Warning: Science Could Soon be Able to Literally Read Your Mind

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I bet the first thing that this device will be able to pick up is; "this guinea pig is NOT going through with this and letting this happen."

all they would read in mine is beer, boobs and, well that is about it.

Chesty said to tell you "good night".

I bet the first thing that this device will be able to pick up is; "this guinea pig is NOT going through with this and letting this happen."

Then they are s bored as I am.
We were learning about this stuff in school back in the 70's.

I'm sure one day............far, far, faaaaaarrrrrr into the future, it might happen.
But today........nah.

Medical science still says 90% of the human brain is a mystery to them. They might have figured out what parts of the brain are responsible for this and that, but they still have no fucking clue what makes it function like it does.

Until then..........they can read my sign language well enough...........

There were alarmingly successful attempts at mind control decades ago which served the CIA well. The science of the Deep State's military industrial complex and their globalist investors is probably 50 years beyond what we are aware of in the commercial sector. People were reporting having their minds seriously messed with by UFOs 40, 50, even 60 years ago. Believe me those "aliens" weren't from any other planet but this one.
At my first workplace, a few of the women had put this poster up on the wall with a word balloon that said, "Hurry back from your break, girls. I'll be here waiting for you".

There were alarmingly successful attempts at mind control decades ago which served the CIA well. The science of the Deep State's military industrial complex and their globalist investors is probably 50 years beyond what we are aware of in the commercial sector. People were reporting having their minds seriously messed with by UFOs 40, 50, even 60 years ago. Believe me those "aliens" weren't from any other planet but this one.

Thats was more hypnosis and chemical alterations to the brain.........mood enhancers, mood dehancers, stabilizers, etc...

Had nothing to do with reading minds........it was all hypno-therapy and drugs.
Thats was more hypnosis and chemical alterations to the brain.........mood enhancers, mood dehancers, stabilizers, etc...

Had nothing to do with reading minds........it was all hypno-therapy and drugs.
Psytronics were an experimental thing way back in the 80's.... that is, the enhancement of clairvoyant powers using electronics. Secret projects like those are like an onion. They have many layers that turn and twist and they are guarded carefully and misinformation is always fed into the loop. You don't really know where the truth or the lies begin and end. They already had realistic AI animals and even real animal drones that were spying on people in the late 80's. They could control the animals electronically with radio waves and implants. They could make you hear things way back then that would make you believe you were experiencing ghosts or maybe just losing your mind. And they could also time it almost perfectly....which strongly suggests that they had some kind of mind reading technology way back then.

If they are leaking that they will be able to read your mind in 5 years they've probably already been able to do it for 20. That's the way the military industrial complex operates.

The only kicker is that if they go around playing with these toys too much the public will catch on. So its use is always played close to the vest by Big Brother.
🔘My views : The big brother always monitors you! Don't be surprised if this(down below)happens to you, using your mind to consider something illegal.

Mr. A, in his home, is now thinking to himself about assassinating the big boss of WH.

Mr.A's mental actions(b) : I'm gonna kill that f*cking US president tomorrow. Such an idiot!

Ten minutes later... Mr.A's dwelling is surrounded by FBI vehicles.

FBI's verbal actions(b) : FBI, get out of your house, Mr. A! You're now under arrest. You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.

🔘New World War, 3rd paragraph⬆from the endnotes(a) :
Dr. Norseen has sent R&D plans to the pentagon to have tiny mind-reading devices installed at airports to profile potential terrorists. He suggested that these devices could be functional by 2005. In August of 2008, CNN stated that the US military’s knowledge obtained from mind-reading research could be used to interrogate the enemy.

(a) New World War: Mind-Reading – archive.ph
(b) three categories of action | Dictionary of Buddhism | Nichiren Buddhism Library – https://archive.fo/5tSqU

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