Wapo Hides Poll Showing Trump Beating Hillary Again if Election Held Today


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The libtard media is freaking dishonest.

Wash Post poll hides: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40%

It's not until the second to last paragraph of the long story that it's shown Clinton would still lose to the president, despite the high disapproval ratings and problems with his first 100 days detailed by the paper. It reads:

The new survey finds 46 percent saying they voted for Clinton and 43 percent for Trump, similar to her two-point national vote margin. Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton.
The poll found that Trump's polls continue to be upside down, with a 42 percent approval and 53 percent disapproval.


Wash Post poll hides: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40%

But the orange clown is still way behind any other President of the 12 listed. Bet a year from now, it looks even worse for the clown, provided that he is still President at that time.
The poll found that Trump's polls continue to be upside down, with a 42 percent approval and 53 percent disapproval.


Wash Post poll hides: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40%

But the orange clown is still way behind any other President of the 12 listed. Bet a year from now, it looks even worse for the clown, provided that he is still President at that time.
Yeah, well, Congress approval ratings have been dismal for years now...
yet, the reelection rate of incumbents is and has been, over 90%!

So, according to the polls, the overwhelming, vast majority
of people disapprove of Congressmen yet, continue to reelect them?!

So, what is your point?
The libtard media is freaking dishonest.

Wash Post poll hides: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40%

It's not until the second to last paragraph of the long story that it's shown Clinton would still lose to the president, despite the high disapproval ratings and problems with his first 100 days detailed by the paper. It reads:

The new survey finds 46 percent saying they voted for Clinton and 43 percent for Trump, similar to her two-point national vote margin. Asked how they would vote if the election were held today, 43 say they would support Trump and 40 percent say Clinton.
96% would vote for him again.
This takes it too a new level of retard.

Let's all complain that the poll is a lie by the liberal media because it shows low approval ratings, then celebrate the poll showing he'd beat Hillary or that his supporters would vote for him again. Apparently a poll is only as good as how close to your world view results land.
Most news media deliberately omit any negative coverage of their pet demographics, and have for decades now. See William McGowan's Coloring the News for an excellent book on that, and there are others as well. It's a major reason why it has less than zero credibility now. Yet the morons think doubling down with waves of even more fake news and lies is going to get them back some power. lol lol lol

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