Warren and Mayor Mary Will be Democratic Nominee’s


May 23, 2014
Joe Biden will fail in Iowa like Gephardt did in 2004. Warren will finish first. She has New Hampshire in the bag. South Carolina offers Biden a chance to bounce back. Nevada Democrats, because of service workers union will go with Warren. Super Tuesday will see Harris win California, no one will come out with a huge numeric advantage in Texas and Warren will win Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Minnesota.Biden will take Virginia. Others a toss-up. Impeachment proceedings will keep Hunter Biden’s sorry ass in the news and Joe will have to go. Lizzie will pick the queer for her running mate, thus Democrats will have a dream ticket of a female socialist at the top of the ticket...and a peter puffer on the bottom (pun completely intended). Trump will destroy them in general election.
Warren might be the nominee, but she is struggling now: Elizabeth Warren Quinnipiac Poll: Half of Democrat's Supporters Have Abandoned Her in One Month | National Review

She'd be stupid to pick the Ken doll for her VP. He only appeals to Marxists and billionaires and the useless idiots who serve them. She's more likely to pick Cory Booker or Stacey Abrams or Castro (Julian not Raul).

She's such an out-of-touch phony, she'd make a poor candidate.

But who else can the Democrats pick?

The decrepit Communist?

Joe Biden?

The Democrats are in bad shape. Democrat elites have abandoned the people and must pay the price.
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Joe Biden will fail in Iowa like Gephardt did in 2004. Warren will finish first. She has New Hampshire in the bag. South Carolina offers Biden a chance to bounce back. Nevada Democrats, because of service workers union will go with Warren. Super Tuesday will see Harris win California, no one will come out with a huge numeric advantage in Texas and Warren will win Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Minnesota.Biden will take Virginia. Others a toss-up. Impeachment proceedings will keep Hunter Biden’s sorry ass in the news and Joe will have to go. Lizzie will pick the queer for her running mate, thus Democrats will have a dream ticket of a female socialist at the top of the ticket...and a peter puffer on the bottom (pun completely intended). Trump will destroy them in general election.
Things have changed somewhat since you posted that. Yesterday,when Harris dropped out,she was only polling at 10% in California. Mayor Pete is leading in IA,Sanders leads in NH,Biden leads in NV and SC. In the Super Tuesday states,Biden is leading in CA,TX,NC and VA. There are no recent polls in Alabama,Arkansas or Tennessee,but I suspect Biden is leading there.
Warren might be the nominee, but she is struggling now: Elizabeth Warren Quinnipiac Poll: Half of Democrat's Supporters Have Abandoned Her in One Month | National Review

She'd be stupid to pick the Ken doll for her VP. He only appeals to Marxists and billionaires and the useless idiots who serve them. She's more likely to pick Cory Booker or Stacey Abrams or Castro (Julian not Raul).

She's such an out-of-touch phony, she'd make a poor candidate.

But who else can the Democrats pick?

The decrepit Communist?

Joe Biden?

The Democrats are in bad shape. Democrat elites have abandoned the people and must pay the price.
Warren is BIG on the LGBTQ thing. She would easily pick Mayor Buttplug.
Joe Biden will fail in Iowa like Gephardt did in 2004. Warren will finish first. She has New Hampshire in the bag. South Carolina offers Biden a chance to bounce back. Nevada Democrats, because of service workers union will go with Warren. Super Tuesday will see Harris win California, no one will come out with a huge numeric advantage in Texas and Warren will win Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Minnesota.Biden will take Virginia. Others a toss-up. Impeachment proceedings will keep Hunter Biden’s sorry ass in the news and Joe will have to go. Lizzie will pick the queer for her running mate, thus Democrats will have a dream ticket of a female socialist at the top of the ticket...and a peter puffer on the bottom (pun completely intended). Trump will destroy them in general election.
Things have changed somewhat since you posted that. Yesterday,when Harris dropped out,she was only polling at 10% in California. Mayor Pete is leading in IA,Sanders leads in NH,Biden leads in NV and SC. In the Super Tuesday states,Biden is leading in CA,TX,NC and VA. There are no recent polls in Alabama,Arkansas or Tennessee,but I suspect Biden is leading there.
He won’t make it. Too old, too white, and GOP will skewer him for his baggage in November. The weakest candidate the Democrats have is this inside the Beltway, Washington DC insider idiot Biden. He can’t defend his actions with regards to his son, he’s two-faced as hell (on tape) going back to the 1980’s. Cannon fodder for Republicans. Absolute cannon fodder.
How can Biden defend what he done to Clarence Thomas? Him and that other lump of shit Teddy Kennedy.

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