WARNING! George Soros has THIS planned… and it’s chilling


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
he’s out to destroy America and what it stands for. Is this just another “hit piece” or something we should all be aware and afraid of?

Sure, they go through the motions of holding an election every four years so the yokels in flyover country won’t get suspicious, but they know that behind the scenes—where it really counts—their word goes.

Donald Trump’s election upset all that, so the world’s richest, most powerful leftists met behind closed doors last week to plot how to worm their way back.

Rep. Jerrod Nadler gave them the heads-up that the investigations into Trump had gone bust, so they settled on a new tactic: They plan to “change the rules of our democracy” by 2020.

That spine-chilling quotation comes word-for-word from the secret agenda for the Democracy Alliance’s spring meeting in Austin, Texas.

So, who are “they?”

The shadowy group has more than 100 anonymous “partners,” who promise to donate at least $200,000 apiece to far-left political groups hand-picked by the DA’s leaders. The group has donated $1.83 billion to radical and left-wing groups since George Soros co-founded it in 2005.

To read more about this, go to WARNING! George Soros has THIS planned… and it’s chilling
As much as I would like to see George Soros get a taste of his own medicine; I highly doubt anything will ever happen to him. Meaning, he rather hide behind Media Matters and all the organizations he created - just to try and destroy America. He is emotionless and he doesn't care, period.
What you are watching unfold, with your own eyes
are the created circumstances which will bring about
what God has planned...

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