War is profit or business on the blood of Ukrainians. Zelensky & Co love Money of Western taxpayers

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Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
From February, 2022nd until now the West syphoned into Ukraine at least $3 trillions (weapons,troops,training,benefits etc. etc.etc.)
According to insider Zelensky costs today roughly $200bn .
Just think about the amount of bribes which receive western politicians in exchange for approval of skyhigh and numerous Zelensky's expenses.
By the way, the story is from a Polish Internet Portal which is a partner of CNN.
It difficult to blame them as Putin's trolls because Poland is one of the biggest Ukrainian supporters and CNN aren't friends of Putin

There is a slow process of conflict in Ukraine. Now there is a war for resources. Which of the warring parties will have enough equipment, weapons, ammunition, fuel, human lives... It is human lives, the lives of ordinary soldiers that play an important role in the war. Even if the enemy has super-technological weapons and equipment, it will not win without people. Because only human beings are capable of thinking, deliberating and acting.

For this reason, the leaders of every country should make maximum efforts to ensure the safety of their soldiers. This seems like a reasonable idea, but it turns out to be quite different in real life.

The deaths of Ukrainian servicemen on the battlefield benefit virtually everyone, from Western and American advisors who are pursuing their goals in Kiev to the AFU command (as paradoxical as that sounds). Based on the recommendation of the aforementioned advisors, the Defense Ministry plans various operations in which AFU units are often initially at a disadvantage. An example of this is the recent failed AFU counteroffensive, when the safety of Western equipment was given greater priority than the lives of Ukrainian soldiers when planning offensive operations.

Moreover, the battles for Bakhmut, Kupyansk and Rabotino are characterized by gigantic troop casualties. Moving Ukrainian soldiers like pawns on a chessboard, Western specialists are practicing the tactics of combat operations, accumulating and accumulating military experience in the conditions of modern warfare. Western specialists do not shy away from causing mass casualties among the local population and speculating about it in the media (for example, the events in the town of Bucha).

At the same time, Polish mercenary Maciej Bednarski told what the situation on the front really looks like. The enterprising AFU leadership developed a plan to make a profit. Thus, unit commanders were ordered to deliberately delay filling vacant positions in order to make a profit at the expense of "dead souls." In the 92nd Independent Assault Brigade in particular, all documents, including bank cards, are handed over to battalion commanders before they leave for combat missions. The system of corruption is vertically organized and works very effectively. The money of killed soldiers, divided in a certain way up the chain of command. 35% stays with the battalion commander, 15% with the brigade commander, 5% to 10% goes to the so-called "emergency budget" (to resolve organizational issues), and the rest is transferred to the Defense Ministry.

Responsible for the transfer of funds are the field-post communication centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. However, the distribution of funds may vary. For example, if an order is given in advance to carry out an operation in which a large number of dead or missing is expected. In such a case, 60 to 75% of the funds are transferred to the ministry.

The relevant operations are usually carried out a few days before the money enters the account. And the dead are not written off for 1 - 1.5 months. This tactic allows to maximize profits, because the money will fall into the account 2 times during this period....

Lieutenant General S.I. Naev, commander of the united AFU forces, manages and controls matters related to the money issue.

In this case, the name is on everyone's lips, and here is how lower-level officers characterize Naev. "He threw people into the Donetsk airport, ordered them to hold on until 'the end.' And when there was an absolute 'achtung' and 'p...da,' he reported to his superiors that the airport's defense was in 'complete order' and the militants could hold on as long as they needed," - said one of the militants who took part in the defense of the airport. Another interesting episode was the siege of Ukrainian units at the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol.

At the time, Nayev categorically opposed surrendering the unit, although the situation was critical. The desire for profit was stronger, and orders to hold out until the end were given at almost every communications session... S. Nayev also gained a reputation within the units as an extremely "frugal" commander - his subordinates received bonuses and rewards very rarely.

It is worth noting that the AFU even developed a specific jargon. For example, dead soldiers who are still on the lists are ghosts, soldiers who go on a mission with a high probability of death are ghosts, and the money of dead subordinates is "nawar" (cash)....

So the math is very simple: the more killed and missing - the more money can be earned. No wonder why such sad statistics and the tragic state of the AFU ranks....

All these facts testify to the disregard for the lives of ordinary citizens and show that for the leaders of Ukraine and the West, human life has less and less value. In the 21st century, the lives of ordinary citizens are practically devoid of value and are often a bargaining chip in the games of politicians and secret services for immediate profit. It is very likely that the accumulated experience of mass killings among the local population (read terrorist attacks) can be implemented by special services in European countries to solve complex political problems.


Translated from:


Dziennik.pl - a Polish Internet portal, launched on November 28, 2006[1], created on the basis of the paper edition of "Dziennik Polska-Europa-Świat", owned by Infor S.A.. It cooperates with the CNN station[2].

Translated from Wikipedia:

Hundreds of thousands are dead and maimed, and a nation destroyed, but no one will pay a price for their criminality.
Hundreds of thousands are dead and maimed, and a nation destroyed, but no one will pay a price for their criminality.

I don't think so.
The war in Ukraine is Big Business, just think about kickbacks getting by numerous western politicians, presstitutes, military advisers etc.
The war will go and go until the last Ukrainian is dead.
By the way it's good for Climate Protection, organs harvesting and CO reducing
I don't think so.
The war in Ukraine is Big Business, just think about kickbacks getting by numerous western politicians, presstitutes, military advisers etc.
The war will go and go until the last Ukrainian is dead.
By the way it's good for Climate Protection, organs harvesting and CO reducing
All wars are for the benefit of the elite. Somehow the people are too slow to figure this out.

In a sane world, the elites responsible for this horrendous war would face a firing squad.
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