Want to write for USMB?....come on in.

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Ladies and gents sometime in the next two weeks we will be installing word press on the front end for those that are interested in writing/publishing their own articles. We are not necessarily looking for professional writers as much as we are looking for writers that can write an op ed devoid of inflammatory and/or insulting language. Pick your favorite online rag and check out their op ed's and you get a taste for what we are looking for.

To keep things balanced we will be looking for 3 or 6 writers in total. One or two from each party (Republican, Democrat and Libertarian/Independent). Yes Libertarian and Independent are two different parties but in the spirit of this endeavor we will apply the KISS principle.

So how will this work? If we end up six (6) solid writers--two from each category--we'll go forward with the six writers. If we can't fill out the entire field of six writers across the board evenly we'll have to cut down to 3 writers until we have the rest of the field filled out.

To apply:
  • Contact cereal_killer via private message/conversation titled "USMB Writer" and let me know your interested in applying.
  • You will receive email address's to submit a sample of your work and further instructions.
  • Sample can consist of anything that is currently going on in the world today (past or present). Politics, climate change, mass shootings, constitution, election process -- you name it, anything goes. If your passionate about it, write about it.
  • Sample should be 500 words or less.
  • No inflammatory and/or insulting language
  • Submit your piece on the forums (OPTIONAL)
To keep things balanced writers will be limited to a MAXIMUM of two (2) articles a day and there will be no minimum requirement.

Good luck writers!

Yo, when this board decides to accept ""Free Speech?"" I might decide to do this!!! Have a good day!


Ladies and gents sometime in the next two weeks we will be installing word press on the front end for those that are interested in writing/publishing their own articles. We are not necessarily looking for professional writers as much as we are looking for writers that can write an op ed devoid of inflammatory and/or insulting language. Pick your favorite online rag and check out their op ed's and you get a taste for what we are looking for.

To keep things balanced we will be looking for 3 or 6 writers in total. One or two from each party (Republican, Democrat and Libertarian/Independent). Yes Libertarian and Independent are two different parties but in the spirit of this endeavor we will apply the KISS principle.

So how will this work? If we end up six (6) solid writers--two from each category--we'll go forward with the six writers. If we can't fill out the entire field of six writers across the board evenly we'll have to cut down to 3 writers until we have the rest of the field filled out.

To apply:
  • Contact cereal_killer via private message/conversation titled "USMB Writer" and let me know your interested in applying.
  • You will receive email address's to submit a sample of your work and further instructions.
  • Sample can consist of anything that is currently going on in the world today (past or present). Politics, climate change, mass shootings, constitution, election process -- you name it, anything goes. If your passionate about it, write about it.
  • Sample should be 500 words or less.
  • No inflammatory and/or insulting language
  • Submit your piece on the forums (OPTIONAL)
To keep things balanced writers will be limited to a MAXIMUM of two (2) articles a day and there will be no minimum requirement.

Good luck writers!

Yo, when this board decides to accept ""Free Speech?"" I might decide to do this!!! Have a good day!

Hey you can't post that isht on USMB!!

Ladies and gents sometime in the next two weeks we will be installing word press on the front end for those that are interested in writing/publishing their own articles. We are not necessarily looking for professional writers as much as we are looking for writers that can write an op ed devoid of inflammatory and/or insulting language. Pick your favorite online rag and check out their op ed's and you get a taste for what we are looking for.

To keep things balanced we will be looking for 3 or 6 writers in total. One or two from each party (Republican, Democrat and Libertarian/Independent). Yes Libertarian and Independent are two different parties but in the spirit of this endeavor we will apply the KISS principle.

So how will this work? If we end up six (6) solid writers--two from each category--we'll go forward with the six writers. If we can't fill out the entire field of six writers across the board evenly we'll have to cut down to 3 writers until we have the rest of the field filled out.

To apply:
  • Contact cereal_killer via private message/conversation titled "USMB Writer" and let me know your interested in applying.
  • You will receive email address's to submit a sample of your work and further instructions.
  • Sample can consist of anything that is currently going on in the world today (past or present). Politics, climate change, mass shootings, constitution, election process -- you name it, anything goes. If your passionate about it, write about it.
  • Sample should be 500 words or less.
  • No inflammatory and/or insulting language
  • Submit your piece on the forums (OPTIONAL)
To keep things balanced writers will be limited to a MAXIMUM of two (2) articles a day and there will be no minimum requirement.

Good luck writers!

Yo, when this board decides to accept ""Free Speech?"" I might decide to do this!!! Have a good day!

Hey you can't post that isht on USMB!!
We can always hope for a change. :muahaha:
I find myself interested but am wondering what would make it worth my time to do this.

I spend from 4am to about 8am just going through sites reporting news, dealing with religion, and discussing writing and publishing. I spend another 4 hours conducting research, as well as revising and writing an epic historical fiction novel.

500 to 750 words is like nothing. But, to do it right takes TIME. What would make doing this worth my time?

Interesting, will there be compensation for the writings..

If not one can always write for Huffington post, if they are willing to work for free..

Ladies and gents sometime in the next two weeks we will be installing word press on the front end for those that are interested in writing/publishing their own articles. We are not necessarily looking for professional writers as much as we are looking for writers that can write an op ed devoid of inflammatory and/or insulting language. Pick your favorite online rag and check out their op ed's and you get a taste for what we are looking for.

To keep things balanced we will be looking for 3 or 6 writers in total. One or two from each party (Republican, Democrat and Libertarian/Independent). Yes Libertarian and Independent are two different parties but in the spirit of this endeavor we will apply the KISS principle.

So how will this work? If we end up six (6) solid writers--two from each category--we'll go forward with the six writers. If we can't fill out the entire field of six writers across the board evenly we'll have to cut down to 3 writers until we have the rest of the field filled out.

To apply:
  • Contact cereal_killer via private message/conversation titled "USMB Writer" and let me know your interested in applying.
  • You will receive email address's to submit a sample of your work and further instructions.
  • Sample can consist of anything that is currently going on in the world today (past or present). Politics, climate change, mass shootings, constitution, election process -- you name it, anything goes. If your passionate about it, write about it.
  • Sample should be 500 words or less.
  • No inflammatory and/or insulting language
  • Submit your piece on the forums (OPTIONAL)
To keep things balanced writers will be limited to a MAXIMUM of two (2) articles a day and there will be no minimum requirement.

Good luck writers!

Yo, when this board decides to accept ""Free Speech?"" I might decide to do this!!! Have a good day!

Hey you can't post that isht on USMB!!

Well that is key, will the articles be edited before they will be allowed to be posted?

Will there be a running commentary section below the articles?

If so, how will it differ from posting on the forums?
If there's no solid contract for writer's pay, I don't think you'll be getting any takers, CK.
No inflammatory and/or insulting language

This restriction would grossly inflate the number of words needed to express opinions, and also defeats the primary purpose of posting on message boards in the first place ...

In any case, 500 to 750 word limits is too short for serious articles, if that is the limit being proposed, though the OP doesn't actually state a limit on word count. Also, limiting the authors to biased ideologies is going to make it dull reading; most ideologues are nutjobs and half-wits with high self-esteem, and the bizarre screeds posted in the regular forums would be far more entertaining because of that.

As for 'pay', if the writers are good enough, they can develop a following first; nobody pays newbies just for typing out screeds, and if the idea takes off I'm sure if it is successful enough some compensation will come along later. It's possible that with luck it could be expanded into a 'magazine' style format with a number of columns covering a range of topics? Who knows; sites have taken off on far less content.

There are also copyright issues to be considered and how that is handled.
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Op-eds are written by people doing original and indepedent research.

No, they aren't. In fact spin doctors and ideologues are known, and hired, for deliberately ignoring original and independent research and peddling 'talking points' and distorting other peoples' original and independent research.
I know of very few oped pieces that were written without research and in response to current events.

The question is simply which slant in political views the author writes in.
No inflammatory and/or insulting language

This restriction would grossly inflate the number of words needed to express opinions, and also defeats the primary purpose of posting on message boards in the first place ...

In any case, 500 to 750 word limits is too short for serious articles, if that is the limit being proposed, though the OP doesn't actually state a limit on word count. Also, limiting the authors to biased ideologies is going to make it dull reading; most ideologues are nutjobs and half-wits with high self-esteem, and the bizarre screeds posted in the regular forums would be far more entertaining because of that.

As for 'pay', if the writers are good enough, they can develop a following first; nobody pays newbies just for typing out screeds, and if the idea takes off I'm sure if it is successful enough some compensation will come along later. It's possible that with luck it could be expanded into a 'magazine' style format with a number of columns covering a range of topics? Who knows; sites have taken off on far less content.

There are also copyright issues to be considered and how that is handled.

I disagree. A great writer with vision can deliver a powerful message within the confines of a 500 word article. Some of the best messages are not filled with many eloquent words. They are brief and focused like a magnifying glass reflecting the sun onto a page. The words begin to burn with the passion of the author and focus the readers heart onto the message. They invoke a reaction, perhaps even a revolting one but nevertheless, more words are not what makes a great story. Content, imagination, ability to write from one's own heart. As Einstein once said, Imagination is greater than knowledge. Any educated person can write an article. But can they write?

A writer writes to put on a page what is in the heart. It's not a job! It's a passion! Pay has nothing to do with writing. If you are accepted? It's an honor. Do not be blind to the purpose of writing. It's not for a paycheck! It's for making history!
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If there's no solid contract for writer's pay, I don't think you'll be getting any takers, CK.
Good point. Isn´t that page about making money? So easy for the owner as he does not even have to provide content. It´s even going further. Those providing the content even generate cash by consuming his ads - so do the readers. I should charge USMB 50 Cent for each post I make.
No, Bleipriester. You should thank USMB for the opportunity to write on their board. Are they making money off of you? I doubt it. USMB does not charge you for writing on their board, for providing Admin and moderators 24 hours a day. They are not paid by you to read your questions or complaints. Everything you receive at USMB is 100% free. They accept donations but they are not charging anyone a penny to use their Message Board.

On the subject of gratitude. I had no idea that writers could be so selfish.
Would the content be only from those selected?
I'd love to contribute but I'm mobile more often than not.
Would we be able to submit something for approval even if we're not one of the chosen?
No, Bleipriester. You should thank USMB for the opportunity to write on their board. Are they making money off of you? I doubt it. USMB does not charge you for writing on their board, for providing Admin and moderators 24 hours a day. They are not paid by you to read your questions or complaints. Everything you receive at USMB is 100% free. They accept donations but they are not charging anyone a penny to use their Message Board.

On the subject of gratitude. I had no idea that writers could be so selfish.
You should have taken my post with a pinch of salt, man.
No, Bleipriester. You should thank USMB for the opportunity to write on their board. Are they making money off of you? I doubt it. USMB does not charge you for writing on their board, for providing Admin and moderators 24 hours a day. They are not paid by you to read your questions or complaints. Everything you receive at USMB is 100% free. They accept donations but they are not charging anyone a penny to use their Message Board.

On the subject of gratitude. I had no idea that writers could be so selfish.
You should have taken my post with a pinch of salt, man.

While it is true your post was bland, dull and without thought? A pinch of salt won't help it. It would still be tasteless. All that remains left to do is delete it and write something else.
No, Bleipriester. You should thank USMB for the opportunity to write on their board. Are they making money off of you? I doubt it. USMB does not charge you for writing on their board, for providing Admin and moderators 24 hours a day. They are not paid by you to read your questions or complaints. Everything you receive at USMB is 100% free. They accept donations but they are not charging anyone a penny to use their Message Board.

On the subject of gratitude. I had no idea that writers could be so selfish.
You should have taken my post with a pinch of salt, man.

While it is true your post was bland, dull and without thought? A pinch of salt won't help it. It would still be tasteless and all that remains left to do is to delete it and write something else.
No, I just exaggerated a bit. Of course, your post cannot compete with the high value of mine :)
Op-eds are written by people doing original and indepedent research. This sounds like you're asking for a junior high book report sorta thing? Find a news article, and write about it was something I did in grade school. :) Not likely to find anyone here who goes out into the world and finds things out then writes about them, and if they did they'd keep it for paying gigs. :)

Here are two related and VERY Simple Solutions for you and your whining, beta2vapid:.

Don't apply.

Don't do it.

/end problem.
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No, Bleipriester. You should thank USMB for the opportunity to write on their board. Are they making money off of you? I doubt it. USMB does not charge you for writing on their board, for providing Admin and moderators 24 hours a day. They are not paid by you to read your questions or complaints. Everything you receive at USMB is 100% free. They accept donations but they are not charging anyone a penny to use their Message Board.

On the subject of gratitude. I had no idea that writers could be so selfish.
You should have taken my post with a pinch of salt, man.

While it is true your post was bland, dull and without thought? A pinch of salt won't help it. It would still be tasteless and all that remains left to do is to delete it and write something else.
No, I just exaggerated a bit. Of course, your post cannot compete with the high value of mine :)

I agree. You are simply brilliant when you make up your mind to be!
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