Want universal background checks? A question....

It's obvious that gun nuts are afraid - because they know they have no reasonable argument against universal background checks. It's just a matter of time...
Oh look -- a lie. From an anti-gun loon, one shoudl expect no less.

You know as well as I do that this board is replete with reasonable arguments universal background checks, not the least of which is that they are impossible to enforce.

I'm not an anti gun loon. I grew up with them. I know what they're for and what they do. My mom's side of the family are avid hunters. I grew up with all sorts of different animal meat in our freezer. I personally wouldn't eat most of it but the rest of my family did. I did eat the seafood. Salmon fishing is a serious sport here.

I support background checks for all sales of guns.

I have absolutely no problem with you having all the guns to your little heart's desire. Just as long as you're within our laws. That includes a background check.

Go blast away at your targets or go hunting. I will defend your right to do that.

I don't want criminals to have a gun.

It's as simple as that.

Nor do we want mentally ill people to have guns.

Yes and those who have a history of domestic abuse or violence.
the problem is I have owned some guns for over 30 years (bought my first pistol in 1980) and I inherited a couple dozen from my father-guns he bought between 1946 and 2006. so I sell one to my good shooting buddy M14 Shooter. Oh sorry officer I sold it to him TWO YEARS before that stupid law was passed.
prove otherwise
The very best thing to do here? Say nothing.
If you say nothing, they cannot prove anyting.

I lost all my guns in a tragic boating accident.
It's obvious that gun nuts are afraid - because they know they have no reasonable argument against universal background checks. It's just a matter of time...
Oh look -- a lie. From an anti-gun loon, one shoudl expect no less.

You know as well as I do that this board is replete with reasonable arguments universal background checks, not the least of which is that they are impossible to enforce.

I'm not an anti gun loon. I grew up with them. I know what they're for and what they do. My mom's side of the family are avid hunters. I grew up with all sorts of different animal meat in our freezer. I personally wouldn't eat most of it but the rest of my family did. I did eat the seafood. Salmon fishing is a serious sport here.

I support background checks for all sales of guns.

I have absolutely no problem with you having all the guns to your little heart's desire. Just as long as you're within our laws. That includes a background check.

Go blast away at your targets or go hunting. I will defend your right to do that.

I don't want criminals to have a gun.

It's as simple as that.
How will universal background checks precent criminals from having guns? Just answer that.

If they can't pass the background check then they can't get the gun.

Many will find another way but if that law prevents even one person from going into a mall or school or movie theater and murdering a lot of innocent people, then that law is worth it.

I see this law as a way to find people who sell guns to criminals. No it won't stop all criminals but it will stop some. It will also help police put those who sell guns to criminals in prison so they can't sell guns to criminals anymore.
Because every person who went into a mall or school or movie theater and shot the place up either passed a background check or could have.
So it didnt stop even one person. How effective is a law that wont stop even one person?

Cocaine is illegal in every city in this country. Is there any city in this country where you cannot buy cocaine? Same with guns. There is no place here where someone cannot buy a gun without a background check.
It's obvious that gun nuts are afraid - because they know they have no reasonable argument against universal background checks. It's just a matter of time...
Oh look -- a lie. From an anti-gun loon, one shoudl expect no less.

You know as well as I do that this board is replete with reasonable arguments universal background checks, not the least of which is that they are impossible to enforce.

I'm not an anti gun loon. I grew up with them. I know what they're for and what they do. My mom's side of the family are avid hunters. I grew up with all sorts of different animal meat in our freezer. I personally wouldn't eat most of it but the rest of my family did. I did eat the seafood. Salmon fishing is a serious sport here.

I support background checks for all sales of guns.

I have absolutely no problem with you having all the guns to your little heart's desire. Just as long as you're within our laws. That includes a background check.

Go blast away at your targets or go hunting. I will defend your right to do that.

I don't want criminals to have a gun.

It's as simple as that.

Nor do we want mentally ill people to have guns.

Yes and those who have a history of domestic abuse or violence.
You understand those people are already prohibited, right?
You can think they were reasonable all you want. That doesn't make it true.

Your arguments mean absolutely nothing. It won't stop background checks. Especially when the issue is before the people and not politicians.
You do understand that the constitution trumps the will of the people -- right?

You do understand that the constitution does not look fondly upon ineffectual restrictions placed on the exercise of a right - that is if a law cannot be enforced, there's no rational basis for the restrction that said law creates -- right?

Actually, you probably don't.
Background checks aren't a violation of the constitution.
If they were then they wouldn't have been happening all these years.
I see you also do not understand how the legal system works - that something has yet to be challenged in no way means that if/when challenged, it will be found constitutional.

Background checks are, inarguably, a form of prior restraint, where the government restrains the exercise of your right while it determines if said exercise violates a law created by said government. That's a violation of the constitution except in very rare and specific circumstances.
If they can't pass the background check then they can't get the gun.
You clearly haven't been paying attention - the entire topic is predicated on a demonstation of just how easy it is to get a gun w/o a background check and how impossible it is for the state to prove the law was broken.

Many will find another way but if that law prevents even one person from going into a mall or school or movie theater and murdering a lot of innocent people, then that law is worth it.
The "If it saves just one life" argument!
If they can't pass the background check then they can't get the gun.
You clearly haven't been paying attention - the entire topic is predicated on a demonstation of just how easy it is to get a gun w/o a background check and how impossible it is for the state to prove the law was broken.

Many will find another way but if that law prevents even one person from going into a mall or school or movie theater and murdering a lot of innocent people, then that law is worth it.
The "If it saves just one life" argument!
It's typical magical thinking. We pass a law so everything is hunky dory. Reality doesnt work that way. Even after I point out that virtually every mass murderer of the last 20 years either did pass a background check or could have, the chant is still "If it saves one life" even though there is no proof it saved any lives at all.

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