War May Not Be the Answer with China


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
But a worldwide blockade of China until they have a regime change is the answer.

Dr. Anthony Fauci says that human-to-human transmission of COVID-19 diseases erupted in China in mid-December, yet the regime told the U.S. and the world the virus was only transmitted animal-to-human.

Dr. Fauci, an influential member of President Trump’s coronavirus task force, told the Fox News show “Watters’ World” that as the diseases spread to more people in mid-January in China’s Hubei Province and Wuhan city, the communist government said that human contagion was minimal.

Both assertions were “clearly not correct … that was misinformation right from the beginning,” he said.

COVID-19 was in fact a highly contagious disease already being seeded by Chinese travelers in mid-January to the U.S. and Europe, where it has killed thousands. . . .

Republicans have accused the Chinese Communist Party, the dictatorship ruling the country, of deliberately concealing the virus’ spread. Chinese authorities threatened eight doctors with prison for trying to warn the world on social media about what would become a global pandemic.

The White House says that while China was hiding disease facts it was also buying up lots of medical equipment around the world. When COVID-19 began its killing spree, China’s propaganda machine went into action, making the unfounded assertion that the U.S. Army planted the virus in Wuhan. . . .

The World Health Organization, criticized by Republicans as in bed with Chinese rulers, repeated China’s disinformation with a tweet that said there was no direct evidence of human-to-human spread, even though physicians in Wuhan had been issuing warnings.

On Jan. 23, WHO said COVID-19 was not a global health emergency. It eventually declared it a pandemic.

There is gonna be war, China is doomed, if the CCP collapses then China will survive, if it insists upon its present course then China will be utterly annihilated, unfortunately so to will a large percentage of the nation which annihilates China.... There is gonna be war, its very highly probable it will be nuclear, and directly thanks to the naked treason of Bill Clinton and the media which covered it up for him, China can compete in such a war, while China hasn't a chance of winning a nuclear exchange, it can make its inevitble loss and extinction very very painful to the nation which annihilates them....
You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”
You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”
No one is ever safe. The bathroom is the most dangerous place for Americans. How about putting governors on all cars so they can only do 20mph? And tracking devices with immediate feedback to the police if you didn’t come to a complete stop at the stop sign?
You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”
No one is ever safe. The bathroom is the most dangerous place for Americans. How about putting governors on all cars so they can only do 20mph? And tracking devices with immediate feedback to the police if you didn’t come to a complete stop at the stop sign?

Interestingly enough, I've noticed people are more willing to run stop lights (saw one do it today), because there is so little traffic. Granted, the bathroom can be dangerous, but if you exercise appropriate caution and take safeguards, it's not that dangerous. And, as far as putting governors on cars to limit their speed? I'd agree with you if you were talking about model A cars, because they weren't designed for speed. However, the cars and roads we have now ARE designed for travel at 60 to 75 mph, and so are the cars. Not only that, but we have rules for how people are supposed to use their cars in the public domain, and police will stop and ticket or arrest people they see violating those rules.
You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”
No one is ever safe. The bathroom is the most dangerous place for Americans. How about putting governors on all cars so they can only do 20mph? And tracking devices with immediate feedback to the police if you didn’t come to a complete stop at the stop sign?

Interestingly enough, I've noticed people are more willing to run stop lights (saw one do it today), because there is so little traffic. Granted, the bathroom can be dangerous, but if you exercise appropriate caution and take safeguards, it's not that dangerous. And, as far as putting governors on cars to limit their speed? I'd agree with you if you were talking about model A cars, because they weren't designed for speed. However, the cars and roads we have now ARE designed for travel at 60 to 75 mph, and so are the cars. Not only that, but we have rules for how people are supposed to use their cars in the public domain, and police will stop and ticket or arrest people they see violating those rules.
Yet 90 Americans PER DAY die inside their cars.
If you’re going to use the excuse of making things safe, then it’s 20mph on all roads.
You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”
No one is ever safe. The bathroom is the most dangerous place for Americans. How about putting governors on all cars so they can only do 20mph? And tracking devices with immediate feedback to the police if you didn’t come to a complete stop at the stop sign?

Interestingly enough, I've noticed people are more willing to run stop lights (saw one do it today), because there is so little traffic. Granted, the bathroom can be dangerous, but if you exercise appropriate caution and take safeguards, it's not that dangerous. And, as far as putting governors on cars to limit their speed? I'd agree with you if you were talking about model A cars, because they weren't designed for speed. However, the cars and roads we have now ARE designed for travel at 60 to 75 mph, and so are the cars. Not only that, but we have rules for how people are supposed to use their cars in the public domain, and police will stop and ticket or arrest people they see violating those rules.
Yet 90 Americans PER DAY die inside their cars.
If you’re going to use the excuse of making things safe, then it’s 20mph on all roads.

Roughly 2,000 people per day are dying of this disease. That is more than 90 per day.
You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”
No one is ever safe. The bathroom is the most dangerous place for Americans. How about putting governors on all cars so they can only do 20mph? And tracking devices with immediate feedback to the police if you didn’t come to a complete stop at the stop sign?

Interestingly enough, I've noticed people are more willing to run stop lights (saw one do it today), because there is so little traffic. Granted, the bathroom can be dangerous, but if you exercise appropriate caution and take safeguards, it's not that dangerous. And, as far as putting governors on cars to limit their speed? I'd agree with you if you were talking about model A cars, because they weren't designed for speed. However, the cars and roads we have now ARE designed for travel at 60 to 75 mph, and so are the cars. Not only that, but we have rules for how people are supposed to use their cars in the public domain, and police will stop and ticket or arrest people they see violating those rules.
Yet 90 Americans PER DAY die inside their cars.
If you’re going to use the excuse of making things safe, then it’s 20mph on all roads.

Roughly 2,000 people per day are dying of this disease. That is more than 90 per day.
And 500,000 will die this year from the annual flu.
I hope I'm wrong...but we are going to have to do it one day...and it will only get harder to do.....you can't have two kings of the hill...especially if one of them will not play fair....and secretly wants to push you off...
I hope I'm wrong...but we are going to have to do it one day...and it will only get harder to do.....you can't have two kings of the hill...especially if one of them will not play fair....and secretly wants to push you off...

This exactly. And the sopping wet tears shed for China in this thread and by many other Americans is nauseating. Worrying about where the virus originated; the how, the why and the because IS key to vanquishing it. Part of winning this war against the so-called "invisible enemy" is preventing another similar or worse global pandemic. That, in part, means ensuring China, our only close to equal (economically) global nemesis never gets the opportunity to fuck up the world like this again. In order to make that happen we, the US of A, need to end the CCP for all of time and by employing whatever means necessary. Sure, the Chinese people themselves are not at fault here and should not be harmed or punished as a whole. The Chinese government, however—it needs to go extinct. There's no more room left on the planet for democide happy iron-fisted regimes. End the CCP and end it ASAP.
You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”

No government worker has or will miss a single paycheck. Shut the motherfucker down for 5 years, as far as the government is concerned, it's not hurting them.

I'll tell you what, if our dictators push this into summer, it's going to hurt them.
As much as I understand why retaliation is the top thing on so many minds these days, when all is said and done, war will never bring back those who have already gone. Instead it will only mean more people who are suddenly not here anymore. All that we can do is clean up as good as we can the mess that has been left behind especially if those who are responsible for it have no desire to clean it up themselves.

God bless you always!!!

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You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”
No. If I am careless and leave the oven on and my house catches on fire and burns down four other houses in the neighborhood, then I am responsible. You cannot just say, don’t worry about where it started let’s just rebuild. You find the cause and you punish accordingly. Billions of lives have been negatively impacted.
There is gonna be war, China is doomed, if the CCP collapses then China will survive, if it insists upon its present course then China will be utterly annihilated, unfortunately so to will a large percentage of the nation which annihilates China.... There is gonna be war, its very highly probable it will be nuclear, and directly thanks to the naked treason of Bill Clinton and the media which covered it up for him, China can compete in such a war, while China hasn't a chance of winning a nuclear exchange, it can make its inevitble loss and extinction very very painful to the nation which annihilates them....

Make sure you get your ass on the front line for this so-called "war" you seem to be begging for. My guess is you wouldn't put your sorry ass in harms way for anything.
You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”
Are you serious? Really? You freaking "euphorians" are a blight upon the earth, as to all of the other "intellectual abortions" polluting this thread, especially the radical retard screaming that I should be on the front line of any war, fuck you, I already have been, twice asshole! You know what I learned killing on behalf of you weak mewling things who think you can switch your sex at whim, I learned we were probably killing the wrong people! You freaking public school prodigies, the front lines of the next war are already in your stupid fucking euphorian faces, you are the front fucking line idiots, yet all you can do is cheer on the enemy, every democrat in the United States is a traitor to the United States, every fucking one of you!

You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”
Are you serious? Really? You freaking "euphorians" are a blight upon the earth, as to all of the other "intellectual abortions" polluting this thread, especially the radical retard screaming that I should be on the front line of any war, fuck you, I already have been, twice asshole! You know what I learned killing on behalf of you weak mewling things who think you can switch your sex at whim, I learned we were probably killing the wrong people! You freaking public school prodigies, the front lines of the next war are already in your stupid fucking euphorian faces, you are the front fucking line idiots, yet all you can do is cheer on the enemy, every democrat in the United States is a traitor to the United States, every fucking one of you!

You didn't kill anyone on my behalf. Why? I served 20 years in the Navy, and have been in 4 different war zones. So take your "mewling" bullshit elsewhere.
You know, instead of worrying about where this came from, how's about we do things to get people safe again, and THEN you can start bitching about who was responsible.

Incidentally, that city that all conservatives on here like to bitch about is one of the most successful places in America for combating the virus. San Francisco has managed to flatten the curve, and is seeing their cases get down to manageable levels.

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — While California has successfully “flattened the curve,” with Gov. Gavin Newsom saying the state projects a manageable peak of cases in May, that does not necessarily mean shelter-in-place orders will end come summer.

“We’re working really hard right now, trying to think about what would the signals be,” said Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody. “What do we need to have in place in order to relax a little bit? That planning is not just underway here in our county; this is what’s happening really across the world.”
Are you serious? Really? You freaking "euphorians" are a blight upon the earth, as to all of the other "intellectual abortions" polluting this thread, especially the radical retard screaming that I should be on the front line of any war, fuck you, I already have been, twice asshole! You know what I learned killing on behalf of you weak mewling things who think you can switch your sex at whim, I learned we were probably killing the wrong people! You freaking public school prodigies, the front lines of the next war are already in your stupid fucking euphorian faces, you are the front fucking line idiots, yet all you can do is cheer on the enemy, every democrat in the United States is a traitor to the United States, every fucking one of you!

You didn't kill anyone on my behalf. Why? I served 20 years in the Navy, and have been in 4 different war zones. So take your "mewling" bullshit elsewhere.
Sure you are, I'd wager a bankroll the closest you've come to a warzone was your last antifa riot, you're a mewling, intellectually aborted, Marxist wannabe, nothing but a public schooled cretin.

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