Want to watch THE MOST RIDICULOUS presidential interview ever?

we are talking about US inflation, and no the global economy has not been immune from Xiden's polices...not just economically...the world has suffered because you all put your cult before all else...
Republicans never do anything to help the less fortunate.
How has your trickle down policies worked for those in poverty?
I suppose...if you think the less fortunate want to stay less fortunate and dependent you might be right.

That's the big difference between the Republican agenda and the Demafascsit....the Demafacsicst want MORE people to be less fortunate and want them dependant....the GOP, wants to cut their taxes, and provide them jobs because they want them to be fortunate.
I suppose...if you think the less fortunate want to stay less fortunate and dependent you might be right.

That's the big difference between the Republican agenda and the Demafascsit....the Demafacsicst want MORE people to be less fortunate and want them dependant....the GOP, wants to cut their taxes, and provide them jobs because they want them to be fortunate.
More twisted Conservative logic

All tax cuts pay for themselves
The poor do better if you do less for them
Why would they vote democrat? All you freaks do is use them as pawns and only care about them during election cycles.
Plus, blacks had pedos and groomers and all you white Ds do is defend deflect and gaslight for them.
If they were smart, they would tell the duopoly to go fuck itself.
Many Democrats are Pedophiles....Hello Joe!
More twisted Conservative logic

All tax cuts pay for themselves
The poor do better if you do less for them
you think providing poor people with jobs and the ablity to keep more of the money they earned is doing less for them?

Dembot do nothing to help the poor, and they do is add to the poor.

The most successful program by the Govt to lift people out of poverty, and it's not even close, was when the GOP expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit...thank Reagan for that.
you think providing poor people with jobs and the ablity to keep more of the money they earned is doing less for them?

Dembot do nothing to help the poor, and they do is add to the poor.

The most successful program by the Govt to lift people out of poverty, and it's not even close, was when the GOP expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit...thank Reagan for that.
Good point

Where have republicans ever gone into poor communities and provided them jobs?
Good point

Where have republicans ever gone into poor communities and provided them jobs?
every day. maybe get out of your parents basement and look around

one glowing example is look at states like TN, and Texas…after decades of demafasict rule, which lead to poverty, once the demafasict were run out of power we are seeing massive economic turn around…meanwhile in places once booming we are seeing the opposite effect because of demafasict policies such as Baltimore, Oakland and San Fran…homelessness runs wild and people are fleeing to a better life in places like Texas
every day. maybe get out of your parents basement and look around

one glowing example is look at states like TN, and Texas…after decades of demafasict rule, which lead to poverty, once the demafasict were run out of power we are seeing massive economic turn around…meanwhile in places once booming we are seeing the opposite effect because of demafasict policies such as Baltimore, Oakland and San Fran…homelessness runs wild and people are fleeing to a better life in places like Texas

Name some specific poor communities where Republicans have offered jobs
There must be some
Extremely well.
Unemployment 1982 - 11%
Unemployment 1988 - 4%
Inflation 1980 - 14%
Inflation 1988 - 4%

All that shows is that your trickle down economics theory is tantamount to hostage taking. If the wealthy don't get massive tax cuts they'll hoard all the gold and live off their savings until enough people are so starving hungry they take to the streets with pitchforks.
Yes, because people want to buy homes and get an education
... without having to work for it and without an ounce of responsibility.
"Hey! let's loan people with horrible credit, little job history and maybe even spent some time in jail! - what could possibly go wrong!"
"Hey! let's provide loans to kids with bad grades, even worse attendance records and if they are failing to even pass courses - let's just keep right on loaning! - what could possibly go wrong!"
Republicans never do anything to help the less fortunate.
How has your trickle down policies worked for those in poverty?
Every year, budgets go up more than the inflation rate. So if a udget goes up 10% fora program with Progs and Repulicans want it 9% and inflation is 5% than the propaganda of 100 quadrillion billion Americans who live off that program who are going to die starts. This has been going on for many decades and the cost of government at some point is going to be untenable. This is why the scum in D.C. is taxing us through inflation now. Read your history on corrupted governments and inflation.
... without having to work for it and without an ounce of responsibility.
"Hey! let's loan people with horrible credit, little job history and maybe even spent some time in jail! - what could possibly go wrong!"
"Hey! let's provide loans to kids with bad grades, even worse attendance records and if they are failing to even pass courses - let's just keep right on loaning! - what could possibly go wrong!"

We have created an economic system where basic necessities of life are unattainable for the working class without assuming mountains of debt.
Owning a house means you become a slave to that mortgage.
Getting a college degree sets you up for decades of payments.

As usual, Conservatives misrepresent those who buy homes and go to college. The overwhelming majority are hard working

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