a doctor to prescribe a joint. Legal narcotics now account for more overdoses than all illegal drugs combined. The drug war is hypocritical and a massive failure.
The drug companies do not want legalization as that would end their profits on the heavy narcotics that they push on America.

I think most of us are against drugs being legal is that we fear the damage it will do to the youth. We also are aware of the tremendous cost that will be placed on us from legalization.

I have no problem if an adult decides to use any drug if he can do it in the privacy of his own home and will not interfere with the rest of us in society. That adult should be clean when he is in a public place. I should not be put in danger in any way because of his drug use and I should not have to even walk around him if he is passed out on the sidewalk. If he wishes to shoot battery acid in his veins so be it.

Anyone selling drugs (including marijuana) to a child should be given a death sentence. That would definitely help with the overcrowding prison population problem.

If the above would be included in the legalization law I would vote for it.

I don't think anyone is advocating for the sale to minors. But the question remains, why do we allow booze to be legal and accessible, while pot is prohibited?

Would you also advocate the death penalty for selling alcohol to children?
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Legalise all drug use but have a mandatory death penalty for anyone caught with a supply quantity of any drugs.
That would include 2 tabs of anything as you can only take one at a time or any weed greater than that needed to make one fatty.
The way to deal with the alcohol problem is to create a drug problem! Yeah that will fix it. What you will have, is the best of both worlds, people who are both drunk and high! Put that on your freeways.
Regardless if you are for legalization or not, the REALITY is that prohibition will never work in a free society. There is also a certain irony that we are bombarded with advertisements by the drug companies pushing narcotics for every ailment imagined or real, but on a federal level it is against the law for a doctor to prescribe a joint. Legal narcotics now account for more overdoses than all illegal drugs combined. The drug war is hypocritical and a massive failure.
The drug companies do not want legalization as that would end their profits on the heavy narcotics that they push on America.

I think most of us are against drugs being legal is that we fear the damage it will do to the youth. We also are aware of the tremendous cost that will be placed on us from legalization.

I have no problem if an adult decides to use any drug if he can do it in the privacy of his own home and will not interfere with the rest of us in society. That adult should be clean when he is in a public place. I should not be put in danger in any way because of his drug use and I should not have to even walk around him if he is passed out on the sidewalk. If he wishes to shoot battery acid in his veins so be it.

Anyone selling drugs (including marijuana) to a child should be given a death sentence. That would definitely help with the overcrowding prison population problem.

If the above would be included in the legalization law I would vote for it.

Would you also advocate the death penalty for selling alcohol to children?

and stoned drivers will cost how much ????

You think we don't have stoned drivers on the road now?

You don't think we'd have more if it was legal?

Please show me the articles showing the stoned driver killing entire families. I can find plenty showing entire families wiped out by drunk drivers.

So, the rational mind says either make both booze and pot illegal or neither.

Again, I don't smoke pot, last time was more than a quarter century ago.

The prohibition against it simply makes no sense if booze is legal.
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You think we don't have stoned drivers on the road now?

You don't think we'd have more if it was legal?

Please show me the articles showing the stoned driver killing entire families. I can find plenty showing entire families wiped out by drunk drivers.

So, the rational mind says either make both booze and pot illegal or neither.

Again, I don't smoke pot, last time was more than a quarter century ago.

The prohibition against it simply makes no sense if booze is legal.

Your first statement should be directed at Mr.Clean.

The rest I agree with
The way to deal with the alcohol problem is to create a drug problem! Yeah that will fix it. What you will have, is the best of both worlds, people who are both drunk and high! Put that on your freeways.

Alcohol is a drug, some think sugar is a drug, although I do not like the twinkie defense.

Driving under the influence, whether that be Jack Danials, or a reefer is a criminal act.

No, I do not advocate the legalization of all drugs, but pot seems on par with alcohol in its effect. I simply do not see making one illegal while the other is prohibited by law.
Ah yes...those peaceful potheads. I wonder if the shooter offered the victims twinkies before or after he shot them. And did he offer the dog he shot a Snausage?

Authorities are hunting for suspects after shooting broke out during a massive marijuana celebration in Denver, leaving two people with gunshot wounds.

The gunfire scattered thousands attending Saturday's 4/20 counterculture holiday, the first since Colorado legalized marijuana.

A man and a woman each suffered non-life threatening gunshot wounds, officials said. Local media reports said a third person was grazed.

Denver Police spokesman Sonny Jackson said investigators are looking for one or two suspects, asking festival attendees for possible photo or video of the shootings.

He said police had no motive for the gunfire.

Witnesses described a scene in which a jovial atmosphere quickly turned to one of panic at the downtown Civic Center Park just before 5 p.m. Several thought firecrackers were being set off, then a man fell bleeding, his dog also shot....

News from The Associated Press

What's the point in posting this?

To "prove" pot heads are capable of committing crimes?

Prove the perps were smoking pot before they started shooting up the place. How do you know they weren't drunk instead?
The way to deal with the alcohol problem is to create a drug problem! Yeah that will fix it. What you will have, is the best of both worlds, people who are both drunk and high! Put that on your freeways.

You are completely oblivious to the fact that we have rampant drug use in this country to begin with and the current state of laws are doing nothing effectual. Instead, we are wasting millions of dollars. You need to pull your head out of your ass and look at the cost/benefit analysis to society and realize the current approach to drug use in this country is pretty fucking stupid.

Those types of memes are always helpful when discussing legalizing LSD, but since this is a discussion on legalizing Pot, I'll just move along.

pots' always been a stepping stone to more expensive and dangerous drugs.

It's a fair argument although I've never bought into that. Say pot never existed, would then alcohol then be the stepping stone?
The way to deal with the alcohol problem is to create a drug problem! Yeah that will fix it. What you will have, is the best of both worlds, people who are both drunk and high! Put that on your freeways.

You are completely oblivious to the fact that we have rampant drug use in this country to begin with and the current state of laws are doing nothing effectual. Instead, we are wasting millions of dollars. You need to pull your head out of your ass and look at the cost/benefit analysis to society and realize the current approach to drug use in this country is pretty fucking stupid.

Using a cost benefit analysis the most cost effective is for the druggies to die. The current laws and it has been that was for years, is to accommodate druggies. Medical care, rehab, community service. That's what has been expensive. Monumentally expensive. We should never have allowed that kind of growth.

We have rampant drug use in this country because there is a rampant belief that the person cannot get through the day without being high. We have a large number of useless bodies that take up space while they waste time drooling into their beer. The best cost benefit has come from the cartels that permanently removed 70,000 users and dealers from the streets of mexico without costing the public a cent. That's the kind of public service we need here.

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