Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

He was a Communist who defected to the USSR, then returned.
He said he was a communist. It's doubtful the Navy would assign Oswald to a high security post like Atsugi Japan where the US ran their ultra secret U-2 spy plane program knowing he was a Marxist communist.
More details for the Warren Commission to somehow account for. They did not explain this incongruity, of course.
Yes just one tidbit of evidence that calls into question the conclusions of the WC. Add the thousands of additional items of evidence that blow up the WC, and it is easy to conclude it was a total farce.
It is not information it is willful ignorance.
Atsugi was not a highly secure base it was a run of the mill military airport where tens of thousands were stationed and passed in and out.

CIte a specific passage which is a lie and provide evidence

Atsugi is not your normal military post. As a former Kamakazi pilot training center with deep underground bunkers, all of the major intelligence agencies maintained stations there from the end of World War II. Atsugi airbase was also the home of the U2 spy plane.

Oswald at Atsugi?
His wife marina

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
Why would the Secret Service not pick up Oswald, prior to JFK’s arrival? The only US marine to defect to the USSR at the height of the Cold War, claim to have given up classified info, returned to the USA without consequences, met at airport by CIA operative George M who strangely befriends Oswald and who strangely dies one day before testifying before Congress. Oswald was well known to authorities due to his outspoken (phony) support of Castro.

Not only do they not pick up Oswald they see to it the motorcade takes a dangerously slow tight turns route through Dallas, with building windows wide open, and magically passing right by Oswald place of work.

Only dumb asses and CIA fucks believe the WC.
Atsugi is not your normal military post. As a former Kamakazi pilot training center with deep underground bunkers, all of the major intelligence agencies maintained stations there from the end of World War II. Atsugi airbase was also the home of the U2 spy plane.

Oswald at Atsugi?
Yes, as stated. Getting a security clearance to work at one the U.S.'s most sensitive Cold War bases for a self described
Marxist Communist would be a neat trick indeed.
He was a Communist who defected to the USSR, then returned.
He said he was a communist. It's doubtful the Navy would assign Oswald to a high security post like Atsugi Japan where the US ran their ultra secret U-2 spy plane program knowing he was a Marxist communist.
More details for the Warren Commission to somehow account for. They did not explain this incongruity, of course.
Yes just one tidbit of evidence that calls into question the conclusions of the WC. Add the thousands of additional items of evidence that blow up the WC, and it is easy to conclude it was a total farce.
It is not information it is willful ignorance.
Atsugi was not a highly secure base it was a run of the mill military airport where tens of thousands were stationed and passed in and out.

CIte a specific passage which is a lie and provide evidence

Atsugi is not your normal military post. As a former Kamakazi pilot training center with deep underground bunkers, all of the major intelligence agencies maintained stations there from the end of World War II. Atsugi airbase was also the home of the U2 spy plane.

Oswald at Atsugi?

Yes it was a normal and massive airbase which also happened to include a separate compound for the CIA.

But the rest of the massive airbase was quite run of the mill and oswald never had access to the secured areas.

He was one of thousands of average service members stationed there
Atsugi is not your normal military post. As a former Kamakazi pilot training center with deep underground bunkers, all of the major intelligence agencies maintained stations there from the end of World War II. Atsugi airbase was also the home of the U2 spy plane.

Oswald at Atsugi?
Yes, as stated. Getting a security clearance to work at one the U.S.'s most sensitive Cold War bases for a self described
Marxist Communist would be a neat trick indeed.
He needed no security clearance to work there you moron and neither did the thousands of others stationed there with him
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
Yes I do have such ability in greater measure than you

You have no clue what the hell you are talking about and all you do is repeat crap you have heard in a knee jerk manner while ignoring the details

Here is a hint for you dumbass.

You cannot analyze when you only have partial information and willfully ignore the rest

analyze this...............OSWALD LINK TO C.I.A. REPORTED AT INQUIRY
bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The KGB colonel's daughter....oh yeh. Like anything she says is to be believed.

She would have said anything the FBI wanted her to say.....she did not want to be shipped back to Russia.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
Why would the Secret Service not pick up Oswald, prior to JFK’s arrival? The only US marine to defect to the USSR at the height of the Cold War, claim to have given up classified info, returned to the USA without consequences, met at airport by CIA operative George M who strangely befriends Oswald and who strangely dies one day before testifying before Congress. Oswald was well known to authorities due to his outspoken (phony) support of Castro.

Not only do they not pick up Oswald they see to it the motorcade takes a dangerously slow tight turns route through Dallas, with building windows wide open, and magically passing right by Oswald place of work.

Only dumb asses and CIA fucks believe the WC.

He never claimed to have given up classified material to the soviets and had none to give up. You have been caught in that lie before.

He was not By any cia operative at the airport he was met by his mother and brother and no one else.

The secret service would not have known who he was or where and they had no legal reason to to pick him up

Even they have to obey the constitution and he broke no law that anyone knew of..

It is legal for any american including a former marine to move to other countries even communist countries

Only dumbfucks criticize what they have never read and are ignorant of LIKE YOU
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
Yes I do have such ability in greater measure than you

You have no clue what the hell you are talking about and all you do is repeat crap you have heard in a knee jerk manner while ignoring the details

Here is a hint for you dumbass.

You cannot analyze when you only have partial information and willfully ignore the rest

analyze this...............OSWALD LINK TO C.I.A. REPORTED AT INQUIRY

By his own admission sketchy and with no details.

No evidence there'

You need to learn what analyze means it means knowing what things like SKETCHY memory means when one is recalling second hand details
Atsugi is not your normal military post. As a former Kamakazi pilot training center with deep underground bunkers, all of the major intelligence agencies maintained stations there from the end of World War II. Atsugi airbase was also the home of the U2 spy plane.

Oswald at Atsugi?
Yes, as stated. Getting a security clearance to work at one the U.S.'s most sensitive Cold War bases for a self described
Marxist Communist would be a neat trick indeed.
He needed no security clearance to work there you moron and neither did the thousands of others stationed there with him

In his Warren Commission testimony, John E. Donovan, the
officer who had been in charge of Oswald's crew at the El Toro
Marine base in California, stated that all personnel working in
the radar center were required to have a minimum security
clearance of secret.
Her father was not a colonel and not even in the KGB.

She was in no danger of being sent back they needed her as a witness

So your attempt at discrediting her is a massive failure.
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
Yes I do have such ability in greater measure than you

You have no clue what the hell you are talking about and all you do is repeat crap you have heard in a knee jerk manner while ignoring the details

Here is a hint for you dumbass.

You cannot analyze when you only have partial information and willfully ignore the rest

analyze this...............OSWALD LINK TO C.I.A. REPORTED AT INQUIRY
There is no doubt Oswald was a CIA asset. Only a CIA asset gets to defect to the USSR, commit treason, return without consequences, and befriends known CIA fixer.
Atsugi is not your normal military post. As a former Kamakazi pilot training center with deep underground bunkers, all of the major intelligence agencies maintained stations there from the end of World War II. Atsugi airbase was also the home of the U2 spy plane.

Oswald at Atsugi?
Yes, as stated. Getting a security clearance to work at one the U.S.'s most sensitive Cold War bases for a self described
Marxist Communist would be a neat trick indeed.
He needed no security clearance to work there you moron and neither did the thousands of others stationed there with him

In his Warren Commission testimony, John E. Donovan, the
officer who had been in charge of Oswald's crew at the El Toro
Marine base in California, stated that all personnel working in
the radar center were required to have a minimum security
clearance of secret.

Which is irrelevant as we were discussing atsugi

Tens of thousands worked at atsugi with no clearance
The WC is a joke, but this doofus thinks it’s the Bible.

No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
Yes I do have such ability in greater measure than you

You have no clue what the hell you are talking about and all you do is repeat crap you have heard in a knee jerk manner while ignoring the details

Here is a hint for you dumbass.

You cannot analyze when you only have partial information and willfully ignore the rest

analyze this...............OSWALD LINK TO C.I.A. REPORTED AT INQUIRY
There is no doubt Oswald was a CIA asset. Only a CIA asset gets to defect to the USSR, commit treason, return without consequences, and befriends known CIA fixer.


There is no evidence he was CIA and your claim is self defeating. Had he been CIA the soviets would never have let him go and they knew he was a worthless moron who would do them no good.

He committed no treason he EMIGRATED which is legal
No it is a report backed up by evidence

You call it a joke but you have never read it and are massively ignorant of what it says. And of course you can never cite evidence to challenge it

Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
Yes I do have such ability in greater measure than you

You have no clue what the hell you are talking about and all you do is repeat crap you have heard in a knee jerk manner while ignoring the details

Here is a hint for you dumbass.

You cannot analyze when you only have partial information and willfully ignore the rest

analyze this...............OSWALD LINK TO C.I.A. REPORTED AT INQUIRY
There is no doubt Oswald was a CIA asset. Only a CIA asset gets to defect to the USSR, commit treason, return without consequences, and befriends known CIA fixer.


There is no evidence he was CIA and your claim is self defeating. Had he been CIA the soviets would never have let him go and they knew he was a worthless moron who would do them no good.

He committed no treason he EMIGRATED which is legal
Soupy you better call Langley, because you need reinforcements. You are taking a major ass kickiing.
The only US marine to defect to the USSR at the height of the Cold War, claim to have given up classified info, returned to the USA without consequences, met at airport by CIA operative George M who strangely befriends Oswald and who strangely dies one day before testifying before Congress.
George De Morenschildt supposedly committed suicide before his testimony and it was odd that De Morenschildt was found in his stocking feet, yet an audio recording recovered (for the purposes of recording a soap opera) clearly picked up the sound of footsteps before a shotgun blast ended his life.

By the way, liar and WC quisling Bill O' Reilly lied about being at De Morenshildt's front door and hearing the shot gun blast
that killed him which demonstrates how the cover up goes on decades after the fact.
Do you have any common sense? or analytical ability?

Why would Oswald shoot the president from his work-site? Obviously knowing he would thus be a prime suspect as in he and his wife were monitored by the FBI.

What was his motive?

Why did he leave the rifle there? When as you say he could have easily put it in a duffel bag and or hid it somewhere?

Why didn't he have an escape plan?

Do you have any evidence he was suicidal?
Yes I do have such ability in greater measure than you

You have no clue what the hell you are talking about and all you do is repeat crap you have heard in a knee jerk manner while ignoring the details

Here is a hint for you dumbass.

You cannot analyze when you only have partial information and willfully ignore the rest

analyze this...............OSWALD LINK TO C.I.A. REPORTED AT INQUIRY
There is no doubt Oswald was a CIA asset. Only a CIA asset gets to defect to the USSR, commit treason, return without consequences, and befriends known CIA fixer.


There is no evidence he was CIA and your claim is self defeating. Had he been CIA the soviets would never have let him go and they knew he was a worthless moron who would do them no good.

He committed no treason he EMIGRATED which is legal
Soupy you better call Langley, because you need reinforcements. You are taking a major ass kickiing.

I know you have a reading comprehension problem but it is the other way around.

I am taking you to school and debunking the shit out of your idiotic claims with facts

You know it too which is why you have to get all personal after being righteously owned by me
Maybe we missed something.....................

Maybe we missed something': Warren Commission insider publicly concedes that JFK assasination was likely a conspiracy
The Warren report was meant to put an end to the swirling conspiracy theories — but 50 years later, one man who worked on the report is questioning it's accuracy

James W. "Ike" Altgens / Associated Press

Describing someone as a “conspiracy theorist” is usually meant as an insult, suggesting tin-foil hats and babbling rants on late-night radio talk shows. But when it comes to the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, the list of important, seemingly credible public figures who count themselves as conspiracy theorists is long and impressive.

Fifty years ago this coming week, the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the panel led by Chief Justice Earl Warren and better known as the Warren Commission, published an 888-page final report that identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the sole gunman in Dealey Plaza and said there was no evidence of a conspiracy, foreign or domestic.


Warren Commission
Those findings were meant to put an end to the swirling conspiracy theories about the president’s murder. Yet the theories persisted. Americans had difficulty accepting that the most powerful man in the world could be brought down by a troubled young man wielding a $21 mail-order rifle. And in the wake of the Vietnam War, Watergate and so many other scandals and national tragedies that followed the assassination, people grew increasingly skeptical that the government could be expected to tell them the truth. By the late 1960s, opinion polls showed that most Americans had rejected the findings of the Warren Commission’s report. An April 2013 poll by the Associated Pressfound that 59% of Americans believed there was a conspiracy in Kennedy’s death.

The bold-faced names among the conspiracy theorists have included the president who established the commission. Lyndon Johnson said in the final years of his life that he believed that the Warren Commission was wrong and that Cuban leader Fidel Castro was behind the assassination. Another surprising conspiracy theorist: the slain president’s brother, former attorney general Robert Kennedy, who publicly supported the Warren report even as he told friends and family he was convinced that Castro, the Mafia or even some rogue element of the CIA was responsible for his brother’s death. Last year, Secretary of State John Kerry told a television interviewer that “to this day, I have serious doubts that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.”

And this month, on the eve of the report’s 50th anniversary, the roster of seemingly credible Americans willing to identify themselves as Kennedy-assassination conspiracy theorists has grown to include someone from within the Warren Commission itself: Charles Shaffer, a former Justice Department prosecutor who served on the investigation’s staff in 1964 (he says he was dispatched by Attorney General Kennedy as “Bobby’s spy”) and went on to a headline-making career as a Washington-based criminal defence lawyer.

In interviews I have been conducting for a new edition of my 2013 book on the assassination, Shaffer told me there probably was a conspiracy in President Kennedy’s death, which makes him the first commission insider to say so publicly. He said he has no doubt that Oswald was the lone gunman in Dealey Plaza. Nor does he question the single-bullet theory, developed by the commission’s staff, which holds that one bullet passed through the bodies of both Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally. But he now suspects that the assassination was the work, ultimately, of organized-crime figures who somehow manipulated Oswald into gunning down the president in Dallas on Friday, Nov. 22, 1963, and then directed strip-club operator Jack Ruby to silence Oswald by killing him two days later.


Justin Newman / Associated Press
“The Warren report was an honest report, based on what we knew at the time,” Shaffer said. “But nothing should have been written in stone. There were later developments that convinced me that maybe we missed something.”

Shaffer, who maintains an active legal practice at age 82 and is perhaps best remembered in Washington for his defence of White House counsel John Dean during Watergate, said he has long been troubled by disclosures about possible Mafia involvement in the assassination. He said he was struck in particular by the account of mob lawyer Frank Ragano. In his 1994 memoir, Ragano wrote that Tampa-based crime boss Santo Trafficante confessed to him in 1987 that he and Carlos Marcello, the mob boss of New Orleans, were responsible for the assassination. According to Ragano, the dying Trafficante uttered the words: “Carlos messed up. We shouldn’t have killed John. We should have killed Bobby.”

Shaffer, who also defended powerful organized-crime figures, knew Ragano. He said he always thought the account seemed credible: It made sense that Trafficante and Marcello would have wanted revenge for the Justice Department’s aggressive prosecution of mob figures during the Kennedy administration, and they would have been in a position to order Ruby, who had a history of low-level ties to organized-crime figures, to kill Oswald. “If you credit what Ragano says, there was a conspiracy,” Shaffer said. “It sounds right.”


Associated Press

David F. Smith / Associated Press
The mob theory has long been a popular one among conspiracy theorists, although other former commission staffers, as well as Ragano’s family and a number of independent researchers, dismiss it. Howard Willens, a senior member of the commission’s staff, told me he is convinced that Shaffer, a close friend, is wrong. “No number of commonly held suspicions amounts to one fact,” he said.

Burt Griffin, a retired Ohio judge who also served on the commission’s staff and was responsible for investigating Ruby’s background, said he, too, is certain there was no Mafia conspiracy. “I’ve tried to keep abreast of the allegations that the Mafia was involved in the assassination,” he told me. “It’s nonsense. Zero evidence of any contacts with Oswald.” Critics have suggested that Ragano made up his story to sell books or as an act of vengeance against his former client.

Still, the fact that a Warren Commission staffer is now challenging the investigation’s central findings creates another dent in the commission’s already damaged legacy — and will only add to the skepticism that the truth about the assassination can ever be known.

Warren bears much of the responsibility for his commission’s failures. Years later, he would admit that, in his own mind, he ruled out a conspiracy within days of the president’s murder. As a result, he frequently blocked staff lawyers from pursuing lines of investigation that might have pointed to co-conspirators.

Shaffer said he believes that Warren’s biggest blunder was his refusal to allow Ruby to testify in Washington. Ruby consistently denied involvement in a conspiracy, saying he had loved the slain president and murdered Oswald on impulse. But in a face-to-face meeting with Warren in Dallas in June 1964, Ruby, who was seen by psychiatrists at the time as delusional, if not clinically insane, pleaded to go to Washington because “I want to tell the truth, and I can’t tell it here.” Warren refused, saying he worried for Ruby’s safety in the capital. Shaffer said the decision was “ridiculous” and meant that the commission missed a “golden opportunity” to see if Ruby was prepared to expose a conspiracy.


Warren Commission
For my book, I spoke to the surviving members of the commission’s staff and then pursued the leads they hadn’t been able to follow — because Warren resisted or because, it is now clear, evidence had been hidden from them. I was never swayed by the theories of a mob plot, if only because it seemed so unlikely that the Mafia would enlist such pathetic misfits as Oswald and Ruby in the crime of the century. I was much more intrigued by evidence — denied to the commission’s staff — suggesting that Oswald had talked openly about his plans to kill the president and that he may have been promised help if he were ever able to succeed. Much of that evidence involves his mysterious visit to Mexico City several weeks before the assassination, when Oswald, a self-proclaimed Marxist, was apparently trying to get a visa to defect to Cuba.

Both the CIA and the FBI had Oswald under surveillance in the fall of 1963. But they withheld information from the Warren Commission about how much they knew about him before the assassination. The CIA never told the commission about its plots during the Kennedy administration to assassinate Castro — plots that the Cuban dictator discovered, giving him an obvious motive to kill Kennedy. The FBI destroyed evidence before it could reach the commission, including a handwritten, apparently threatening note that Oswald delivered to the bureau’s field office in Dallas in early November 1963. On the day Oswald was murdered by Ruby, FBI agents in Dallas, fearing that the note would be seen as evidence that they had been aware of the danger Oswald posed to the president, shredded the piece of paper and flushed it down a toilet. Its exact contents remain a mystery.

'Maybe we missed something': Warren Commission insider publicly concedes that JFK assasination was likely a conspiracy
Maybe we missed something.....................

Maybe we missed something': Warren Commission insider publicly concedes that JFK assasination was likely a conspiracy
The Warren report was meant to put an end to the swirling conspiracy theories — but 50 years later, one man who worked on the report is questioning it's accuracy

James W. "Ike" Altgens / Associated Press

Describing someone as a “conspiracy theorist” is usually meant as an insult, suggesting tin-foil hats and babbling rants on late-night radio talk shows. But when it comes to the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, the list of important, seemingly credible public figures who count themselves as conspiracy theorists is long and impressive.

Fifty years ago this coming week, the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the panel led by Chief Justice Earl Warren and better known as the Warren Commission, published an 888-page final report that identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the sole gunman in Dealey Plaza and said there was no evidence of a conspiracy, foreign or domestic.


Warren Commission
Those findings were meant to put an end to the swirling conspiracy theories about the president’s murder. Yet the theories persisted. Americans had difficulty accepting that the most powerful man in the world could be brought down by a troubled young man wielding a $21 mail-order rifle. And in the wake of the Vietnam War, Watergate and so many other scandals and national tragedies that followed the assassination, people grew increasingly skeptical that the government could be expected to tell them the truth. By the late 1960s, opinion polls showed that most Americans had rejected the findings of the Warren Commission’s report. An April 2013 poll by the Associated Pressfound that 59% of Americans believed there was a conspiracy in Kennedy’s death.

The bold-faced names among the conspiracy theorists have included the president who established the commission. Lyndon Johnson said in the final years of his life that he believed that the Warren Commission was wrong and that Cuban leader Fidel Castro was behind the assassination. Another surprising conspiracy theorist: the slain president’s brother, former attorney general Robert Kennedy, who publicly supported the Warren report even as he told friends and family he was convinced that Castro, the Mafia or even some rogue element of the CIA was responsible for his brother’s death. Last year, Secretary of State John Kerry told a television interviewer that “to this day, I have serious doubts that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.”

And this month, on the eve of the report’s 50th anniversary, the roster of seemingly credible Americans willing to identify themselves as Kennedy-assassination conspiracy theorists has grown to include someone from within the Warren Commission itself: Charles Shaffer, a former Justice Department prosecutor who served on the investigation’s staff in 1964 (he says he was dispatched by Attorney General Kennedy as “Bobby’s spy”) and went on to a headline-making career as a Washington-based criminal defence lawyer.

In interviews I have been conducting for a new edition of my 2013 book on the assassination, Shaffer told me there probably was a conspiracy in President Kennedy’s death, which makes him the first commission insider to say so publicly. He said he has no doubt that Oswald was the lone gunman in Dealey Plaza. Nor does he question the single-bullet theory, developed by the commission’s staff, which holds that one bullet passed through the bodies of both Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally. But he now suspects that the assassination was the work, ultimately, of organized-crime figures who somehow manipulated Oswald into gunning down the president in Dallas on Friday, Nov. 22, 1963, and then directed strip-club operator Jack Ruby to silence Oswald by killing him two days later.


Justin Newman / Associated Press
“The Warren report was an honest report, based on what we knew at the time,” Shaffer said. “But nothing should have been written in stone. There were later developments that convinced me that maybe we missed something.”

Shaffer, who maintains an active legal practice at age 82 and is perhaps best remembered in Washington for his defence of White House counsel John Dean during Watergate, said he has long been troubled by disclosures about possible Mafia involvement in the assassination. He said he was struck in particular by the account of mob lawyer Frank Ragano. In his 1994 memoir, Ragano wrote that Tampa-based crime boss Santo Trafficante confessed to him in 1987 that he and Carlos Marcello, the mob boss of New Orleans, were responsible for the assassination. According to Ragano, the dying Trafficante uttered the words: “Carlos messed up. We shouldn’t have killed John. We should have killed Bobby.”

Shaffer, who also defended powerful organized-crime figures, knew Ragano. He said he always thought the account seemed credible: It made sense that Trafficante and Marcello would have wanted revenge for the Justice Department’s aggressive prosecution of mob figures during the Kennedy administration, and they would have been in a position to order Ruby, who had a history of low-level ties to organized-crime figures, to kill Oswald. “If you credit what Ragano says, there was a conspiracy,” Shaffer said. “It sounds right.”


Associated Press

David F. Smith / Associated Press
The mob theory has long been a popular one among conspiracy theorists, although other former commission staffers, as well as Ragano’s family and a number of independent researchers, dismiss it. Howard Willens, a senior member of the commission’s staff, told me he is convinced that Shaffer, a close friend, is wrong. “No number of commonly held suspicions amounts to one fact,” he said.

Burt Griffin, a retired Ohio judge who also served on the commission’s staff and was responsible for investigating Ruby’s background, said he, too, is certain there was no Mafia conspiracy. “I’ve tried to keep abreast of the allegations that the Mafia was involved in the assassination,” he told me. “It’s nonsense. Zero evidence of any contacts with Oswald.” Critics have suggested that Ragano made up his story to sell books or as an act of vengeance against his former client.

Still, the fact that a Warren Commission staffer is now challenging the investigation’s central findings creates another dent in the commission’s already damaged legacy — and will only add to the skepticism that the truth about the assassination can ever be known.

Warren bears much of the responsibility for his commission’s failures. Years later, he would admit that, in his own mind, he ruled out a conspiracy within days of the president’s murder. As a result, he frequently blocked staff lawyers from pursuing lines of investigation that might have pointed to co-conspirators.

Shaffer said he believes that Warren’s biggest blunder was his refusal to allow Ruby to testify in Washington. Ruby consistently denied involvement in a conspiracy, saying he had loved the slain president and murdered Oswald on impulse. But in a face-to-face meeting with Warren in Dallas in June 1964, Ruby, who was seen by psychiatrists at the time as delusional, if not clinically insane, pleaded to go to Washington because “I want to tell the truth, and I can’t tell it here.” Warren refused, saying he worried for Ruby’s safety in the capital. Shaffer said the decision was “ridiculous” and meant that the commission missed a “golden opportunity” to see if Ruby was prepared to expose a conspiracy.


Warren Commission
For my book, I spoke to the surviving members of the commission’s staff and then pursued the leads they hadn’t been able to follow — because Warren resisted or because, it is now clear, evidence had been hidden from them. I was never swayed by the theories of a mob plot, if only because it seemed so unlikely that the Mafia would enlist such pathetic misfits as Oswald and Ruby in the crime of the century. I was much more intrigued by evidence — denied to the commission’s staff — suggesting that Oswald had talked openly about his plans to kill the president and that he may have been promised help if he were ever able to succeed. Much of that evidence involves his mysterious visit to Mexico City several weeks before the assassination, when Oswald, a self-proclaimed Marxist, was apparently trying to get a visa to defect to Cuba.

Both the CIA and the FBI had Oswald under surveillance in the fall of 1963. But they withheld information from the Warren Commission about how much they knew about him before the assassination. The CIA never told the commission about its plots during the Kennedy administration to assassinate Castro — plots that the Cuban dictator discovered, giving him an obvious motive to kill Kennedy. The FBI destroyed evidence before it could reach the commission, including a handwritten, apparently threatening note that Oswald delivered to the bureau’s field office in Dallas in early November 1963. On the day Oswald was murdered by Ruby, FBI agents in Dallas, fearing that the note would be seen as evidence that they had been aware of the danger Oswald posed to the president, shredded the piece of paper and flushed it down a toilet. Its exact contents remain a mystery.

And still no evidence

When will you learn that agreement is not evidence?
here is no doubt Oswald was a CIA asset. Only a CIA asset gets to defect to the USSR, commit treason, return without consequences, and befriends known CIA fixer.
A bizarre fact that's apparently so. Lee Harvey Oswald Quietly Added To CIA Memorial Wall
The CIA memorial wall has no names on it you total retard

CIA Memorial Wall - Wikipedia

There SOME names in a book under it but in most cases the identities of those CIA agents killed in the line of duty remain secret


It is a little too easy making you look like a total fool

His name is not there and your link is conspiracy theory trash


Where is his name again?

What a total sucker
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