Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.
Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.
Unlike you many of us have read the Warren commission report and many of the various conspiracy theory books.

This is what an intelligent person does

Less intelligent people like you and Dale and many others refuse to read both sides and live in an echo chamber.

You believe anything a conspiracy writer tells you like a sap.

You fall for lies which could easily be fact checked but you refuse to check

You have never read the Warren commission report.

This makes you the gullible sucker.
Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.
Unlike you many of us have read the Warren commission report and many of the various conspiracy theory books.

This is what an intelligent person does

Less intelligent people like you and Dale and many others refuse to read both sides and live in an echo chamber.

You believe anything a conspiracy writer tells you like a sap.

You fall for lies which could easily be fact checked but you refuse to check

You have never read the Warren commission report.

This makes you the gullible sucker.

I will not waste my time reading a phoney document designed to mislead the American People.
If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.
Unlike you many of us have read the Warren commission report and many of the various conspiracy theory books.

This is what an intelligent person does

Less intelligent people like you and Dale and many others refuse to read both sides and live in an echo chamber.

You believe anything a conspiracy writer tells you like a sap.

You fall for lies which could easily be fact checked but you refuse to check

You have never read the Warren commission report.

This makes you the gullible sucker.

I will not waste my time reading a phoney document designed to mislead the American People.
You just proved my point you have no idea what it says and you fall for every lie someone tells you.

For example I already explained how you naively fell for the magic bullet theory which was invented by conspiracy theorist and has been disproven.

You have no idea that it is phony when you stupidly refuse to read it and belieuve anything like a sap.

Ever notice how atheists often know more about the Bible than Christians? They do because they want to know about what they are disputing, they do not argue from ignorance as you do.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.
Unlike you many of us have read the Warren commission report and many of the various conspiracy theory books.

This is what an intelligent person does

Less intelligent people like you and Dale and many others refuse to read both sides and live in an echo chamber.

You believe anything a conspiracy writer tells you like a sap.

You fall for lies which could easily be fact checked but you refuse to check

You have never read the Warren commission report.

This makes you the gullible sucker.

I will not waste my time reading a phoney document designed to mislead the American People.
You just proved my point you have no idea what it says and you fall for every lie someone tells you.

For example I already explained how you naively fell for the magic bullet theory which was invented by conspiracy theorist and has been disproven.

You have no idea that it is phkny when you stupidly refuse to read it and believe anything like a sap.

You are one of the sheep easily led around by the nose.

And once again..................................

Scientific experts concur in the view that the paraffin test has proved extremely unreliable in use.
One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.
Unlike you many of us have read the Warren commission report and many of the various conspiracy theory books.

This is what an intelligent person does

Less intelligent people like you and Dale and many others refuse to read both sides and live in an echo chamber.

You believe anything a conspiracy writer tells you like a sap.

You fall for lies which could easily be fact checked but you refuse to check

You have never read the Warren commission report.

This makes you the gullible sucker.

I will not waste my time reading a phoney document designed to mislead the American People.
You just proved my point you have no idea what it says and you fall for every lie someone tells you.

For example I already explained how you naively fell for the magic bullet theory which was invented by conspiracy theorist and has been disproven.

You have no idea that it is phkny when you stupidly refuse to read it and believe anything like a sap.

You are one of the sheep easily led around by the nose.

And once again..................................

Scientific experts concur in the view that the paraffin test has proved extremely unreliable in use.
No I am not

You are far more gullible and naive

I read both sides of the issue and judge based on evisence you strictly read one side, ignore the other and judge based on emotion and ideology.

I know that paraffin tests are unreliable which is why they are not evidence exonerating or implicating oswald

They prove nothing one way or the other.
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.
Unlike you many of us have read the Warren commission report and many of the various conspiracy theory books.

This is what an intelligent person does

Less intelligent people like you and Dale and many others refuse to read both sides and live in an echo chamber.

You believe anything a conspiracy writer tells you like a sap.

You fall for lies which could easily be fact checked but you refuse to check

You have never read the Warren commission report.

This makes you the gullible sucker.

I will not waste my time reading a phoney document designed to mislead the American People.
You just proved my point you have no idea what it says and you fall for every lie someone tells you.

For example I already explained how you naively fell for the magic bullet theory which was invented by conspiracy theorist and has been disproven.

You have no idea that it is phkny when you stupidly refuse to read it and believe anything like a sap.

You are one of the sheep easily led around by the nose.

And once again..................................

Scientific experts concur in the view that the paraffin test has proved extremely unreliable in use.
No I am not

You are far more gullible and naive

I read both sides of the issue and judge based on evisence you strictly read one side, ignore the other and judge based on emotion and ideology.

I know that paraffin tests are unreliable which is why they are not evidence exonerating or implicating oswald

They prove nothing one way or the other.
You are a poor brainless dupe of a sheep. If you had a scintilla of smarts, you would know the WC is fanciful fiction designed to deceive dupes like you.
What are the odds that some screwball willing to sacrifice his life in order to kill the President just happens to work at a job site where the President will drive by at a very slow speed?....a job he was referred to? What are the odds of all that just naturally occurring?

not even to mention all the wide open windows in the school book depository....when even a person with the slightest knowledge of the things done by the secret service to protect a President knows that one of the major things they do is to make sure all such windows are closed.

Why is it the Warren commission wants you to believe that Oswald was so stupid he would kill a President from the same building he worked in?

How stupid would someone have to be to not understand the repercussions of doing that?.

Oswald may not have had a i.q. in the neighborhood of Einsteins but he certainly was smart enough to know how much trouble he would be in if he did such a thing.

Using mere common sense and a tad of logic....If Oswald was willing to kill the President from his worksite he would have had to be willing to sacrifice his life....and there is no evidence that he was suicidal.

If as some suggest he did it for the fame and glory etc. Why would he deny it in such a vehement and credible manner?

Someone that does something like that would want the credit for it....they would say something like....yes I did it and I am proud of doing it....or I did it for the American People, or I did it for the communist party...long live Marx...something along those lines......

Definitely not....' I am just a patsy'.

No one ....not even a retard, would want to go down in history as a 'patsy'....and that is the last thing someone with grandiose ideas of revolution and communism would ever say. Nothing heroic about being a patsy.

Then if you happen to believe all this unbelievable stuff.....stop......wait....it is not over.....

The Warren commission also wants you to believe another nut case just by happenstance----- happened to be on the scene...and that he was able to insert himself into the ideal spot to kill oswald...just out of sheer luck with no planning whatsoever...and it gets worse.....this man Ruby....not a paragon of virtues by any stretch of the imagination was the owner of a gyp joint....a strip club and thus steeped in worldly ways....no great believer in any cause or movement....would such a person just suddenly decide to committ murder and thus sacrafice his life because-- why? He was insane? How conveinient all that was for the Warren Commision -----as in two nutcases who they could place all the blame on....no one else...just a couple of crazy guys.

Not even hollywood would put some script like the above in a movie...Not even in some b movie script.
Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.

News Flash: While there is a lot written, there's been NOTHING proven except the official version. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to provide proof of what you post. Since you can't provide proof, you can't be taken seriously.

Insults and name calling cannot and will not be substituted for a substantial argument supported by facts. Everyone can look back and see how poorly you've done.
If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.
Unlike you many of us have read the Warren commission report and many of the various conspiracy theory books.

This is what an intelligent person does

Less intelligent people like you and Dale and many others refuse to read both sides and live in an echo chamber.

You believe anything a conspiracy writer tells you like a sap.

You fall for lies which could easily be fact checked but you refuse to check

You have never read the Warren commission report.

This makes you the gullible sucker.

I will not waste my time reading a phoney document designed to mislead the American People.
If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.
Unlike you many of us have read the Warren commission report and many of the various conspiracy theory books.

This is what an intelligent person does

Less intelligent people like you and Dale and many others refuse to read both sides and live in an echo chamber.

You believe anything a conspiracy writer tells you like a sap.

You fall for lies which could easily be fact checked but you refuse to check

You have never read the Warren commission report.

This makes you the gullible sucker.

I will not waste my time reading a phoney document designed to mislead the American People.

ROTFLMAO! You read and embrace every weird conspiracy theory that is created, but you draw the line at the document that is written with scientific support and proof supplied for every point it presents? That's hilarious.
Unlike you many of us have read the Warren commission report and many of the various conspiracy theory books.

This is what an intelligent person does

Less intelligent people like you and Dale and many others refuse to read both sides and live in an echo chamber.

You believe anything a conspiracy writer tells you like a sap.

You fall for lies which could easily be fact checked but you refuse to check

You have never read the Warren commission report.

This makes you the gullible sucker.

I will not waste my time reading a phoney document designed to mislead the American People.
You just proved my point you have no idea what it says and you fall for every lie someone tells you.

For example I already explained how you naively fell for the magic bullet theory which was invented by conspiracy theorist and has been disproven.

You have no idea that it is phkny when you stupidly refuse to read it and believe anything like a sap.

You are one of the sheep easily led around by the nose.

And once again..................................

Scientific experts concur in the view that the paraffin test has proved extremely unreliable in use.
No I am not

You are far more gullible and naive

I read both sides of the issue and judge based on evisence you strictly read one side, ignore the other and judge based on emotion and ideology.

I know that paraffin tests are unreliable which is why they are not evidence exonerating or implicating oswald

They prove nothing one way or the other.
You are a poor brainless dupe of a sheep. If you had a scintilla of smarts, you would know the WC is fanciful fiction designed to deceive dupes like you.

Blah, blah, blah, no proof, just blather.
Here are the FACTS:

1. Oswald was a CIA asset.
2. Oswald never fired a shot that day.
3. Oswald was the Patsy.
4. The WC was made up bull shit by the government, to protect and conceal the perpetrators.
5. The Mob and Deep State colluded to perform the hit.
6. Ruby was the Mob’s point man for the entire operation. He had to murder Oswald, when the cops failed to kill him in the movie house.

Simple truths.

If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.

News Flash: While there is a lot written, there's been NOTHING proven except the official version. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to provide proof of what you post. Since you can't provide proof, you can't be taken seriously.

Insults and name calling cannot and will not be substituted for a substantial argument supported by facts. Everyone can look back and see how poorly you've done.

anyone who would believe the Warren Commision report is so gullible they should never call for proof.

Yes, the CIA Director Was Part of the JFK Assassination Cover-Up
I will not waste my time reading a phoney document designed to mislead the American People.
You just proved my point you have no idea what it says and you fall for every lie someone tells you.

For example I already explained how you naively fell for the magic bullet theory which was invented by conspiracy theorist and has been disproven.

You have no idea that it is phkny when you stupidly refuse to read it and believe anything like a sap.

You are one of the sheep easily led around by the nose.

And once again..................................

Scientific experts concur in the view that the paraffin test has proved extremely unreliable in use.
No I am not

You are far more gullible and naive

I read both sides of the issue and judge based on evisence you strictly read one side, ignore the other and judge based on emotion and ideology.

I know that paraffin tests are unreliable which is why they are not evidence exonerating or implicating oswald

They prove nothing one way or the other.
You are a poor brainless dupe of a sheep. If you had a scintilla of smarts, you would know the WC is fanciful fiction designed to deceive dupes like you.

Blah, blah, blah, no proof, just blather.
Yep. Keep believing.
If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.

News Flash: While there is a lot written, there's been NOTHING proven except the official version. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to provide proof of what you post. Since you can't provide proof, you can't be taken seriously.

Insults and name calling cannot and will not be substituted for a substantial argument supported by facts. Everyone can look back and see how poorly you've done.

anyone who would believe the Warren Commision report is so gullible they should never call for proof.

Still nothing of substance. Just blather. It ought to be SO easy to persuade me since I'm "gullible", but you can't because you have no proof of anything you believe.
If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.

News Flash: While there is a lot written, there's been NOTHING proven except the official version. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to provide proof of what you post. Since you can't provide proof, you can't be taken seriously.

Insults and name calling cannot and will not be substituted for a substantial argument supported by facts. Everyone can look back and see how poorly you've done.

anyone who would believe the Warren Commision report is so gullible they should never call for proof.

Yes, the CIA Director Was Part of the JFK Assassination Cover-Up
Damn that is so right.

Can’t fix stupid.
You just proved my point you have no idea what it says and you fall for every lie someone tells you.

For example I already explained how you naively fell for the magic bullet theory which was invented by conspiracy theorist and has been disproven.

You have no idea that it is phkny when you stupidly refuse to read it and believe anything like a sap.

You are one of the sheep easily led around by the nose.

And once again..................................

Scientific experts concur in the view that the paraffin test has proved extremely unreliable in use.
No I am not

You are far more gullible and naive

I read both sides of the issue and judge based on evisence you strictly read one side, ignore the other and judge based on emotion and ideology.

I know that paraffin tests are unreliable which is why they are not evidence exonerating or implicating oswald

They prove nothing one way or the other.
You are a poor brainless dupe of a sheep. If you had a scintilla of smarts, you would know the WC is fanciful fiction designed to deceive dupes like you.

Blah, blah, blah, no proof, just blather.
Yep. Keep believing.

Until you can prove otherwise, I will. Thanks for your permission. LMAO!
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.

News Flash: While there is a lot written, there's been NOTHING proven except the official version. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to provide proof of what you post. Since you can't provide proof, you can't be taken seriously.

Insults and name calling cannot and will not be substituted for a substantial argument supported by facts. Everyone can look back and see how poorly you've done.

anyone who would believe the Warren Commision report is so gullible they should never call for proof.

Still nothing of substance. Just blather. It ought to be SO easy to persuade me since I'm "gullible", but you can't because you have no proof of anything you believe.
The evidence is so overwhelming, that your pea brain can’t accept it.
If those are facts, you should be able to prove them.

I have proven that Oswald did fire a shot that day. The paraffin test he took proved it.

"During the course of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald following the assassination a paraffin test was performed by the Dallas police on both of his hands and his right cheek. The paraffin cast of Oswald's hands reacted positively to the test."
Appendix 10

"Oswald was the Patsy." is an opinion, not a fact. In fact, your last 4 "facts" are merely opinions. Perhaps you'd better learn the definition of a fact, so you stop using that word incorrectly. A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true.
One does have to have the abily to think logically and put the totality of the event in focus. You have proven you do not have these abilities.

So sorry.

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.

News Flash: While there is a lot written, there's been NOTHING proven except the official version. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to provide proof of what you post. Since you can't provide proof, you can't be taken seriously.

Insults and name calling cannot and will not be substituted for a substantial argument supported by facts. Everyone can look back and see how poorly you've done.

anyone who would believe the Warren Commision report is so gullible they should never call for proof.

Yes, the CIA Director Was Part of the JFK Assassination Cover-Up

Nice article. But, I don't see copies of the memos that the person claimed were written. I'm willing to believe the CIA didn't cooperate, but would need to see proof of what's claimed in the article.
Unlike you many of us have read the Warren commission report and many of the various conspiracy theory books.

This is what an intelligent person does

Less intelligent people like you and Dale and many others refuse to read both sides and live in an echo chamber.

You believe anything a conspiracy writer tells you like a sap.

You fall for lies which could easily be fact checked but you refuse to check

You have never read the Warren commission report.

This makes you the gullible sucker.

I will not waste my time reading a phoney document designed to mislead the American People.
You just proved my point you have no idea what it says and you fall for every lie someone tells you.

For example I already explained how you naively fell for the magic bullet theory which was invented by conspiracy theorist and has been disproven.

You have no idea that it is phkny when you stupidly refuse to read it and believe anything like a sap.

You are one of the sheep easily led around by the nose.

And once again..................................

Scientific experts concur in the view that the paraffin test has proved extremely unreliable in use.
No I am not

You are far more gullible and naive

I read both sides of the issue and judge based on evisence you strictly read one side, ignore the other and judge based on emotion and ideology.

I know that paraffin tests are unreliable which is why they are not evidence exonerating or implicating oswald

They prove nothing one way or the other.
You are a poor brainless dupe of a sheep. If you had a scintilla of smarts, you would know the WC is fanciful fiction designed to deceive dupes like you.
You would not know and are speaking in ignorance.

You have never read it, you cannot quote it, you have no idea what it says and it is a mystery to you

It is the conspiracy theories which are designed to deceive dupes and fools and you fell for them

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