Warren Explains To Romney Why Corporations Aren’t People: ‘People Have Hearts’

Corporations can't vote.

This is about people not agreeing that corporations should be able to buy political ads or give money to candidates.

All a corporation is is a group of people and if those people want to pool their money to buy ads or give donations then so what?.

Unions are groups of people who do that very same thing.

Except they're really not, just from a practical standpoint. There is no possible way on Earth that unions could ever compete with corporate donations. And even that isn't the biggest issue. When you make campaign contributions anonymous, no one has any idea what kind of people are backing a candidate. There are reasons that contributions are given, and in sums that large, that reason is almost always quid pro quo.

Here is a list of the top 10 corporate political donors. There is nothing anonymous about it.

The 10 Biggest Corporate Campaign Contributors in U.S. Politics - DailyFinance

Read it if you dare!

Thanks TT, because few of these lazy fucks ever read anything off links, I'll quote

1. AT&T (T) -- $45.6 million
Between 1989 and 2010, AT&T gave more than $45 million in campaign donations to both Republican and Democrat candidates. In the 2009-2010 cycle, its biggest contribution was $30,000 to the campaign of Nevada Senator Harry Reid, but three Republican congressmen -- Joe Wilson of South Carolina, Pete Olson of Texas and Roy Blunt of Missouri -- were among its top five. While impressive, however, these contributions were dwarfed by AT&T's lobbying expenses, which topped $25 million in 2006 alone.

It isn't hard to see why the phone company is willing to open its wallet for Congress. After its early-1980s antitrust breakup, Ma Bell has spent the last few decades putting itself back together again. Today, it's the largest land-based phone carrier, the largest cellular carrier and the 13th-largest company in the U.S. In 2006, as AT&T's political giving reached its apex, the company bought Bell South, a major piece of the post-breakup puzzle. Coincidence

I wonder when Obama and the Dem controlled Senate will come through with that promise to limit corporate lobbying....

I guess we'll wait for hope and change.
inane bullshit seems to be all you post. The record of Bain Capital creating jobs is about the same as every other company like Bain. Ever hear of Staples? Bain.

Minimum wage jobs, with no benefits.

Why don't you talk about Bain's work with KB Toys? :lol:

Conservatard said:
Got a link to Romney crying about how Bain isn't fair game?

Mitt Romney released the following statement today, responding to President Obama’s defense of his campaigns attacks on Bain Capital at a NATO summit press conference today in Chicago:

“President Obama confirmed today that he will continue his attacks on the free enterprise system, which Mayor Booker and other leading Democrats have spoken out against. What this election is about is the 23 million Americans who are still struggling to find work and the millions who have lost their homes and have fallen into poverty. President Obama refuses to accept moral responsibility for his failed policies. My campaign is offering a positive agenda to help America get back to work.”


yes... much better to have no jobs, huh. :rolleyes:
Staples Salaries | Glassdoor

Interesting. I don't see anything about Romney sayign Bain is not fair gaim. I see Romney saying the President should concentrate on the jobs picture.

No, better to create jobs with good pay and benefits, instead of taking those types of jobs and turning them into minimum wage jobs with no benefits.

There - i just explained it as if I was explaining it to a retard. Do you get it yet?

If Romney thought Bain was fair game, why did you deflect by accusing Obama of attacking free enterprise, rather than defending his work at Bain?

Think about it before your fingers go racing ahead of your brain again!
By David Taintor

Progressives who have any doubt where Mitt Romney, Brown and their supporters stand, Warren said at Netroots, should consider: Romney wants to repeal financial reform, says that people who are concerned about income inequality are envious and claims that corporations are people.

“No, Mitt, corporations are not people,” Warren said, to applause. “People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they love, they cry, they dance, they live and they die. Learn the difference.”

More: Elizabeth Warren hammers Scott Brown at Netroots Nation | TPM2012

More evidence that Warren is a complete fucking moron.
inane bullshit seems to be all you post. The record of Bain Capital creating jobs is about the same as every other company like Bain. Ever hear of Staples? Bain.

Got a link to Romney crying about how Bain isn't fair game?

I got a link for you, with video...

Former Obama Car Czar Calls Romney Attack Ad "Unfair"

dumb ass.

If Bain's job was not to create jobs, then why did Mitt himself say he was a job creator? And it's not the Obama team that brought this issue into this year's election first. It was all the Circus of Fucktards your party brought out to show to the world who first attacked him on it; and rightfully so.,

You can't run as the Jobs president if your goal at your company wasn't to create jobs. He's a fraud, a phony, a fake.

And you're an idiot who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room because you're Conservative. But there is hope for you. I hear there are a number of short piers in your town. I implore you to go investigate a couple.

that's the extent of your posting prowess? Some meaningless drivel and telling me to take a long walk off a short pier?


You really do suck at this.

You silly twat. Does Romney run his campaign? Because his campaign certainly has pissed, bitched and moaned. And even if you don't believe that, I mean why would you, you're a Conservative. Historical record doesn't mean anything to you, just your gut "Feeling" as to what the historical record shows. Even if you don't believe the Rmoney campaign hasn't bitched about the Bain criticisms, your party has.

So yes. You guys whine and bitch far more than we do. Way more. You're giant, gaping, weeping pussies. Ya'all motherfuckers need to stop worrying about whether it's fair game. What ya'all motherfuckers need to be worried about is that they're working.

Battleground states receptive to Obama's Bain Capital attacks - CSMonitor.com
Minimum wage jobs, with no benefits.

Why don't you talk about Bain's work with KB Toys? :lol:

Mitt Romney released the following statement today, responding to President Obama’s defense of his campaigns attacks on Bain Capital at a NATO summit press conference today in Chicago:

“President Obama confirmed today that he will continue his attacks on the free enterprise system, which Mayor Booker and other leading Democrats have spoken out against. What this election is about is the 23 million Americans who are still struggling to find work and the millions who have lost their homes and have fallen into poverty. President Obama refuses to accept moral responsibility for his failed policies. My campaign is offering a positive agenda to help America get back to work.”


yes... much better to have no jobs, huh. :rolleyes:
Staples Salaries | Glassdoor

Interesting. I don't see anything about Romney sayign Bain is not fair gaim. I see Romney saying the President should concentrate on the jobs picture.

No, better to create jobs with good pay and benefits, instead of taking those types of jobs and turning them into minimum wage jobs with no benefits.

There - i just explained it as if I was explaining it to a retard. Do you get it yet?

If Romney thought Bain was fair game, why did you deflect by accusing Obama of attacking free enterprise, rather than defending his work at Bain?

Think about it before your fingers go racing ahead of your brain again!

Other than your ill-informed opinion, what evidence can you provide to show that's what happened with Staples, let alone, with anything else from Bain Capital?

It was only a deflection in the minds of libtards like yourself. In no way dis Romney say Bain was off limits in that quote.

You've proven only how partisan and unintelligent you are.

Now, got a REAL quote of Romney crying that Bain is off limits? Dumb ass?
If Bain's job was not to create jobs, then why did Mitt himself say he was a job creator? And it's not the Obama team that brought this issue into this year's election first. It was all the Circus of Fucktards your party brought out to show to the world who first attacked him on it; and rightfully so.,

You can't run as the Jobs president if your goal at your company wasn't to create jobs. He's a fraud, a phony, a fake.

And you're an idiot who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room because you're Conservative. But there is hope for you. I hear there are a number of short piers in your town. I implore you to go investigate a couple.

that's the extent of your posting prowess? Some meaningless drivel and telling me to take a long walk off a short pier?


You really do suck at this.

You silly twat. Does Romney run his campaign? Because his campaign certainly has pissed, bitched and moaned. And even if you don't believe that, I mean why would you, you're a Conservative. Historical record doesn't mean anything to you, just your gut "Feeling" as to what the historical record shows. Even if you don't believe the Rmoney campaign hasn't bitched about the Bain criticisms, your party has.

So yes. You guys whine and bitch far more than we do. Way more. You're giant, gaping, weeping pussies. Ya'all motherfuckers need to stop worrying about whether it's fair game. What ya'all motherfuckers need to be worried about is that they're working.

Battleground states receptive to Obama's Bain Capital attacks - CSMonitor.com

Ook, so, by your logic, everything done by the Obama campaign is the direct fault of Obama as well... right? And by his administration? All his fault.

Or, is that just... different somehow.

Moron. You have the intellectual capacity of a small soap dish, if that is the best you've got.
that's the extent of your posting prowess? Some meaningless drivel and telling me to take a long walk off a short pier?


You really do suck at this.

You silly twat. Does Romney run his campaign? Because his campaign certainly has pissed, bitched and moaned. And even if you don't believe that, I mean why would you, you're a Conservative. Historical record doesn't mean anything to you, just your gut "Feeling" as to what the historical record shows. Even if you don't believe the Rmoney campaign hasn't bitched about the Bain criticisms, your party has.

So yes. You guys whine and bitch far more than we do. Way more. You're giant, gaping, weeping pussies. Ya'all motherfuckers need to stop worrying about whether it's fair game. What ya'all motherfuckers need to be worried about is that they're working.

Battleground states receptive to Obama's Bain Capital attacks - CSMonitor.com

Ook, so, by your logic, everything done by the Obama campaign is the direct fault of Obama as well... right? And by his administration? All his fault.

Or, is that just... different somehow.

Moron. You have the intellectual capacity of a small soap dish, if that is the best you've got.

And the Charisma/Audacity of an OWS goon that finally figured out they have been lied to all of thier lives and chooses the wrong side.
So, it's okay to slam all corporations and this comes from the people who claim to be fair and equal. The same people who think Soros is a good guy. Talk about a guy with no heart.
So - they get two votes then. One as a corporation, one as an alleged human.

Corporations can't vote.

This is about people not agreeing that corporations should be able to buy political ads or give money to candidates.

All a corporation is is a group of people and if those people want to pool their money to buy ads or give donations then so what?.

Unions are groups of people who do that very same thing.

Except they're really not, just from a practical standpoint. There is no possible way on Earth that unions could ever compete with corporate donations.

Do you care to prove that?

How about this?

Dues and Don’ts | Teachers Union Facts

Over the last 20 years, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) has given more than $28 million in campaign contributions; the National Education Association (NEA) has given almost $31 million. That's almost $60 million, more than any other organization — but that's just the tip of the iceberg. At the state level, the AFT and NEA combined to spend an additional $61.8 million on candidates and expenditures for ballot initiatives in 2008 alone. Plus, teachers unions spend millions more on uncoordinated expenditures and get-out-the-vote efforts.

And that's just the teachers' union.

In 2008 the SEIU spent 85 million during the presidential campaign
SEIU Campaign Spending Pays Political Dividends - WSJ.com

And even that isn't the biggest issue. When you make campaign contributions anonymous, no one has any idea what kind of people are backing a candidate.

It doesn't matter what kind of people are backing a candidate. We have secret ballots so we should be able to keep all of our political affiliations private.

There are reasons that contributions are given, and in sums that large, that reason is almost always quid pro quo.

I have shown that just 2 unions spend tens of millions on campaigns. So tell me what quid pro quo are they looking for?
Last edited:
Do you care to prove that?

How about this?

Dues and Don’ts | Teachers Union Facts

And that's just the teachers' union.

In 2008 the SEIU spent 85 million during the presidential campaign
SEIU Campaign Spending Pays Political Dividends - WSJ.com

Hmm. 85 million over a few years, compared to a billion spent this election year alone. You're right. Totally equitable. Fuckstick.

Karl Rove, Kochs Plan $1 Billion to Put Romney in White House | Veracity Stew

It doesn't matter what kind of people are backing a candidate. We have secret ballots so we should be able to keep all of our political affiliations private.

Wow. What an incredibly simplistic, narrow and naive view of the issues. Listen, you fucking idiot, of course we should care what kind of people are backing a candidate. Would you vote for a guy whose major source of campaign funding came from a company that advocates killing babies to grind their bones up for fuel?

This shit does matter, you fucking simpleton. Maybe not to you, because you clearly lack the neurons to rub together to form a real thought, but some of us do actually care about the people who are buying these elections.

I have shown that just 2 unions spend tens of millions on campaigns. So tell me what quid pro quo are they looking for?

Yeah, you actually proved my point. Of course unions are looking for preferential treatment. Our side will admit it; yours won't. Because you're money-loving Oligarchs who sadly rarely have a couple nickels in their pockets.

Because you're patsies.
Do you care to prove that?

How about this?

Dues and Don’ts | Teachers Union Facts

And that's just the teachers' union.

In 2008 the SEIU spent 85 million during the presidential campaign
SEIU Campaign Spending Pays Political Dividends - WSJ.com

Hmm. 85 million over a few years, compared to a billion spent this election year alone. You're right. Totally equitable. Fuckstick.

Karl Rove, Kochs Plan $1 Billion to Put Romney in White House | Veracity Stew

It doesn't matter what kind of people are backing a candidate. We have secret ballots so we should be able to keep all of our political affiliations private.

Wow. What an incredibly simplistic, narrow and naive view of the issues. Listen, you fucking idiot, of course we should care what kind of people are backing a candidate. Would you vote for a guy whose major source of campaign funding came from a company that advocates killing babies to grind their bones up for fuel?

This shit does matter, you fucking simpleton. Maybe not to you, because you clearly lack the neurons to rub together to form a real thought, but some of us do actually care about the people who are buying these elections.

I have shown that just 2 unions spend tens of millions on campaigns. So tell me what quid pro quo are they looking for?

Yeah, you actually proved my point. Of course unions are looking for preferential treatment. Our side will admit it; yours won't. Because you're money-loving Oligarchs who sadly rarely have a couple nickels in their pockets.

Because you're patsies.

Karl Rove and Koch? Really?

How about the destroyer of Economies...SOROS?

Is Soros Betting on U.S. Financial Collapse?
that's the extent of your posting prowess? Some meaningless drivel and telling me to take a long walk off a short pier?


You really do suck at this.

You silly twat. Does Romney run his campaign? Because his campaign certainly has pissed, bitched and moaned. And even if you don't believe that, I mean why would you, you're a Conservative. Historical record doesn't mean anything to you, just your gut "Feeling" as to what the historical record shows. Even if you don't believe the Rmoney campaign hasn't bitched about the Bain criticisms, your party has.

So yes. You guys whine and bitch far more than we do. Way more. You're giant, gaping, weeping pussies. Ya'all motherfuckers need to stop worrying about whether it's fair game. What ya'all motherfuckers need to be worried about is that they're working.

Battleground states receptive to Obama's Bain Capital attacks - CSMonitor.com

Ook, so, by your logic, everything done by the Obama campaign is the direct fault of Obama as well... right? And by his administration? All his fault.

Or, is that just... different somehow.

Moron. You have the intellectual capacity of a small soap dish, if that is the best you've got.

Yes, I would say that Obama is responsible for what is done by his campaign in his name, yes. And I'm sure he'd probably say that too, because he has integrity. Unlike the guy who isn't distancing himself from a birther career bankruptcy artist like Donald Trump. Or did you need your ass handed to you with the "A More Perfect Union" speech too?

Our guy already distanced himself from the lunatic fringe of his movement. Your guy hasn't. There's the point, dumbfuck, spelled out for you, in very simple, "Conservatives Can Even Understand This" language.

Look, if I got sexual pleasure from money, I'd be a Conservative too, I get it. If dumbfuck twits like yourself are the standard bearer of intelligence, thank fuck almighty I'm not up to your standards.
Do you care to prove that?

How about this?

Dues and Don’ts | Teachers Union Facts

And that's just the teachers' union.

In 2008 the SEIU spent 85 million during the presidential campaign
SEIU Campaign Spending Pays Political Dividends - WSJ.com

Hmm. 85 million over a few years, compared to a billion spent this election year alone. You're right. Totally equitable. Fuckstick.

Karl Rove, Kochs Plan $1 Billion to Put Romney in White House | Veracity Stew

Wow. What an incredibly simplistic, narrow and naive view of the issues. Listen, you fucking idiot, of course we should care what kind of people are backing a candidate. Would you vote for a guy whose major source of campaign funding came from a company that advocates killing babies to grind their bones up for fuel?

This shit does matter, you fucking simpleton. Maybe not to you, because you clearly lack the neurons to rub together to form a real thought, but some of us do actually care about the people who are buying these elections.

I have shown that just 2 unions spend tens of millions on campaigns. So tell me what quid pro quo are they looking for?

Yeah, you actually proved my point. Of course unions are looking for preferential treatment. Our side will admit it; yours won't. Because you're money-loving Oligarchs who sadly rarely have a couple nickels in their pockets.

Because you're patsies.

Karl Rove and Koch? Really?

How about the destroyer of Economies...SOROS?

Is Soros Betting on U.S. Financial Collapse?

Ha ha. Yes. The old "George Soros is Controlling Obama to Destroy America" conspiracy theory.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was speaking to Glen Beck this whole time. Hi, Glen. How's it feel to be even too fucking stupid and crazy for Fox News, you twunt?
Do you care to prove that?

How about this?

Dues and Don’ts | Teachers Union Facts

And that's just the teachers' union.

In 2008 the SEIU spent 85 million during the presidential campaign
SEIU Campaign Spending Pays Political Dividends - WSJ.com

Hmm. 85 million over a few years, compared to a billion spent this election year alone. You're right. Totally equitable. Fuckstick.

name calling the last resort of a failed argument.

Karl Rove, Kochs Plan $1 Billion to Put Romney in White House | Veracity Stew

It doesn't matter what kind of people are backing a candidate. We have secret ballots so we should be able to keep all of our political affiliations private.

Wow. What an incredibly simplistic, narrow and naive view of the issues. Listen, you fucking idiot, of course we should care what kind of people are backing a candidate. Would you vote for a guy whose major source of campaign funding came from a company that advocates killing babies to grind their bones up for fuel?

Please tell me what companies do that.

This shit does matter, you fucking simpleton. Maybe not to you, because you clearly lack the neurons to rub together to form a real thought, but some of us do actually care about the people who are buying these elections.

Then maybe we should screen who is allowed to vote. After all we don't know what kind of people they are either.

I have shown that just 2 unions spend tens of millions on campaigns. So tell me what quid pro quo are they looking for?

Yeah, you actually proved my point. Of course unions are looking for preferential treatment. Our side will admit it; yours won't. Because you're money-loving Oligarchs who sadly rarely have a couple nickels in their pockets.

Because you're patsies.

Maybe we should ban unions from making political contributions after all I know what kind of people union bosses are.

And btw what exactly is "my side" I am not a member of any political party and I do not plan on voting for Romney or Obama.

I'll write in Goofy because imo he is ultimately more qualified than either candidate.
Do you care to prove that?

How about this?

Dues and Don’ts | Teachers Union Facts

And that's just the teachers' union.

In 2008 the SEIU spent 85 million during the presidential campaign
SEIU Campaign Spending Pays Political Dividends - WSJ.com

Hmm. 85 million over a few years, compared to a billion spent this election year alone. You're right. Totally equitable. Fuckstick.

name calling the last resort of a failed argument.

Karl Rove, Kochs Plan $1 Billion to Put Romney in White House | Veracity Stew

Please tell me what companies do that.

Then maybe we should screen who is allowed to vote. After all we don't know what kind of people they are either.

I have shown that just 2 unions spend tens of millions on campaigns. So tell me what quid pro quo are they looking for?

Yeah, you actually proved my point. Of course unions are looking for preferential treatment. Our side will admit it; yours won't. Because you're money-loving Oligarchs who sadly rarely have a couple nickels in their pockets.

Because you're patsies.

Maybe we should ban unions from making political contributions after all I know what kind of people union bosses are.

And btw what exactly is "my side" I am not a member of any political party and I do not plan on voting for Romney or Obama.

I'll write in Goofy because imo he is ultimately more qualified than either candidate.[/QUOTE]

Make the elections publicly funded, and I'll let you ban contributions from Unions, sure.
Make the elections publicly funded, and I'll let you ban contributions from Unions, sure.

Sorry but I don't want my tax dollars funding some scum sucking politicians bid for office.

I have enough money stolen from me by the fucking government.
Corporations aren't people EXCEPT as a legal fiction for certain LEGAL rights and protections.

To that extent the shorthand way we have phrased it for a LONG time is "a corporation is a person." In fact, it's the root of the very word.

So, all the quibbles aside, the fact remains, corporations are still persons.

Cool. Let's only send corporations off to die in foreign wars...oh wait.

You figure out how to do that, and you have a legion of fellow idiot lib lemmings ready to endorse your absurd mindless sophistry.

Until then, that's not the kind of "person" they are.

"Legal fiction" is an elusive concept for you brain dead trollish libs.
Corporations aren't people EXCEPT as a legal fiction for certain LEGAL rights and protections.

To that extent the shorthand way we have phrased it for a LONG time is "a corporation is a person." In fact, it's the root of the very word.

So, all the quibbles aside, the fact remains, corporations are still persons.

Cool. Let's only send corporations off to die in foreign wars...oh wait.

You figure out how to do that, and you have a legion of fellow idiot lib lemmings ready to endorse your absurd mindless sophistry.

Until then, that's not the kind of "person" they are.

"Legal fiction" is an elusive concept for you brain dead trollish libs.

No, you stupid motherfucker. I get exactly why corporations are treated as separate legal entities. No one is arguing that you change that. Removing personal liability from entrepreneurs and business owners is fine. But this bullshit theory that being a separate legal entity entitles you to all the rights of human life is fucking stupid, and you know it.

You know how I know you know it? What if instead of corporations being people, we said unions were people? Isn't that what you or some of your fellow Derps were saying before? That unions are corporations? You'd flip your shit.

So that's how we know it's an equitable set-up. Because you'd lose your top if it was unions pulling this shit.
Those are corporate campaign donations that were disclosed. SuperPACs don't follow under those guidelines, and don't have to disclose. A corporation could dump all kinds of money into a Super PAC and the Super PAC doesn't have to tell us where their money came from. So yeah, nice try, but kinda not the same thing, at all. And no reference was made to donations made post-Citizens United.

I will bet you you are glad that Obama flip-fl....evolved and decided to take donations from super pacs, huh!

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