Was Colorado Prison Chief Murdered for Refusing to Free Saudi Rapist?

You guys misunderstood the Muslim hating scumbag's intentions. Ha Ha Ha. He's a nazi piece of shit who looks for anything possible even if its blatantly false to cause a rift with Americans and Muslims just for the sole purpose of hatred. He doesn't actually care about who gets killed, he just waits until he can find a conspiracy or a Muslim in jail being involved. Although what'd ya know, his kind is going out and killing government officials.
S. J.'s first post in #5 ('''damn murdering muslims") was merely an outburst, nothing else.

The thrust of the murder investigation quickly moved to white supremacists, whom S. J. has been defending ever since through ad hom attacks on those who agree that white supremacism is a stain on American culture.
S. J.'s first post in #5 ('''damn murdering muslims") was merely an outburst, nothing else.

The thrust of the murder investigation quickly moved to white supremacists, whom S. J. has been defending ever since through ad hom attacks on those who agree that white supremacism is a stain on American culture.
It wasn't an "outburst", stupid, it was a comment on muslims in general. Your doctor friend didn't like me saying that, so he started a pissing contest (like liberals do). I was merely pointing out that he was a hypocrite for attacking me when he was doing the same thing. He posted links that accused a dead white supremacist, and then denied doing it. I don't know who murdered the prison chief and neither does he. I don't defend white supremacists, but I DO think liberal assholes like you and your pals, like to call every white person that disagrees with you a white supremacist, and that you make excuses for murdering muslims. Does that clear things up for you, irrelevant asshole?
S. J.'s first post in #5 ('''damn murdering muslims") was merely an outburst, nothing else.

The thrust of the murder investigation quickly moved to white supremacists, whom S. J. has been defending ever since through ad hom attacks on those who agree that white supremacism is a stain on American culture.
It wasn't an "outburst", stupid, it was a comment on muslims in general. Your doctor friend didn't like me saying that, so he started a pissing contest (like liberals do). I was merely pointing out that he was a hypocrite for attacking me when he was doing the same thing. He posted links that accused a dead white supremacist, and then denied doing it. I don't know who murdered the prison chief and neither does he. I don't defend white supremacists, but I DO think liberal assholes like you and your pals, like to call every white person that disagrees with you a white supremacist, and that you make excuses for murdering muslims. Does that clear things up for you, irrelevant asshole?

blah blah alh

Continue looking stupid all you want.

I disagree with Rick Perry, have for twenty five year, he knows it, and I don't think he is a white supremacist. Or most of the leadership of the far right in Texas. But I do know that some of them believe in WS in East Texas, so we removed them from leadership positions.
Then stop being a pussy and say you think the dead white guy did it, instead of copping out and saying "I'm not accusing anybody" or "I have no opinion". If you would try being a man, I might have some respect for you.

Well, it's been shown by the news and the police reports that Evan Ebel was at one time a member of the 211 crew (which is a white supremacist gang), and it's also been reported by the news and the police that a gun found in his car when he was killed in Texas has ballistics that match the shooting in CO.

Additionally, there were bomb making supplies in his car when he was killed.

Why are you trying to blame Muslims when it's pretty apparent at this time that the CO shooting was done by a member of the white supremacist gang 211?

Do you have a special liking for white supremacists? If so, it would explain a lot.
There you are! I wondered what happened to you (well, not really) when you disappeared after you said you weren't afraid to post proof of your military service, then didn't do it.

Actually, I'm not scared to post proof. If you want it, call Amarillo MEPS and ask them who served as LPO of the Navy office from Sept. 1999 to May 2002 (when I went on terminal leave), as well as ask if they asked the LPO (which was me) to come back for 3 days when there was a serious problem at the MEPS about a month after I went on leave.

If that doesn't work (after you call and verify it), post what you need to have for me to prove that I was in the military.
Well, it's been shown by the news and the police reports that Evan Ebel was at one time a member of the 211 crew (which is a white supremacist gang), and it's also been reported by the news and the police that a gun found in his car when he was killed in Texas has ballistics that match the shooting in CO.

Additionally, there were bomb making supplies in his car when he was killed.

Why are you trying to blame Muslims when it's pretty apparent at this time that the CO shooting was done by a member of the white supremacist gang 211?

Do you have a special liking for white supremacists? If so, it would explain a lot.
There you are! I wondered what happened to you (well, not really) when you disappeared after you said you weren't afraid to post proof of your military service, then didn't do it.

Actually, I'm not scared to post proof. If you want it, call Amarillo MEPS and ask them who served as LPO of the Navy office from Sept. 1999 to May 2002 (when I went on terminal leave), as well as ask if they asked the LPO (which was me) to come back for 3 days when there was a serious problem at the MEPS about a month after I went on leave.

If that doesn't work (after you call and verify it), post what you need to have for me to prove that I was in the military.
:lol::lol::lol: That's a good one. And how would that prove anything, even if I was dumb enough to call? We don't even know your name. Why don't you just post a copy of your military papers? (that is, IF you have any, which I seriously doubt). :lol::lol::lol:

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