Warren: Yeah, We'll Raise Your Taxes If We Regain Power

Let’s be honest here with your headlines mr weatherman. She wants to raise taxes on the top earners and corporation and use that money to help the middle class and poor. I don’t neccessary agree with warrens plans but you can at least present them honestly.
(edit) - not the same as the stories headline no. but she did say she'd raise taxes all through the story. (/edit)

"Elections have consequences. Just Senator Elizabeth Warren, who suggested that a 50% to 90% personal income tax rate for Americans is not out of the question. Warren made the shocking admission in an interview with CNBC.

Warren also promised that Democrats will end President Trump’s tax cuts if they take control of Congress in November 2018."

i really don't care how much you make, 50% and higher is just stupid. you're making it necessary for our richest and brightest to leave the country or take other measures to protect what they earn. this "entitlement" to others work is killing any motivation people have *to* work at times. we do need to figure out how to lower the costs of education and invest in our own people somehow. not socialism and give it away - no one respects what they are given in as much as what they work for and earn. period.

but to your point - this wasn't weathermans headline - i clicked it and this is the one the link / page generates and that they use on their own site. we're told to use those headlines in here so people don't go making stuff up and i'd prefer it like that but not my call.

there is simply no good way to present warren and NOT make her look the fool.
Her policies are too progressive for my taste however. When she said raise taxes she is talking about the wealthy. Progressives want to tax the wealthy and redistribute those funds to the middle class and poor. That’s their philosophy. There is strength and weaknesses in that philosophy depending on how it’s applied and that should be debated. But it should be discussed honestly and not hyperbolically
The rich left claim the rich need to be taxed more.

As they use every tax deduction, owe the IRS in back payments, and even sue the IRS over taxes.
The rich left wants to see their own tax rates raised

The rich right wants to slash their tax rates as well as slash benefits to the poor

And eliminate 1.5 trillion from the deficits the tax cuts created.
FakeDave lying his ass off again. Tax revenue is up and Dave is a lying sack of shit.

Jan - May 2018 $2,225 billion
Jan - May 2017 $2,169 billion

Monthly Treasury Statement
Deficits have ACCELERATED since Trump took office. He's on track to bust Obama's debt record wide open.

And eliminate 1.5 trillion from the deficits the tax cuts created.
FakeDave lying his ass off again. Tax revenue is up and Dave is a lying sack of shit.

Jan - May 2018 $2,225 billion
Jan - May 2017 $2,169 billion

Monthly Treasury Statement

Deficits are increasing. Tax cuts were stupid.

Deficits are increasing, but it has nothing to do with tax cuts. Revenue is up. Time for you to stop lying and blaming tax revenue.

Do you believe the high tax states that are suing for a tax cut are stupid?
The January to May revenues you cited have nothing to do with the Trump tax cut. Those revenues are from Obama era tax rates.

Tax rates which Obama increased.

You just shot yourself in the head.
Trump is bearing down on the middle class that is already on the ropes and trying to deliver the KO.
Let’s be honest here with your headlines mr weatherman. She wants to raise taxes on the top earners and corporation and use that money to help the middle class and poor. I don’t neccessary agree with warrens plans but you can at least present them honestly.
(edit) - not the same as the stories headline no. but she did say she'd raise taxes all through the story. (/edit)

"Elections have consequences. Just Senator Elizabeth Warren, who suggested that a 50% to 90% personal income tax rate for Americans is not out of the question. Warren made the shocking admission in an interview with CNBC.

Warren also promised that Democrats will end President Trump’s tax cuts if they take control of Congress in November 2018."

i really don't care how much you make, 50% and higher is just stupid. you're making it necessary for our richest and brightest to leave the country or take other measures to protect what they earn. this "entitlement" to others work is killing any motivation people have *to* work at times. we do need to figure out how to lower the costs of education and invest in our own people somehow. not socialism and give it away - no one respects what they are given in as much as what they work for and earn. period.

but to your point - this wasn't weathermans headline - i clicked it and this is the one the link / page generates and that they use on their own site. we're told to use those headlines in here so people don't go making stuff up and i'd prefer it like that but not my call.

there is simply no good way to present warren and NOT make her look the fool.
Her policies are too progressive for my taste however. When she said raise taxes she is talking about the wealthy. Progressives want to tax the wealthy and redistribute those funds to the middle class and poor. That’s their philosophy. There is strength and weaknesses in that philosophy depending on how it’s applied and that should be debated. But it should be discussed honestly and not hyperbolically
yea - our best, brightest and most able to help out - we want to keep punishing them and demonizing them and i get tired of that.

"progressive" to me these days isn't mired in reality and it simply tells the lazy what they want to hear.

life is work
life can be a total and complete bitch at times
there's nothing anyone can or should do about it at times, except ourselves.

we keep trying to fix the world into perfection and tend to distort reality along the way. are there evil rich people. damn skippy but not all rich are evil. you can take any negative trait and look at any segment of people and there will be some in that segment that exhibit this trait.


we tend to treat it as all when it suits our needs and forget the simple fact everyone is an asshole if you talk to enough people. it goes right along with taking the worst of others to judge them by and the best of ourselves to hope is accepted.

we do fully agree we need open and honest discussion where the hyperbole and drama is kept at the door and anyone getting EMO will be shown said door. we need logic to take the wheel for a bit. the emo's are killing us all.
Let’s be honest here with your headlines mr weatherman. She wants to raise taxes on the top earners and corporation and use that money to help the middle class and poor. I don’t neccessary agree with warrens plans but you can at least present them honestly.

That's what they say they want, but the increases usually work their way down the chain when they realize they can't tax their way out of their spending fixes with just the "wealthy"

And yet when Trump goes after the wealthy via the SALT limitation, progressives lose it.
The SALT legislation was sloppy and didn’t take into account cost of living in places like New York and California. That said you bring up fair critiques on the progressive tax agenda. Just wish people like the OP would present the facts in a honest way
Why should anyone pay for the Democrats messes in NY and CA?
California overwhelmingly contributes more than any other state to the US economy so nobody is paying for California besides Californians... NY is the third largest contributed
that doesnt mean life is wonderful for everyone who lives there....especially those in the inland part of the state...if you live on the coast you are loving life....
Let’s be honest here with your headlines mr weatherman. She wants to raise taxes on the top earners and corporation and use that money to help the middle class and poor. I don’t neccessary agree with warrens plans but you can at least present them honestly.

That's what they say they want, but the increases usually work their way down the chain when they realize they can't tax their way out of their spending fixes with just the "wealthy"

And yet when Trump goes after the wealthy via the SALT limitation, progressives lose it.
The SALT legislation was sloppy and didn’t take into account cost of living in places like New York and California. That said you bring up fair critiques on the progressive tax agenda. Just wish people like the OP would present the facts in a honest way
Why should anyone pay for the Democrats messes in NY and CA?
California overwhelmingly contributes more than any other state to the US economy so nobody is paying for California besides Californians... NY is the third largest contributed
that doesnt mean life is wonderful for everyone who lives there....especially those in the inland part of the state...if you live on the coast you are loving life....
The coast is wildly expensive and inland certainly has its issues. I’m not claiming it is the best state in all aspects. I grew up there and I love and appreciate many things about it. I also have a house in Austin and Love many things about Texas as well. To each their own. The point I was trying to make was that the country isn’t proping up or paying for California. Cali gives way more than it takes
That's what they say they want, but the increases usually work their way down the chain when they realize they can't tax their way out of their spending fixes with just the "wealthy"

And yet when Trump goes after the wealthy via the SALT limitation, progressives lose it.
The SALT legislation was sloppy and didn’t take into account cost of living in places like New York and California. That said you bring up fair critiques on the progressive tax agenda. Just wish people like the OP would present the facts in a honest way
Why should anyone pay for the Democrats messes in NY and CA?
California overwhelmingly contributes more than any other state to the US economy so nobody is paying for California besides Californians... NY is the third largest contributed
that doesnt mean life is wonderful for everyone who lives there....especially those in the inland part of the state...if you live on the coast you are loving life....
The coast is wildly expensive and inland certainly has its issues. I’m not claiming it is the best state in all aspects. I grew up there and I love and appreciate many things about it. I also have a house in Austin and Love many things about Texas as well. To each their own. The point I was trying to make was that the country isn’t proping up or paying for California. Cali gives way more than it takes
i agree, but my point was that many counties inland have high unemployment and people just getting by.....i asked a couple of die-hard Californians here, are those people part of the state or not?.....i was told i was bashing California....even though i lived there longer than the turds who were telling me that....
The SALT legislation was sloppy and didn’t take into account cost of living in places like New York and California. That said you bring up fair critiques on the progressive tax agenda. Just wish people like the OP would present the facts in a honest way
Why should anyone pay for the Democrats messes in NY and CA?
California overwhelmingly contributes more than any other state to the US economy so nobody is paying for California besides Californians... NY is the third largest contributed
that doesnt mean life is wonderful for everyone who lives there....especially those in the inland part of the state...if you live on the coast you are loving life....
The coast is wildly expensive and inland certainly has its issues. I’m not claiming it is the best state in all aspects. I grew up there and I love and appreciate many things about it. I also have a house in Austin and Love many things about Texas as well. To each their own. The point I was trying to make was that the country isn’t proping up or paying for California. Cali gives way more than it takes
i agree, but my point was that many counties inland have high unemployment and people just getting by.....i asked a couple of die-hard Californians here, are those people part of the state or not?.....i was told i was bashing California....even though i lived there longer than the turds who were telling me that....
I agree, I love Cali but the government has grown a bit to big for its britches

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