Want to write for USMB?....come on in.

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Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2012

Ladies and gents sometime in the next two weeks we will be installing word press on the front end for those that are interested in writing/publishing their own articles. We are not necessarily looking for professional writers as much as we are looking for writers that can write an op ed devoid of inflammatory and/or insulting language. Pick your favorite online rag and check out their op ed's and you get a taste for what we are looking for.

To keep things balanced we will be looking for 3 or 6 writers in total. One or two from each party (Republican, Democrat and Libertarian/Independent). Yes Libertarian and Independent are two different parties but in the spirit of this endeavor we will apply the KISS principle.

So how will this work? If we end up six (6) solid writers--two from each category--we'll go forward with the six writers. If we can't fill out the entire field of six writers across the board evenly we'll have to cut down to 3 writers until we have the rest of the field filled out.

To apply:
  • Contact cereal_killer via private message/conversation titled "USMB Writer" and let me know your interested in applying.
  • You will receive email address's to submit a sample of your work and further instructions.
  • Sample can consist of anything that is currently going on in the world today (past or present). Politics, climate change, mass shootings, constitution, election process -- you name it, anything goes. If your passionate about it, write about it.
  • Sample should be 500 words or less.
  • No inflammatory and/or insulting language
  • Submit your piece on the forums (OPTIONAL)
To keep things balanced writers will be limited to a MAXIMUM of two (2) articles a day and there will be no minimum requirement.

Good luck writers!
Op-eds are written by people doing original and indepedent research. This sounds like you're asking for a junior high book report sorta thing? Find a news article, and write about it was something I did in grade school. :) Not likely to find anyone here who goes out into the world and finds things out then writes about them, and if they did they'd keep it for paying gigs. :)
Re-read his post.
Op-eds are written by people doing original and indepedent research. This sounds like you're asking for a junior high book report sorta thing? Find a news article, and write about it was something I did in grade school. :) Not likely to find anyone here who goes out into the world and finds things out then writes about them, and if they did they'd keep it for paying gigs. :)
'Write for USMB'; like an op-ed = pro writing. Otherwise how is it different from a conventional thread topic?
I'd love to try it. I wrote articles at one time, and really enjoyed it. I had a few published in newspapers.
I'm already owned by the Koch Brothers, they pay me $24.95 per post. What they don't yet realize is that I have the same deal with each brother, they EACH pay me $24.95/post! Thankfully they're not co-joined like Chang and Eng Bunker or the jig would have been up ages ago
Op-eds are written by people doing original and indepedent research. This sounds like you're asking for a junior high book report sorta thing? Find a news article, and write about it was something I did in grade school. :) Not likely to find anyone here who goes out into the world and finds things out then writes about them, and if they did they'd keep it for paying gigs. :)

Op-ED pieces on sites like the New York Times, LA Times, Huffington post, etc. are nothing more than political pandering which is done day in and day out on this site.

Most do not do any original or independent research.

An op-ed (originally short for "opposite the editorial page") is a piece typically published by newspapers, magazines, and the like which expresses the opinions of a named author usually not affiliated with the publication's editorial board.[1] Op-eds are different from both editorials (opinion pieces submitted by editorial board members) and letters to the editor (opinion pieces submitted by readers).

Op-ed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Perhaps posters could just submit op eds and staff can decide which are of merit on a given day? That way writing multiple pieces everyday would not be needed and you get a broader writer base?
Yeah I can see that going really well. "Well its quite evident the staff at USMB is run by morons! How can they choose this story as having any merit!!? USMB is run by_insert party here_morons!!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Not to mention who would want to waste their time writing something that they don't know if it will see the light of day or not.

We're giving the authors complete control of their content and when/if/how it will get published.
I'm already owned by the Koch Brothers, they pay me $24.95 per post. What they don't yet realize is that I have the same deal with each brother, they EACH pay me $24.95/post! Thankfully they're not co-joined like Chang and Eng Bunker or the jig would have been up ages ago

Keep writing those smoking's ok threads but no one from Philip MOrris or anyone's sent me a check yet. ;)

Ladies and gents sometime in the next two weeks we will be installing word press on the front end for those that are interested in writing/publishing their own articles. We are not necessarily looking for professional writers as much as we are looking for writers that can write an op ed devoid of inflammatory and/or insulting language. Pick your favorite online rag and check out their op ed's and you get a taste for what we are looking for.

To keep things balanced we will be looking for 3 or 6 writers in total. One or two from each party (Republican, Democrat and Libertarian/Independent). Yes Libertarian and Independent are two different parties but in the spirit of this endeavor we will apply the KISS principle.

So how will this work? If we end up six (6) solid writers--two from each category--we'll go forward with the six writers. If we can't fill out the entire field of six writers across the board evenly we'll have to cut down to 3 writers until we have the rest of the field filled out.

To apply:
  • Contact cereal_killer via private message/conversation titled "USMB Writer" and let me know your interested in applying.
  • You will receive email address's to submit a sample of your work and further instructions.
  • Sample can consist of anything that is currently going on in the world today (past or present). Politics, climate change, mass shootings, constitution, election process -- you name it, anything goes. If your passionate about it, write about it.
  • Sample should be 500 words or less.
  • No inflammatory and/or insulting language
  • Submit your piece on the forums (OPTIONAL)
To keep things balanced writers will be limited to a MAXIMUM of two (2) articles a day and there will be no minimum requirement.

Good luck writers!
payment? recompense? (yes, Dante knows what recompense means)

Ladies and gents sometime in the next two weeks we will be installing word press on the front end for those that are interested in writing/publishing their own articles. We are not necessarily looking for professional writers as much as we are looking for writers that can write an op ed devoid of inflammatory and/or insulting language. Pick your favorite online rag and check out their op ed's and you get a taste for what we are looking for.

To keep things balanced we will be looking for 3 or 6 writers in total. One or two from each party (Republican, Democrat and Libertarian/Independent). Yes Libertarian and Independent are two different parties but in the spirit of this endeavor we will apply the KISS principle.

So how will this work? If we end up six (6) solid writers--two from each category--we'll go forward with the six writers. If we can't fill out the entire field of six writers across the board evenly we'll have to cut down to 3 writers until we have the rest of the field filled out.

To apply:
  • Contact cereal_killer via private message/conversation titled "USMB Writer" and let me know your interested in applying.
  • You will receive email address's to submit a sample of your work and further instructions.
  • Sample can consist of anything that is currently going on in the world today (past or present). Politics, climate change, mass shootings, constitution, election process -- you name it, anything goes. If your passionate about it, write about it.
  • Sample should be 500 words or less.
  • No inflammatory and/or insulting language
  • Submit your piece on the forums (OPTIONAL)
To keep things balanced writers will be limited to a MAXIMUM of two (2) articles a day and there will be no minimum requirement.

Good luck writers!
payment? recompense? (yes, Dante knows what recompense means)
You not making enough with your 35 cents per post from Soros and Moron.org???
I guess you failed to notice what forum you have entered?

Announcements and Feedback
Announcements from USMB staff, also post your feedback and questions here. FLAMING PROHIBITED. USMB Lounge rules apply.
Last edited:

Ladies and gents sometime in the next two weeks we will be installing word press on the front end for those that are interested in writing/publishing their own articles. We are not necessarily looking for professional writers as much as we are looking for writers that can write an op ed devoid of inflammatory and/or insulting language. Pick your favorite online rag and check out their op ed's and you get a taste for what we are looking for.

To keep things balanced we will be looking for 3 or 6 writers in total. One or two from each party (Republican, Democrat and Libertarian/Independent). Yes Libertarian and Independent are two different parties but in the spirit of this endeavor we will apply the KISS principle.

So how will this work? If we end up six (6) solid writers--two from each category--we'll go forward with the six writers. If we can't fill out the entire field of six writers across the board evenly we'll have to cut down to 3 writers until we have the rest of the field filled out.

To apply:
  • Contact cereal_killer via private message/conversation titled "USMB Writer" and let me know your interested in applying.
  • You will receive email address's to submit a sample of your work and further instructions.
  • Sample can consist of anything that is currently going on in the world today (past or present). Politics, climate change, mass shootings, constitution, election process -- you name it, anything goes. If your passionate about it, write about it.
  • Sample should be 500 words or less.
  • No inflammatory and/or insulting language
  • Submit your piece on the forums (OPTIONAL)
To keep things balanced writers will be limited to a MAXIMUM of two (2) articles a day and there will be no minimum requirement.

Good luck writers!
payment? recompense? (yes, Dante knows what recompense means)
shillings....lots of shillings
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