Want Education Reform? Start With Higher Ed

Overall, though, the study found that there has been a 50 percent decline in the number of hours a student spends studying and preparing for classes from several decades ago.

"If you go out and talk to college freshmen today, they tell you something very interesting," Arum says. "Many of them will say the following: 'I thought college and university was going to be harder than high school, and my gosh, it turned out it's easier.' "

A Lack Of Rigor Leaves Students 'Adrift' In College : NPR

Obviously rdean is a product of an incomplete education.

Deanie - why don't you stick to talking about subjects you know about? Like weed for instance.

Depends on what you study. One physics class I took had a measly 6 students in it. Calculus 1 had more than 40, Calculus 2 had less than 20 and Calculus 3 had a measly 10.

I took a "management class" that had to be held in an overflowing forum. An accounting class was in three standard size rooms with the accordion dividers moved back.

Everyone want's to be a "manager" or "handle money".

Then you go to right wing colleges and you get "natural science". There is a reason the greatest universities and research centers in the world are in "liberal" states. Right wingers may hate that, but when you push "Noah's Ark" and "Adam and Eve", what can you expect?
As you stated, there are very few "rightwing colleges" and I would love to see your stats on how many people majored in Noah's Ark. Do you have any?

There are uber liberal schools that teach Lady Gaga and give dildo demonstrations. Is that any more useful than Adam and Eve?

What would be really refreshing is if colleges allowed a multitude of differing opinions, because that is how we come to the truth. But truth seems to be underrated these days.

When I attended the orientation at Catholic University, the president stated "We are not a liberal college. We are not a conservative college. We are an unapologetically Catholic college". That of course, is B.S. With the exception of the abortion issue, my son's professors, and nearly all guest speakers were lefties.
Damn woman, why don't you quit nagging and do something about it?

Right-Wingers are the worst debaters because all they do is "get mad" and bring their energy-draining emotions into the whole thing. Who comes to mind? Since I'm honestly not being sexist, how about Limbaugh, The Kentucky Fried Chicken Monster?

I find it interesting how it seems Liberals use their intellect and sarcastic humor to debate, while the other side seems to use an increased volume of voice and somehow are so annoying, you just want to give up and get the away from them. I believe they have some kind of protective metal shield over their ear (yes, it's actually metal), that "pings" anything you say back... like a bat using radar, they know it's coming.

QUITYERBITCHING. Is it me, or am I the only one who feels like and am tired of all of the Right-Wingers constantly blaming all the "liberals" for all of their problems? Even stuff that happened in elementary school. You guys, Obama did NOT call you a tard box and then everyone pointed and laughed at you and that made you cry and it hurt you so much. It was the OTHER black kid.

And yes, I already have an answer (my own idea; never heard it from anyone else, either) to your deeply concerned issue of higher education. However, I'm almost done with mine and frankly, there's not much I could do if I tried or ....wanted to--it would only make younger generations 10x more advanced when entering our new knowledge economy and I really don't prefer competition. It's non-productive (from my standpoint)--I have too many other things to do than have to take the time out to beat someone down everyday at work.

I find it interesting how it seems Liberals use their intellect and sarcastic humor to debate, while the other side seems to use an increased volume of voice and somehow are so annoying, you just want to give up and get the away from them.

I find it interesting how it seems Liberals use their intellect and sarcastic humor to debate, while the other side seems to use an increased volume of voice and somehow are so annoying, you just want to give up and get the away from them. I believe they have some kind of protective metal shield over their ear (yes, it's actually metal), that "pings" anything you say back... like a bat using radar, they know it's coming.

You're giving them way too much credit.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YitxdRJcXiU&feature=related]Ed, Edd 'n Eddy Highschool - EDD IS HERE! - YouTube[/ame]
Hey - why don't we lower the standards and increase aid? "College for All"!

New moms and dads with visions of Ivy League degrees dancing in their heads should be prepared to face a bill of $422,320 in today’s dollars if Junior heads off to one the country’s priciest colleges as a member of the class of 2034.

If college costs keep rising as they have for the last three decades, the inflation-adjusted price of four years of tuition alone will more than double at private colleges and nearly triple at public universities by the time a baby born this year is ready to enroll, an analysis by The Daily shows.

The “fat” years that higher ed has enjoyed over the last two decades — with spending up 74% per student since 1991 — have obscured the fact that the system is badly broken. Conservatives have tended to focus on the failings of K-12, but higher ed is both more wasteful and more dysfunctional. Consider:

* Left-wing ideologues are firmly in control of the humanities and liberal arts.

* Students spend less and less time studying, and they are not being challenged to think, speak or write

* More and more resources are being spent on research, and fewer and fewer on undergraduate teaching.

* The overemphasis on narrow research programs leaves students with an incoherent potpourri of random bits of knowledge, in place of a truly liberal education in “the best that has been written and thought.

There’s a simple solution to all four of these problems: return to the fundamental principles of competition and free choice. Some disciplines, like philosophy and Spanish, teach thousands of students with a handful of professors, while politically favored programs, like ethnic and gender studies, have abundant resources and few students

Pajamas Media » Want Education Reform? Start With Higher Ed

Interesting ideas. Comments?

Yeah I have a comment.

Education without the humanities isn't really getting an education...it's getting job training.

Now that's perfectly fine if the whole point of education is to make people ideal candidates for the corporate state.

But it is a terrible way to educate citizens of a democratic republic.
The “fat” years that higher ed has enjoyed over the last two decades — with spending up 74% per student since 1991 — have obscured the fact that the system is badly broken. Conservatives have tended to focus on the failings of K-12, but higher ed is both more wasteful and more dysfunctional. Consider:

* Left-wing ideologues are firmly in control of the humanities and liberal arts.

* Students spend less and less time studying, and they are not being challenged to think, speak or write

* More and more resources are being spent on research, and fewer and fewer on undergraduate teaching.

* The overemphasis on narrow research programs leaves students with an incoherent potpourri of random bits of knowledge, in place of a truly liberal education in “the best that has been written and thought.

There’s a simple solution to all four of these problems: return to the fundamental principles of competition and free choice. Some disciplines, like philosophy and Spanish, teach thousands of students with a handful of professors, while politically favored programs, like ethnic and gender studies, have abundant resources and few students

Pajamas Media » Want Education Reform? Start With Higher Ed

Interesting ideas. Comments?

Don't forget science. We need to get that "left wing" bias out of science and add "God".
The “fat” years that higher ed has enjoyed over the last two decades — with spending up 74% per student since 1991 — have obscured the fact that the system is badly broken. Conservatives have tended to focus on the failings of K-12, but higher ed is both more wasteful and more dysfunctional. Consider:

* Left-wing ideologues are firmly in control of the humanities and liberal arts.

* Students spend less and less time studying, and they are not being challenged to think, speak or write

* More and more resources are being spent on research, and fewer and fewer on undergraduate teaching.

* The overemphasis on narrow research programs leaves students with an incoherent potpourri of random bits of knowledge, in place of a truly liberal education in “the best that has been written and thought.

There’s a simple solution to all four of these problems: return to the fundamental principles of competition and free choice. Some disciplines, like philosophy and Spanish, teach thousands of students with a handful of professors, while politically favored programs, like ethnic and gender studies, have abundant resources and few students

Pajamas Media » Want Education Reform? Start With Higher Ed

Interesting ideas. Comments?

Yeah I have a comment.

Education without the humanities isn't really getting an education...it's getting job training.

Now that's perfectly fine if the whole point of education is to make people ideal candidates for the corporate state.

But it is a terrible way to educate citizens of a democratic republic.

"Job Training" should not be the sole purpose of an education, but do you think the students know this? Do you think they should be paying $40K a year to be "better citizens"?

Have they have been duped into thinking they deserve better than a low paying entry level job?

Colleges prepare specialists to do things and they prepare students simply to think But buyer beware. No one would tell a college freshman that there's a good chance they may be a very well-educated/debt-ridden waiter.
At Florida State University in Tallahassee Monday morning Vice President Joe Biden responded to a student stating that, "...artificially increasing availability of student loans is at least partially responsible for rising tuition costs..." Biden admitted that government subsidies offsetting the power of the free market have contributed to the increase in college tuition.

The inconvenient truth comes out. I thought they muzzled Mr. Biden.

Video at the link.

Breitbart.tv » Biden: Government Subsidies Have Increased College Tuition
The “fat” years that higher ed has enjoyed over the last two decades — with spending up 74% per student since 1991 — have obscured the fact that the system is badly broken. Conservatives have tended to focus on the failings of K-12, but higher ed is both more wasteful and more dysfunctional. Consider:

* Left-wing ideologues are firmly in control of the humanities and liberal arts.

* Students spend less and less time studying, and they are not being challenged to think, speak or write

* More and more resources are being spent on research, and fewer and fewer on undergraduate teaching.

* The overemphasis on narrow research programs leaves students with an incoherent potpourri of random bits of knowledge, in place of a truly liberal education in “the best that has been written and thought.

There’s a simple solution to all four of these problems: return to the fundamental principles of competition and free choice. Some disciplines, like philosophy and Spanish, teach thousands of students with a handful of professors, while politically favored programs, like ethnic and gender studies, have abundant resources and few students

Pajamas Media » Want Education Reform? Start With Higher Ed

Interesting ideas. Comments?

comments? yeah. you should probably stop reading things like "pajamas media" that talks about "leftwing ideologues".

that's kind of a hint that you're not getting anything worth reading.
The “fat” years that higher ed has enjoyed over the last two decades — with spending up 74% per student since 1991 — have obscured the fact that the system is badly broken. Conservatives have tended to focus on the failings of K-12, but higher ed is both more wasteful and more dysfunctional. Consider:

* Left-wing ideologues are firmly in control of the humanities and liberal arts.

* Students spend less and less time studying, and they are not being challenged to think, speak or write

* More and more resources are being spent on research, and fewer and fewer on undergraduate teaching.

* The overemphasis on narrow research programs leaves students with an incoherent potpourri of random bits of knowledge, in place of a truly liberal education in “the best that has been written and thought.

There’s a simple solution to all four of these problems: return to the fundamental principles of competition and free choice. Some disciplines, like philosophy and Spanish, teach thousands of students with a handful of professors, while politically favored programs, like ethnic and gender studies, have abundant resources and few students

Pajamas Media » Want Education Reform? Start With Higher Ed

Interesting ideas. Comments?

Speaking as a former high school teacher I have to tell you that educational reform is needed at the k-12 grade school levels.

Of course doing that before we reform our society is largely an exercise in fultility.

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