Warren: Yeah, We'll Raise Your Taxes If We Regain Power

Why should anyone pay for the Democrats messes in NY and CA?
California overwhelmingly contributes more than any other state to the US economy so nobody is paying for California besides Californians... NY is the third largest contributed
that doesnt mean life is wonderful for everyone who lives there....especially those in the inland part of the state...if you live on the coast you are loving life....
The coast is wildly expensive and inland certainly has its issues. I’m not claiming it is the best state in all aspects. I grew up there and I love and appreciate many things about it. I also have a house in Austin and Love many things about Texas as well. To each their own. The point I was trying to make was that the country isn’t proping up or paying for California. Cali gives way more than it takes
i agree, but my point was that many counties inland have high unemployment and people just getting by.....i asked a couple of die-hard Californians here, are those people part of the state or not?.....i was told i was bashing California....even though i lived there longer than the turds who were telling me that....
I agree, I love Cali but the government has grown a bit to big for its britches
yea it has gotten worse over the last 30 years thats for sure......
So many seem to forget that corporations were pushed out because of high taxes. The rich have kept their money in offshore accounts simply because of high taxes.
We go back to high taxes and we lose more corporations. We do not repatriate money like Apple and others did.
That's what the left want - jobs moved out so more on welfare.
Twenty trillion in debt is not going to pay itself off.

By the end of his second term Trump will start to pay down the debt. He needs to make Pinatas out the Republicans "Leadership" in Congress first
Twenty trillion in debt is not going to pay itself off.
Try cutting spending to match income

Fat chance of that happening,
Doesn’t mean it shouldnt happen.
Lets make a deal

Increase the upper tax rate to 50 percent on income over one million

Only until our debt is paid off....then drop it to 30 percent

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