WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

covering contraception is actually cheaper than not covering it, but that is probably irrelevant to those who oppose it, which is why most women see the issue quite clearly, and the motivations of those who oppose it ... and that's why most vote dem.

and that is where you miss it.

Conservatives do not believe the government should be involved in contraception.

Not from a cost standpoint. We simply believe government should not be involved in personal contraceptive decisions.

Perhaps you should understand conservatism before you criticize it.

You don't need to agree with it to understand and respect it......

Spend some time understanding it. Then your comments wont be so naive in regard to conservatism....and they will be more valid as many of your other comments on other topics are.

Oh I understand. First of all, not all conservatives think the govt has no role in healthcare. It's like 20% of gnp.

The govt doesn't force you to do jack shite. Use contraception or not, it's none of my biz ... unless you're birthin without insurance

And I'll make you a deal. Don't call me naïve and I won't call your a bible fcking moron
I'm not a democrat

You're not? Are you registered Communist? Is there even a difference anymore?

I don't get the insistence of the endless liberal Democrats on this site to make this claim. Then there are all the liberals who are not Democrats. Though they are void of specifics what that means. If what these liars said is true, Obama wouldn't be President now. Yet as is very evident, he is very much President right now...

I do find it funny.

We have no folks on here on the left that admit to be a democrat.

And many of them claim to have been a republican but not voted for a republican in 3 decades.

But not a democrat.

Why are they ashamed to admit it?
Anyway, Women care about much more than abortion and birth control

Liberal women do. You obviously don't know any Republicans. Liberal women think like you do that women only care about their vaginae. Conservative women think that women are people who care about all issues. I know a lot of Republican women, and zero, literally not one of them ever says what you just did. So you speak for liberals, that's fine. But cut the crap that you speak for women.

BTW, I'm pro-choice...

Leftists see women as at best, a support system for a vagina.

The idea that women should care about economic issues, world politics, corruption, et al, is outside the realm of possibilities with the left. democrats hold that a woman should NEVER think past her vagina. Contraceptives and abortion are the only subjects that any vaginal support system (or woman, as the Republicans call them) should concern themselves with.
Anyway, Women care about much more than abortion and birth control

Liberal women do. You obviously don't know any Republicans. Liberal women think like you do that women only care about their vaginae. Conservative women think that women are people who care about all issues. I know a lot of Republican women, and zero, literally not one of them ever says what you just did. So you speak for liberals, that's fine. But cut the crap that you speak for women.

BTW, I'm pro-choice...

A rare admission!

Although, I'm betting that it's just another case of your poor reading skills. :lol:


Mea culpa! Certainly my reading skills on that one were sloppy. You are right, I misread it.
covering contraception is actually cheaper than not covering it, but that is probably irrelevant to those who oppose it, which is why most women see the issue quite clearly, and the motivations of those who oppose it ... and that's why most vote dem.

and that is where you miss it.

Conservatives do not believe the government should be involved in contraception.

Not from a cost standpoint. We simply believe government should not be involved in personal contraceptive decisions.

Perhaps you should understand conservatism before you criticize it.

You don't need to agree with it to understand and respect it......

Spend some time understanding it. Then your comments wont be so naive in regard to conservatism....and they will be more valid as many of your other comments on other topics are.

Oh I understand. First of all, not all conservatives think the govt has no role in healthcare. It's like 20% of gnp.

The govt doesn't force you to do jack shite. Use contraception or not, it's none of my biz ... unless you're birthin without insurance

And I'll make you a deal. Don't call me naïve and I won't call your a bible fcking moron

First.....I did not say healthcare...I said conservatives do not believe government should be involved in contraception.

Second...I did not say government forces you to use contraception.....I said conservatives do not believe government should be involved in contraception.

Third...I am a Jew...and not a very religious one.

Finally...I did not call you naïve. I said your comments on conservatism tend to be naïve due to your lack of understanding conservatism.

Furthermore, I made it clear (or so I thought) that I found OTHER comments on OTHER topics other than conservatism as valid and NOT naïve.

Please don't be so sensitive.
I understand what you said. I couldn't give a rat's ass what you believe the govts role in contraception is or isn't. But it is a fact that people w/o healthcare have kids and force my insurance to cover it, and that's part of 20% of the economy. The fact that "you as a conservative" think the govt has no role in contraception is very nice for you. But, imo, that makes you naïve. My comment on your religious beliefs was just a slam at your egotistical assumtions of what others must believe.
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I understand what you said. I couldn't give a rat's ass what you believe the govts role in contraception is or isn't. But it is a fact that people w/o healthcare have kids and force my insurance to cover it, and that's part of 20% of the economy. The fact that "you as a conservative" think the govt has no role in contraception is very nice for you. But, imo, that makes you naïve. My comment on your religious beliefs was just a slam at your egotistical assumtions of what others must believe.


I simply stated what conservatives believe as it pertains to contraception.....not that they have a war on women.....they simply believe government should not be involved in contraception.

I am not forcing my belief on anyone. I simply stated our position.

What the fuck is your problem?

Calm down. Relax. Nowhere did I do or say anything you think I did.

And the quotes around "you as a conservative"....

I really don't give a fuck what you think of me.

Just calm down. That's all I ask.
I understand what you said. I couldn't give a rat's ass what you believe the govts role in contraception is or isn't. But it is a fact that people w/o healthcare have kids and force my insurance to cover it, and that's part of 20% of the economy. The fact that "you as a conservative" think the govt has no role in contraception is very nice for you. But, imo, that makes you naïve. My comment on your religious beliefs was just a slam at your egotistical assumtions of what others must believe.

oh...and by the way...

The part in bold?

No you didn't.
covering contraception is actually cheaper than not covering it, but that is probably irrelevant to those who oppose it, which is why most women see the issue quite clearly, and the motivations of those who oppose it ... and that's why most vote dem.

Yes, we do understand that you liberal pond scum, and most democrats put a COST FACTOR on a human life..... You subversives have no problem with killing one of your own unborn, (Bendover states it's cheaper to cover ABORTION than not to, even when your amendments religious rights are usurped!) but are mad as hell when we on the right complain about taking care of others children, specifically sent here to use up whatever resources they can for your and our children, and grandchildren, bring disease and crime with them, and are potentially MILLIONS of Democratic voters BOUGHT by all the FREE SHIT offered to them by the Obumanation!

covering contraception is actually cheaper than not covering it, but that is probably irrelevant to those who oppose it, which is why most women see the issue quite clearly, and the motivations of those who oppose it ... and that's why most vote dem.

Yes, we do understand that you liberal pond scum, and most democrats put a COST FACTOR on a human life..... You subversives have no problem with killing one of your own unborn, (Bendover states it's cheaper to cover ABORTION than not to, even when your amendments religious rights are usurped!) but are mad as hell when we on the right complain about taking care of others children, specifically sent here to use up whatever resources they can for your and our children, and grandchildren, bring disease and crime with them, and are potentially MILLIONS of Democratic voters BOUGHT by all the FREE SHIT offered to them by the Obumanation!


Dickhead fantasy guy, not all contraception is "baby killing," and even IUDs and morning after pills are in the realm of "every sperm is sacred."

But the point is conservatism is not about no govt; it's about more efficient and less intrusive govt. Contraception decreases the number of unwanted pregnancies, lowers the overall cost of healthcare, and is approved by the vast maj of women ... and men. Just because you disagree for some reason doesn't mean there's some conservative litmus test, nor does it mean women are somehow being paid for their vote by govt acting in the way they want it to.

Generally, when you hold an opinion that the maj doesn't share, it means you need to look long and hard if there's a message there you can sell to change minds without demonizing the other side, because when you have to resort to that ... you've lost.
covering contraception is actually cheaper than not covering it, but that is probably irrelevant to those who oppose it, which is why most women see the issue quite clearly, and the motivations of those who oppose it ... and that's why most vote dem.

Yes, we do understand that you liberal pond scum, and most democrats put a COST FACTOR on a human life..... You subversives have no problem with killing one of your own unborn, (Bendover states it's cheaper to cover ABORTION than not to, even when your amendments religious rights are usurped!) but are mad as hell when we on the right complain about taking care of others children, specifically sent here to use up whatever resources they can for your and our children, and grandchildren, bring disease and crime with them, and are potentially MILLIONS of Democratic voters BOUGHT by all the FREE SHIT offered to them by the Obumanation!


Dickhead fantasy guy, not all contraception is "baby killing," and even IUDs and morning after pills are in the realm of "every sperm is sacred."

But the point is conservatism is not about no govt; it's about more efficient and less intrusive govt. Contraception decreases the number of unwanted pregnancies, lowers the overall cost of healthcare, and is approved by the vast maj of women ... and men. Just because you disagree for some reason doesn't mean there's some conservative litmus test, nor does it mean women are somehow being paid for their vote by govt acting in the way they want it to.

Generally, when you hold an opinion that the maj doesn't share, it means you need to look long and hard if there's a message there you can sell to change minds without demonizing the other side, because when you have to resort to that ... you've lost.

CBS News Poll. March 20-23, 2014. N=1,097 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.
"Do you think religious-affiliated organizations should have to cover the cost of prescription birth control for their female employees as part of their health insurance plans, or should religious-affiliated organizations be able to opt out of covering that, based on religious objections?"
Should have
to cover
Should be
able to opt out
No answer
% % %
35 57 8
"What about companies and non-religious organizations? Do you think these employers should have to cover the cost of prescription birth control for their female employees as part of their health insurance plans, or should these employers be able to opt out of covering that, based on religious objections?"
Should have
to cover
Should be
able to opt out
No answer
% % %
51 42 7
What majority would that be?

That's fine. I oppose murder. If you don't, that's your deal. Please vote Democrat. I don't want murder supporters in my party. If that means we lose, so be it. I'd rather lose on moral principles, than win with murderers.


You do realize, of course, that you are touting the fact that democrats use women as political pawns.
Most Democrats are pro-life; most Republicans are for overturning Roe. Democrats are the LLFPA. Most Republicans are against it. Democrats are for companies covering all forms of contraception; many Republicans applaud the recent USSC decision allowing companies with thousands of employees to claim they have a religious reason for not covering them thus putting the boss's ideology between their employee and her/his doctor.

Women support the Democratic Party because the democrats support issues that are important to women. It's really that simple.

I mean...sure....the GOP could simply say "lets give women all they want and need" and get much of the female vote.
The Democrats do not do that. They support issues that are important to women and the women respond with their vote as was illustrated in the graphic earlier. Aw hell, I like rubbing your nose in it so here it is again.


Read it and weap. Or make more shit up...your choice.

But, instead, they do not use ANY group as political pawns...and still get 50% of the vote (give or take)....
Thanks for the chuckle.

You guys have been swearing Obama is going to take the guns away for nearly five years now because he wanted to re-introduce the Assault Weapons Ban. He said so in 2012. So much hype and hoopla was spewed over this that ammunition for some guns was in short supply at one point. I think it still is actually. To date? Not one gun confiscated or banned. You're telling me that this is not the manufacture and exploitation of a group?

It basically is all the GOP does...

So please....continue to travel in your life blind to the fact that a party uses you as a political pawn.

Oh shut the fuck up. You don't have a god damned clue of what you're talking about.

I routinely vote for Independents and even republicans (in fewer cases) on local elections. Sometimes I have no choice in the state where I live and other times, the candidate just has better ideas.

Federally, it makes zero sense to split your ticket whether you are a DEM, a REP or other. I will say that. Anyone who does is not thinking when they vote.
Misogyny is one of the Republicans core values.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

Healthcare, the minimum wage, contraception, abortion, equal pay, all are issues the Republicans are bashing women on.

The Republican war on women continues.....

I've never seen progressive women protesting wearing paycheck costumes.



It seems Code Pink agrees with me.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

Healthcare, the minimum wage, contraception, abortion, equal pay, all are issues the Republicans are bashing women on.

The Republican war on women continues.....

Of course conservatives are oblivious to the adverse effects their policies have on women, blinded by their arrogance and slavish adherence to rightist dogma.

They're also oblivious to the adverse effects of their policies on society as a whole.

For example, for conservatives to seek to deny women their right to privacy succeeds in only expanding the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty:

The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny[], as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

That most conservatives would seek to allow government to dictate to a women whether she may have a child or not is both offensive to the Constitution and indicative of the authoritarianism common to those on the right.

If you ever actually DO anything to merit that level of arrogance, you might be interesting to talk to.

Meanwhile, thanks for the obligatory progressive projection. You guys are clueless about the results of your policies...and you just don't care if they hurt anybody.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

And, of course, if a woman refuses to spout the democrat line, she's fair game for destruction on the basis of her gender. To see it in action, just say "Ann Coulter" to a democrat.

I recall one of them called Michelle Malkin a "Subic Bay bar girl".
There is no end to the insulting names the Right gives to women they hate, but when the Golden Rule bites them in their hypocritical ass, they whine and cry like little sissies!

Here are just a few of the names the Right have called Hillary Clinton:

Hillary Rottin Clinton
Her Thighness
Wicked Witch of the West Wing
Hilla the Hun
Killary Klinton
President Pant Suit
Senator Cankles

And of course the generic Right-wing name for the average woman:

And, of course, if a woman refuses to spout the democrat line, she's fair game for destruction on the basis of her gender. To see it in action, just say "Ann Coulter" to a democrat.

I recall one of them called Michelle Malkin a "Subic Bay bar girl".
There is no end to the insulting names the Right gives to women they hate, but when the Golden Rule bites them in their hypocritical ass, they whine and cry like little sissies!

Here are just a few of the names the Right have called Hillary Clinton:

Hillary Rottin Clinton
Her Thighness
Wicked Witch of the West Wing
Hilla the Hun
Killary Klinton
President Pant Suit
Senator Cankles

And of course the generic Right-wing name for the average woman:


And the left calls the Republican candidate names! Shall we start naming the ones used on Sarah Palin?

You obviously have a thin skin, and a short memory!
Anyway, Women care about much more than abortion and birth control.
Wait for it...
Women aren't going to care about your plans for deficit reduction or foreign policy if you're not supportive of them making their own healthcare decisions.

And there it is.

Looks like I was right, huh?

Right? Seldom. Seriously, few other posters have been so consistently wrong like you have been. And it's not even really a question; it's a demonstrated truth.

Women who think for themselves, on the whole, have a great number of interests. If you want to say that some issues are more important than others...guilty. I value my right to make healthcare decisions way ahead of whether some dude's plan will reduce the deficit by 10% or 15% or whether the plan is to make us energy independent by 2020 vs 2028.

If you were female and a bunch of guys were telling you that you couldn't exercise your healthcare choices, you'd covet it as well. As a male you have little concern, obviously, for a woman losing her rights. As a Conservative you're offended that you have to allow women a voice much less having them decide who sits in the oval office. The number of female voters outnumbers the number of male voters...please keep patronizing them and wishing they would just go away.

And you wonder why Obama did so well? Look in the mirror.
I recall one of them called Michelle Malkin a "Subic Bay bar girl".
There is no end to the insulting names the Right gives to women they hate, but when the Golden Rule bites them in their hypocritical ass, they whine and cry like little sissies!

Here are just a few of the names the Right have called Hillary Clinton:

Hillary Rottin Clinton
Her Thighness
Wicked Witch of the West Wing
Hilla the Hun
Killary Klinton
President Pant Suit
Senator Cankles

And of course the generic Right-wing name for the average woman:


And the left calls the Republican candidate names! Shall we start naming the ones used on Sarah Palin?

You obviously have a thin skin, and a short memory!

Was that before or after the Right called Hillary insulting names?
There is no end to the insulting names the Right gives to women they hate, but when the Golden Rule bites them in their hypocritical ass, they whine and cry like little sissies!

Here are just a few of the names the Right have called Hillary Clinton:

Hillary Rottin Clinton
Her Thighness
Wicked Witch of the West Wing
Hilla the Hun
Killary Klinton
President Pant Suit
Senator Cankles

And of course the generic Right-wing name for the average woman:


And the left calls the Republican candidate names! Shall we start naming the ones used on Sarah Palin?

You obviously have a thin skin, and a short memory!

Was that before or after the Right called Hillary insulting names?
The Right were calling women they hate "feminazis" since the 1980s, long before Celebutard Palin entered the scene. (Celebutard is a Limbaugh term approved by Palin)

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