Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

He was a Communist who defected to the USSR, then returned.
He said he was a communist. It's doubtful the Navy would assign Oswald to a high security post like Atsugi Japan where the US ran their ultra secret U-2 spy plane program knowing he was a Marxist communist.
More details for the Warren Commission to somehow account for. They did not explain this incongruity, of course.
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

So who did Oswald explain all this too? aaaYour fairy godmother?
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.

Marina Oswald's father was an important part of the Soviet ... the rank of lieutenant-colonel or colonel in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD).

Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy


HE was a minor official in the local police in Minsk
He was a Communist who defected to the USSR, then returned.
He said he was a communist. It's doubtful the Navy would assign Oswald to a high security post like Atsugi Japan where the US ran their ultra secret U-2 spy plane program knowing he was a Marxist communist.
More details for the Warren Commission to somehow account for. They did not explain this incongruity, of course.
Atsugi in general was not a high security post only a small compound which the CIA controlled was high security.

The rest of the massive air base was run of the mill and staffed by thousands of average sailors soldiers airmen and marines.

No incongruity
So who did Oswald explain all this too? aaaYour fairy godmother?
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it
The WC is nothing but a total fabrication. Almost nothing in it is true. How can you be so dumb as to accept it as truth?
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it
The WC is nothing but a total fabrication. Almost nothing in it is true. How can you be so dumb as to accept it as truth?

You would not know as you have no clue what it says and have never read it

Cite one specific passage which is fabricated and provide evidence
Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
Like everything else with the Warren Commission narrative of the JFK killing there is great doubt that Lee Oswald ever bought that Manlicher-Carcano rifle and that their story is true. Guns
I suggest you check out the link.
There is no doubt at all he bought it

You have never challenged the WC in any way

The rifle was ordered by mail order by a Mr. Hillel....or it could have been anyone using any name.....if someone wanted to frame Oswald the first they would need would be some kind of evidence that he had bought the rifle....but that evidence could have been easily manufactured.

Or someone could have told him to order the rifle...and then taken it from him.

One must understand that if Oswald was not the triggerman then someone went to a lot of trouble to set him up as the fall guy. It was a sophisticated operation and who would be capable of such planning?

To believe Oswald was the triggerman....then he would either have had to be suicidal or very stupid....no evience of him being in either category.

All his actions after the killing appear to be those of a very frightened person who understood all too well at this point he had been set up and hung out to dry.....the perfect patsy.

No money, nowhere to go....and if he had been the shooter why didnt he have his pistol with him? Why would he have to go back home to get his pistol? This from a fellow who allegedly had a very intelligent plan to shoot Gen. Walker....??? No plan? or just a patsy?
I love when my girl talks about the/her grassy knoll. I try to solve that conspiracy all the time, can't stop. I dive into it, searching for the real answers.
He was a Communist who defected to the USSR, then returned.
He said he was a communist. It's doubtful the Navy would assign Oswald to a high security post like Atsugi Japan where the US ran their ultra secret U-2 spy plane program knowing he was a Marxist communist.
More details for the Warren Commission to somehow account for. They did not explain this incongruity, of course.
Yes just one tidbit of evidence that calls into question the conclusions of the WC. Add the thousands of additional items of evidence that blow up the WC, and it is easy to conclude it was a total farce.
Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
Like everything else with the Warren Commission narrative of the JFK killing there is great doubt that Lee Oswald ever bought that Manlicher-Carcano rifle and that their story is true. Guns
I suggest you check out the link.
There is no doubt at all he bought it

You have never challenged the WC in any way

The rifle was ordered by mail order by a Mr. Hillel....or it could have been anyone using any name.....if someone wanted to frame Oswald the first they would need would be some kind of evidence that he had bought the rifle....but that evidence could have been easily manufactured.

Or someone could have told him to order the rifle...and then taken it from him.

One must understand that if Oswald was not the triggerman then someone went to a lot of trouble to set him up as the fall guy. It was a sophisticated operation and who would be capable of such planning?

To believe Oswald was the triggerman....then he would either have had to be suicidal or very stupid....no evience of him being in either category.

All his actions after the killing appear to be those of a very frightened person who understood all too well at this point he had been set up and hung out to dry.....the perfect patsy.

No money, nowhere to go....and if he had been the shooter why didnt he have his pistol with him? Why would he have to go back home to get his pistol? This from a fellow who allegedly had a very intelligent plan to shoot Gen. Walker....??? No plan? or just a patsy?
Who was capable of such planning? The CIA.
So who did Oswald explain all this too? aaaYour fairy godmother?
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
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The rifle was ordered by mail order by a Mr. Hillel....or it could have been anyone using any name.....if someone wanted to frame Oswald the first they would need would be some kind of evidence that he had bought the rifle....but that evidence could have been easily manufactured.

Or someone could have told him to order the rifle...and then taken it from him.

One must understand that if Oswald was not the triggerman then someone went to a lot of trouble to set him up as the fall guy. It was a sophisticated operation and who would be capable of such planning?

To believe Oswald was the triggerman....then he would either have had to be suicidal or very stupid....no evience of him being in either category.

All his actions after the killing appear to be those of a very frightened person who understood all too well at this point he had been set up and hung out to dry.....the perfect patsy.

No money, nowhere to go....and if he had been the shooter why didnt he have his pistol with him? Why would he have to go back home to get his pistol? This from a fellow who allegedly had a very intelligent plan to shoot Gen. Walker....??? No plan? or just a patsy?
Alex Hidel was an alias used by Lee Oswald (it would make a good forum i.d.). But the problem is the US Post Office does
not deliver packages to P.O. boxes for people other than the name under which the box is rented, Lee Harvey Oswald.
Also at the time Oswald was allegedly filling out a money order for the rifle he was supposedly working at the TSBD.
So where was he? At work or at the post office?

Also why would Oswald buy a carbine rifle, a weapon with a relatively short barrel and notoriously unreliable at longer distances, when a rifle, like the Mauser 7.65 found in the shooter's nest when Dallas police first got there, would have been much better at firing down from the sixth floor of his workplace on a limousine that was moving away from him?

Doesn't make sense does it?
Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
Like everything else with the Warren Commission narrative of the JFK killing there is great doubt that Lee Oswald ever bought that Manlicher-Carcano rifle and that their story is true. Guns
I suggest you check out the link.
There is no doubt at all he bought it

You have never challenged the WC in any way

The rifle was ordered by mail order by a Mr. Hillel....or it could have been anyone using any name.....if someone wanted to frame Oswald the first they would need would be some kind of evidence that he had bought the rifle....but that evidence could have been easily manufactured.

Or someone could have told him to order the rifle...and then taken it from him.

One must understand that if Oswald was not the triggerman then someone went to a lot of trouble to set him up as the fall guy. It was a sophisticated operation and who would be capable of such planning?

To believe Oswald was the triggerman....then he would either have had to be suicidal or very stupid....no evidence of him being in either category.

All his actions after the killing appear to be those of a very frightened person who understood all too well at this point he had been set up and hung out to dry.....the perfect patsy.

No money, nowhere to go....and if he had been the shooter why didnt he have his pistol with him? Why would he have to go back home to get his pistol? This from a fellow who allegedly had a very intelligent plan to shoot Gen. Walker....??? No plan? or just a patsy?

When Oswald was arrested he had the fake ID of Hillel. His wife and others knew he had the rifle he was routinely seen tinkering with it and took it shooting and was photographed with it by his wife. There is no doubt he bought it.

This evidence stretches back months before the assassination and no it could not be easily manufactured that far back. He also bought his pistol from the same source and had it on him when he was arrested and of course you ignore his prints on the rifle.

We have already been over one of your false claims. He was not a smart man and in fact was something of a fool.

He Was FRIGHTENED immediately after the shooting but not in such a way to suggest he was being framed. He was frightened because he one he had committed a serious crime and every cop in the nation would be after him. We have massive evidence he committed the crime but none that anyone else was involved and his actions were consistent with this.

HE did not have the pistol because he stored the weapon in separate places which makes sense. A rifle would probably not have been welcome in the boarding house and he would have had no where to hide it there. However hiding it in Ruth Payne's garage was plausible and marina knew he kept it there which is where she was staying. On the other hand a pistol is very easy to hide in a boarding house. As we have already shown he began planning the assassination on the day BEFORE it happened while he was at work. So he had a choice. Go back to the boarding house and retrieve the pistol which he cannot use to shoot at the president effectively OR go to Ruth Payne's and retrieve the rifle which he can use to effectively shoot the president. It was not plausible to do both and he needed the rifle more.

HE had little money on his person because he left most of the money he had with his wife along with his wedding ring which he was never known to have removed. This and other changes in his behavior indicates a certain fatalism. Which makes sense. He was fairly stupid but not entirely dumb and was smart enough to know it was a likely suicidal course he was setting out on. He knew there would be no coming back. Which does not preclude seizing on an opportunity to run away if it presented itself which it briefly did

Under those circumstances he needed no plan and had no time to form one like he did with walker. Walker was a target which lived in the same town and was stationary in his home. JFK was passing through and this would probably be the only time Oswald would have such an opportunity. Which means to hell with the plan just do the best he could to take the shot.

Once again all of this is laid out and explained in detail in the WC and supported by evidence. But of course you prefer an echo chamber and only pay attention to conspiracy theorists who con you and you naively fall for whatever they say
The rifle was ordered by mail order by a Mr. Hillel....or it could have been anyone using any name.....if someone wanted to frame Oswald the first they would need would be some kind of evidence that he had bought the rifle....but that evidence could have been easily manufactured.

Or someone could have told him to order the rifle...and then taken it from him.

One must understand that if Oswald was not the triggerman then someone went to a lot of trouble to set him up as the fall guy. It was a sophisticated operation and who would be capable of such planning?

To believe Oswald was the triggerman....then he would either have had to be suicidal or very stupid....no evience of him being in either category.

All his actions after the killing appear to be those of a very frightened person who understood all too well at this point he had been set up and hung out to dry.....the perfect patsy.

No money, nowhere to go....and if he had been the shooter why didnt he have his pistol with him? Why would he have to go back home to get his pistol? This from a fellow who allegedly had a very intelligent plan to shoot Gen. Walker....??? No plan? or just a patsy?
Alex Hidel was an alias used by Lee Oswald (it would make a good forum i.d.). But the problem is the US Post Office does
not deliver packages to P.O. boxes for people other than the name under which the box is rented, Lee Harvey Oswald.
Also at the time Oswald was allegedly filling out a money order for the rifle he was supposedly working at the TSBD.
So where was he? At work or at the post office?

Also why would Oswald buy a carbine rifle, a weapon with a relatively short barrel and notoriously unreliable at longer distances, when a rifle, like the Mauser 7.65 found in the shooter's nest when Dallas police first got there, would have been much better at firing down from the sixth floor of his workplace on a limousine that was moving away from him?

Doesn't make sense does it?

He was not working at the TSBD when he bought the rifle you idiot he was not even living in texas.

He bought it months before hand while living in Louisiana and did have a PO box in Hillel's name

A mauser was not found in the TSBD His carcano was and the officers who found it merely misidentified it.

He bought it through the mail because he was a low income loser who could not afford a decent rifle and had no car to drive around shoping for one
He was a Communist who defected to the USSR, then returned.
He said he was a communist. It's doubtful the Navy would assign Oswald to a high security post like Atsugi Japan where the US ran their ultra secret U-2 spy plane program knowing he was a Marxist communist.
More details for the Warren Commission to somehow account for. They did not explain this incongruity, of course.
Yes just one tidbit of evidence that calls into question the conclusions of the WC. Add the thousands of additional items of evidence that blow up the WC, and it is easy to conclude it was a total farce.
It is not information it is willful ignorance.
Atsugi was not a highly secure base it was a run of the mill military airport where tens of thousands were stationed and passed in and out.

CIte a specific passage which is a lie and provide evidence
Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
According to the Warren Commission Oswald killed the president because he had low self esteem and killing the most powerful man in the world would let everyone know how important he really was.
Why would such a man try to run off and hide himself? How do gain attention that way?
And why would you "strenuously deny" you had shot the president and call yourself a "patsy" when reporters had a moment to speak with you and get your reaction to your arrest?

Does this make any sense? No. Of course not.
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?

Asked and answered.

He had a once in a lifetime opportunity to shoot at the president and could smuggle his rifle in. The president was driving right by the building and a warehouse is a perfect place to construct a snipers nest.( unlike the knoll which would be an awful spot to shoot from ).

In other words this expression may confuse you but it was a crime of OPPORTUNITY.

His motive was a deranged sense of his own historical importance combined with an idiotic desire to start a revolution.

HE left the rifle because he knew the police would seal the building off very fast and be looking for ANYONE with a bag big enough to conceal a rifle.

I never said he was suicidal I said he behaved in a way consistent with knowing his crime would be suicidal

HE did not have an escape plan because he knew it was next to impossible to escape and committing the crime was more important than getting away and he only had one day to plan
Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
According to the Warren Commission Oswald killed the president because he had low self esteem and killing the most powerful man in the world would let everyone know how important he really was.
Why would such a man try to run off and hide himself? How do gain attention that way?
And why would you "strenuously deny" you had shot the president and call yourself a "patsy" when reporters had a moment to speak with you and get your reaction to your arrest?

Does this make any sense? No. Of course not.
The Warren Commission never claimed he killed kennedy because of low self esteem you idiot

This is what happens when you post in ignorance you are forced to dream crap up because you do not know what they said
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
Yes I do have such ability in greater measure than you

You have no clue what the hell you are talking about and all you do is repeat crap you have heard in a knee jerk manner while ignoring the details

Here is a hint for you dumbass.

You cannot analyze when you only have partial information and willfully ignore the rest

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