warmest January on record

That is correct. Dr. Spencer thinks we have nothing to do with it. But he does, when he doesn't mess up on + and - signs, record the numbers correctly.

And those numbers state that it is getting warmer, at an accelerating rate.

Given the fact that we have had a decade of low TSI, low sunspots, and, in 2008, a strong and persistant La Nina, one would think that our tempertures would have reflected this.

The last decade was the warmest on record. The next decade will exceed the last.
That is correct. Dr. Spencer thinks we have nothing to do with it. But he does, when he doesn't mess up on + and - signs, record the numbers correctly.

And those numbers state that it is getting warmer, at an accelerating rate.

Given the fact that we have had a decade of low TSI, low sunspots, and, in 2008, a strong and persistant La Nina, one would think that our tempertures would have reflected this.

The last decade was the warmest on record. The next decade will exceed the last.

That's not what his chart shows.
By even Spencer's numbers, January was the warmest January on record, globally.

January 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update +0.72 Deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

And Spencer thinks we had nothing to do with it.

"The case for natural climate change I also present an analysis of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation which shows that most climate change might well be the result of….the climate system itself! Because small, chaotic fluctuations in atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems can cause small changes in global average cloudiness, this is all that is necessary to cause climate change. You don’t need the sun, or any other ‘external’ influence (although these are also possible…but for now I’ll let others work on that). It is simply what the climate system does. This is actually quite easy for meteorologists to believe, since we understand how complex weather processes are. Your local TV meteorologist is probably a closet ’skeptic’ regarding mankind’s influence on climate.

Climate change — it happens, with or without our help."

Global Warming: Natural or Manmade? Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
From your link:

"“Global warming” refers to the global-average temperature increase that has been observed over the last one hundred years or more. But to many politicians and the public, the term carries the implication that mankind is responsible for that warming. This website describes evidence from my group’s government-funded research that suggests global warming is mostly natural"

Mostly does not mean ALL. So even Spencer acknowledges that 6 billion people have some measure of influence on the natural climate cycles. The question is how much.

Normally, warm cycles are naturally followed by cooling cycles, but over the last 100+ years warm cycles are being followed by basically FLAT cycles not cooling cycles resulting in each new warming cycle starting about where the last warming cycle ended. Nature's cooling seems only able to temporarily neutralize each warming cycle at best, but is unable to reverse it as would normally be expected.

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Americans are educated far, far past their intelligence in most instances.
Anyone with a brain knows the world is warming. Even the Department of Defense has initiated strategy and tactics in Afghanistan and Iraq because it has been warmer than average since we have been in both countries.
Australia is burning up. Same with many other Asian countries.

Since when is Australia an Asian country dimwit?
It snowed in Florida yesterday

Yes it did. The Deep South was under assault by renegade AGW denying SNOWFLAKES! ;)

Totally amazing.

How about the Mississippi frozen over down to New Orleans? Pushing ice floes out into the Gulf. Now that was a cold snap. 1899

What we just had was normal temperatures for February with a precipitation event.

You're not claiming that AGW caused that ice to melt are you?
By even Spencer's numbers, January was the warmest January on record, globally.

January 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update +0.72 Deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

And Spencer thinks we had nothing to do with it.

"The case for natural climate change I also present an analysis of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation which shows that most climate change might well be the result of….the climate system itself! Because small, chaotic fluctuations in atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems can cause small changes in global average cloudiness, this is all that is necessary to cause climate change. You don’t need the sun, or any other ‘external’ influence (although these are also possible…but for now I’ll let others work on that). It is simply what the climate system does. This is actually quite easy for meteorologists to believe, since we understand how complex weather processes are. Your local TV meteorologist is probably a closet ’skeptic’ regarding mankind’s influence on climate.

Climate change — it happens, with or without our help."

Global Warming: Natural or Manmade? Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
From your link:

"“Global warming” refers to the global-average temperature increase that has been observed over the last one hundred years or more. But to many politicians and the public, the term carries the implication that mankind is responsible for that warming. This website describes evidence from my group’s government-funded research that suggests global warming is mostly natural"

Mostly does not mean ALL. So even Spencer acknowledges that 6 billion people have some measure of influence on the natural climate cycles. The question is how much.

Normally, warm cycles are naturally followed by cooling cycles, but over the last 100+ years warm cycles are being followed by basically FLAT cycles not cooling cycles resulting in each new warming cycle starting about where the last warming cycle ended. Nature's cooling seems only able to temporarily neutralize each warming cycle at best, but is unable to reverse it as would normally be expected.


Mostly is sort of a loose definition at best. Let's run with mostly for a moment though. Mostly implies that OTHER things are causing the warming, but Ed has in his infinite wisdom rules out ocean currents and the sun, because they are on opposite cycles according to him. What does that leave Ed?

Don't try blaming CO2 for it. That graph is up and down all the time. Your chart shows continuous consisent increases in temperatures. How do explain not a single month has a dip in temperature, but the CO2 graph changes all the time?
Lowest January heating bill on record


Yayyyyyy for me to! The heating oil bill was not through the roof! :eek:

In my area of Maine we were 10 degrees above normal for the January temperature average in Maine!

And this month has been comparatively warm as well! Yayyyyyyy again! May have some money to take that well needed Vacay! :lol:
Lowest January heating bill on record


Yayyyyyy for me to! The heating oil bill was not through the roof! :eek:

In my area of Maine we were 10 degrees above normal for the January temperature average in Maine!

And this month has been comparatively warm as well! Yayyyyyyy again! May have some money to take that well needed Vacay! :lol:

I hope an Artic blast comes in tomorrow and freezes your ass off. :lol:
And Spencer thinks we had nothing to do with it.

"The case for natural climate change I also present an analysis of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation which shows that most climate change might well be the result of….the climate system itself! Because small, chaotic fluctuations in atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems can cause small changes in global average cloudiness, this is all that is necessary to cause climate change. You don’t need the sun, or any other ‘external’ influence (although these are also possible…but for now I’ll let others work on that). It is simply what the climate system does. This is actually quite easy for meteorologists to believe, since we understand how complex weather processes are. Your local TV meteorologist is probably a closet ’skeptic’ regarding mankind’s influence on climate.

Climate change — it happens, with or without our help."

Global Warming: Natural or Manmade? Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
From your link:

"“Global warming” refers to the global-average temperature increase that has been observed over the last one hundred years or more. But to many politicians and the public, the term carries the implication that mankind is responsible for that warming. This website describes evidence from my group’s government-funded research that suggests global warming is mostly natural"

Mostly does not mean ALL. So even Spencer acknowledges that 6 billion people have some measure of influence on the natural climate cycles. The question is how much.

Normally, warm cycles are naturally followed by cooling cycles, but over the last 100+ years warm cycles are being followed by basically FLAT cycles not cooling cycles resulting in each new warming cycle starting about where the last warming cycle ended. Nature's cooling seems only able to temporarily neutralize each warming cycle at best, but is unable to reverse it as would normally be expected.


Mostly is sort of a loose definition at best. Let's run with mostly for a moment though. Mostly implies that OTHER things are causing the warming, but Ed has in his infinite wisdom rules out ocean currents and the sun, because they are on opposite cycles according to him. What does that leave Ed?

Don't try blaming CO2 for it. That graph is up and down all the time. Your chart shows continuous consisent increases in temperatures. How do explain not a single month has a dip in temperature, but the CO2 graph changes all the time?
You don't speak for me, I ruled out nothing. I pointed out both nature AND man influence climate changes. It's you deniers, in your infinite lack of wisdom, who rule out man's influence.

The temp graph is up and down in the short term due to natural influences and the long term warming trend is due to human influences.
Get it?
Lowest January heating bill on record


Yayyyyyy for me to! The heating oil bill was not through the roof! :eek:

In my area of Maine we were 10 degrees above normal for the January temperature average in Maine!

And this month has been comparatively warm as well! Yayyyyyyy again! May have some money to take that well needed Vacay! :lol:

I hope an Artic blast comes in tomorrow and freezes your ass off. :lol:

Tuesday and wednesday.....we are predicted to get a doozy of a storm....actually the same storm the midcoast states just got that went out to sea....it is going to whip back around and come in and hit us from the northeast, a Nor'easter, combined with something coming in from the midwest....so, I could be counting my blessings a little too early....we will see.....so far the forecasters have been off the mark this year with us up here so let's hope they are this time as well...
Yayyyyyy for me to! The heating oil bill was not through the roof! :eek:

In my area of Maine we were 10 degrees above normal for the January temperature average in Maine!

And this month has been comparatively warm as well! Yayyyyyyy again! May have some money to take that well needed Vacay! :lol:

I hope an Artic blast comes in tomorrow and freezes your ass off. :lol:

Tuesday and wednesday.....we are predicted to get a doozy of a storm....actually the same storm the midcoast states just got that went out to sea....it is going to whip back around and come in and hit us from the northeast, a Nor'easter, combined with something coming in from the midwest....so, I could be counting my blessings a little too early....we will see.....so far the forecasters have been off the mark this year with us up here so let's hope they are this time as well...

Well it's your turn dammit----I'm tired of freezin my nopples off in Texas
I hope an Artic blast comes in tomorrow and freezes your ass off. :lol:

Tuesday and wednesday.....we are predicted to get a doozy of a storm....actually the same storm the midcoast states just got that went out to sea....it is going to whip back around and come in and hit us from the northeast, a Nor'easter, combined with something coming in from the midwest....so, I could be counting my blessings a little too early....we will see.....so far the forecasters have been off the mark this year with us up here so let's hope they are this time as well...

Well it's your turn dammit----I'm tired of freezin my nopples off in Texas

Welllllll....."'Tough titty', said the kitty, when the milk went dry."

We deserve this well needed lucky break we have been getting!

Tuesday and wednesday.....we are predicted to get a doozy of a storm....actually the same storm the midcoast states just got that went out to sea....it is going to whip back around and come in and hit us from the northeast, a Nor'easter, combined with something coming in from the midwest....so, I could be counting my blessings a little too early....we will see.....so far the forecasters have been off the mark this year with us up here so let's hope they are this time as well...

Well it's your turn dammit----I'm tired of freezin my nopples off in Texas

Welllllll....."'Tough titty', said the kitty, when the milk went dry."

We deserve this well needed lucky break we have been getting!


oh caca--what did Maine do to deserve a break ?
Well it's your turn dammit----I'm tired of freezin my nopples off in Texas

Welllllll....."'Tough titty', said the kitty, when the milk went dry."

We deserve this well needed lucky break we have been getting!


oh caca--what did Maine do to deserve a break ?
Suffer through $4 bucks a gallon heating oil for times during the previous years! and needing 700 gallons and 4 cords of wood at $180 bucks a cord to heat during previous winters...we deserve a break to the madness!
According to one group, the thermo-haline circulation is slowing down as there is more fresh water being dumped into the Atlantic from Greenland and North America.

I have not seen evidence I would accept as definative on this, however, should it be the case, Maine will continue to get colder winters even as the rest of us warm up.

Of course, you could always come over on this side of the continent, we have had one night since December 30 that actually got down to 32. Most of the highs have been above 50. And one of my shrubs is blooming, and the tulips are up about 8 to 10 inchs.
"The temperature records cannot be relied on as indicators of global change," said John Christy, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, a former lead author on the IPCC. The doubts of Christy and a number of other researchers focus on the thousands of weather stations around the world, which have been used to collect temperature data over the past 150 years.

These stations, they believe, have been seriously compromised by factors such as urbanization, changes in land use and, in many cases, being moved from site to site. Christy has published research papers looking at these effects in three different regions: east Africa, California and Alabama.

"The story is the same for each one," he said. "The popular data sets show a lot of warming but the apparent temperature rise was actually caused by local factors affecting the weather stations, such as land development."

FOXNews.com - World May Not Be Warming, Say Scientists
Right now.

Low Total Solar Irradiance.

Low Sunpspots.

El Nino.

A 40% increase in CO2, a 150% increase in CH4, and a bunch of really nasty industrial GHGs.

So far this year, record temperatures globally. Looks like the latter two factors cancelled out the effect of the sun.

Now, let us look at the prior two years, 2008, and 2007.

Low TSI.

Low Sunspot activity.

Strong and persistant La Nina.

40% increase in CO2. 150% increase in CH4. And some really nasty industrial GHGs.

So three out of four factors say that we should have had a couple of really cold years. But both years rank among the ten warmest on record.

So what happened PP? Why did not the solar effect overpower the GHG effect?

Saint Albert and the global warming gods salute you .........:clap2:

Mindless derision in leiu of any kind of real rebuttal. Simply states your whole case.

There is still a path back to reality

Coldest January in 23 years - This Britain, UK - The Independent
Feb 1, 2010 ... Britain had its coldest January for more than 20 years. It was also drier and sunnier than average, according to climatologist Philip Eden.
The Independent | News | UK and Worldwide News | Newspaper › News › UK › This Britain - Cached
January among coldest ever
Feb 6, 2010 ... Weather service records have confirmed what most of us felt last month and knew when we opened our power bills.
www2.tbo.com/content/2010/feb/06/...january...coldest.../news-metro/ - Cached
Britain on course for coldest January for 37 years - Telegraph
Jan 14, 2010 ... January is on course to be the coldest for 37 years after temperatures in the first week of the month averaged minus 2.1 degrees (28F).
January was the coldest for more than 20 years - Telegraph
Jan 31, 2010 ... Britons experienced the coldest January for more than 20 years after heavy snowfall in the first half of the month, figures revealed.
Coldest January in 7 years, says Met
Jan 20, 2010 ... Latest news, breaking news - Coldest January in 7 years, says Met.
Coldest January in 7 years, says Met - Cached
Coldest January recorded for almost 25 years in Switzerland ...
Feb 1, 2010 ... Switzerland, currently under a blanket of snow, has experienced its coldest January for almost a quarter of a century.
www.swissinfo.ch/.../Coldest_January_recorded_for_almost_25_years.html?... - Cached
News | The Independent UK - Coldest January in 23 years
Coldest January in 23 years. Posted by The Independent. Tuesday, 2 February 2010 at 11:53 am. Author: By Paula Fentiman, Press Association ...
news.independentminds.livejournal.com/5855752.html - Cached
Niwa climate scientists say this January could be the coldest on record for most of the country if current trends continue. ...
astuteblogger.blogspot.com/.../brrrrrrr-coldest-january-ever-in-new.html - Cached
E.V. shivers through coldest January since '79: Temperatures fell ...
EV shivers through coldest January since '79: Temperatures fell 3.1 degrees be - Byline: Mike Branom Feb. 2--Congratulations, East Valley residents and ...
E.V. shivers through coldest January since '79: Temperatures fell 3.1 degrees below normal on average. - The Tribune (Mesa, AZ) | Encyclopedia.com - Cached

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