WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

Number of laws proposed by Republicans related to women's reproduction - 2,000.

Number of laws proposed by Republicans related to men's reproduction - 0.
Number of laws proposed by Republicans related to women's reproduction - 2,000.

Number of laws proposed by Republicans related to men's reproduction - 0.

Can men have abortions? No? There's your explanation.
Democrats war on logic!
Progressive Liberalism ... Compassion By Proxy.
Liberals are stupid enough to believe that voting for a Liberal politician is all they need to do to help someone in need.


Liberals are smart enough to know that leaving America in the hands of Conservatives means more poverty, more disease, more war, more debt, more homeless, more hatred of America around the world.

It's not our job to cure the ills of the world. We need to concentrate on the ills within our own borders.

When are you going to start? This Conservative House won't do their jobs.
How many illegal children have you invited into your home?

Stop with the more-compassionate-than-thou bullshit. It's not compassion to demand that government take from others to give to your special-interest groups because you can't be bothered to un-ass the couch and do something yourself.

I'm not voting to let them starve, and go without seeing doctors.

That would be you.
Thanks for confirming. You can't be bothered to un-ass the couch and do something yourself.

Only a progressive could feel satisfied and accomplished and superior to, say, church volunteers (who actually help people) because he voted for someone.

Anything as long as you don't have to get your dead ass off the couch, right?
So keep your fucking mouth shut about whatever Obama does in Afghanistan, since you're not over there in uniform.

Kinda like that?
I'm not voting to let them starve, and go without seeing doctors.

That would be you.
Thanks for confirming. You can't be bothered to un-ass the couch and do something yourself.

Only a progressive could feel satisfied and accomplished and superior to, say, church volunteers (who actually help people) because he voted for someone.

Anything as long as you don't have to get your dead ass off the couch, right?

I'm personally just amazed that he thinks the phrase, "We're done, fucktard" means "post furiously over and over, trying to get the last word".

Of course, in Liberal-land, what people say has no relation to what they do, so I can see where he's confused.

Knowing that you are a liar, why should I believe you when you say you're done?

And look! Here you are confirming it! :eusa_clap:

Progressive Liberalism ... Compassion By Proxy.
Liberals are stupid enough to believe that voting for a Liberal politician is all they need to do to help someone in need.


Liberals are smart enough to know that leaving America in the hands of Conservatives means more poverty, more disease, more war, more debt, more homeless, more hatred of America around the world.
So that's why liberals are letting in poor diseased people without homes or jobs.


Liberals are smart enough to know that leaving America in the hands of Conservatives means more poverty, more disease, more war, more debt, more homeless, more hatred of America around the world.
So that's why liberals are letting in poor diseased people without homes or jobs.


It's the GOP supporting Chamber of Commerce who want the illegals to take away American jobs, not the Liberals. The GOP loving Chamber Of Commerce hates Liberals almost as much as they hate Americans.

Chicago, which has the strongest gun control in the nation, had 12 people killed and 60 wounded by guns over the holiday weekend. Why isn't that headlines?
The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Hobby Lobby and how it ultimately affects religion and businesses and people associated with it and especially how it affects women's rights is gaining much strength and women are up in arms about this decision and the GOP has much to ponder upon on whether it can continue to receive and sustain the female vote in future elections as long as they have Conservative judges and other Republican elected officials in office who can severely thwart Women's Rights and move them backward instead of forward.

Stephanie Miller eviscerates GOPer: Your medieval history degree is ?handy? defending Republicans

Yes, we shall ALL take into consideration that RADICAL leftist radio host Stephanie Miller did HER research and spouts the left wing talking points, and HER OPINION!

Next, why not get The Piglosi to do some research and tell us, her figures are 75% of woman SHE ASKED! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
^^^ Imbecile.
Although most of the followers can't figure it out, the conservative movement doesn't really feel it is waging war on women. Conservatives love their mothers, their sisters, their wives, their daughters.

What conservatives really think is that (some) women are waging war on the family. This feeling is deeper and more general than doctrinal quibbles over obstetrics and gynecology, it goes the the alignment of the foundation of family as conservatives understand it.

1 Timothy 2:11-15
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. ...

1 Corinthians 14:34 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.

For conservatives, especially Christian, Jewish or Muslim conservatives, androgyny (the idea that men and women are equal) is unacceptable in both religious and secular society. This is for them the basis of the social order and the commandment of God.
Wingnuts are a bunch of magical thinking troglodytes.

Thanks for clearing that up!
Although most of the followers can't figure it out, the conservative movement doesn't really feel it is waging war on women. Conservatives love their mothers, their sisters, their wives, their daughters.

What conservatives really think is that (some) women are waging war on the family. This feeling is deeper and more general than doctrinal quibbles over obstetrics and gynecology, it goes the the alignment of the foundation of family as conservatives understand it.

1 Timothy 2:11-15
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. ...

1 Corinthians 14:34 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.

For conservatives, especially Christian, Jewish or Muslim conservatives, androgyny (the idea that men and women are equal) is unacceptable in both religious and secular society. This is for them the basis of the social order and the commandment of God.
You have brought up truly good food-for-thought with these two Scriptures. Let us examine them closer and then ask the question: How many women are acting in such manner today and how many men hold women to these Biblical standards today?

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." 1 TIMOTHY 2:11-15 KJV​

"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are COMMANDED to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." 1 CORINTHIANS 14:34-35 KJV​

Are there any women who truly and undeniably hold themselves to this standard today and are there any men who hold their women to these standards also? If not, Why Not? Should women not be living this way as Conservatives would like for you to do?

Amazing number of fallacies in one post.
1) That the verses cited are the only standards
2) That all conservatives hold those as standards
3) that you have any standing to comment on this issue at all.

Please tell us all how you have any standing on any subject. :lol:
Women apparently are not paying as close attention to what Republicans think of them as they should. The following are just a few of the many more reasons women should not support Conservatives.

Women apparently are not paying as close attention to what Republicans think of them as they should.

PoliticalTorch says women are stupid!!!

Is it war?
The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Hobby Lobby and how it ultimately affects religion and businesses and people associated with it and especially how it affects women's rights is gaining much strength and women are up in arms about this decision and the GOP has much to ponder upon on whether it can continue to receive and sustain the female vote in future elections as long as they have Conservative judges and other Republican elected officials in office who can severely thwart Women's Rights and move them backward instead of forward.

Stephanie Miller eviscerates GOPer: Your medieval history degree is ?handy? defending Republicans

Yes, we shall ALL take into consideration that RADICAL leftist radio host Stephanie Miller did HER research and spouts the left wing talking points, and HER OPINION!

Next, why not get The Piglosi to do some research and tell us, her figures are 75% of woman SHE ASKED! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
^^^ Imbecile.

^^^Yes, you are but we already knew that!
The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Hobby Lobby and how it ultimately affects religion and businesses and people associated with it and especially how it affects women's rights is gaining much strength and women are up in arms about this decision and the GOP has much to ponder upon on whether it can continue to receive and sustain the female vote in future elections as long as they have Conservative judges and other Republican elected officials in office who can severely thwart Women's Rights and move them backward instead of forward.

Stephanie Miller eviscerates GOPer: Your medieval history degree is ?handy? defending Republicans

It actually doesnt effect women at all. No wonder people have bought the constant propaganda coming from the Left. They repeat it tirelessly. Repeat a lie often enough and people start to believe it. Thank you, Herr Goebbels.

That is the correct motorcycle. Strip away the hyperbole and this ruling does only one thing, prevent the government from forcing business owners to pay for abortion. That's it.
Liberals are smart enough to know that leaving America in the hands of Conservatives means more poverty, more disease, more war, more debt, more homeless, more hatred of America around the world.
So that's why liberals are letting in poor diseased people without homes or jobs.


It's the GOP supporting Chamber of Commerce who want the illegals to take away American jobs, not the Liberals. The GOP loving Chamber Of Commerce hates Liberals almost as much as they hate Americans.
Ask yourself this:

Why would an organization dedicated to the promotion and expansion of business (and the resultant jobs) be opposed to liberals?
The chamber opposed E-verify...

Except it doesn't.

U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Supports Mandatory E-Verify Law - Immigration - United States
A representative from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce told the subcommittee that while in the past the chamber resisted efforts to expand E-Verify, recent improvements in the system and feedback from chamber members have caused it to reassess its position. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce now supports a mandatory E-Verify law for all employers to be phased in over the next three years, provided that certain conditions are met. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce hopes to see a federal E-Verify law that preempts state and local verification laws, eliminating the possibility of a patchwork of laws nationwide, and opposes any law that would require employers to verify the employment authorization of existing employees. The representative from the chamber also testified that employers should continue to enjoy a safe harbor when they rely on the information generated by E-Verify.​
The chamber opposed E-verify...

Except it doesn't.

U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Supports Mandatory E-Verify Law - Immigration - United States
A representative from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce told the subcommittee that while in the past the chamber resisted efforts to expand E-Verify, recent improvements in the system and feedback from chamber members have caused it to reassess its position. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce now supports a mandatory E-Verify law for all employers to be phased in over the next three years, provided that certain conditions are met. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce hopes to see a federal E-Verify law that preempts state and local verification laws, eliminating the possibility of a patchwork of laws nationwide, and opposes any law that would require employers to verify the employment authorization of existing employees. The representative from the chamber also testified that employers should continue to enjoy a safe harbor when they rely on the information generated by E-Verify.​

They just say that. Behind the scenes they work to undermine it.
Seriously there is no arguing with psychos like Ed. Everything is a conspiracy theory or the facts cited are just from biased sources.

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