Was Barry "The Butthurt" Hussaine Obama really President for 8 years?

Barry would of allowed N Korea to attack S.Korea, then Barry would of gone on a 3 week Hawaii vacation

The term would be "WOULD HAVE".......5th grade was a bitch for you and are still trying to pass those pesky tests? Right, you illiterate fuck head??
The so called President Grumph is working hard to bolster President Obama's legacy.
Dayem, anyone see the interview with that douchebag after it returned for months roaming the globe? What a f@cking faggot Obama is. Totally cluesless. Totally uneducated. Totally inexperienced. So thankful its appointed predecessor f@cked herself by collapsing in a Parkinson's freeze in front of her Scooby van. :p Who ever filmed that and uploaded it is probably a Russian spy! :p
He was one hell of a gun salesman… Best ever!
Barry would of allowed N Korea to attack S.Korea, then Barry would of gone on a 3 week Hawaii vacation

And here we are- thanks to Trump we are closer to war with North Korea since Truman.

Thanks Trump!
Latest Monkey Butt Itch Poll,,,,,if election were held today,,,,,,Pile Of Goat Manure 75%..........Barry,,,,35%

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