WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Hobby Lobby and how it ultimately affects religion and businesses and people associated with it and especially how it affects women's rights is gaining much strength and women are up in arms about this decision and the GOP has much to ponder upon on whether it can continue to receive and sustain the female vote in future elections as long as they have Conservative judges and other Republican elected officials in office who can severely thwart Women's Rights and move them backward instead of forward.

Stephanie Miller eviscerates GOPer: Your medieval history degree is ?handy? defending Republicans
Ahhh, I see your problem:

You get all your news analysis from comedians.

Tell me, what are Jerry Seinfeld's insightful observations about ISIS?
I'm not voting to let them starve, and go without seeing doctors.

That would be you.
Thanks for confirming. You can't be bothered to un-ass the couch and do something yourself.

Only a progressive could feel satisfied and accomplished and superior to, say, church volunteers (who actually help people) because he voted for someone.

Anything as long as you don't have to get your dead ass off the couch, right?
So keep your fucking mouth shut about whatever Obama does in Afghanistan, since you're not over there in uniform.

Kinda like that?
You were in Kuwait -- but you weren't in uniform.

Yet you've spouted your bullshit about the Middle East.

Oh, and I've been to Afghanistan. You? No? News flash: Sucking Obama's ass doesn't make you an expert.

Meanwhile, we're left with the inescapable conclusion that you think voting for someone is MORE EFFECTIVE than actually doing anything.

Whatever lets you live with your selfishness and laziness, I suppose.
Liberals are smart enough to know that leaving America in the hands of Conservatives means more poverty, more disease, more war, more debt, more homeless, more hatred of America around the world.
So that's why liberals are letting in poor diseased people without homes or jobs.


Obama isn't interested in enforcing immigration law. In fact, he's encouraging people to come here illegally.

ISTOOK: Judge's order condemns how Obama promotes smuggling children across our border - Washington Times
“The Department of Homeland Security, instead of enforcing our border security laws, actually assisted the criminal conspiracy [of child-smuggling] in achieving its illegal goals,” writes a federal judge in a court order.

U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, issued the order in December. It explains and condemns how today’s crisis was created by President Barack Obama’s laxity and refusal to enforce our immigration laws. An estimated 10,000 unaccompanied children are being apprehended each month as they are smuggled into the U.S. yet permitted to stay. Military bases and facilities in Texas, Arizona and California are overflowing, so another 600 are being transferred to Fort Sill, Okla.

Since most border violators are not caught, the actual numbers arriving presumably are far larger.

Few children can make the 1,650-mile trip from Central America to Texas on their own, so these children are mostly being transported by smugglers. The human-traffickers blatantly advertise that President Obama’s policies virtually guarantee success: Even if caught, the child will be delivered to the family, courtesy of U.S. authorities.

Paying the smugglers thousands of dollars per child are their parents and family — illegal aliens already in America who send for their children under the belief that amnesty is coming and they will benefit from it. U.S. taxpayers get the rest of the tab. Under Obama’s policy we pay $2 billion to complete the process of delivering illegally-arrived children to their illegally-here family. Nobody gets deported. Nobody gets charged with the crime of paying to smuggle people into the country.


“The DHS is rewarding criminal conduct instead of enforcing the current laws,” the judge concluded. He found four clear and present dangers which this causes:

“These illegal activities help fund the illegal drug cartels which are a very real danger for both citizens of this country and Mexico … [involving] murder, kidnapping, assault, drug trafficking, weapon smuggling, and money laundering. However, by far the most vile crime in which these organizations and other criminals are engaged is the exploitation and trafficking of children.”

“The DHS‘ current policy undermines the deterrent effect the laws may have and inspires others to commit further violations.”

“This policy is encouraging individuals to turn their children over to complete strangers — strangers about whom only one thing is truly known: they are criminals.”

“This policy lowers the morale of those law enforcement agents on the front line here on the border.”​

I'd ask you to rationally defend this, but you don't see anything wrong with it, because your worship of your little tin god doesn't allow you to acknowledge he's anything less than perfect.
The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Hobby Lobby and how it ultimately affects religion and businesses and people associated with it and especially how it affects women's rights is gaining much strength and women are up in arms about this decision and the GOP has much to ponder upon on whether it can continue to receive and sustain the female vote in future elections as long as they have Conservative judges and other Republican elected officials in office who can severely thwart Women's Rights and move them backward instead of forward.

Stephanie Miller eviscerates GOPer: Your medieval history degree is ?handy? defending Republicans

It actually doesnt effect women at all. No wonder people have bought the constant propaganda coming from the Left. They repeat it tirelessly. Repeat a lie often enough and people start to believe it. Thank you, Herr Goebbels.

That is the correct motorcycle. Strip away the hyperbole and this ruling does only one thing, prevent the government from forcing business owners to pay for abortion. That's it.

An IUD is and abortion now? Classic comedy from the knuckle draggers.
You have brought up truly good food-for-thought with these two Scriptures. Let us examine them closer and then ask the question: How many women are acting in such manner today and how many men hold women to these Biblical standards today?

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." 1 TIMOTHY 2:11-15 KJV​

"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are COMMANDED to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." 1 CORINTHIANS 14:34-35 KJV​

Are there any women who truly and undeniably hold themselves to this standard today and are there any men who hold their women to these standards also? If not, Why Not? Should women not be living this way as Conservatives would like for you to do?

Amazing number of fallacies in one post.
1) That the verses cited are the only standards
2) That all conservatives hold those as standards
3) that you have any standing to comment on this issue at all.

Please tell us all how you have any standing on any subject. :lol:

He's obsessed with other men's penises...see below.
The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Hobby Lobby and how it ultimately affects religion and businesses and people associated with it and especially how it affects women's rights is gaining much strength and women are up in arms about this decision and the GOP has much to ponder upon on whether it can continue to receive and sustain the female vote in future elections as long as they have Conservative judges and other Republican elected officials in office who can severely thwart Women's Rights and move them backward instead of forward.

Stephanie Miller eviscerates GOPer: Your medieval history degree is ?handy? defending Republicans

It actually doesnt effect women at all. No wonder people have bought the constant propaganda coming from the Left. They repeat it tirelessly. Repeat a lie often enough and people start to believe it. Thank you, Herr Goebbels.

That is the correct motorcycle. Strip away the hyperbole and this ruling does only one thing, prevent the government from forcing business owners to pay for abortion. That's it.
And not even all businesses...just closely-held ones.

The left has gotten their frilly panties in a wad over nothing. But, hey, it distracts attention away from Obama's continued failures.
It actually doesnt effect women at all. No wonder people have bought the constant propaganda coming from the Left. They repeat it tirelessly. Repeat a lie often enough and people start to believe it. Thank you, Herr Goebbels.

That is the correct motorcycle. Strip away the hyperbole and this ruling does only one thing, prevent the government from forcing business owners to pay for abortion. That's it.

An IUD is and abortion now? Classic comedy from the knuckle draggers.

Intrauterine Device (IUD) Birth Control and Side Effects
How it works
Both types of IUD prevent fertilization of the egg by damaging or killing sperm. The IUD also affects the uterine lining (where a fertilized egg would implant and grow).

Hormonal IUD. This IUD prevents fertilization by damaging or killing sperm and making the mucus in the cervix thick and sticky, so sperm can't get through to the uterus. It also keeps the lining of the uterus (endometrium) from growing very thick.1 This makes the lining a poor place for a fertilized egg to implant and grow. The hormones in this IUD also reduce menstrual bleeding and cramping.​
It actually doesnt effect women at all. No wonder people have bought the constant propaganda coming from the Left. They repeat it tirelessly. Repeat a lie often enough and people start to believe it. Thank you, Herr Goebbels.

That is the correct motorcycle. Strip away the hyperbole and this ruling does only one thing, prevent the government from forcing business owners to pay for abortion. That's it.
And not even all businesses...just closely-held ones.

The left has gotten their frilly panties in a wad over nothing. But, hey, it distracts attention away from Obama's continued failures.

And not even all closely held ones. Just those with a religious character.
The Left's lies get bigger as the exemption gets smaller.
The chamber opposed E-verify...

Except it doesn't.

U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Supports Mandatory E-Verify Law - Immigration - United States
A representative from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce told the subcommittee that while in the past the chamber resisted efforts to expand E-Verify, recent improvements in the system and feedback from chamber members have caused it to reassess its position. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce now supports a mandatory E-Verify law for all employers to be phased in over the next three years, provided that certain conditions are met. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce hopes to see a federal E-Verify law that preempts state and local verification laws, eliminating the possibility of a patchwork of laws nationwide, and opposes any law that would require employers to verify the employment authorization of existing employees. The representative from the chamber also testified that employers should continue to enjoy a safe harbor when they rely on the information generated by E-Verify.​
I'm just citing what the Right normally consider unimpeachable CON$ervative sources.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce vs. America | National Review Online

The Chamber opposed E-verify and sued Arizona over its employer-sanctions law
The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Hobby Lobby and how it ultimately affects religion and businesses and people associated with it and especially how it affects women's rights is gaining much strength and women are up in arms about this decision and the GOP has much to ponder upon on whether it can continue to receive and sustain the female vote in future elections as long as they have Conservative judges and other Republican elected officials in office who can severely thwart Women's Rights and move them backward instead of forward.

Stephanie Miller eviscerates GOPer: Your medieval history degree is ?handy? defending Republicans

Excuse me, but are you a woman? I am, and I can assure you, I am both NOT "up in arms",and not appreciative of having fucktards like you casually lump me in with a bunch of sniveling sandy vaginas who purport to represent me when I know for a fact that I never elected them to do so. Speak for the hags on your own side and stop trying to smear their excrement over the rest of us.
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Although most of the followers can't figure it out, the conservative movement doesn't really feel it is waging war on women. Conservatives love their mothers, their sisters, their wives, their daughters.

What conservatives really think is that (some) women are waging war on the family. This feeling is deeper and more general than doctrinal quibbles over obstetrics and gynecology, it goes the the alignment of the foundation of family as conservatives understand it.

1 Timothy 2:11-15
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. ...

1 Corinthians 14:34 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.

For conservatives, especially Christian, Jewish or Muslim conservatives, androgyny (the idea that men and women are equal) is unacceptable in both religious and secular society. This is for them the basis of the social order and the commandment of God.
You have brought up truly good food-for-thought with these two Scriptures. Let us examine them closer and then ask the question: How many women are acting in such manner today and how many men hold women to these Biblical standards today?

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." 1 TIMOTHY 2:11-15 KJV​

"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are COMMANDED to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." 1 CORINTHIANS 14:34-35 KJV​

Are there any women who truly and undeniably hold themselves to this standard today and are there any men who hold their women to these standards also? If not, Why Not? Should women not be living this way as Conservatives would like for you to do?

Let us instead examine closely who the hell it was that elected/appointed you High Arbiter of How People Should Live and Whether or Not They're Up To Code, shall we? By my count, that would be "zero votes/no one". Feel free to add in the "absolutely not" that is the answer to the question, "Does any give a rat's ass what Torchy thinks?"

Why do you leftist fucktard control freaks have so much trouble comprehending the simple notion of waiting until your opinion is asked for before forming one and volunteering it?
You have brought up truly good food-for-thought with these two Scriptures. Let us examine them closer and then ask the question: How many women are acting in such manner today and how many men hold women to these Biblical standards today?

"Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." 1 TIMOTHY 2:11-15 KJV​

"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are COMMANDED to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." 1 CORINTHIANS 14:34-35 KJV​

Are there any women who truly and undeniably hold themselves to this standard today and are there any men who hold their women to these standards also? If not, Why Not? Should women not be living this way as Conservatives would like for you to do?

Amazing number of fallacies in one post.
1) That the verses cited are the only standards
2) That all conservatives hold those as standards
3) that you have any standing to comment on this issue at all.
Concerning your No. 1 statement:

These are obviously some of the standards Conservatives avoid like the plague as it would be too hard to adhere to them so let's just sweep them under the carpet instead. It's easier.

2. Oh, but they sure try to make others believe that they do. That is Hypocrisy at its best.

3. Speaking of having standing, what gives a "Rabbi" any standing at all to be discussing things Christian? Shouldn't you be expending your energy in discussing your torah or menorah or stuff like that instead.

In answer to your 3), his standing comes from the fact that people care what he thinks, while they dispute the assertion that you think at all.
The recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Hobby Lobby and how it ultimately affects religion and businesses and people associated with it and especially how it affects women's rights is gaining much strength and women are up in arms about this decision and the GOP has much to ponder upon on whether it can continue to receive and sustain the female vote in future elections as long as they have Conservative judges and other Republican elected officials in office who can severely thwart Women's Rights and move them backward instead of forward.

Stephanie Miller eviscerates GOPer: Your medieval history degree is ?handy? defending Republicans
Ahhh, I see your problem:

You get all your news analysis from comedians.

Tell me, what are Jerry Seinfeld's insightful observations about ISIS?

Isn't Rush just an entertainer? That's what you regressives say whenever he embarrasses you.
Thanks for confirming. You can't be bothered to un-ass the couch and do something yourself.

Only a progressive could feel satisfied and accomplished and superior to, say, church volunteers (who actually help people) because he voted for someone.

Anything as long as you don't have to get your dead ass off the couch, right?
So keep your fucking mouth shut about whatever Obama does in Afghanistan, since you're not over there in uniform.

Kinda like that?
You were in Kuwait -- but you weren't in uniform.

Yet you've spouted your bullshit about the Middle East.

Oh, and I've been to Afghanistan. You? No? News flash: Sucking Obama's ass doesn't make you an expert.

Meanwhile, we're left with the inescapable conclusion that you think voting for someone is MORE EFFECTIVE than actually doing anything.

Whatever lets you live with your selfishness and laziness, I suppose.

As usual, you cannot grasp the simplest of points: do you have to have adopted children in order to comment on the adoption system? Do you have to have been in Afghanistan to comment on the war (That would silence a lot of Republican voices, like the aforementioned Rush)? Do you have to be married to talk about marriage equality?

Hopefully, the point is starting to dawn on you.
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So that's why liberals are letting in poor diseased people without homes or jobs.


Obama isn't interested in enforcing immigration law. In fact, he's encouraging people to come here illegally.

ISTOOK: Judge's order condemns how Obama promotes smuggling children across our border - Washington Times
“The Department of Homeland Security, instead of enforcing our border security laws, actually assisted the criminal conspiracy [of child-smuggling] in achieving its illegal goals,” writes a federal judge in a court order.

U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen in Brownsville, Texas, issued the order in December. It explains and condemns how today’s crisis was created by President Barack Obama’s laxity and refusal to enforce our immigration laws. An estimated 10,000 unaccompanied children are being apprehended each month as they are smuggled into the U.S. yet permitted to stay. Military bases and facilities in Texas, Arizona and California are overflowing, so another 600 are being transferred to Fort Sill, Okla.

Since most border violators are not caught, the actual numbers arriving presumably are far larger.

Few children can make the 1,650-mile trip from Central America to Texas on their own, so these children are mostly being transported by smugglers. The human-traffickers blatantly advertise that President Obama’s policies virtually guarantee success: Even if caught, the child will be delivered to the family, courtesy of U.S. authorities.

Paying the smugglers thousands of dollars per child are their parents and family — illegal aliens already in America who send for their children under the belief that amnesty is coming and they will benefit from it. U.S. taxpayers get the rest of the tab. Under Obama’s policy we pay $2 billion to complete the process of delivering illegally-arrived children to their illegally-here family. Nobody gets deported. Nobody gets charged with the crime of paying to smuggle people into the country.


“The DHS is rewarding criminal conduct instead of enforcing the current laws,” the judge concluded. He found four clear and present dangers which this causes:

“These illegal activities help fund the illegal drug cartels which are a very real danger for both citizens of this country and Mexico … [involving] murder, kidnapping, assault, drug trafficking, weapon smuggling, and money laundering. However, by far the most vile crime in which these organizations and other criminals are engaged is the exploitation and trafficking of children.”

“The DHS‘ current policy undermines the deterrent effect the laws may have and inspires others to commit further violations.”

“This policy is encouraging individuals to turn their children over to complete strangers — strangers about whom only one thing is truly known: they are criminals.”

“This policy lowers the morale of those law enforcement agents on the front line here on the border.”​
I'd ask you to rationally defend this, but you don't see anything wrong with it, because your worship of your little tin god doesn't allow you to acknowledge he's anything less than perfect.

First off, they have been coming in large numbers since 2011. This is due to the 2008 Human Trafficking Bill that Bush signed, and was totally uncontroversial. It states that any children who come across the border from a country other than Canada or Mexico must be given a hearing before deportation.

Why do you want Obama to break the law and deport these children en masse? In order to impeach him for breaking the law? :lol:
Democrats believe that women's only concern is free birth control. You see, they have changed the subject from the right to abortion, then demanded the right to government paid abortions, and now they're demanding that businesses pay for their contraceptives.

Eventually they'll be demanding for everyone to pay them to fuck.

Whoops.......that's how Rush got in trouble.
Democrats believe that women's only concern is free birth control. You see, they have changed the subject from the right to abortion, then demanded the right to government paid abortions, and now they're demanding that businesses pay for their contraceptives.

Eventually they'll be demanding for everyone to pay them to fuck.

Whoops.......that's how Rush got in trouble.

If Rick Santorum (the #2 delegate recipient for the GOP in the last election) wants to punish you for having sex, are you really concerned with his stand on other issues? No. Of course not.

Democrats believe that women's only concern is free birth control. You see, they have changed the subject from the right to abortion, then demanded the right to government paid abortions, and now they're demanding that businesses pay for their contraceptives.

Eventually they'll be demanding for everyone to pay them to fuck.

Whoops.......that's how Rush got in trouble.

If Rick Santorum (the #2 delegate recipient for the GOP in the last election) wants to punish you for having sex, are you really concerned with his stand on other issues? No. Of course not.


And this from a bitch that insulted all Oklahomans...

Quote: Originally Posted by candycorn
The 5 people in Oklahoma that can read the commandments must be happy.

One wonders how this idiot can post and breathe at the same time!
That is the correct motorcycle. Strip away the hyperbole and this ruling does only one thing, prevent the government from forcing business owners to pay for abortion. That's it.

An IUD is and abortion now? Classic comedy from the knuckle draggers.

Intrauterine Device (IUD) Birth Control and Side Effects
How it works
Both types of IUD prevent fertilization of the egg by damaging or killing sperm. The IUD also affects the uterine lining (where a fertilized egg would implant and grow).

Hormonal IUD. This IUD prevents fertilization by damaging or killing sperm and making the mucus in the cervix thick and sticky, so sperm can't get through to the uterus. It also keeps the lining of the uterus (endometrium) from growing very thick.1 This makes the lining a poor place for a fertilized egg to implant and grow. The hormones in this IUD also reduce menstrual bleeding and cramping.​

IOW, no abortion can take place because no pregnancy can.

Democrats believe that women's only concern is free birth control. You see, they have changed the subject from the right to abortion, then demanded the right to government paid abortions, and now they're demanding that businesses pay for their contraceptives.

Eventually they'll be demanding for everyone to pay them to fuck.

Whoops.......that's how Rush got in trouble.

If Rick Santorum (the #2 delegate recipient for the GOP in the last election) wants to punish you for having sex, are you really concerned with his stand on other issues? No. Of course not.


And this from a bitch that insulted all Oklahomans...

Quote: Originally Posted by candycorn
The 5 people in Oklahoma that can read the commandments must be happy.

One wonders how this idiot can post and breathe at the same time!

I can only speculate that leftist women breathe through their vaginas, which is why they're so fixated on them.

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