War on Fox News

No one calls the presidebt names. Or if they do, they aren't nearly the kind of names he actually deserves to be called.

Hannity starts every show calling him the a name other than Mr. President. I am a Republican who has only voted in 2 elections, interned for Mitt Romneys PA office and was the President of my College Young Republicans, but I have respect. I dont agree with the man, so? doesnt mean you need to be an asshole. Thats whats wrong with this country and you know what the real shame is? I'll never know what its like to live in an America that doesnt identify its citizens with whom they voted for in the last election. We cant go anywhere if this dumb ass mentality remains the status quo, but its my dumb ass mentality that thinks it has a chance at changing

A name caller calling for other name callers to stop name calling.

Imagine that.

I wasn't calling the President of the United States a name. Im calling those who never learned respect a name.
Why do I always here that? All I was saying is that everyone should be waging war on 24 hour news. It should be established that it is entertainment, not journalism. Walter Cronkite was as liberal as liberal can get, but you would never know it. I want to be able to turn on a news station without hearing Hannity call the president names, or Matthew's correlate two points that have nothing to do with one another just so the gullible will continue to pay them. I want news, not propaganda.

Why wage war on the 24 hour news? You have something against entertainment?

Hannity is not news nor is Mathews.

Listen to Special Report or America's News Headquarters if you want news.

Your problem is you cannot tell the difference between news and opinion.

I have a problem with something that disguises itself as journalism when it isn't. My problem isn't that I don't know the difference between news and opinion, America's problem is that they think Special Report is showing both sides of a story. You just get to watch what you want and hear what you want and no one challenges you. We arent growing mentally, just complacently sitting in front of a box that tells you what you want to hear.

Hannity isn't a journalist and has never claimed to be one nor has Mathews.

Your problem is recognizing what journalism is.

Special Report reports the news without taking either side. Show me instances of Special Report being one-sided.
Ive watched the show and I know when I am watching a strictly Republican slant on a story. They do the same thing as the other networks. I just cant buy into them as useful tools for an informed electorate. Personally I like to hear the specifics of an even and discuss it with the people I surround myself with. I dont need these guys telling me what to think and neither does anyone else. Also, dont think they dont think that they are journalists, Matthews gets on there everynight and does his best murrow impression and its laughable.

Four seasons hotel chain, Euro Disney, AOL, Kodak. the guy is a business dynamo because Saudi Arabia is rich in oil. Let's see, it seems that the US is as rich in oil as Saudi but democrats have prevented the US from becoming independent of foreign oil for a couple of decades. Unnoticed by the radical left is the fact that the godfather of modern radical environmentalism, Ali (Al) Gore sold his media holdings to the radical anti-American "Al Jazzera" network.
Just like reubs wage war on MSNBC. Both parties need to wage an all out war with these networks, along with the public. I will fight these people until I cant stand because they are ruining this country. filling the naive old and ideological young with drivel disguised as news. This is an issue that both parties should agree upon, even if it isnt obvious just yet.

Where's the evidence that the Republicans have waged war against MSNBC?

You're beginning to sound a lot like a liberal.

Jake is that you?!?!?

Why do I always here that? All I was saying is that everyone should be waging war on 24 hour news. It should be established that it is entertainment, not journalism. Walter Cronkite was as liberal as liberal can get, but you would never know it. I want to be able to turn on a news station without hearing Hannity call the president names, or Matthew's correlate two points that have nothing to do with one another just so the gullible will continue to pay them. I want news, not propaganda.

While I agree cable news can be divisive,the blame goes to the big three for not turning out an honest product.
Had they done so cable news wouldnt be so popular.
Now the big three dont even try and hide their bias. Making it more obvious the need for other news outlets was spot on.
Ive watched the show and I know when I am watching a strictly Republican slant on a story. They do the same thing as the other networks. I just cant buy into them as useful tools for an informed electorate. Personally I like to hear the specifics of an even and discuss it with the people I surround myself with. I dont need these guys telling me what to think and neither does anyone else. Also, dont think they dont think that they are journalists, Matthews gets on there everynight and does his best murrow impression and its laughable.

Well duh Hannity is a conservative and has never hid that fact. He does however have liberal guest to offer the other sides opinion which makes for good debate.

I would hope that no one needs someone to tell them what to think, but alas liberals tend to be the only ones that cannot argue a point on it's merit so they resort to talking points and insults.
Ive watched the show and I know when I am watching a strictly Republican slant on a story. They do the same thing as the other networks. I just cant buy into them as useful tools for an informed electorate. Personally I like to hear the specifics of an even and discuss it with the people I surround myself with. I dont need these guys telling me what to think and neither does anyone else. Also, dont think they dont think that they are journalists, Matthews gets on there everynight and does his best murrow impression and its laughable.

Well duh Hannity is a conservative and has never hid that fact. He does however have liberal guest to offer the other sides opinion which makes for good debate.

I would hope that no one needs someone to tell them what to think, but alas liberals tend to be the only ones that cannot argue a point on it's merit so they resort to talking points and insults.

If you consider Juan a good debater lol.. I agree, but I couldnt tell you how many (generally) older folks I have talked to that give me some line on the pres. birth certificate or his Muslim roots and I just know GB or Hannity put it in their heads. Its just not what we need if we want to be progressive. I am a huge supporter of voter efficacy and an informed electorate and, while I believe the big three help the first part, I think they seriously hinder the latter part of that.
Ive watched the show and I know when I am watching a strictly Republican slant on a story. They do the same thing as the other networks. I just cant buy into them as useful tools for an informed electorate. Personally I like to hear the specifics of an even and discuss it with the people I surround myself with. I dont need these guys telling me what to think and neither does anyone else. Also, dont think they dont think that they are journalists, Matthews gets on there everynight and does his best murrow impression and its laughable.

Well duh Hannity is a conservative and has never hid that fact. He does however have liberal guest to offer the other sides opinion which makes for good debate.

I would hope that no one needs someone to tell them what to think, but alas liberals tend to be the only ones that cannot argue a point on it's merit so they resort to talking points and insults.

If you consider Juan a good debater lol.. I agree, but I couldnt tell you how many (generally) older folks I have talked to that give me some line on the pres. birth certificate or his Muslim roots and I just know GB or Hannity put it in their heads. Its just not what we need if we want to be progressive. I am a huge supporter of voter efficacy and an informed electorate and, while I believe the big three help the first part, I think they seriously hinder the latter part of that.

Juan Williams can hold his own. Though I don't share his ideology.

Obama could have stopped the whole birth certificate crap in it's tracks but he chose not to. More of his promised transparency.

Define "progressive".
Well duh Hannity is a conservative and has never hid that fact. He does however have liberal guest to offer the other sides opinion which makes for good debate.

I would hope that no one needs someone to tell them what to think, but alas liberals tend to be the only ones that cannot argue a point on it's merit so they resort to talking points and insults.

If you consider Juan a good debater lol.. I agree, but I couldnt tell you how many (generally) older folks I have talked to that give me some line on the pres. birth certificate or his Muslim roots and I just know GB or Hannity put it in their heads. Its just not what we need if we want to be progressive. I am a huge supporter of voter efficacy and an informed electorate and, while I believe the big three help the first part, I think they seriously hinder the latter part of that.

Juan Williams can hold his own. Though I don't share his ideology.

Obama could have stopped the whole birth certificate crap in it's tracks but he chose not to. More of his promised transparency.

Define "progressive".

I do enjoy Juan for a little debate.

The birth certificate thing really shouldn't have been an issue, but no need to keep rehashing it.

I mean progressing our concepts to be more open to both sides of a story. People are able to turn on the news and get the spin that they want to hear. That just never sat well with me, but maybe im just weird like that.
Just like reubs wage war on MSNBC. Both parties need to wage an all out war with these networks, along with the public. I will fight these people until I cant stand because they are ruining this country. filling the naive old and ideological young with drivel disguised as news. This is an issue that both parties should agree upon, even if it isnt obvious just yet.

Where's the evidence that the Republicans have waged war against MSNBC?

You're beginning to sound a lot like a liberal.

Jake is that you?!?!?

Why do I always here that? All I was saying is that everyone should be waging war on 24 hour news. It should be established that it is entertainment, not journalism. Walter Cronkite was as liberal as liberal can get, but you would never know it. I want to be able to turn on a news station without hearing Hannity call the president names, or Matthew's correlate two points that have nothing to do with one another just so the gullible will continue to pay them. I want news, not propaganda.

Shows like Hannity's don't deliver the news they react to the news. There is nothing wrong with that; it's called commentary. The news on Fox's cable channel is delivered by Bret Baier, and Sheppard Smith. Both news shows on Fox put the rest of the networks to shame. You libs should watch and maybe you will learn something.
If you consider Juan a good debater lol.. I agree, but I couldnt tell you how many (generally) older folks I have talked to that give me some line on the pres. birth certificate or his Muslim roots and I just know GB or Hannity put it in their heads. Its just not what we need if we want to be progressive. I am a huge supporter of voter efficacy and an informed electorate and, while I believe the big three help the first part, I think they seriously hinder the latter part of that.

Juan Williams can hold his own. Though I don't share his ideology.

Obama could have stopped the whole birth certificate crap in it's tracks but he chose not to. More of his promised transparency.

Define "progressive".

I do enjoy Juan for a little debate.

The birth certificate thing really shouldn't have been an issue, but no need to keep rehashing it.

I mean progressing our concepts to be more open to both sides of a story. People are able to turn on the news and get the spin that they want to hear. That just never sat well with me, but maybe im just weird like that.

That's what I thought you meant and I'm against progressing if it means abandoning conservative principles.
Where's the evidence that the Republicans have waged war against MSNBC?

You're beginning to sound a lot like a liberal.

Jake is that you?!?!?

Why do I always here that? All I was saying is that everyone should be waging war on 24 hour news. It should be established that it is entertainment, not journalism. Walter Cronkite was as liberal as liberal can get, but you would never know it. I want to be able to turn on a news station without hearing Hannity call the president names, or Matthew's correlate two points that have nothing to do with one another just so the gullible will continue to pay them. I want news, not propaganda.

Shows like Hannity's don't deliver the news they react to the news. There is nothing wrong with that; it's called commentary. The news on Fox's cable channel is delivered by Bret Baier, and Sheppard Smith. Both news shows on Fox put the rest of the networks to shame. You libs should watch and maybe you will learn something.

Ask them if they consider themselves journalists? What do you think they will say? Also, dont call me a "liberal" just because I question the honesty of cable NEWS stations and question those who watch it as news. It isnt just Fox but they perpetuate the propaganda just as bad as the other 2 "news" networks
Juan Williams can hold his own. Though I don't share his ideology.

Obama could have stopped the whole birth certificate crap in it's tracks but he chose not to. More of his promised transparency.

Define "progressive".

I do enjoy Juan for a little debate.

The birth certificate thing really shouldn't have been an issue, but no need to keep rehashing it.

I mean progressing our concepts to be more open to both sides of a story. People are able to turn on the news and get the spin that they want to hear. That just never sat well with me, but maybe im just weird like that.

That's what I thought you meant and I'm against progressing if it means abandoning conservative principles.

I'd never ask anyone to do that. I am a more progressive Republican, but thats because im young and idealistic. I guess you could call me a "greater fool" when it comes to American politics.
I do enjoy Juan for a little debate.

The birth certificate thing really shouldn't have been an issue, but no need to keep rehashing it.

I mean progressing our concepts to be more open to both sides of a story. People are able to turn on the news and get the spin that they want to hear. That just never sat well with me, but maybe im just weird like that.

That's what I thought you meant and I'm against progressing if it means abandoning conservative principles.

I'd never ask anyone to do that. I am a more progressive Republican, but thats because im young and idealistic. I guess you could call me a "greater fool" when it comes to American politics.

Progressive Republican sounds like an oxymoron. Republicans are (supposed) to be for limited government, strong national defense, self reliance, individual responsibility....etc.

So how can you progress any of these tenets?
Ive watched the show and I know when I am watching a strictly Republican slant on a story. They do the same thing as the other networks. I just cant buy into them as useful tools for an informed electorate. Personally I like to hear the specifics of an even and discuss it with the people I surround myself with. I dont need these guys telling me what to think and neither does anyone else. Also, dont think they dont think that they are journalists, Matthews gets on there everynight and does his best murrow impression and its laughable.

Well if you know a strictly Republican slant on a story, then surely you can post at least one example of that from Special Reports? Like Lonestar, I haven't seen it. And while I accept that you probably hear/see it that way, I doubt you have either.

I have also never seen a straight news report on Fox News that tells anybody what to think. Their individual commentary shows and panels of course have people spinning their point of view which is true on any media outlet you can name, and you'll see balanced shots of talking heads going one on one with each other, but you won't find a Fox anchor of a news segment telling anybody what to think about anything.

And perhaps you could define 'Republican slant'. I'm not sure I've ever seen that and I have been a professional media person covering politics.

I'm quite sure that you do prefer to talk about stuff with like minded persons who will confirm your point of view, however.
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That's what I thought you meant and I'm against progressing if it means abandoning conservative principles.

I'd never ask anyone to do that. I am a more progressive Republican, but thats because im young and idealistic. I guess you could call me a "greater fool" when it comes to American politics.

Progressive Republican sounds like an oxymoron. Republicans are (supposed) to be for limited government, strong national defense, self reliance, individual responsibility....etc.

So how can you progress any of these tenets?

Well we will disagree, but hopefully it will still be fun.

I believe in personal freedoms. I dont care what people do behind their bedroom doors so I support Gay marriage. It's going to happen and I dont believe it harms the sanctity of marriage. Those who wish to be seen in the eyes of the law as married should have every right to be miserable just like you and I. Its not an issue for me or most younger Republicans

I believe in a a women's right to choose. Most kids who are born unwanted, or in financial poverty will end up in jail. Id rather a couple have the choice to have a child when they are ready financially and if they decide that they are not within the first tri mester than I have no problem with the SC ruling.

I believe in evolution, which by this point should just be considered fact.

I also believe that guns should be regulated, there are too many american children are being killed on the streets because its too easy to get a gun

However, I believe in the free market, I believe in an equal and simple tax code, I believe everyone has the right and responsibility to make the most out of their lives.

I stand with drone warfare.

I believe that regulation is neccissary, but it should never hamper a business's ability to make as much as possible.

I dont have enough time to go into health care, but thats what I mean when I say I am a progressive Republican

"g r u n t,,, g r u n t, oops, I pinched a loaf"

Reporters now targets in escalating war on leaks: Brian Dickerson

By Brian Dickerson


Now the administration faces a stark choice. It can either restore the balancing act that has served the nation well for generations or face ever-growing suspicion that its motives for intimidating journalists and prospective whistle-blowers are as unsavory as its methods.

Reporters now targets in escalating war on leaks: Brian Dickerson | Detroit Free Press | freep.com
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After watching the news on Fox tonight, I have to backtrack about Shepherd Smith never editorializing in his newscast. He was reporting on the Jody Arias death penalty non verdict--it was a hung jury--and he absolutely threw all objectivity out the window. :)
I do enjoy Juan for a little debate.

The birth certificate thing really shouldn't have been an issue, but no need to keep rehashing it.

I mean progressing our concepts to be more open to both sides of a story. People are able to turn on the news and get the spin that they want to hear. That just never sat well with me, but maybe im just weird like that.

That's what I thought you meant and I'm against progressing if it means abandoning conservative principles.

I'd never ask anyone to do that. I am a more progressive Republican, but thats because im young and idealistic. I guess you could call me a "greater fool" when it comes to American politics.

Or it could simply be that you’re not an ideologue, having nothing to do with age. You may not be blinded by the hate and ignorance that makes up much of conservative dogma, taking a more pragmatic approach.

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