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Wanted: Rape Victims to Become Suicide Bombers

Yes, Robert, I realize.

So, she's religious, so what? Did she rape anyone and strap a bomb to them? Where's your outrage at the subject of the OP? You just want to pigeonhole people to make yourself feel superior?

What the heck, way to follow the political trend. It's open season on American Christian "wingnuts" so please spare the poor misunderstood Muslim terrorist from their extremely dangerous sarcasm! Well done! :clap2:

She's a religious wingnut who has shown hate for others and wished ill upon others. She didn't rape anyone, and I have shown my outrage at the subject of the OP time and time again. If you refuse to follow your own advice of "not assuming what's in people's hearts" or whatever then you really ought to not talk about things you don't know.

I'm a Christian myself you fool and people like Allie embrarass Christianity. Many times she can be the perfect example of why many hate Christianity. I, in no way am sparing any Muslim terrorist. Any criminal who commits a deed should pay the price for their crime.

However, if you are going to sit there and try to not only mischaracterize my position but my attitude on this topic then don't even bother trying to have a debate with me on this.
Yes, Robert, I realize.

So, she's religious, so what? Did she rape anyone and strap a bomb to them? Where's your outrage at the subject of the OP? You just want to pigeonhole people to make yourself feel superior?

What the heck, way to follow the political trend. It's open season on American Christian "wingnuts" so please spare the poor misunderstood Muslim terrorist from their extremely dangerous sarcasm! Well done! :clap2:

She's a religious wingnut who has shown hate for others and wished ill upon others. She didn't rape anyone, and I have shown my outrage at the subject of the OP time and time again. If you refuse to follow your own advice of "not assuming what's in people's hearts" or whatever then you really ought to not talk about things you don't know.

I'm a Christian myself you fool and people like Allie embrarass Christianity. Many times she can be the perfect example of why many hate Christianity. I, in no way am sparing any Muslim terrorist. Any criminal who commits a deed should pay the price for their crime.

However, if you are going to sit there and try to not only mischaracterize my position but my attitude on this topic then don't even bother trying to have a debate with me on this.

Sorry, Robert, I just don't believe Allie hates people just because they're Muslim. You and Anguille feel comfortable making that accusation, I don't.
Like I said dipstick......read Genesis, and see where God put order to the Universe.

It's in the first couple of chapters.

Fuck using Genesis as some sort of source on your part. The bible in general has so many contradictions in it.

For example:

Gen 1:31: God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Check out the History Channel series "Naked Archaeologist", and watch the one on Elijah. It will tell you why the Bible says that the Universe was created in 6 days, with science and math.

Gen 6:6: The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.

Of course God was sorry that He'd made mankind. Remember what happened just before the Flood? God looked into the hearts and minds of men, saw that they were only interested in themselves, and were forgetting about Him, which is why the Mabul was released on the earth (the Flood).

Matthew 19:26: Jesus looked at them intently and said, "For humans this is impossible, but for God all things are possible."

Well, considering that we are of this planet, and God comes from somewhere way beyond it, and, considering that humans cannot travel interplanetary distances with manned vehicles past the moon (and that was recent), I'd be willing to say that Yeshua knew what He was speaking of. Can YOU fly a UFO?

Judges 1:19: Now the LORD was with Judah, and they took possession of the hill country; but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley because they had iron chariots.

If you don't have a chariot because your army is on foot, and the other one does, who do YOU think is going to be driven out?
Exodus 15:3: The LORD is a warrior; The LORD is His name.

Context please......And yes, God IS a warrior.

Romans 15:33 Now may the God who grants peace be with all of you! Amen.

Check the Judaic scholars on this one. God is actually with everyone, as the electricity coursing through your body (nervous system), is believed to be a small piece of God, that He carved out from under His Throne, with the blade of self will, and then it was placed in your embryo that was created by your mother and father. Ever hear of the "Divine Spark"?


If God doesn't want chaos, he better start with the fucking bible.

If you want to argue religion, please learn something useful, and please study it enough so that you don't sound like a bumbling idiot.

And no.......God prefers order. It says so in the Bible in both the OT and the NT.

For a supposed "Christian" you sure as hell don't appear to know much about your faith.

Maybe it's because of the fucked up ideals and theology that you picked up from the demonic religion of Islam.
Sorry, Robert, I just don't believe Allie hates people just because they're Muslim. You and Anguille feel comfortable making that accusation, I don't.

Oh, the sanctimonious one makes yet another pronouncement. I guess you feel comfortable making accusations based on your own assumptions. When did I say Allie's name in this thread? I didn't even read her post. Like many people here I frequently do not read her posts. I was speaking to Robert about unnamed posters on this board and the general scapegoating of Muslims that goes on. You are the one connecting my statements about bigotry to her. Says more about your thoughts than mine.

If Allie hates Muslims that would not surprise me. But most likely she tell them they will go to hell because she cares about them :lol:
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Islam is the religion of Justice and Logic :eusa_angel:

What is "just" about throwing acid on little girls, just because they want to go to school?

What is "logical" about killing off your own population because you believe that your particular little sect is right?

That's almost as stupid as a war between the Mormons and the Christians, with them putting out suicide bombers and assassination squads. I mean, Mormons and Christians both believe pretty much the same way, but they believe one is a prophet over the other. That's almost as stupid as what is happening between the Kurds, Sunnis and Shia.

And what is logical OR just about subjugating your women, while the men sit on their asses and play war? Islam is nothing than a male dominated religion that delights in bloodshed, torture and murder.

Try again Sunnidiot.
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For a supposed "Christian" you sure as hell don't appear to know much about your faith.

Maybe it's because of the fucked up ideals and theology that you picked up from the demonic religion of Islam.

Thanks for stepping in and providing a perfect example of the type of witch hunting that goes on in many of these type threads.
If you want to argue religion, please learn something useful, and please study it enough so that you don't sound like a bumbling idiot.

And no.......God prefers order. It says so in the Bible in both the OT and the NT.

For a supposed "Christian" you sure as hell don't appear to know much about your faith.

Maybe it's because of the fucked up ideals and theology that you picked up from the demonic religion of Islam.

Wow are you fucking stupid? I was obviously comparing the two quotes in context from the bible with one another because they contradict one another.

Oh, and trying to say I'm not a Christian? :lol: Take those false attacks elsewhere.

More examples:

Genesis 22:1: Now it came about after these things, that God tested Abraham, and said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am

James 1:13: When someone is tempted, he should not say, "I am being tempted by God," because God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone.

Genesis 6:5: Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Genesis 6:7:The LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them."

(That's one part)

And then he goes and says:

Genesis 8:21: The LORD smelled the soothing aroma; and the LORD said to Himself, "I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again destroy every living thing, as I have done.


Duteronomy 6:4: Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one!

And then:

Genesis 1:26: Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

Genesis 3:22: Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever "--

Seems to me like we should be saying GODS unless I'm mistaken.

My point is: The bible isn't infalliable, and any debate when someone uses the Bible as a source but then says the bible can not be refuted because it's perfect is a fool.

God loves chaos, otherwise he would of not had done many of the actions that he has.
The world is basically chaotic

Islam brings order to the world

No religion that has a God brings order to the world. Or any religion that promotes violence. If a religion falls under one of those two guidelines, then it does not bring order to the world.
The world is basically chaotic

Islam brings order to the world

No religion that has a God brings order to the world. Or any religion that promotes violence. If a religion falls under one of those two guidelines, then it does not bring order to the world.
According to who? You??

According to basic knowledge. Lets compare four religions:


Now which religion's members has the least amount of violence? Go ahead, take a guess.
The world is basically chaotic

Islam brings order to the world

No religion that has a God brings order to the world. Or any religion that promotes violence. If a religion falls under one of those two guidelines, then it does not bring order to the world.
I guess that would be all religions because they all have gods, right? And all have been used to promote violence. Maybe Shinto and Buddhism don't, not sure about those two. In any case, it seems religions try to present an illusion of order, or at least a way of not being too unnerved by the disorder in the world.
The world is basically chaotic

Islam brings order to the world

Um....Sunnidiot........you do know that Arab is a Hebrew word that means "mixed up" right?

Not only that, but the Koran is pretty fucking mixed up in and of itself.

So.....how is it that Islam brings order to a chaotic world again? You can't bring order via chaos.
The world is basically chaotic

Islam brings order to the world

No religion that has a God brings order to the world. Or any religion that promotes violence. If a religion falls under one of those two guidelines, then it does not bring order to the world.
I guess that would be all religions because they all have gods, right? And all have been used to promote violence. Maybe Shinto and Buddhism don't, not sure about those two. In any case, it seems religions try to present an illusion of order, or at least a way of not being too unnerved by the disorder in the world.

That would basically mean all religions yes. Buddhism has no God, and I'm not sure about Shinto.

Certain Religions present a illusion of order; with them in charge. At least, that's the way it was for hundreds of years with the Pope being the most powerful being in the world.
According to basic knowledge. Lets compare four religions:


Now which religion's members has the least amount of violence? Go ahead, take a guess.
How would you even be able to estimate that? So much violence is not even reported. Especially domestic violence. How would you be able to show the violence was caused by religious beliefs rather than or apart from other factors?
No religion that has a God brings order to the world. Or any religion that promotes violence. If a religion falls under one of those two guidelines, then it does not bring order to the world.
According to who? You??

According to basic knowledge. Lets compare four religions:


Now which religion's members has the least amount of violence? Go ahead, take a guess.
The secular religion of "Atheism" has killed more people than all 4 that you have listed.
According to who? You??

According to basic knowledge. Lets compare four religions:


Now which religion's members has the least amount of violence? Go ahead, take a guess.
The secular religion of "Atheism" has killed more people than all 4 that you have listed.

If you refer to Stalin and all of them, untrue. They saw themselves as Gods most of the time, so it wasn't Atheism.
According to basic knowledge. Lets compare four religions:


Now which religion's members has the least amount of violence? Go ahead, take a guess.
How would you even be able to estimate that? So much violence is not even reported. Especially domestic violence. How would you be able to show the violence was caused by religious beliefs rather than or apart from other factors?

Estimate that by taking the amount of crime in the world. Now what member of religion are they? It's true that so much violence is not even reported.

However, how often do you hear that a Buddhist murdered someone, or that a Buddhist beat his wife?

I'm not saying Buddhists never commit violence, I'm saying they are the ones who do it the most out of any religion.

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