Warnings to Republicans: If you nominate Jeb or Mitt I'm voting Democrat

A vote against Romney or Bush is a vote for Hillary or Warren.
Just deal with it.
I dont get it with the narco-libertarians. SOmehow they think throwing the election to the worst democrap piece of shit by not voting is more noble than voting for someone they agree with maybe 40% of the time.

here we go!
It's approaching election season again, Rabbi. Yank the narco-lib talking points out!

it's a shame we agree in so many instances and yet you willing alienate instead of foster coop there.

Not shocking, just shameful.
I feel no alienation from the Head Jew's observation.

then you haven't had to endure his tirades about how libertarians are retards and how we should mindless follow him because we are dumb.
Maybe...but voting for a lying,braindead,communist in lieu of an imperfect establishment weasel might be a stretch.
As I have done every 4 years since 1992, I will only vote for a Conservative. If neither major party offers such an option I'll seek a third party candidate. If that's not possible I'll vote for myself.

6 Presidential votes....

2 Republican
2 Independent/3rd Party
1 Write - In my name
1 No Vote
I'd rather have an admitted socialist than a closet Neocon socialist that will bring us into WW3.

K thx.

Btw I'm a Libertarian and I hate both parties.

If you nominate Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Newt Ginrich (all three are closet socialists + war mongers) I'm voting for the admitted socialist and war monger Hillary Clinton.

K thx bai.

Will take picture of my ballot to prove it in 2016.

I could have sworn there are more than two candidates running, but if you're going to be one of those people, don't complain.
I'd rather have an admitted socialist than a closet Neocon socialist that will bring us into WW3.

K thx.

Btw I'm a Libertarian and I hate both parties.

If you nominate Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Newt Ginrich (all three are closet socialists + war mongers) I'm voting for the admitted socialist and war monger Hillary Clinton.

K thx bai.

Will take picture of my ballot to prove it in 2016.
yea right.....you "hate" both parties but are telling one party you "hate" you will not be voting for them,but apparently you will if these 2 guys dont get picked,and if one of them does you will be voting for another party you "hate".....most people who "hate' both parties dont care who they pick,since its the same old bullshit,and vote a 3rd party person....my guess is you are full of shit and will vote for that party you "hate"....the Republicans....no matter what they do....
I'd rather have an admitted socialist than a closet Neocon socialist that will bring us into WW3.

K thx.

Btw I'm a Libertarian and I hate both parties.

If you nominate Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney or Newt Ginrich (all three are closet socialists + war mongers) I'm voting for the admitted socialist and war monger Hillary Clinton.

K thx bai.

Will take picture of my ballot to prove it in 2016.

I'm certain you just scared them all to death. LOL!!
As Mitt and Jeb Court Donors For 2016, Ted Cruz Prepares For Potential Run

The Daily Caller ^

As Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney battle behind the scenes for big money donors, Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is working to portray himself as the presidential candidate of the conservative base. Speaking to tea partiers in South Carolina over the weekend, Cruz cautioned that Republicans will lose the White House in 2016 if the nominee is insufficiently conservative. “If we nominate a candidate in that mold, the same people who stayed home in 2008 and 2012 will stay home in 2016 and the Democrats will win again,” Cruz told the crowd. His comments come as the Texas senator —...

Romney's out of the picture, so that's half your prob solved.
Why? One word: "Obamagas".

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