War breaks out between America and Mexico!

put Trump in jail for stomping on the constitution and the angry Latinos become peace loving again.
Explain how he stomped on the constitution

he hasnt yet, but he will have to .. the immigrants have rights whether you believe it or not, and if Trump affords them their rights it will be 25 years before 11 million are sent back to Mexico

People have the right to be treated humanly whoever they are. Legal Immigrants have the right to be US citizens, the US has a right to have an Immigration policy. So does Mexico. Mexico has a right to have national Pride and borders, So does the United States. If Illegal aliens come here and commit crimes, they should be the problem of the place from which they came not ours.

Trump hasn't done anything wrong to date because he's not in office. While I would agree he has a super large EGO and is not my ideal type of candidate, he is guilty only of trying to address concerns of US citizens, Im sure even Ceasar Chavez would have agreed with Trump, it was a different time but he was all for sending back lawbreakers who were screwing things up for Mexicans trying to follow the rules. Just because Trump said some things that sound rough doesnt mean a thing, actions speak louder than words.

actions speak louder than words

his words alone have led to violence, I can hardly wait until he acts.
put Trump in jail for stomping on the constitution and the angry Latinos become peace loving again.
Explain how he stomped on the constitution

he hasnt yet, but he will have to .. the immigrants have rights whether you believe it or not, and if Trump affords them their rights it will be 25 years before 11 million are sent back to Mexico

People have the right to be treated humanly whoever they are. Legal Immigrants have the right to be US citizens, the US has a right to have an Immigration policy. So does Mexico. Mexico has a right to have national Pride and borders, So does the United States. If Illegal aliens come here and commit crimes, they should be the problem of the place from which they came not ours.

Trump hasn't done anything wrong to date because he's not in office. While I would agree he has a super large EGO and is not my ideal type of candidate, he is guilty only of trying to address concerns of US citizens, Im sure even Ceasar Chavez would have agreed with Trump, it was a different time but he was all for sending back lawbreakers who were screwing things up for Mexicans trying to follow the rules. Just because Trump said some things that sound rough doesnt mean a thing, actions speak louder than words.

actions speak louder than words

his words alone have led to violence, I can hardly wait until he acts.
theres violence because were turning into a country who cant talk to each other anymore,
protesters hindering the rights of others to peacefully assemble is not protest, Its confrontation.
Confrontation leads to violence. For some reason, these people's actions are condoned by the silence from democratic leadership.
put Trump in jail for stomping on the constitution and the angry Latinos become peace loving again.
Explain how he stomped on the constitution

he hasnt yet, but he will have to .. the immigrants have rights whether you believe it or not, and if Trump affords them their rights it will be 25 years before 11 million are sent back to Mexico

People have the right to be treated humanly whoever they are. Legal Immigrants have the right to be US citizens, the US has a right to have an Immigration policy. So does Mexico. Mexico has a right to have national Pride and borders, So does the United States. If Illegal aliens come here and commit crimes, they should be the problem of the place from which they came not ours.

Trump hasn't done anything wrong to date because he's not in office. While I would agree he has a super large EGO and is not my ideal type of candidate, he is guilty only of trying to address concerns of US citizens, Im sure even Ceasar Chavez would have agreed with Trump, it was a different time but he was all for sending back lawbreakers who were screwing things up for Mexicans trying to follow the rules. Just because Trump said some things that sound rough doesnt mean a thing, actions speak louder than words.

actions speak louder than words

his words alone have led to violence, I can hardly wait until he acts.
Hopefully his acts will lead to the Anti American traitors like you being thrown in prison cells to await their trials for treason and unamerican acts :)
Nothing could be more American than protesting against an aspiring despot.
Nothing could be more American than protesting against an aspiring despot.
You clowns STILL have not realize PROTESTING is PEACEFUL,RIOTING is VIOLENT. AKA attacking people,assaulting cops and citizens,starting fires,smashing windows,smashing cop cars,impeding traffic etc. They should bring in cattle trucks use fire hoses to push ALL of the terrorists into them and haul them to special jails in the California,Arizona,Nevada,New Mexico,Texas deserts.:)
put Trump in jail for stomping on the constitution and the angry Latinos become peace loving again.
Explain how he stomped on the constitution

he hasnt yet, but he will have to .. the immigrants have rights whether you believe it or not, and if Trump affords them their rights it will be 25 years before 11 million are sent back to Mexico

People have the right to be treated humanly whoever they are. Legal Immigrants have the right to be US citizens, the US has a right to have an Immigration policy. So does Mexico. Mexico has a right to have national Pride and borders, So does the United States. If Illegal aliens come here and commit crimes, they should be the problem of the place from which they came not ours.

Trump hasn't done anything wrong to date because he's not in office. While I would agree he has a super large EGO and is not my ideal type of candidate, he is guilty only of trying to address concerns of US citizens, Im sure even Ceasar Chavez would have agreed with Trump, it was a different time but he was all for sending back lawbreakers who were screwing things up for Mexicans trying to follow the rules. Just because Trump said some things that sound rough doesnt mean a thing, actions speak louder than words.

actions speak louder than words

his words alone have led to violence, I can hardly wait until he acts.
theres violence because were turning into a country who cant talk to each other anymore,
protesters hindering the rights of others to peacefully assemble is not protest, Its confrontation.
Confrontation leads to violence. For some reason, these people's actions are condoned by the silence from democratic leadership.

opposed to "do it, I'll pay your fine" coming from Trump ?


Mr. Trump has faced criticism over his response to protesters before. ... a “rough guy with a rough mouth — I'd like to smack the hell out of him.”.
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Illegals KILL over 3,000 American citizens each year and commit hundreds of thousands of crimes. They clog up our emergency rooms and schools and we have to pay their bills. They blatantly break our laws. They string out our young people on meth and other drugs. They are lucky we don't nuke their ass.
put Trump in jail for stomping on the constitution and the angry Latinos become peace loving again.
Explain how he stomped on the constitution

he hasnt yet, but he will have to .. the immigrants have rights whether you believe it or not, and if Trump affords them their rights it will be 25 years before 11 million are sent back to Mexico

the immigrants have rights whether you believe it or not

You bet. The right to a comfy seat on a bus back south.
Explain how he stomped on the constitution

he hasnt yet, but he will have to .. the immigrants have rights whether you believe it or not, and if Trump affords them their rights it will be 25 years before 11 million are sent back to Mexico

People have the right to be treated humanly whoever they are. Legal Immigrants have the right to be US citizens, the US has a right to have an Immigration policy. So does Mexico. Mexico has a right to have national Pride and borders, So does the United States. If Illegal aliens come here and commit crimes, they should be the problem of the place from which they came not ours.

Trump hasn't done anything wrong to date because he's not in office. While I would agree he has a super large EGO and is not my ideal type of candidate, he is guilty only of trying to address concerns of US citizens, Im sure even Ceasar Chavez would have agreed with Trump, it was a different time but he was all for sending back lawbreakers who were screwing things up for Mexicans trying to follow the rules. Just because Trump said some things that sound rough doesnt mean a thing, actions speak louder than words.

actions speak louder than words

his words alone have led to violence, I can hardly wait until he acts.
theres violence because were turning into a country who cant talk to each other anymore,
protesters hindering the rights of others to peacefully assemble is not protest, Its confrontation.
Confrontation leads to violence. For some reason, these people's actions are condoned by the silence from democratic leadership.

opposed to "do it, I'll pay your fine" coming from Trump ?


Mr. Trump has faced criticism over his response to protesters before. ... a “rough guy with a rough mouth — I'd like to smack the hell out of him.”.

As Ive said before, Trump has a big ego, but the violence you see now is not coming from Trump Supporters, its coming from the other side. not based on Trump saying he wanted to slap somebody, but over Immigration policy.
Thats what its about. There are no Trump supporters crashing Hillary or Sanders rallies, so if Trump Supporters are the militant ones, why dont you see that??

Again, trump puts his foot in his mouth, but his words were in the context of protestors getting in peoples face and self defence.

when there is Actual violence going on, breaking and burning things in the street, there is only silence from the leadership. Allowing this confrontation to go on without a request for civility is inviting something really bad to happen, and then of course they will blame Trump for it. Trump cant ask the protesters to be peaceful they wont listen to him. But they might listen to Obama or Hillary. I think Hillary is probably afraid of them as well, doesnt want to lose their votes
At least get rid of bad illegals, keep the good ones using the art of the deal. Their own countries are cesspools and they bring that cultre here. They want to stay, earn it or get sent out. Come back the legal way.

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