WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

ah, vigilante, you never miss an opportunity to look like an idiot in making the very point you seek to ridicule. You're a veritable vigilante in the war on reason
ah, vigilante, you never miss an opportunity to look like an idiot in making the very point you seek to ridicule. You're a veritable vigilante in the war on reason

Oh, I thought that this OP was about Republicans war on women, Instead I showed a dictator, bitch slapping a Democrat woman! It seems that both dictators and Republicans have no respect for subversive women!

Perhaps this will help you out, puppy!

So it's your contention that the Right-Wing SCOTUS Justices are ignorant, and don't understand what's being argued before them?

I agree.
You agree with something I didn't say, because you're dishonest and stupid.

I'd tell you to stop being dishonest and stupid, but it's all you've got.

I'm sorry dave, but when I ask you reasonable, direct questions and you punt, it tells me that I made a point that you cannot refute.

If you don't want me to conclude that my argument has won out, then counter my points.

Or not. I win either way. :lol:
I feel no obligation to defend statements I haven't made, your pouting and foot-stamping notwithstanding.

Now, pretend you "won". Of course, pretending is the only way you CAN win.
Liberals are smart enough to know that leaving America in the hands of Conservatives means more poverty, more disease, more war, more debt, more homeless, more hatred of America around the world.

Liberals are so stupid they think Politicians are a better way of handling the responsibilities we have towards each other.

Leaving the country in the hands of Politicians is exactly what I meant by Compassion by proxy ... Liberals are not compassionate ... They pretend to be by voting.
Liberals are unable to help others through their own personal actions ... Or with their own initiative or funds.

Liberals attempt to fool themselves into believing they are compassionate by voting for feel-good policies and politicians.
Liberals are really worthless human beings who neglect their responsibilities towards others ... And excuse their inadequacies by voting for crooks and liars who spend other people's money.

Progressive Liberalism ... Less than effective at accomplishing anything worthwhile.
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You agree with something I didn't say, because you're dishonest and stupid.

I'd tell you to stop being dishonest and stupid, but it's all you've got.

I'm sorry dave, but when I ask you reasonable, direct questions and you punt, it tells me that I made a point that you cannot refute.

If you don't want me to conclude that my argument has won out, then counter my points.

Or not. I win either way. :lol:
I feel no obligation to defend statements I haven't made, your pouting and foot-stamping notwithstanding.

Now, pretend you "won". Of course, pretending is the only way you CAN win.
You feel no obligation to defend any of the bullshit that you spew, so . . .
I'm sorry dave, but when I ask you reasonable, direct questions and you punt, it tells me that I made a point that you cannot refute.

If you don't want me to conclude that my argument has won out, then counter my points.

Or not. I win either way. :lol:
I feel no obligation to defend statements I haven't made, your pouting and foot-stamping notwithstanding.

Now, pretend you "won". Of course, pretending is the only way you CAN win.
You feel no obligation to defend any of the bullshit that you spew, so . . .
So, once again -- you fuck up, and it's MY fault.

Progressives are children.
Misogyny is one of the Republicans core values.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

And, of course, if a woman refuses to spout the democrat line, she's fair game for destruction on the basis of her gender. To see it in action, just say "Ann Coulter" to a democrat.
Misogyny is one of the Republicans core values.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

Dishonesty must be in your DNA.

Do wingnuts believe in DNA?

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