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Ethos Logos Pathos

Senior Member
Dec 16, 2019
Lindsay Graham reaching back a few decades for his Rev. James Cleveland swag, to devour Dems lol and P-Cip did too! Plus Jay Sekulow devoured the Dems pretty good as well.

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Graham was the senator on Fox news giving an interview when he should of been in his seat, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.

The trial layers are wrong and Nadler is right on the mark, they should defend their man, tramp.
Graham was the senator on Fox news giving an interview when he should of been in his seat, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.

The trial layers are wrong and Nadler is right on the mark, they should defend their man, tramp.
ZOOOMG! He may have missed Adumb Shifferbrains saying Trump "cheated" one out of the 400 times he said it.
Graham was the senator on Fox news giving an interview when he should of been in his seat, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.

The trial layers are wrong and Nadler is right on the mark, they should defend their man, tramp.
ZOOOMG! He may have missed Adumb Shifferbrains saying Trump "cheated" one out of the 400 times he said it.

Yet he is impartial and got out of jury duty, who in the hell does he think he is. taking an oath no less.
... he should of been in his seat...

No, he should have been doing exactly what he was doing. Not inside of the Senate, listening, but somewhere outside the chambers publicly disrespecting the Dems' case during real time of opening arguments. Other Senators should also do showcases like Lindsay did here. The Dems need to be sent, a message, about the consequences of raping Article II like they did here.

Since our exact foreign policy in Ukraine, for 2 decades now, is to stomp on corruption before we give Ukraine aid...then it is exactly, unconstitutional, to impeach a President for doing his job by exposing Biden's corruption in Ukraine.
Patriots rising up against the tyranny of the left. The founders would be proud of Trump's team.
... he should of been in his seat...

No, he should have been doing exactly what he was doing. Not inside of the Senate, listening, but somewhere outside the chambers publicly disrespecting the Dems' case during real time of opening arguments. Other Senators should also do showcases like Lindsay did here. The Dems need to be sent, a message, about the consequences of raping Article II like they did here.

Since our exact foreign policy in Ukraine, for 2 decades now, is to stomp on corruption before we give Ukraine aid...then it is exactly, unconstitutional, to impeach a President for doing his job by exposing Biden's corruption in Ukraine.

If tramp was worried about corruption, no one knew except after the fact he got caught, then he claims corruption. LOL

also Graham needs to be impeached, he should of remained in his seat, he took an oath.
Graham was the senator on Fox news giving an interview when he should of been in his seat, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.

The trial layers are wrong and Nadler is right on the mark, they should defend their man, tramp.
ZOOOMG! He may have missed Adumb Shifferbrains saying Trump "cheated" one out of the 400 times he said it.

Yet he is impartial and got out of jury duty, who in the hell does he think he is. taking an oath no less.
Did you watch Cryin' Chucky's presser a little while ago? Did he sound impartial? Did he take that oath?

You're a clown.:21:
If tramp was worried about corruption, no one knew except after the fact he got caught, then he claims corruption.

This is an illogical statement, because it pretends Trump put all political opponents names in a hat/mixed them all up, then somehow drew Biden as the one to go after. When in fact, Biden was corrupt in Ukraine long before Trump was elected ---and it was covered up from 2014-'18. Now you Dems panic/do not want America to put any focus on that, so you pretend that Trump is somehow wrong/needs to be impeached, for obeying our foreign policy.
Graham was the senator on Fox news giving an interview when he should of been in his seat, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.

The trial layers are wrong and Nadler is right on the mark, they should defend their man, tramp.
why do they need more witnesses if they already voted? you're confused. When schitt's asked for more witnesses in his opening remarks, he confirms, he didn't reach the point of a high crime or misdemeanor or other? he wouldn't need any further witnesses if the voted articles were correct? right? why in the hell would the lead of the investigation need more?
... he should of been in his seat...

No, he should have been doing exactly what he was doing. Not inside of the Senate, listening, but somewhere outside the chambers publicly disrespecting the Dems' case during real time of opening arguments. Other Senators should also do showcases like Lindsay did here. The Dems need to be sent, a message, about the consequences of raping Article II like they did here.

Since our exact foreign policy in Ukraine, for 2 decades now, is to stomp on corruption before we give Ukraine aid...then it is exactly, unconstitutional, to impeach a President for doing his job by exposing Biden's corruption in Ukraine.

If tramp was worried about corruption, no one knew except after the fact he got caught, then he claims corruption. LOL

also Graham needs to be impeached, he should of remained in his seat, he took an oath.
Senators are not subject to impeachment. Once again you demonstrate you are ignorant of how our system works.
Graham was the senator on Fox news giving an interview when he should of been in his seat, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.

The trial layers are wrong and Nadler is right on the mark, they should defend their man, tramp.
What about dem senators running for President
Graham was the senator on Fox news giving an interview when he should of been in his seat, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.

The trial layers are wrong and Nadler is right on the mark, they should defend their man, tramp.
I would agree that he should have been in the chambers but you thinking ANY of the senators are impartial is a joke.

Also, dozens of senators FROM BOTH SIDES left during the hearings via a side door into a coat room full of refreshments. You gonna be IMPARTIAL about them too?

Graham was the senator on Fox news giving an interview when he should of been in his seat, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.

The trial layers are wrong and Nadler is right on the mark, they should defend their man, tramp.
why did juror schumer comment on the opening remarks from schitt's? that isn't impartial, and it is juror tampering. it is the fking definition of tampering.
, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.
If you want to push the issue then all the Democratic Presidential Candidates who are Senators should also recuse themselves for conflict of interest. Klobuchar, Sanders, Warren are you listening?
, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.
If you want to push the issue then all the Democratic Presidential Candidates who are Senators should also recuse themselves for conflict of interest. Klobuchar, Sanders, Warren are you listening?
right? isn't trump their opponent? one can't interfere in the opponent's campaign right? dude, the word hypocrite is soooo weak when referring to crap pool that is a leftists it isn't fking funny. What is even funnier, are the punks like penelope who masterbate to their hypocrisy. that damn boomerang that continues to hit leftists between the eyes. wow.
People Were Falling asleep in the Senate to the tune of a broken record

Their whole case can be spelled out in 5 minutes.

Man Bad


Graham was the senator on Fox news giving an interview when he should of been in his seat, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.

The trial layers are wrong and Nadler is right on the mark, they should defend their man, tramp.
People Were Falling asleep in the Senate to the tune of a broken record

Their whole case can be spelled out in 5 minutes.

Man Bad

Graham was the senator on Fox news giving an interview when he should of been in his seat, he should of recused himself if he can't be a juror, but no he did not do his duty.

The trial layers are wrong and Nadler is right on the mark, they should defend their man, tramp.
again, if I'm a trump lawyer, I merely point to schitt's own words that he needs witnesses to further this proceeding. Thus confirming, the articles are not justified. dismiss. the trial is against those two articles. it was what was brought over.

One can't have it both ways. either the articles from the procession are valid or not. If they are valid, then they are a document of fact to be voted on. One can't say, 'wait, we fked up, we need more people to testify to enhance our voted on articles.' nope, just can't. they are then at that very moment, null and void.
BTW, checkmate!!!!! Any senator that votes for the articles knowing the leader who brought them wasn't prepared, shows that senator as biased, not impartial, and did not abide by their oath of office.

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