Warren Growing More Desperate

What you drunk fool? How about you just funny my posts and stop yourself from replying :thup:
Why would right wingers give a fuck about who murdered JFK, moron?
JFK was shot by someone with same ideology as Bernie Sanders.

No he wasn't.
Oswald was a Marxist who wanted "fair play for Cuba."

Oswald didn't do it. He was the patsy. Sorry.
Oswald completely fits the FBI profile of the American political assassin.
Why would right wingers give a fuck about who murdered JFK, moron?
JFK was shot by someone with same ideology as Bernie Sanders.

No he wasn't.
Oswald was a Marxist who wanted "fair play for Cuba."

Oswald didn't do it. He was the patsy. Sorry.
Oswald completely fits the FBI profile of the American political assassin.

So it is your opinion that Oswald shot him from above, behind and to the right and JFK's head jerked backwards?
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Trump won using common sense

Let's keep it real here, folks.

Trump is a good American patriot, but he made so many errors as a candidate it was hard to believe he won... until you checked out his opposition.
While he did make some questionable comments, he understood what the majority of voters wanted.

This is one of my favorite responses from him......

JFK's assassination was 100% about this...

ISRAEL and the Promised Land

LBJ used Vietnam as a screen, taking our best weapons and handing them to Israel for the battles that he, LBJ, would lie his ass off about....

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move"

Trump was elected on a wave of fear against Muslims, Mexicans, and black people. That cannot be denied.


Um, yes it can.

Trump was elected for the following reasons

1. his opponent was the most sick in the head monster to ever win a major party nomination
2. government spending has been totally out of control since 1998
3. Trump is an authentic outsider, which is why the GOP gave CO to Cruz without a vote
4. Trump, as a billionaire, has a spine to stand up to special interests
5. The laws of the US have been violated more than Madonna since W got elected - Trump won with a LAW and ORDER - NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW platform

Leftist sub human birdbrains reflexively default to tossing race cards whenever they cannot handle the reality of the moment.

You are so full of bull.

1. The election came down to who did you hate the least. Trump and Clinton had a hardcore around 30%. The rest were voting against someone rather than for someone. The British PM called a new election before the next scheduled one in 2020. Americans wish they could do that.
2. The trouble is that Trump did not run on cutting spending. He has no mandate for that.
3. Trump is not a outsider. He was one of those buying politicians and the only thing he has done to the swamp is change the names of the reptiles in it. There was a vote in Colorado. It is called a caucus and it was open to any registered Republican who wanted to participate. Cruz out organized Trump.
4. Trump is not standing up to special interests. All a business has to do is call the Republicans and they will do away with it. The Trump Administration sides with big business 100% of the time.
5. Trump ran on a authoritarian platform. He is finding out that he is not above the law and is not to happy about that.
Trump was elected because the Democrats nominated a lousy candidate who ran a horrible campaign Warren and the other loons can deny this all they wish it won't make it any less true.
In fact, the longer they deny it, the longer it will take for them to rebuild.
Trump was elected on a wave of fear against Muslims, Mexicans, and black people. That cannot be denied.

In your little world, probably, for the rest of America is was a different reason. Those that voted for Trump, were the working class, that had jobs, businesses, families and an uncertain future. Those that voted for Trump wanted real change, not the "hope and change" that never happened with Obama.

People wanted to know that new rules and regs would not pop up and threaten a business.

Trump wasn't the answer but for people that have been ignored for the last 16 years, it was a chance to voice their concerns. People such as yourself have not realized what happened. The ignorance of why Trump was elected, will cost the Democratic Party.

Your ignorance is noted.
The trouble is that Trump did not run on cutting spending

Yes he did. He promised to cut the bureaucracy size.

There was a vote in Colorado. It is called a caucus and it was open to any registered Republican who wanted to participate. Cruz out organized Trump.

You lie.

Furious GOP Voters Burn Registrations as Colorado Cancels Primary & Cruz Automatically Wins

"He’s another angry Coloradoan who feels disenfranchised by the fact that the Colorado GOP canceled their primary and essentially handed a basket of 34 delegates on over to Ted Cruz without a popular vote."

When you get a clue, let us know. You are a sub human who is full of shit.
Trump was elected on a wave of fear against Muslims, Mexicans, and black people. That cannot be denied.


Um, yes it can.

Trump was elected for the following reasons

1. his opponent was the most sick in the head monster to ever win a major party nomination
2. government spending has been totally out of control since 1998
3. Trump is an authentic outsider, which is why the GOP gave CO to Cruz without a vote
4. Trump, as a billionaire, has a spine to stand up to special interests
5. The laws of the US have been violated more than Madonna since W got elected - Trump won with a LAW and ORDER - NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW platform

Leftist sub human birdbrains reflexively default to tossing race cards whenever they cannot handle the reality of the moment.

You are so full of bull.

1. The election came down to who did you hate the least. Trump and Clinton had a hardcore around 30%. The rest were voting against someone rather than for someone. The British PM called a new election before the next scheduled one in 2020. Americans wish they could do that.
2. The trouble is that Trump did not run on cutting spending. He has no mandate for that.
3. Trump is not a outsider. He was one of those buying politicians and the only thing he has done to the swamp is change the names of the reptiles in it. There was a vote in Colorado. It is called a caucus and it was open to any registered Republican who wanted to participate. Cruz out organized Trump.
4. Trump is not standing up to special interests. All a business has to do is call the Republicans and they will do away with it. The Trump Administration sides with big business 100% of the time.
5. Trump ran on a authoritarian platform. He is finding out that he is not above the law and is not to happy about that.

Trump was running on less government, which is less government spending. He ran on lifting regulations and that means less government spending. The election came down to who provided Americans with more hope. The working class Americans decided they wanted a President who would cut regulations over a President that would add regulations.
Warren: Part of Trump's Election Was 'Ugly Stew of Racism' - Blaming Other Religions and Races 'A Big Part' - Breitbart

Dances-With-One-Trick-Pony is fresh out of ideas, and if she had the figure for it she'd be flashing her breasts on MSNBC in a desperate bid to stop even democrats from forgetting about her.

Since when is stating a fact "desperate?"

Also, a recent study proves that Trump supporters are racist degenerate scum.
Study: racism and sexism predict support for Trump much more than economic dissatisfaction

What a piece of shit that guy in the video is...a proud, obviously patriotic, REAL American finally fed up and pissed off...You Liberal Fairies better start getting use to more of that...You may have created a monster.

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