Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

One has to be a brain dead moron to believe only three shots were fired with one "miss".
That is what the evidence proves and you cannot demonstrate any contrary evidence

If "da gubermint" told you that the moon was actually made of bleu cheese, you would blindly believe it and swear it was gospel.

No it is about the evidence

Once again they have evidence and have proven 3 shots were fired and 1 missed.

You have no evidence to the contrary.

Trying to make it a "government lies to us" thing is not an intelligent argument.
So true and so sad.

Some people will believe anything the state tells them. They are intellectual midgets. Orwell wrote about these kinds of people in 1984.

For all your self-imposed "superiority", you STILL provide no proof, no scientific unassailable fact, no reasonable doubt based on fact, that the Warren Commission was wrong. You're just not that bright.

It seems gipper is still running far and fast to get away from this thread because he has NOTHING to support any of his claims.
Lol. Other than the LYING Langley Nazi, I probably have more posts in this thread than anyone else. I just don’t have patience for fools.

I'm sure you're a very prolific poster. But NONE of the posts from you that I've seen include any proof, any unassailable fact nor any reasonable doubt that would lead a person to believe you have anything that refutes the Warren Commission findings. I dont' know if it is because you are too stupid, too lazy or to emotionally troubled to realize that you have to prove your posts, but there's just nothing of substance there.
You will have to do a better job. I can’t help you if you are lazy.

You can't help me because you don't know anything except conspiracy theories that are based on nothing but imagination.
It's the Kennedy killing for dummies. It's for people too stupid, lazy or emotionally troubled to seek out the actual facts of the Kennedy coup.
So true and so sad.

Some people will believe anything the state tells them. They are intellectual midgets. Orwell wrote about these kinds of people in 1984.

For all your self-imposed "superiority", you STILL provide no proof, no scientific unassailable fact, no reasonable doubt based on fact, that the Warren Commission was wrong. You're just not that bright.

It seems gipper is still running far and fast to get away from this thread because he has NOTHING to support any of his claims.
Lol. Other than the LYING Langley Nazi, I probably have more posts in this thread than anyone else. I just don’t have patience for fools.
And none of them cites any evidence

Because they have no evidence to cite.
It seems gipper is still running far and fast to get away from this thread because he has NOTHING to support any of his claims.
Lol. Other than the LYING Langley Nazi, I probably have more posts in this thread than anyone else. I just don’t have patience for fools.

I'm sure you're a very prolific poster. But NONE of the posts from you that I've seen include any proof, any unassailable fact nor any reasonable doubt that would lead a person to believe you have anything that refutes the Warren Commission findings. I dont' know if it is because you are too stupid, too lazy or to emotionally troubled to realize that you have to prove your posts, but there's just nothing of substance there.
You will have to do a better job. I can’t help you if you are lazy.
By that you mean you are a stupid imbecile who rants and repeats himself but has no clue what the fuck he is talking about

You have never backed up any of your posts with evidence because you are incapable of doing so

That makes you nothing more than a pathetic sap and a fool who just repeats crap you have half way heard and can never do any real research.
We have a problem Silly Lying Langley Nazi. You see what you think is evidence is really fiction, and what you think is fiction is really evidence. So, someone as highly intelligent as I, can’t possibly debate someone as ignorant as you. Sorry.

IF it were really fiction, shouldn't you be able to refute it as easily as he does to your posts? But, you NEVER do.
One has to be a brain dead moron to believe only three shots were fired with one "miss".

Then it should be easy for you to present some scientific evidence that there was more than three shots. Cite your sources, my friend.

Oh, before you start, you might want to read this from the House Select Committee on Assassinations:

"The forensic pathology panel concluded that President Kennedy was struck by two, and only two, bullets, each of which entered from the rear. The panel further concluded that the President was struck by one bullet that entered in the upper right of the back and exited from the front of the throat, and one bullet that entered in the right rear of the head near the cowlick area and exited from the right side of the head, toward the front. This second bullet caused a massive wound to the President's head upon exit. There is no medical evidence that the President was struck by a bullet entering the front of the head, and the possibility that a bullet could have struck the President and yet left no evidence is extremely remote. Because this conclusion appears to be inconsistent with the backward motion of the President's head in the Zapruder film, the committee consulted a wound ballistics expert to determine what relationship, if any, exists between the direction from which a bullet strikes the head and subsequent head movement. The expert concluded that nerve damage from a bullet entering the President's head could have caused his back muscles to tighten which, in turn, could have caused his head to move toward the rear. He demonstrated the phenomenon in a filmed experiment which involved the shooting of goats. Thus, the committee determined that the rearward movement of the President's head would not be fundamentally inconsistent with a bullet striking from the rear."

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Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.
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Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.

Anyone who has ever been in the military knows the difference between a gun and a rifle....you are trying to be disingenuous.

The ole sgt. hearing the recruit refer to his rifle as his gun.....would have the recruit hold his rifle in his right hand and his dick in his left hand and then have him hold up his rifle and say this is my rifle and then have him shake his dick and say this is my gun....and then hold up his rifle again and say this is for shooting....and then have him shake his dick and say this is for fun. over and over.

Irregardless..............., the FBI had conducted experiments showing the unreliability of paraffin tests. FBI expert Cortlandt Cunningham testified to this in front of the Warren Commission (3H487):And 17 men were involved in this test. Each man fired five shots from a .38 caliber revolver. Both the firing hand and the hand that was not involved in the firing were treated with paraffin casts, and then those casts treated with diphenylamine. A total of eight men showed negative or essentially negative results on both hands. A total of three men showed positive results on the idle hand, but negative on the firing hand. Two men showed positive results on their firing hand and negative results on their idle hands. And four men showed positive on both hands, after having fired only with their right hands.It is evident that false positives and false negatives occur with the revolvers. After the assassination the Warren Commission directed the FBI to run the same experiment using the C2766 rifle and ammunition which was identical to what was found in the Texas School Book Depository. Cunningham related the results of that experiment (3H494):

JFK Assassination Firearms Factoids -- The "Paraffin Test"
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The incredible 'wrongness' of the Warren Report...it is deeply flawed.

The Incredible Wrongness of the Warren Report The Official Inquiry into the Assassination of JFK Is Deeply Flawed By Donald E. Wilkes, Jr. There was never any substantial reason to congratulate the Warren Commission for its performance.—Murray Kempton In my article last week I explained why, based on information discovered or disclosed since the 1964 Warren Report, the Report’s principal conclusions—that there was no conspiracy behind the JFK assassination, and that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, shot and killed JFK—now stand discredited. I shall now explain why a reevaluation of the Report in light of the new information requires rejection of other key aspects of the Report.

The Incredible Wrongness of the Warren Report
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Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.
Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.
Those are not facts.

No evidence has ever been found connecting Oswald to the CIA.

The evidence shows he is the only one to fire the three shots.

He was no Patsy

The WC is supported by evidence which you cannot challenge.

There is no evidence of any collusion

Ruby was not mob connected and acted alone

Your assertions are not factual.

Provide some evidence to support them and do not lie and claim you already have.
Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.
One needs evidence to reach logical conclusions and you have no evidence.
The incredible 'wrongness' of the Warren Report...it is deeply flawed.

The Incredible Wrongness of the Warren Report The Official Inquiry into the Assassination of JFK Is Deeply Flawed By Donald E. Wilkes, Jr. There was never any substantial reason to congratulate the Warren Commission for its performance.—Murray Kempton In my article last week I explained why, based on information discovered or disclosed since the 1964 Warren Report, the Report’s principal conclusions—that there was no conspiracy behind the JFK assassination, and that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, shot and killed JFK—now stand discredited. I shall now explain why a reevaluation of the Report in light of the new information requires rejection of other key aspects of the Report.

The Incredible Wrongness of the Warren Report
Just opinion with no evidence
Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.

Anyone who has ever been in the military knows the difference between a gun and a rifle....you are trying to be disingenuous.

The ole sgt. hearing the recruit refer to his rifle as his gun.....would have the recruit hold his rifle in his right hand and his dick in his left hand and then have him hold up his rifle and say this is my rifle and then have him shake his dick and say this is my gun....and then hold up his rifle again and say this is for shooting....and then have him shake his dick and say this is for fun. over and over.

Irregardless..............., the FBI had conducted experiments showing the unreliability of paraffin tests. FBI expert Cortlandt Cunningham testified to this in front of the Warren Commission (3H487):And 17 men were involved in this test. Each man fired five shots from a .38 caliber revolver. Both the firing hand and the hand that was not involved in the firing were treated with paraffin casts, and then those casts treated with diphenylamine. A total of eight men showed negative or essentially negative results on both hands. A total of three men showed positive results on the idle hand, but negative on the firing hand. Two men showed positive results on their firing hand and negative results on their idle hands. And four men showed positive on both hands, after having fired only with their right hands.It is evident that false positives and false negatives occur with the revolvers. After the assassination the Warren Commission directed the FBI to run the same experiment using the C2766 rifle and ammunition which was identical to what was found in the Texas School Book Depository. Cunningham related the results of that experiment (3H494):

JFK Assassination Firearms Factoids -- The "Paraffin Test"
Paraffin tests were proven unreliable which means they prove nothing one way or the other
"The post-Watergate Church Committee documented CIA plots to kill Fidel Castro in great detail; its probe into the Kennedy assassination was more limited, as seen in the name of the slim volume "The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies." But this report was highly critical of both the CIA and FBI; Senator Schweiker told a TV audience that "the [Warren] report...has collapsed like a house of cards" and spoke of "senior intelligence officials who directed the cover-up."
The CIA and the JFK Assassination

Doesn't Schweiker know that there are several trolls here who swear by the Warren Commission the way a Southern Baptist preacher swears by every single word in the Holy Bible?
"The post-Watergate Church Committee documented CIA plots to kill Fidel Castro in great detail; its probe into the Kennedy assassination was more limited, as seen in the name of the slim volume "The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies." But this report was highly critical of both the CIA and FBI; Senator Schweiker told a TV audience that "the [Warren] report...has collapsed like a house of cards" and spoke of "senior intelligence officials who directed the cover-up."
The CIA and the JFK Assassination

Doesn't Schweiker know that there are several trolls here who swear by the Warren Commission the way a Southern Baptist preacher swears by every single word in the Holy Bible?
By trolls you mean people who started the thread and disagree with you.

You cannot tolerate disagreement based on evidence.

No one swears by anything we are asking for evidence which you never man up and provide.
Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.

Anyone who has ever been in the military knows the difference between a gun and a rifle....you are trying to be disingenuous.

The ole sgt. hearing the recruit refer to his rifle as his gun.....would have the recruit hold his rifle in his right hand and his dick in his left hand and then have him hold up his rifle and say this is my rifle and then have him shake his dick and say this is my gun....and then hold up his rifle again and say this is for shooting....and then have him shake his dick and say this is for fun. over and over.

Irregardless..............., the FBI had conducted experiments showing the unreliability of paraffin tests. FBI expert Cortlandt Cunningham testified to this in front of the Warren Commission (3H487):And 17 men were involved in this test. Each man fired five shots from a .38 caliber revolver. Both the firing hand and the hand that was not involved in the firing were treated with paraffin casts, and then those casts treated with diphenylamine. A total of eight men showed negative or essentially negative results on both hands. A total of three men showed positive results on the idle hand, but negative on the firing hand. Two men showed positive results on their firing hand and negative results on their idle hands. And four men showed positive on both hands, after having fired only with their right hands.It is evident that false positives and false negatives occur with the revolvers. After the assassination the Warren Commission directed the FBI to run the same experiment using the C2766 rifle and ammunition which was identical to what was found in the Texas School Book Depository. Cunningham related the results of that experiment (3H494):

JFK Assassination Firearms Factoids -- The "Paraffin Test"

Go back and read my post again and find where I used the word "gun". You're making up stuff because you can't address the facts in the post. And, while the paraffin test had reliability issues, the fact is that both of Oswald's hands tested positive for nitrates. If you'd read the post, you would know that. Thanks for showing you really have reading deficiencies.

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