Wary NYPD cops letting minor crimes slide

Okay. Let's see if ignoring crime and letting criminals be armed works the same way in reverse as stop and frisk worked to reduce crime.

Gun crime up after stop-and-frisk ruling New York Post

I don't live in New York anymore. Even my relatives fled. I have no stake in this social experiment in expanding criminal activity. Let's give it a try. Only New York will suffer. It will be a good object lesson.
your article is OVER a year old...

the full year of 2014 less this final week's statistics, violent crimes are DOWN this year


HOW could that happen without stop and frisk?
You are still wrong.
33 Rise in NYC Murders Under Bill 8220 Soft on Crime 8221 de Blasio FrontPage Magazine
You're so stupid. Do you think the police go out and actively look for blacks and Hispanics to stop and search?? Yes you do, which makes you stupid. The people that are searched are the people who are suspected of wrongdoing.

And being not white is what makes them suspicious.

In New York the situation is very simple - you don't get involved with crime you'll never have a problem with the cops.

If you're white.

Explain to me how I have friends and colleagues that are black who have never had any issues with police. This idea that police officers look to harass black people instead of doing thier jobs is crazy. As a matter a fact it's propaganda manufactured by the comunist party to try and destroy our society. Yep, you've been duped by the commies.
Okay. Let's see if ignoring crime and letting criminals be armed works the same way in reverse as stop and frisk worked to reduce crime.

Gun crime up after stop-and-frisk ruling New York Post

I don't live in New York anymore. Even my relatives fled. I have no stake in this social experiment in expanding criminal activity. Let's give it a try. Only New York will suffer. It will be a good object lesson.
your article is OVER a year old...

the full year of 2014 less this final week's statistics, violent crimes are DOWN this year


HOW could that happen without stop and frisk?
You are still wrong.
33 Rise in NYC Murders Under Bill 8220 Soft on Crime 8221 de Blasio FrontPage Magazine
AGAIN, that is from nearly a year ago...and it is only for Murders and NOT for ALL violent crimes, which is what stop and frisk was for....

May I ask, is there some reason you don't want to use the actual statistics of what the actual violent crimes on the year are for 2014 that is put out by the police/our gvt?


IT SHOWS thru the whole 2014 year, with the exception of these last 10 days of the year in the link above...why won't you use it?

BUT instead you have chosen to use a rag magazine filled with vile and speculation and is CLEARLY slanted, and is from the first month results of this year for one tiny segment of violent crimes, and not the whole year???

Surely you have some self respect, and can admit your links are simply too old and not the reality of how the year has turned out, without stop and frisk.

PLEASE take your time and read the actual crime statistics result for NYC.

I'm actually surprised that crime has not gone up tremendously, without stop and frisk....I believed that it would go up...

BUT IT HASN'T gone up on the total....

so that means I was wrong to think they would, and so are you Tipsy!
So it begins.

A virtual work stoppage by the NYPD. Arrests down by a whopping 66%.
Arrests plummet 66 with NYPD in virtual work stoppage New York Post

This could get interesting. In addition cops are doubling up for safety which means they cover 1/2 as much territory!
well i'll be darned!

Hiya Willow! long time no see!
Hi! Care, how have you been?
Pretty good Willow! Christmas was great, and am expecting a happy New Year too! Hope yours is wonderful!

Glad you are back here! :)
So it begins.

A virtual work stoppage by the NYPD. Arrests down by a whopping 66%.
Arrests plummet 66 with NYPD in virtual work stoppage New York Post

This could get interesting. In addition cops are doubling up for safety which means they cover 1/2 as much territory!
well i'll be darned!

Hiya Willow! long time no see!
Hi! Care, how have you been?
Pretty good Willow! Christmas was great, and am expecting a happy New Year too! Hope yours is wonderful!

Glad you are back here! :)
Thank You Care!

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