WAR On WOMEN By Republicans

Misogyny is one of the Republicans core values.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

Dishonesty must be in your DNA.

Do wingnuts believe in DNA?

Your statement was empty of anything substantial. What was dishonest about his DNA?
What is dishonest about the fact that Democrats prattling around the lie that women only care about birth control is a lie? Especially when it isn't. Just turn on the tv and listen to them spout that shit themselves.
Dishonesty must be in your DNA.

Do wingnuts believe in DNA?

Your statement was empty of anything substantial. What was dishonest about his DNA?
What is dishonest about the fact that Democrats prattling around the lie that women only care about birth control is a lie? Especially when it isn't. Just turn on the tv and listen to them spout that shit themselves.

He didn't mean DNA ... Synth means the dishonesty is in the DNC.
Misogyny is one of the Republicans core values.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

And, of course, if a woman refuses to spout the democrat line, she's fair game for destruction on the basis of her gender. To see it in action, just say "Ann Coulter" to a democrat.

I recall one of them called Michelle Malkin a "Subic Bay bar girl".
Misogyny is one of the Republicans core values.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

Healthcare, the minimum wage, contraception, abortion, equal pay, all are issues the Republicans are bashing women on.

The Republican war on women continues.....
Misogyny is one of the Republicans core values.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

Healthcare, the minimum wage, contraception, abortion, equal pay, all are issues the Republicans are bashing women on.

The Republican war on women continues.....

Of course conservatives are oblivious to the adverse effects their policies have on women, blinded by their arrogance and slavish adherence to rightist dogma.

They're also oblivious to the adverse effects of their policies on society as a whole.

For example, for conservatives to seek to deny women their right to privacy succeeds in only expanding the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty:

The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny[], as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

That most conservatives would seek to allow government to dictate to a women whether she may have a child or not is both offensive to the Constitution and indicative of the authoritarianism common to those on the right.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

Healthcare, the minimum wage, contraception, abortion, equal pay, all are issues the Republicans are bashing women on.

The Republican war on women continues.....

Of course conservatives are oblivious to the adverse effects their policies have on women, blinded by their arrogance and slavish adherence to rightist dogma.

They're also oblivious to the adverse effects of their policies on society as a whole.

For example, for conservatives to seek to deny women their right to privacy succeeds in only expanding the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty:

The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny[], as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

That most conservatives would seek to allow government to dictate to a women whether she may have a child or not is both offensive to the Constitution and indicative of the authoritarianism common to those on the right.

Yeah, how dare conservatives be against murder. If only we were so enlightened by the blood thirsty, baby murdering, selfish, narcissist leftards. If only we cared so little for the lives of our children, as the leftards consistently prove, then we would not 'harm' society so much by demanding murder be illegal.

Nothing shows love more than a leftist being arrogant and smug, about putting a baby that has never been even given the chance to do something wrong, to death for the lifestyle convience of the feminists.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

Dishonesty must be in your DNA.

Do wingnuts believe in DNA?

Your statement was empty of anything substantial. What was dishonest about his DNA?
What is dishonest about the fact that Democrats prattling around the lie that women only care about birth control is a lie? Especially when it isn't. Just turn on the tv and listen to them spout that shit themselves.

I'm not a democrat but I am firm in believing a woman has a right to choose what happens to her own body.

I think where the GOP misses the boat in this argument is, as with all things, you guys demand absolute adherence to one side of an argument or another. This is why you have lost five of the last six popular votes. You make it very difficult to follow since anyone who is honest knows the world is full of gray areas and conditional reactions to problems.

I see the word "only" up there. Women do not "only" care about birth control and abortion. Its a bullshit argument you guys keep spouting off and, to nobody's surprise, you continue to lose the women's vote time and again.

Exhibit A:

Keep in mind, he didn't win all of those states; it wasn't as if he was just piling on to his margins in New York and California.

Anyway, Women care about much more than abortion and birth control. But for most women who think for themselves; the issues are gateway issues. If you had a guy running on the republican ticket that was 100% in lockstep with the national platform committee, endorsed everything they had in the document and had all of the other intangibles about appearance, charm, charisma, etc... but was agnostic or an atheist...he would get nearly zero support. Why? Because for most GOP voters, being a good Christian is held in great importance.

Women aren't going to care about your plans for deficit reduction or foreign policy if you're not supportive of them making their own healthcare decisions. It's as simple as that.

I know this doesn't fit into the simplistic, cartoonish cookie-cutter world of make believe that the GOP lives in...so your candidates do not get the women's vote in the general election.
Dishonesty must be in your DNA.

Do wingnuts believe in DNA?

Your statement was empty of anything substantial. What was dishonest about his DNA?
What is dishonest about the fact that Democrats prattling around the lie that women only care about birth control is a lie? Especially when it isn't. Just turn on the tv and listen to them spout that shit themselves.

I'm not a democrat but I am firm in believing a woman has a right to choose what happens to her own body.

I think where the GOP misses the boat in this argument is, as with all things, you guys demand absolute adherence to one side of an argument or another. This is why you have lost five of the last six popular votes. You make it very difficult to follow since anyone who is honest knows the world is full of gray areas and conditional reactions to problems.

I see the word "only" up there. Women do not "only" care about birth control and abortion. Its a bullshit argument you guys keep spouting off and, to nobody's surprise, you continue to lose the women's vote time and again.

Exhibit A:

Keep in mind, he didn't win all of those states; it wasn't as if he was just piling on to his margins in New York and California.

Anyway, Women care about much more than abortion and birth control. But for most women who think for themselves; the issues are gateway issues. If you had a guy running on the republican ticket that was 100% in lockstep with the national platform committee, endorsed everything they had in the document and had all of the other intangibles about appearance, charm, charisma, etc... but was agnostic or an atheist...he would get nearly zero support. Why? Because for most GOP voters, being a good Christian is held in great importance.

Women aren't going to care about your plans for deficit reduction or foreign policy if you're not supportive of them making their own healthcare decisions. It's as simple as that.

I know this doesn't fit into the simplistic, cartoonish cookie-cutter world of make believe that the GOP lives in...so your candidates do not get the women's vote in the general election.

That's fine. I oppose murder. If you don't, that's your deal. Please vote Democrat. I don't want murder supporters in my party. If that means we lose, so be it. I'd rather lose on moral principles, than win with murderers.
Your statement was empty of anything substantial. What was dishonest about his DNA?
What is dishonest about the fact that Democrats prattling around the lie that women only care about birth control is a lie? Especially when it isn't. Just turn on the tv and listen to them spout that shit themselves.

I'm not a democrat but I am firm in believing a woman has a right to choose what happens to her own body.

I think where the GOP misses the boat in this argument is, as with all things, you guys demand absolute adherence to one side of an argument or another. This is why you have lost five of the last six popular votes. You make it very difficult to follow since anyone who is honest knows the world is full of gray areas and conditional reactions to problems.

I see the word "only" up there. Women do not "only" care about birth control and abortion. Its a bullshit argument you guys keep spouting off and, to nobody's surprise, you continue to lose the women's vote time and again.

Exhibit A:

Keep in mind, he didn't win all of those states; it wasn't as if he was just piling on to his margins in New York and California.

Anyway, Women care about much more than abortion and birth control. But for most women who think for themselves; the issues are gateway issues. If you had a guy running on the republican ticket that was 100% in lockstep with the national platform committee, endorsed everything they had in the document and had all of the other intangibles about appearance, charm, charisma, etc... but was agnostic or an atheist...he would get nearly zero support. Why? Because for most GOP voters, being a good Christian is held in great importance.

Women aren't going to care about your plans for deficit reduction or foreign policy if you're not supportive of them making their own healthcare decisions. It's as simple as that.

I know this doesn't fit into the simplistic, cartoonish cookie-cutter world of make believe that the GOP lives in...so your candidates do not get the women's vote in the general election.

That's fine. I oppose murder. If you don't, that's your deal. Please vote Democrat. I don't want murder supporters in my party. If that means we lose, so be it. I'd rather lose on moral principles, than win with murderers.

Of course conservatives are oblivious to the adverse effects their policies have on women, blinded by their arrogance and slavish adherence to rightist dogma.

They're also oblivious to the adverse effects of their policies on society as a whole.

For example, for conservatives to seek to deny women their right to privacy succeeds in only expanding the size and authority of government at the expense of individual liberty:


You should stick to getting hookers out of the hoosgow. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

First of all, there is no "right to privacy" and never has been. It is an invention of the court, found nowhere in the United States Constitution or the amendments therein. If there truly were a right to privacy, then your clients selling crack behind closed doors would be immune to prosecution, which you know full well they are not.

Now the Constitution says nothing about a "right to privacy," the only thing remotely associated is the 4th.

Article [IV.]

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

But of course this deals with search and siezure, not privacy.

Further, abortions are performed in public facilities and in no way meet the concept of "private.'

The activist court created law out of whole cloth, based on a political agenda, entirely absent support of the Constitution.

Now go back to chasing ambulances, and leave the serious discussion to the grownups.
I'm not a democrat

You're not? Are you registered Communist? Is there even a difference anymore?

but I am firm in believing a woman has a right to choose what happens to her own body.

Kewl, pull your own arms and legs off. Have your own brain sucked out with a vacuum, if anyone can find it.

I'm good with it.

I think where the GOP misses the boat in this argument is, as with all things, you guys demand absolute adherence to one side of an argument or another. This is why you have lost five of the last six popular votes. You make it very difficult to follow since anyone who is honest knows the world is full of gray areas and conditional reactions to problems.

Unlike you, who demand abortion on demand up to and including crowning?

I see the word "only" up there. Women do not "only" care about birth control and abortion. Its a bullshit argument you guys keep spouting off and, to nobody's surprise, you continue to lose the women's vote time and again.

Women are far less supportive of abortion than you pretend. LEFTISTS promote abortion, women in general favor fairly strong restrictions.


Notice that only 28% of women support the radical position you and the other radical leftists here promote.
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I'm not a democrat but I am firm in believing a woman has a right to choose what happens to her own body.

I think where the GOP misses the boat in this argument is, as with all things, you guys demand absolute adherence to one side of an argument or another. This is why you have lost five of the last six popular votes. You make it very difficult to follow since anyone who is honest knows the world is full of gray areas and conditional reactions to problems.

I see the word "only" up there. Women do not "only" care about birth control and abortion. Its a bullshit argument you guys keep spouting off and, to nobody's surprise, you continue to lose the women's vote time and again.

Exhibit A:

Keep in mind, he didn't win all of those states; it wasn't as if he was just piling on to his margins in New York and California.

Anyway, Women care about much more than abortion and birth control. But for most women who think for themselves; the issues are gateway issues. If you had a guy running on the republican ticket that was 100% in lockstep with the national platform committee, endorsed everything they had in the document and had all of the other intangibles about appearance, charm, charisma, etc... but was agnostic or an atheist...he would get nearly zero support. Why? Because for most GOP voters, being a good Christian is held in great importance.

Women aren't going to care about your plans for deficit reduction or foreign policy if you're not supportive of them making their own healthcare decisions. It's as simple as that.

I know this doesn't fit into the simplistic, cartoonish cookie-cutter world of make believe that the GOP lives in...so your candidates do not get the women's vote in the general election.

That's fine. I oppose murder. If you don't, that's your deal. Please vote Democrat. I don't want murder supporters in my party. If that means we lose, so be it. I'd rather lose on moral principles, than win with murderers.


You do realize, of course, that you are touting the fact that democrats use women as political pawns.

I mean...sure....the GOP could simply say "lets give women all they want and need" and get much of the female vote.

But, instead, they do not use ANY group as political pawns...and still get 50% of the vote (give or take)....

So please....continue to travel in your life blind to the fact that a party uses you as a political pawn.
covering contraception is actually cheaper than not covering it, but that is probably irrelevant to those who oppose it, which is why most women see the issue quite clearly, and the motivations of those who oppose it ... and that's why most vote dem.
Anyway, Women care about much more than abortion and birth control

Liberal women do. You obviously don't know any Republicans. Liberal women think like you do that women only care about their vaginae. Conservative women think that women are people who care about all issues. I know a lot of Republican women, and zero, literally not one of them ever says what you just did. So you speak for liberals, that's fine. But cut the crap that you speak for women.

BTW, I'm pro-choice...
covering contraception is actually cheaper than not covering it

Because of course socialism is the great elixir. It's fairer than fair, more conservative than conservatism, more capitalist than capitalism, cheaper than liberty and just about loving our neighbors and singing kumbaya. So you believe:

Women will go to their doctor, get a prescription, go to the pharmacy, pick it up and use it reliably.

Women will not go to planned parenthood or any other source and get it for free. Like Sandra Fluke who had several planned parenthood's within 5 miles of Georgetown.

What we will not see is you backing up this bull crap argument you are mindlessly repeating.
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Anyway, Women care about much more than abortion and birth control

Liberal women do. You obviously don't know any Republicans. Liberal women think like you do that women only care about their vaginae. Conservative women think that women are people who care about all issues. I know a lot of Republican women, and zero, literally not one of them ever says what you just did. So you speak for liberals, that's fine. But cut the crap that you speak for women.

BTW, I'm pro-choice...

A rare admission!

Although, I'm betting that it's just another case of your poor reading skills. :lol:

Misogyny is one of the Republicans core values.
If all I listened to were progressive echo chambers, I'd believe that bullshit, too.

But remember, folks -- Democrats insist the only issues women care about are consequence-free sex and free abortion. But it's the GOP that's misogynist.

Healthcare, the minimum wage, contraception, abortion, equal pay, all are issues the Republicans are bashing women on.

The Republican war on women continues.....

Healthcare applies to everyone, strike one.
The minimum wage applies to everyone, strike two.
Equal pay is not an issue (since women earn like salaries to men when you compare apples to apples except at the White House, where they are paid less than men), strike three.

All you're left with is, again, the fact that democrats view women in terms of their sexuality. Please leave the plate and let the next batter try. Thank you.
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covering contraception is actually cheaper than not covering it, but that is probably irrelevant to those who oppose it, which is why most women see the issue quite clearly, and the motivations of those who oppose it ... and that's why most vote dem.

and that is where you miss it.

Conservatives do not believe the government should be involved in contraception.

Not from a cost standpoint. We simply believe government should not be involved in personal contraceptive decisions.

Perhaps you should understand conservatism before you criticize it.

You don't need to agree with it to understand and respect it......

Spend some time understanding it. Then your comments wont be so naive in regard to conservatism....and they will be more valid as many of your other comments on other topics are.
I'm not a democrat

You're not? Are you registered Communist? Is there even a difference anymore?

I don't get the insistence of the endless liberal Democrats on this site to make this claim. Then there are all the liberals who are not Democrats. Though they are void of specifics what that means. If what these liars said is true, Obama wouldn't be President now. Yet as is very evident, he is very much President right now...

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