War Drums: Report States Assad Mulls Using Chemical Weapons In Homs...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Sounds like another Iraq/Kuwait 'Incubator' War propaganda scam to me. What do you think?

Opposition figures claim government stockpiling chemical weapons and distributing gas masks to soldiers near Homs; 130 people reportedly killed on Thursday as government intensifies crackdown.

Syria's military has begun stockpiling chemical weapons and equipping its soldiers with gas masks near the city of Homs, opposition sources reported on Thursday.

Opposition activists said they had received reports that the Syrian army had transferred a significant quantity of grenades and mortars containing chemical agents to a school building in Homs.

The opposition also reported that gas masks were being distributed to soldiers at roadblocks.

Homs has become the focal point of violent confrontations between insurgents and the country's military in recent days, and opposition figures are concerned that the moves could signal the regime's intention to use chemical weapons against its citizens.

News agencies reported over 130 killed in Syria on Thursday, as Bashar Assad's government intensified its crackdown on an expanding uprising against his regime.

Read More:
Assad forces mull use of chemical weapons in Homs, opposition says - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Could be the wmd's that want to syria from Iraq. I expect Assad to do it to if he has it...Get ready for a full blown genocide.
Could be the wmd's that want to syria from Iraq. I expect Assad to do it to if he has it...Get ready for a full blown genocide.

Nah, i call Bullshit on this one. This is just like them claiming Gaddafi was intentionally targeting civilians. It's just more War propaganda hype.
No evidence of chemical weapons used in Aleppo attack...
Preliminary results show chemical weapons not used in Syria
March 21st, 2013 - Initial U.S. intelligence suggests Syria did not use chemical weapons in a strike earlier this week, CNN has been told by U.S. officials.
The officials emphasized this is a preliminary conclusion and the investigation continues. U.S. analysts are "leaning hard away" from the notion that Syria used chemical weapons against its own people, a military official directly familiar with the preliminary analysis tells CNN. There are "multiple indicators" for this emerging conclusion, a second official said. That official told CNN, "there are strong indications now that chemical weapons were not used by the regime in recent days." The official would not specify what those indications are, but said it points to the emerging U.S. conclusion that "weaponized chemical agents" were not used.


Hospitalized victims of attack near Aleppo, Syria

Analysis of a video of hospitalized Syrians suggests that it does not appear people are suffering from a chemical weapons attack or being treated as though they were in such an attack, according to the military official. "The actions in the video don't match up to a chemical weapons response," the first official said. Though the official noted that Syrian hospitals may have a shortage of the supplies that would be expected to be used in such an attack. Analysts believe its possible the people in the video were deliberately exposed to, or in some fashion hit with "'caustic"' agent such as chlorine. But that would not be the same as using a chemical weapons, as defined by international treaties, such as a nerve or blister agent that cause hideous suffering and often death.

There is also no NATO or U.S. radar or satellite intelligence indicating the launch of a SCUD missile at the time of the attack, according to the military official "The fact that it's not a weapon doesn't mean it's not some creative use of a caustic agent," the first official said. Officials say this is an emerging conclusion and there still may be more intelligence that will come to light. They are specifically noting, however, that the regime may have deliberately exposed people to large quantities of chemicals such chlorine that could cause symptoms and illness, but that is technically different that the weapons that President Barack Obama has called a "red line'" if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were to use them in a mass casualty attack.

Source]Source: Al Qaeda central not behind Benghazi attack ? CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs

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Sounds like a job fer Hans Blix...

UN to Launch Syria Chemical Weapons Probe
March 21, 2013 — U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon announced Thursday he will send a mission to Syria to investigate allegations of chemical weapons use.
At a hastily-called news conference, Ban said that if chemical weapons have been used, it would constitute an “outrageous crime.” He said he plans to dispatch investigators as soon as possible. The Syrian government on Wednesday asked Ban to establish an independent inquiry into government claims that rebels conducted a chemical weapons' attack in the province of Aleppo on Tuesday. “The investigation mission is to look into the specific incident brought to my attention by the Syrian government," said Ban. "I am of course aware that there are other allegations of similar cases involving the reported use of chemical weapons.”


A citizen journalism image provided by Aleppo Media Center, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows black smoke rising from buildings due to government forces shelling, in Aleppo, Syria, March 19, 2013.

The other cases he refers to would include opposition claims that Syrian government forces carried out chemical weapons' attacks both in the Aleppo area and in Damascus. Western countries said Wednesday they would ask the U.N. chief to look into these cases as well. Rebels say Assad forces were responsible for an attack in the northwest part of Aleppo that killed more than 20 people and wounded another 80. U.S. President Barack Obama said the United States also will investigate thoroughly reports of chemical weapons use in Syria.

Broad investigation

Ban said his investigators would receive support and cooperation from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the World Health Organization. He urged all parties in Syria to cooperate with the mission, including giving unfettered access to investigators. "Again, my announcement should serve as an unequivocal reminder that the use of chemical weapons is a crime against humanity," he said. "The international community needs full assurance that chemical weapons stockpiles are verifiably safeguarded.”

Ban said he has emphasized repeatedly to the Syrian government that it holds primary responsibility for ensuring the safety and security of any such weapons or materials. Syria has never confirmed that it possesses chemical weapons, but has said if it does have them it would only use them if attacked by a foreign aggressor and not against its own people.

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Granny says, "Here we go again - talkin' `bout Syria not crossin' dat red line...
Red line: Obama cautious on Syria chemical weapons
April 26, 2013 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Proceeding cautiously, President Barack Obama insisted on Friday that any use of chemical weapons by Syria would change his "calculus" about U.S. military involvement in the 2-year-old civil war - but said too little was known about a pair of likely sarin attacks to order aggressive action now.
The president's public response to the latest intelligence reflected the lack of agreement in Washington over whether to use America's military to intervene in the civil war, - and if so, how. But lawmakers in both parties expressed concern that inaction could embolden Syrian President Bashar Assad and perhaps other countries including North Korea and Iran. U.S. officials declared on Thursday that the Syrian government probably had used chemical weapons twice in March, newly provocative acts in the civil war that has killed more than 70,000 people and displaced hundreds of thousands more. The U.S. assessment followed similar conclusions from Britain, France, Israel and Qatar - key allies eager for a more aggressive response to Syrian conflict.

Obama, in his first comments about the new intelligence disclosure, said Friday, "For the Syrian government to utilize chemical weapons on its people crosses a line that will change my calculus and how the United States approaches these issues." He has issued similar warnings for months, saying the use of chemical weapons or transfer of the stockpiles to terrorists would cross a "red line" and carry "enormous consequences." Seeking to show resolve, Obama added Friday that "I've meant what I said." The president is facing political pressure from a familiar contingent of senators, led by Arizona Republican John McCain, favoring a quick and strong U.S. response. But even those lawmakers appear opposed to an American military invasion and are instead supporting creation of a protective "no-fly zone" or another narrow, safe zone inside Syria, along its border with Turkey.

Some lawmakers voiced concern that if Obama doesn't make good on his promise to respond aggressively if it's shown that Assad used chemical weapons, his inaction could send a damaging message to the world. "There's no question that when the United States takes a position that this crosses a line that our failure to respond has implications," said Rep. David Cicilline, a Democratic member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "So that if we, in fact, determine that chemical weapons were used, I think the expectation is that we and the coalition and others take some action." Rep. John Mica, R-Fla., wondered whether the red line was "turning into a pink line."


See also:

US has a range of military options in Syria
April 26, 2013 - U.S. commanders have laid out a range of possible options for military involvement in Syria, but they have made it clear that any action would likely be either with NATO backing or with a coalition of nations similar to the NATO-led overthrow of Libyan dictator Col. Moammar Gadhafi in 2011.
The White House announced Thursday that intelligence officials have concluded that the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has twice used sarin gas on its own people. But even though President Barack Obama has called that a "red line" for taking some kind of further action to assist the rebels, administration officials said Thursday the intelligence wasn't solid enough to warrant such a move. On Thursday, U.S. officials said that there has been no new movement of U.S. military assets to the region. The military options could include establishing a no-fly zone or a secured area within Syria, launching airstrikes by drones and fighter jets and sending in tens of thousands of ground forces to secure the regime's chemical weapons caches.

Setting up a no-fly zone over Syria would present a greater challenge than it did in Libya because Syria has a more sophisticated and robust air defense system. Crippling it would require jamming the radars and taking out the missile sites, or possibly even using some type of cyberattack to interfere with the system. According to a report by the Institute for the Study of War, Syria's largely Soviet-era air defense system includes as many as 300 mobile surface to air missile systems and defense systems, and more than 600 static missile launchers and sites.

Some senators have also pressed for the U.S. to set up a narrow, so-called safe zone inside Syria, along its border with Turkey where citizens could go and be safe. To do so would also require neutralizing Syria's air defenses. The U.S. could use a variety of methods to target key military command locations or attack air defense systems, including bombers, fighter jets from both ships and military bases in the region, missile launches from warships in the Mediterranean Sea and hunter-killer drones, such as those based at Sigonella Naval Air Station in Sicily. There are currently no U.S. Navy aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean, but fighter jets launched off a carrier in the Red Sea could reach Syria using refueling aircraft if needed.

War Propaganda at its worst. We shouldn't be handing these 'Rebels' any Tax Dollars or weapons. Especially, it being well-known these groups are infested with Al Qaeda terrorists. We're committing the same blunder in Libya & Egypt. Just repeating a tragic history. Blowback will be blowing our way at some point. Bet on that.
War Propaganda at its worst. We shouldn't be handing these 'Rebels' any Tax Dollars or weapons. Especially, it being well-known these groups are infested with Al Qaeda terrorists. We're committing the same blunder in Libya & Egypt. Just repeating a tragic history. Blowback will be blowing our way at some point. Bet on that.

What is this blowback you speak of? Everybody knows they hate us for our freedoms. :cuckoo:

Has anyone come up with what is the National interest that would justify American Military involvement?

I haven't been able to.
That, however, was back in 2002. In 2003 the US, Britain and others went to war in Iraq to make the world safe from Saddam Hussein and his pursuit of weapons of mass destruction. Ever since, however, we have been told that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and the proof of that is that none was ever found – surely one of the most profoundly illogical and imbecilic formulations ever to have fallen from human lips.

At the time, however, there were a number of reports that enormous truck movements across the border from Iraq into Syria suggested that some of these WMD had been moved there. Saddam’s Air Vice-Marshal Georges Sada, whom I interviewed, said he was absolutely certain that WMD had been moved from Iraq to Syria. All of this was however brushed aside for, as the bien pensant world has never stopped intoning with positively religious fervour, ‘we were taken to war in Iraq on a lie’.

But now we know that Syria possesses an arsenal of chemical weapons. So could any of this have come from Saddam’s Iraq, just as it was transferred from Egypt two decades previously?

Read more: Syria's chemical weapons arsenal | Mail Online
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Has anyone come up with what is the National interest that would justify American Military involvement?

I haven't been able to.

Aside from maybe 9/11, what was the national interest for American involvement in most of our wars since the 1940s?

Yes, we've been at War for the last 70yrs. straight. Most Americans around today can't even remember a time when we weren't off somewhere in the World bombing & killing. And that really does say it all about the current state of our Nation. 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.' What a tragic Catch 22.
Has anyone come up with what is the National interest that would justify American Military involvement?

I haven't been able to.

Aside from maybe 9/11, what was the national interest for American involvement in most of our wars since the 1940s?

Yes, we've been at War for the last 70yrs. straight. Most Americans around today can't even remember a time when we weren't off somewhere in the World bombing & killing. And that really does say it all about the current state of our Nation. 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace.' What a tragic Catch 22.

And both parties have their respective bases at each other's throats over things like entitlement spending and tax rates. Can you image the money we would save by closing most of our foreign military bases, and not constantly interfering with other countries? We probably wouldn't have to touch entitlements or taxes. That just isn't what the "powers that be" want.
Obama will surely screw the pooch on this one;

"Should the tide of battle turn in al-Nusra's favour again, though, there is the possibility of the West's worst-case scenario unfolding - Syria's weapons of mass destruction falling into al-Qaeda's control. More than 500 times as toxic as cyanide and deadly in milligram-sized doses, a single canister of sarin could unleash carnage if released on a Tube network in London or New York. "

Syria: Al-Qaeda's battle for control of Assad's chemical weapons plant - Telegraph

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