Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

How the CIA came to doubt the Warren Commission report.

How the CIA Came to Doubt the Official Story of JFK’s Murder

From YOUR link:

"None of the files released last week undermines the Warren Commission’s finding that Oswald killed Kennedy with shots fired from his perch on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas’ Dealey Plaza—a conclusion supported by 21st century forensic analysis—and that there was no credible evidence of a second gunman."

Keep searching.
/----/ Did they have gun residue tests on skin and clothing back in 1963? I know he did shoot Officer Tippet, but that was with a handgun. Just wondering if it was available and if it was done.
Three separate tests on Oswald while in police custody came up negative as far as firing a rifle was concerned.
He may have fired a handgun at some point but proof of that was inconclusive. Oswald's Rifle and Paraffin Tests : The JFK Assassination

So the idea that Oswald was up there with his junk rifle firing away at the president is definitely disproved. Just another Warren Report lie but an important one.
The gun itself was a cheap thirty year old weapon that could not be sighted properly or even fired. "The firing pin of the sixth-floor carbine was worn and there was rust on it and its spring. In fact, before their firing tests with the carbine, the master riflemen who performed the tests did not even pull the trigger, out of fear that they might break the firing pin."
An Objective Review of the Evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Patsy - The Constantine Report
I suggest reading the link. It is excellent.

Conspiracy theory vomit.

Testimony from Robert A. Frazier from the FBI.

"Mr. McCLOY - When you examined the rifle the first time, you said that it showed signs of some corrosion and wear?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. McCLOY - Was it what you would call pitted, were the lands in good shape?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; the lands and the grooves were worn, the corners were worn, and the interior of the surface was roughened from corrosion or wear.
Mr. McCLOY - Was there metal fouling in the barrel?
Mr. FRAZIER - I did not examine it for that.
Mr. McCLOY - Could you say roughly how many rounds you think had been fired since it left the factory, with the condition of the barrel as you found it?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I could not, because the number of rounds is not an indication of the condition of the barrel, since if a barrel is allowed to rust, one round will remove that rust and wear the barrel to the same extent as 10 or 15 or 50 rounds just fired through a clean barrel.
Mr. McCLOY - Thank you."

This is the testimony that got everyone excited, and that has been used to "prove" the interior of C2766's barrel was rusted on 22/11/63 and that a bullet could not have passed through it on that day.

However, a careful examination of Frazier's testimony, and the consideration of the following points, will show clearly that Frazier said no such thing.

1. A worn and corroded barrel is not necessarily a rusty barrel. I have seen severely corroded and worn barrel interiors that are as shiny as the day the rifle was made, simply because someone has taken the time to clean the barrel.

2. As Frazier correctly points out, it is impossible to look at the interior of a barrel and determine if worn riflings are from wear due to a great number of shots fired through that barrel, or corrosion from improper storage and lack of cleaning and oiling.

Testimony Of Robert A. Frazier
/----/ Oswald was a marksman in the Marine corps. Claiming he'd fire a rifle filled with corrosion rather than cleaning thoroughly is not plausible.
Jack Ruby said if they would get him out of Texas he would tell the truth....but of course they would not do that.....could it be they did not want to hear the truth?

Jack Ruby.....said.......

'Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives. The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world.'

Jack Ruby also said....

'When I mentioned about Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice president there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy'

Is he saying LBJ was the key to the assassination?

Read more at When I mentioned about Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice... at QuoteTab

Read more at Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to... at QuoteTab
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If only JFK was wearing his tin foil hat.....<Sigh>
Why not loan him yours, loser?

Oh, that's right....because a team of assassins blew his brains out long ago and the LBJ led government began a long and still functioning cover up of the coup d'etat.

I like you better when you shut the eff up instead of trolling your own thread you based on lies.
It was one guy not a team as the evidence proves.

He started the thread you moron which makes you the troll
Is there a lawyer in the house?

Can a federal commission legally convict someone of murder who is dead and thus unable to defend himself?
Is there a lawyer in the house?

Can a federal commission legally convict someone of murder who is dead and thus unable to defend himself?
No one ever said they convicted him they simply proved that he did it with evidence which you ignore and have never been able to challenge with evidence
Jack Ruby said if they would get him out of Texas he would tell the truth....but of course they would not do that.....could it be they did not want to hear the truth?

Jack Ruby.....said.......

'Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives. The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world.'

Jack Ruby also said....

'When I mentioned about Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice president there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy'

Is he saying LBJ was the key to the assassination?

Read more at When I mentioned about Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice... at QuoteTab

Read more at Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to... at QuoteTab
He was babbling during his trial

After he was convicted he dropped the B's and steadfastly maintained he acted alone until he died.
/----/ Did they have gun residue tests on skin and clothing back in 1963? I know he did shoot Officer Tippet, but that was with a handgun. Just wondering if it was available and if it was done.
Three separate tests on Oswald while in police custody came up negative as far as firing a rifle was concerned.
He may have fired a handgun at some point but proof of that was inconclusive. Oswald's Rifle and Paraffin Tests : The JFK Assassination

So the idea that Oswald was up there with his junk rifle firing away at the president is definitely disproved. Just another Warren Report lie but an important one.
The gun itself was a cheap thirty year old weapon that could not be sighted properly or even fired. "The firing pin of the sixth-floor carbine was worn and there was rust on it and its spring. In fact, before their firing tests with the carbine, the master riflemen who performed the tests did not even pull the trigger, out of fear that they might break the firing pin."
An Objective Review of the Evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Patsy - The Constantine Report
I suggest reading the link. It is excellent.

Conspiracy theory vomit.

Testimony from Robert A. Frazier from the FBI.

"Mr. McCLOY - When you examined the rifle the first time, you said that it showed signs of some corrosion and wear?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. McCLOY - Was it what you would call pitted, were the lands in good shape?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; the lands and the grooves were worn, the corners were worn, and the interior of the surface was roughened from corrosion or wear.
Mr. McCLOY - Was there metal fouling in the barrel?
Mr. FRAZIER - I did not examine it for that.
Mr. McCLOY - Could you say roughly how many rounds you think had been fired since it left the factory, with the condition of the barrel as you found it?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I could not, because the number of rounds is not an indication of the condition of the barrel, since if a barrel is allowed to rust, one round will remove that rust and wear the barrel to the same extent as 10 or 15 or 50 rounds just fired through a clean barrel.
Mr. McCLOY - Thank you."

This is the testimony that got everyone excited, and that has been used to "prove" the interior of C2766's barrel was rusted on 22/11/63 and that a bullet could not have passed through it on that day.

However, a careful examination of Frazier's testimony, and the consideration of the following points, will show clearly that Frazier said no such thing.

1. A worn and corroded barrel is not necessarily a rusty barrel. I have seen severely corroded and worn barrel interiors that are as shiny as the day the rifle was made, simply because someone has taken the time to clean the barrel.

2. As Frazier correctly points out, it is impossible to look at the interior of a barrel and determine if worn riflings are from wear due to a great number of shots fired through that barrel, or corrosion from improper storage and lack of cleaning and oiling.

Testimony Of Robert A. Frazier
/----/ Oswald was a marksman in the Marine corps. Claiming he'd fire a rifle filled with corrosion rather than cleaning thoroughly is not plausible.
View attachment 242848
Maybe maybe not but as Frazier clearly states it was just as likely due to long use than lack of cleaning

Oswald stored it in a blanket in a garage which Is not ideal and can lead to rust.

Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.

Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
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Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

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