Warren Commission was correct........Oswald acted alone

I find it funny people are saying Oswalt would have been nervous. Why? He had practiced, nobody was shooting back at him and he was ready.

He was calm as a cumumber.

Well of course, you are entitled to your opinion but the reality of the situation is simply this:

There is no proof that Oswald fired the rifle, there is no credible motive for Oswald to shoot JFK....it would be logical for Oswald to be the one that fired a shot a General Walker since Oswald was an avowed marxist....but there is no proof he even did that....eyewitness testimony says there were 2 guys and neither one looked like oswald.

From all the information available....it appears Oswald's claim of just being a patsy is very probable.

He may have been an un-witting accessory as in he may have let someone use the rifle...if he still had it at that time. No proof he actually was in possesion of the rifle at that time...he could have sold it, given it to some of his compadres or whatever.

The Warren commission in a failed effort to convice the American People that Oswald was just a lone nut who shot the President for no real reason made a lot of guesses.....it was their theory that oswald was just a lone nut...that is all--just a theory.

There is overwhelming evidence he shot Kennedy and none challenging that fact.

You are will fully denying that fact

I find it funny people are saying Oswalt would have been nervous. Why? He had practiced, nobody was shooting back at him and he was ready.

He was calm as a cumumber.

Well of course, you are entitled to your opinion but the reality of the situation is simply this:

There is no proof that Oswald fired the rifle, there is no credible motive for Oswald to shoot JFK....it would be logical for Oswald to be the one that fired a shot a General Walker since Oswald was an avowed marxist....but there is no proof he even did that....eyewitness testimony says there were 2 guys and neither one looked like oswald.

From all the information available....it appears Oswald's claim of just being a patsy is very probable.

He may have been an un-witting accessory as in he may have let someone use the rifle...if he still had it at that time. No proof he actually was in possesion of the rifle at that time...he could have sold it, given it to some of his compadres or whatever.

The Warren commission in a failed effort to convice the American People that Oswald was just a lone nut who shot the President for no real reason made a lot of guesses.....it was their theory that oswald was just a lone nut...that is all--just a theory.

There is overwhelming evidence he shot Kennedy and none challenging that fact.

You are will fully denying that fact

Ridiculous clap trap....if such evidence existed the majority of the American people would not have refused to believe the WC report.

For the edification of this board show your hand or fold....as in show the evidence or take a hike boyo!
Is there a lawyer in the house?

Can a federal commission legally convict someone of murder who is dead and thus unable to defend himself?

Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?
Maybe but she never bothered.

Much like the family of all Capone never sued for him being labeled a criminal.

He was never convicted of a violent crime wither but the evidence is clear he was guilty of several violent crimes.

He went to prision for income tax evasion which is a crime.
Is there a lawyer in the house?

Can a federal commission legally convict someone of murder who is dead and thus unable to defend himself?

Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?

Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

Back at that time before the Warren Commission become generaly recognized as b.s. a jury would probably not have awarded her anything.....but now with all the new material, books etc. I think his daughter should sue and would very likely get a huge,huge award.
Is there a lawyer in the house?

Can a federal commission legally convict someone of murder who is dead and thus unable to defend himself?

Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?

Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

Wrong the evidence is massive that he murdered Kennedy it is not just an opinion

They never had such a mission and they never said he did it for no reason
Is there a lawyer in the house?

Can a federal commission legally convict someone of murder who is dead and thus unable to defend himself?

Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?
Maybe but she never bothered.

Much like the family of all Capone never sued for him being labeled a criminal.

He was never convicted of a violent crime wither but the evidence is clear he was guilty of several violent crimes.

He went to prision for income tax evasion which is a crime.
Not a violent one

He was never convicted of a violent crime
Is there a lawyer in the house?

Can a federal commission legally convict someone of murder who is dead and thus unable to defend himself?

Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?
Maybe but she never bothered.

Much like the family of all Capone never sued for him being labeled a criminal.

He was never convicted of a violent crime wither but the evidence is clear he was guilty of several violent crimes.

He went to prision for income tax evasion which is a crime.
Not a violent one

He was never convicted of a violent crime

One is not guilty unless under the law unless he has been convicted by a court.
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Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?
Maybe but she never bothered.

Much like the family of all Capone never sued for him being labeled a criminal.

He was never convicted of a violent crime wither but the evidence is clear he was guilty of several violent crimes.

He went to prision for income tax evasion which is a crime.
Not a violent one

He was never convicted of a violent crime

One is not guilty unless under the law unless he has been convicted by a court.
Really ? So we cannot say Al Capone ever killed anyoneA? And we can not say Hitler ever committed genocide?
Is there a lawyer in the house?

Can a federal commission legally convict someone of murder who is dead and thus unable to defend himself?

Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?

Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.
Is there a lawyer in the house?

Can a federal commission legally convict someone of murder who is dead and thus unable to defend himself?

Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?

Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

Back at that time before the Warren Commission become generaly recognized as b.s. a jury would probably not have awarded her anything.....but now with all the new material, books etc. I think his daughter should sue and would very likely get a huge,huge award.

Your opinion is not evidence and your contention that the Warren Commission was b.s. doesn't prove a thing. The truth is that the Warren Commission has never been refuted.
Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?
Maybe but she never bothered.

Much like the family of all Capone never sued for him being labeled a criminal.

He was never convicted of a violent crime wither but the evidence is clear he was guilty of several violent crimes.

He went to prision for income tax evasion which is a crime.
Not a violent one

He was never convicted of a violent crime

One is not guilty unless under the law unless he has been convicted by a court.
Really ? So we cannot say Al Capone ever killed anyoneA? And we can not say Hitler ever committed genocide?

I do not personally know if Capone ever killed anyone or not.....neither does anyone else on here including you. You can say it and anyone can say it....that does not make it true.

If the authorities in Chicago believed they had adequate evidence that Capone killed anyone I am sure he would have been put on trial for it.

Which however of course ...does not mean he did not kill anyone.

It simply means that under the law he was never convicted of any murder nor ever even tried for murder(that i know of anyway) thus under the law he is innocent of murder unless and until he is proven guilty in a court of law.

Thus the feds in their frustration managed to get him convicted of tax evasion.

Hitler and the Nazi party had well known programs and facilities to kill lots of people....he did not survive the war so he never went to trial for war crimes.

I doubt he ever killed anyone personally...I have never heard any report of that.

So if he had survived the War he would have been tried for War Crimes of course and since there were so many witnesses and participants not even to mention actual facilities used to incinerate victims as a result of the Nazi programs of genocide he would ....without a doubt been convicted of war crimes and executed unless he had been captured by the Russians...who would have administered their own form of justice....which Hitler would have been aware of and to escape that he killed himself.

You want to compare Oswald with Hitler and Capone and neither comparison is valid. It is not even valid to compare Capone with Hitler.

Hitler was the head of a state and a party which slaughtered millions...no comparison at all to Oswald....a lone individual who was never convicted of any crime that I am aware of. He was merely a marxist whom someone realized would be a perfect patsy.

Likewise...Capone who was the recognized head of a violent criminal outfit in Chicago....again no comparison to Oswald.

In fact if Oswald had not been killed but had been actually brought to trial....I do not think he would have been convicted.

If he had actually been brought to trial he may well have been able to establish his innocence...that he was nothing more than a patsy.

The Case Against Oswald
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Warren Commissions FAILURES and PROBLEMS IN THE investigation OF the jfk kennedy assassination Grand Subversion.

The Warren Report was little more than the capstone to a deceptive and shoddily improvised exercise in public relations designed to "prove" that Oswald had acted alone.

The Commission's own documents and collected testimony—as well as thousands of other items it never saw, refused to see, or actively suppressed—reveal two conspiracies: the still very murky one surrounding the assassination itself and the official one that covered it up. The cover-up actually began, within days of Kennedy's death, when President Johnson, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, and acting Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach all agreed that any official investigation must reach only one conclusion: Oswald acted alone.

Both CIA and FBI photo analysis of the Zapruder film concluded that the first shot could not have been fired from the sixth floor.

Based on more than a quarter-million pages of government documents and, for the first time ever, the 50,000 file cards in the
The Commission's evidence was never able to place Oswald at the "sniper's nest" on the sixth floor at the time of the shooting.

JFK's official death certificate, signed by his own White House physician and contradicting the Commission's account of Kennedy's wounds, was left out of the official record.

The dissenting views of the naval doctors who performed the autopsy and those of the government's best ballistic experts were kept out of the official report.

The Commission's tortuous "Single Bullet" or "Magic Bullet" theory has finally and convincingly been dismantled.

JFK single-gunman theory shot down by science

This has been done to death

The hsca based their conclusion on aucustic evidence which has since been proven false

Without that evidence they have no challenge to the Warren commission report which still stands true

The magic bullet theory was invented by conspiracy theorists and has been proven false.

Do you even know what the magic bullet theory was??? Certainly not invented by the so called conspiracy theorists....they are the ones who dubunked it. You sound very coinfused.

Ten Reasons I Reject The Single-Bullet Theory
Yes I do know what it is and you are wrong.

It is you who are confused like most conspiracy theorist

So let me explain carefully

The magic bullet theory postulates that the government tried to snow people by claiming that a bullet zig zagged, reversed course, changed direction and paused in mid air.

The theory is NOT about the bullet or a bullet. The theory is about what the Warren commission wrote and reported about the bullet.

It is about a government statement

The problem is the theory is proven false and debunked because the Warren commission never made any such claim

They never described a bullet acting magically or even implied it

You are wrong. The theory was invented by conspiracy theorists and it is proven false.

What you do not get is that in order for the bullet to do all the things that the Warren commision claimed it would have had to have been a magical bullet....they in essence were saying it was a magical bullet....got dat?
Bullet went straight and true. There was a “magic” fold down jump seat that Connally was sitting in. That seat was down and to the right

Want to talk magic shots?
How does someone shooting from the grassy knoll hit Connally in the upper thigh?
All this clear proof of conspiracy posted in this thread, and yet the Langley Nazi and the other statists cling to the fairy tale that is the WC.

Can’t fix stupid.
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All this clear proof of conspiracy posted in this thread, and yet the Langley Nazi and the other statists cling to the fairy tale that is the WC.

Can’t fix stupid.

Stupid is posting that there is "clear proof of conspiracy" when no proof has been offered. Are you a liar, or do you just not know what the word "proof" means?

I am beginning to agree that you can't be fixed.

The Warren Report was little more than the capstone to a deceptive and shoddily improvised exercise in public relations designed to "prove" that Oswald had acted alone.

The Commission's own documents and collected testimony—as well as thousands of other items it never saw, refused to see, or actively suppressed—reveal two conspiracies: the still very murky one surrounding the assassination itself and the official one that covered it up. The cover-up actually began, within days of Kennedy's death, when President Johnson, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, and acting Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach all agreed that any official investigation must reach only one conclusion: Oswald acted alone.

Both CIA and FBI photo analysis of the Zapruder film concluded that the first shot could not have been fired from the sixth floor.

Based on more than a quarter-million pages of government documents and, for the first time ever, the 50,000 file cards in the
The Commission's evidence was never able to place Oswald at the "sniper's nest" on the sixth floor at the time of the shooting.

JFK's official death certificate, signed by his own White House physician and contradicting the Commission's account of Kennedy's wounds, was left out of the official record.

The dissenting views of the naval doctors who performed the autopsy and those of the government's best ballistic experts were kept out of the official report.

The Commission's tortu

JFK single-gunman theory shot down by science

Is there a lawyer in the house?

Can a federal commission legally convict someone of murder who is dead and thus unable to defend himself?

Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?

Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
Bullet went straight and true. There was a “magic” fold down jump seat that Connally was sitting in. That seat was down and to the right

Want to talk magic shots?
How does someone shooting from the grassy knoll hit Connally in the upper thigh?
Who claims Connolly was shot from the Grassy Knoll? It's a cheap common trick of people that lie to invent claims that were never made so they can
then debunk their own nonsense.

The better question is how does Lee Oswald fire a shot from the TSBD that hits JFK in front and side of the head?

Another "magic" bullet that can make u-turns in midair?
And how does the Kennedy limousine acquire a bullet hole in the windshield that eye witnesses clearly identify as going from "front to back"? A Bullet Hole - JFK Assassination - The Windshield Throat Shot

And in case you simply want to deny what people there saw and testified to why was the windshield replaced in the Kennedy windshield by the Secret Service thereby destroying vital evidence by authorities that would definitely give absolute proof of a shooter in front of the presidential limousine?
Definitive proof the windshield of JFK's presidential limo has been replaced to cover up a shot from the front : conspiracy

This is all rhetorical...you have no chance in hell of giving a rational reply.
The Warren Commission Report: A botched invetigation

Initially the decision by President Johnson ... was to leave this to the city and the country and state officials in Texas to deal with. He didn't want, as he put it, "carpetbaggers" going into his home state of Texas to run this investigation, but very clearly in the days that followed there were so many wild theories offered about who was really responsible for the assassination that Johnson decided that he had to have some kind of federal investigation. Among those rumors were rumors that Johnson himself was somehow linked to the assassination, and very quickly, President Johnson settles on Chief Justice Earl Warren, who he sees as this ultimate symbol of integrity to run the investigation.

Very early on, I mean, within 48 hours of the assassination, FBI Director Jay Edgar Hoover determines, in his own mind, that Oswald acted alone, there was no conspiracy, there's not much to investigate here. And the FBI within two weeks produces this 400-page report which is supposedly a thorough review of all that is known about the assassination and about Oswald. The commission looks over the report and sees how inadequate it is and how, in many ways, incompetent the FBI investigation is and then moves on with a much more thorough investigation of its own.

Botched Investigation Fuels Kennedy Conspiracy Theories
Only a court can CONVICT someone of murder. A federal commission can investigate a murder and show that the evidence points to one conclusion, but that is not a conviction under the law.

Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?

Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
Why try a dead man?
The Warren Commission Report: A botched invetigation

Initially the decision by President Johnson ... was to leave this to the city and the country and state officials in Texas to deal with. He didn't want, as he put it, "carpetbaggers" going into his home state of Texas to run this investigation, but very clearly in the days that followed there were so many wild theories offered about who was really responsible for the assassination that Johnson decided that he had to have some kind of federal investigation. Among those rumors were rumors that Johnson himself was somehow linked to the assassination, and very quickly, President Johnson settles on Chief Justice Earl Warren, who he sees as this ultimate symbol of integrity to run the investigation.

Very early on, I mean, within 48 hours of the assassination, FBI Director Jay Edgar Hoover determines, in his own mind, that Oswald acted alone, there was no conspiracy, there's not much to investigate here. And the FBI within two weeks produces this 400-page report which is supposedly a thorough review of all that is known about the assassination and about Oswald. The commission looks over the report and sees how inadequate it is and how, in many ways, incompetent the FBI investigation is and then moves on with a much more thorough investigation of its own.

Botched Investigation Fuels Kennedy Conspiracy Theories
Warren Commission got it right
Would the fact that the Warren Commision labeled Oswald the killer of JFK not entitled his mother to sue for libel, slander or whatever?

Sure, but if there was enough evidence to show the statement was not false, she would fail in her effort to prove slander.

He was accused of murder....no evidence whatsoever that he actually comitted murder....that was just their opinion or more specifically....their mission to convince the public oswald was just a lone nut case who just suddenly for no reason decided to shoot the President.

He was accused of murder...the report is full of the evidence that he was the one that committed the murder. Their opinion was backed up by evidence, which is why no one from the Oswald family ever sued. Their mission was to investigate the assassination and determine who committed the crime. They fulfilled that mission.

A prominent lawyer, Mark Lane proposed to the Commission that he represent Oswald during the hearings. Hired by Oswald's mother, Lane hoped to cross examine witnesses to assure the accused got a trial [since Oswald would never be given a formal trial, due to his murder by Jack Ruby] . The seven member presidential commission under the guidance of Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Earl Warren, refused Lane's request.
Why try a dead man?

You cannot try a dead man as in he is not available to defend himself.

The warren commission investigation amounted to a unfair trial....as in there was no one on it who had any desire or means to defend Oswald...their rejection of Oswalds mother's request for her attorney to be on the commission to defend Oswald was rejected.

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