Warren Growing More Desperate

Trump was elected on a wave of fear against Muslims, Mexicans, and black people. That cannot be denied.
Warren made almost 8 million dollars on the recount request. For Warren ethics never get in the way of money.
She sees 2020 as her big payday.
Warren: Part of Trump's Election Was 'Ugly Stew of Racism' - Blaming Other Religions and Races 'A Big Part' - Breitbart

Dances-With-One-Trick-Pony is fresh out of ideas, and if she had the figure for it she'd be flashing her breasts on MSNBC in a desperate bid to stop even democrats from forgetting about her.

Since when is stating a fact "desperate?"

Also, a recent study proves that Trump supporters are racist degenerate scum.
Study: racism and sexism predict support for Trump much more than economic dissatisfaction
Trump was elected on a wave of fear against Muslims, Mexicans, and black people. That cannot be denied.


Um, yes it can.

Trump was elected for the following reasons

1. his opponent was the most sick in the head monster to ever win a major party nomination
2. government spending has been totally out of control since 1998
3. Trump is an authentic outsider, which is why the GOP gave CO to Cruz without a vote
4. Trump, as a billionaire, has a spine to stand up to special interests
5. The laws of the US have been violated more than Madonna since W got elected - Trump won with a LAW and ORDER - NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW platform

Leftist sub human birdbrains reflexively default to tossing race cards whenever they cannot handle the reality of the moment.
Trump distinguished himself from the rest of the GOP field by taking the most extreme stances against minorities, women, and foreigners. And by using the most extreme and despicable tactics (ie: Cruz's dad murdered JFK) which made the frothing GOP base swoon. That's why you're seeing such mass protesting. Trump won by appealing to the worst of humanity.

All your little bullshit about "jobs" and "law and order?" EVERYONE in the GOP field was promising that. But Trump, a complete joke and least popular of the field at the beginning, knew what conservative voters really wanted to hear.
by taking the most extreme stances against minorities, women, and foreigners.

You are a seriously warped sub human obsessed with tossing cards because you cannot accept the reality that your party cheated out Bernie, installed the monster Hillary, and Hillary crumbled and lost - LOL!!!!!

People who voted for Trump are concerned about the DEFICIT, the DEBT, the ECONOMY, the uber corrupt justice under W and O, and obvious frauds like global (non) warming.

But keep tossing cards, please!!!

Your side does nothing but lose when all it does is toss cards...
by taking the most extreme stances against minorities, women, and foreigners.

You are a seriously warped sub human obsessed with tossing cards because you cannot accept the reality that your party cheated out Bernie, installed the monster Hillary, and Hillary crumbled and lost - LOL!!!!!

People who voted for Trump are concerned about the DEFICIT, the DEBT, the ECONOMY, the uber corrupt justice under W and O, and obvious frauds like global (non) warming.

But keep tossing cards, please!!!

Your side does nothing but lose when all it does is toss cards...
You know what Trump's NOT concerned about? The deficit, debt, or economy. He's never been concerned about those things a day in his life. He's probably on his way back to Mar-a-Lago as we speak.
Warren: Part of Trump's Election Was 'Ugly Stew of Racism' - Blaming Other Religions and Races 'A Big Part' - Breitbart

Dances-With-One-Trick-Pony is fresh out of ideas, and if she had the figure for it she'd be flashing her breasts on MSNBC in a desperate bid to stop even democrats from forgetting about her.

Since when is stating a fact "desperate?"

Also, a recent study proves that Trump supporters are racist degenerate scum.
Study: racism and sexism predict support for Trump much more than economic dissatisfaction

I wonder who that racist lunatic in Fresno voted for....
by taking the most extreme stances against minorities, women, and foreigners.

You are a seriously warped sub human obsessed with tossing cards because you cannot accept the reality that your party cheated out Bernie, installed the monster Hillary, and Hillary crumbled and lost - LOL!!!!!

People who voted for Trump are concerned about the DEFICIT, the DEBT, the ECONOMY, the uber corrupt justice under W and O, and obvious frauds like global (non) warming.

But keep tossing cards, please!!!

Your side does nothing but lose when all it does is toss cards...
You know what Trump's NOT concerned about? The deficit, debt, or economy. He's never been concerned about those things a day in his life. He's probably on his way back to Mar-a-Lago as we speak.

You killed any "Alt-Right" Nazi's yet Captain America?
Trump was elected on a wave of fear against Muslims, Mexicans, and black people. That cannot be denied.

Only a dumbass snowflake wouldn't be concerned about importing potential terrorists into this country or low wage labor that drives out standard of living down. Of course, douche bags have a way of spinning common sense to look like something despicable. The truth is that anyone who wants to allow this stuff to continue is a trator who is willing to destroy this country to win a few elections.

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