Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

One does have to have the ability to read and then PROVE what he/she claims. You have repeatedly shown you don't know what a fact is nor do you have the ability to prove anything you post. EVERYONE who can read sees this. You should delete this account as you have ruined it..
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.

News Flash: While there is a lot written, there's been NOTHING proven except the official version. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to provide proof of what you post. Since you can't provide proof, you can't be taken seriously.

Insults and name calling cannot and will not be substituted for a substantial argument supported by facts. Everyone can look back and see how poorly you've done.

anyone who would believe the Warren Commision report is so gullible they should never call for proof.

Still nothing of substance. Just blather. It ought to be SO easy to persuade me since I'm "gullible", but you can't because you have no proof of anything you believe.

The burden of proof was and is on the state. What proof do you have that Oswald shot anyone?

You have no motive, you have no one that saw him shoot anyone.

You have the intelligence community in essence investigating itself and controlling the Warren Commission....whose mission was to convince the public that a lone nut killed the President....whilst also claiming that Jack Ruby was another nut case who killed oswald ...can anyone really be blamed for refusing to believe this less than b movie material?

The state supplied massive evidence and met that burden.

You have the burden of using evidence to dispute them and you have yet to do so.

Yes we do have motive and a pattern of attempted murder.

The intelligence community was in no way investigating itself and in no way controlled the commission.

The WC was never attempting to prove Oswald guilty they simply ended up doing so
Their documented written mandate was to find the truth and nothing more.
Apparently you have read only the WC Report.

News Flash: There is much more written about the assassination. However as a statist, you only accept what the criminals in the government tell you. You would have done well in communist East Germany.

News Flash: While there is a lot written, there's been NOTHING proven except the official version. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to provide proof of what you post. Since you can't provide proof, you can't be taken seriously.

Insults and name calling cannot and will not be substituted for a substantial argument supported by facts. Everyone can look back and see how poorly you've done.

anyone who would believe the Warren Commision report is so gullible they should never call for proof.

Still nothing of substance. Just blather. It ought to be SO easy to persuade me since I'm "gullible", but you can't because you have no proof of anything you believe.

The burden of proof was and is on the state. What proof do you have that Oswald shot anyone?

You have no motive, you have no one that saw him shoot anyone.

You have the intelligence community in essence investigating itself and controlling the Warren Commission....whose mission was to convince the public that a lone nut killed the President....whilst also claiming that Jack Ruby was another nut case who killed oswald ...can anyone really be blamed for refusing to believe this less than b movie material?

The state supplied massive evidence and met that burden.

You have the burden of using evidence to dispute them and you have yet to do so.

Yes we do have motive and a pattern of attempted murder.

The intelligence community was in no way investigating itself and in no way controlled the commission.

The WC was never attempting to prove Oswald guilty they simply ended up doing so
Their documented written mandate was to find the truth and nothing more.

Hey....boyo.....I got a bridge I would like to talk to you about.....ya know the one over in brooklyn. hehheh

The bullet was matched to his rifle.

Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

So who did Oswald explain all this too? Your fairy godmother?

The bullet was matched to his rifle.

Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

Well....certainly sounds plausible and a intelligent way to do it....yet you want to claim he was so stupid ....he would shoot the President from his work area and have no escape plan at all??? Makes no sense.
News Flash: While there is a lot written, there's been NOTHING proven except the official version. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to provide proof of what you post. Since you can't provide proof, you can't be taken seriously.

Insults and name calling cannot and will not be substituted for a substantial argument supported by facts. Everyone can look back and see how poorly you've done.

anyone who would believe the Warren Commision report is so gullible they should never call for proof.

Still nothing of substance. Just blather. It ought to be SO easy to persuade me since I'm "gullible", but you can't because you have no proof of anything you believe.

The burden of proof was and is on the state. What proof do you have that Oswald shot anyone?

You have no motive, you have no one that saw him shoot anyone.

You have the intelligence community in essence investigating itself and controlling the Warren Commission....whose mission was to convince the public that a lone nut killed the President....whilst also claiming that Jack Ruby was another nut case who killed oswald ...can anyone really be blamed for refusing to believe this less than b movie material?

The state supplied massive evidence and met that burden.

You have the burden of using evidence to dispute them and you have yet to do so.

Yes we do have motive and a pattern of attempted murder.

The intelligence community was in no way investigating itself and in no way controlled the commission.

The WC was never attempting to prove Oswald guilty they simply ended up doing so
Their documented written mandate was to find the truth and nothing more.

Hey....boyo.....I got a bridge I would like to talk to you about.....ya know the one over in brooklyn. hehheh
So do you have any idea where that came from ?

It came from private con artists which is exactly what conspiracy theorists are

In other words you are the one being suckered.

You have no earthly clue what the Warren commission report says

Therefore you only follow blindly anyone who tells you anything making you the gullible one.

You cannot accurately claim to be in the know or informed when you refuse to check what you are attacking.

Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

So who did Oswald explain all this too? Your fairy godmother?
His wife marina

Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

Well....certainly sounds plausible and a intelligent way to do it....yet you want to claim he was so stupid ....he would shoot the President from his work area and have no escape plan at all??? Makes no sense.

He did not have nealy as much time to plan Kennedy's assassination he only had one day

The target ( Kennedy ) was a huge once in a lifetime opportunity and he was prepared to give up his life for the chance

Under those circumstances he needed no escape plan
Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

Well....certainly sounds plausible and a intelligent way to do it....yet you want to claim he was so stupid ....he would shoot the President from his work area and have no escape plan at all??? Makes no sense.

He did not have nealy as much time to plan Kennedy's assassination he only had one day

The target ( Kennedy ) was a huge once in a lifetime opportunity and he was prepared to give up his life for the chance

Under those circumstances he needed no escape plan
...and you believe the Russians stole the election for Donnie.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

Well....certainly sounds plausible and a intelligent way to do it....yet you want to claim he was so stupid ....he would shoot the President from his work area and have no escape plan at all??? Makes no sense.

He did not have nealy as much time to plan Kennedy's assassination he only had one day

The target ( Kennedy ) was a huge once in a lifetime opportunity and he was prepared to give up his life for the chance

Under those circumstances he needed no escape plan
...and you believe the Russians stole the election for Donnie.

Actually no

I dont
Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

Well....certainly sounds plausible and a intelligent way to do it....yet you want to claim he was so stupid ....he would shoot the President from his work area and have no escape plan at all??? Makes no sense.

He did not have nealy as much time to plan Kennedy's assassination he only had one day

The target ( Kennedy ) was a huge once in a lifetime opportunity and he was prepared to give up his life for the chance

Under those circumstances he needed no escape plan
That is most absurd. You need to seek mental help.
Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

So who did Oswald explain all this too? aaaYour fairy godmother?
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
Like everything else with the Warren Commission narrative of the JFK killing there is great doubt that Lee Oswald ever bought that Manlicher-Carcano rifle and that their story is true. Guns
I suggest you check out the link.
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

Well....certainly sounds plausible and a intelligent way to do it....yet you want to claim he was so stupid ....he would shoot the President from his work area and have no escape plan at all??? Makes no sense.

He did not have nealy as much time to plan Kennedy's assassination he only had one day

The target ( Kennedy ) was a huge once in a lifetime opportunity and he was prepared to give up his life for the chance

Under those circumstances he needed no escape plan
That is most absurd. You need to seek mental help.
No it is not

it is quite logical

You need lessons in logic
Even if that is true it does not mean that Oswald fired the rifle....eyewitness testimony said there were two suspects that fled in a car and neither one of them looked like Oswald....plus oswald could not even drive a car. perhaps Oswald...if he indeed bought the rifle loaned it out or perhaps sold it.
Like everything else with the Warren Commission narrative of the JFK killing there is great doubt that Lee Oswald ever bought that Manlicher-Carcano rifle and that their story is true. Guns
I suggest you check out the link.
There is no doubt at all he bought it

You have never challenged the WC in any way
No he simply walked as he explained to his wife .

You are engaging in speculation the evidence however proves he did it.

Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

So who did Oswald explain all this too? aaaYour fairy godmother?
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

So who did Oswald explain all this too? aaaYour fairy godmother?
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.
On November 21, 1963 Oswald learned the JFK motorcade would be passing by his window at work the next day. So he went home, brought his rifle to work the next morning and fired three shots at the President. One of which blew his brains out

That is all there is
He was a Communist who defected to the USSR, then returned.
Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
More details not covered by the Warren Commission that the Kool Aid drinkers cannot provide. He just walked around with his cheap war surplus rifle until he somehow got to General Walker's residence. Of course....

Oswald was beaten by Dallas cops and grilled for house on end and kept denying (he "strenuously" denies) the charge of murder invented by J. Edgar Hoover and Gerald Ford.
Pretty odd for a man who wanted to make a name for himself by killing the president...if you believe the Warren cover up which no half way bright person would do.
Oh? he just walked down the street carrying a rifle? How far did he have to walk...I would really doubt the General lived anywhere close to the type of neighborhood oswald resided in.

Oh I guess he could have got on a bus with the rifle disguised as curtain rods? eh? A curious thing I have never heard anyone mention how Oswald actually got to the Generals residence....if he in fact did....no one can prove it.

Did you see this>>>>Did Lee Harvey Oswald Shoot at General Edwin Walker? : The JFK Assassination
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

So who did Oswald explain all this too? aaaYour fairy godmother?
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.

Marina Oswald's father was an important part of the Soviet ... the rank of lieutenant-colonel or colonel in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD).

Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Oswald explained in detail and it was all very plausible.

Walkers house sat in front of some railroad tracks which were no longer in use and bordered trees. It was easy for Oswald to wrap his rifle and carry it in a duffle bag through town until he could walk down the tracks. He then dug a hole and after taking the shot he simply walked back the way he came and quickly buried the rifle. Later he simply went back and retrieved it.

This is why you are the naive and gullible one. You keep saying how wrong the warren commission report is but you have no clue what it says and have yet to even challenge it.

You cannot refute something when you are absolutely ignorant about it

So who did Oswald explain all this too? aaaYour fairy godmother?
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

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