Was Iran "Assassination Plan" Designed to Help Obama get Re-Elected?


Jul 16, 2009
I can't help but wonder why the World press has not expressed at least some questions why Iran, a country with tens, and possibly, hundreds of BILLIONS USD cash on hand, would try so pathetic / transparent an attempt at such a high level assassination attempt like the Saudi ambassador on US soil.

Could it be that Iran orchestrated this foiled attack on the US Saudi ambassador to bolster Obama's image as a real POTUS and not a G. Soros puppet and weak fool to the US voting public?

Well one needs to only look at what sovereign nation would benefit the most from Barack HUSAN Obama's re-election to the POTUS.

Obama is so far the most domestic politically and socially polarizing POSTUS in US history. (And IMO the most inept POTUS, passing POTUS Carter by far in just 1 short year of his Presidency). Iran is well aware of this. We, as a country are so dug in with our lines in the sand along several domestic polarized social and political lines, we've lost focus on the Global picture . In that Global picture is Iran and her nuclear ambitions. According to most reports Iran has advanced very far in her nuclear ambitions since Obama became President. And in some reports, Iran will have full nuclear capabilities, (at least conventional nuclear weapons), with 4-6 years. Nobody but Iran really knows for sure.

The very LAST thing Iran wants is any other and especially a Republican POSTUS in the White House.

Its simple really. Obama bows his chest up up to Iran because of the alleged "assassination attempt" uncovered by the CIA. Obama does the only thing he can militarily without Congress and moves Carrier Battle Groups, Air Force, and other Military personnel under his personal command around etc..etc...And Obama looks and acts like a real POTUS, not the inept EGOMANIAC FOOL he really is.

World Press Corpse get on this and ask the right people the tough questions!
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Of course not. If it was it wouldn't have happened till just before the election. I do think Obama is in on the fake moon landing though.
If it was, than there are a lot of Republicans on board with this.

Conspiracy theories often arise when an 'official' explanation
of an event seems incongruous to people who have a worldview that doesn't connect
with the prevailing view. Conspiracy theorists tend to be people who feel like they
don't have power in the world, and when believing they've been victimized
come up with wild theories of how something, or somebody, must be behind it all.
I dunno if there's any connection but last time I passed through Dealey Plaza I swear there were two guys in Arab garb standing on a grassy knoll...
If it was, than there are a lot of Republicans on board with this.

Conspiracy theories often arise when an 'official' explanation
of an event seems incongruous to people who have a worldview that doesn't connect
with the prevailing view. Conspiracy theorists tend to be people who feel like they
don't have power in the world, and when believing they've been victimized
come up with wild theories of how something, or somebody, must be behind it all.

You just described the OWS crowd. Congratulations
What would we do if they assassinated him? Not much. It doesn't matter who was President, we would not have started something militarily with Iran because it would interrupt the flow of oil from the Gulf and cause dire economic consequences in the US. A war in the Gulf would cause fuel prices to soar to above $5 a gallon. You saw what fuel prices near $4 a gallon did to the recovery.

They made deals with Reagan and he was a Repub. Of course they walked all over Carter but that was in the beginning before they had any inkling of what international relations were.
What would we do if they assassinated him? Not much. It doesn't matter who was President, we would not have started something militarily with Iran because it would interrupt the flow of oil from the Gulf and cause dire economic consequences in the US. A war in the Gulf would cause fuel prices to soar to above $5 a gallon. You saw what fuel prices near $4 a gallon did to the recovery.

They made deals with Reagan and he was a Repub. Of course they walked all over Carter but that was in the beginning before they had any inkling of what international relations were.

Between Canada and the US there is enough oil to flood the market, which would lower oil value enough to enable us to say fuck Iran. Not to mention what it would do for the economy on this continent.
Why it is not:

1. Too early.

2. Wrong Enemy. To make Obama look more tough on foriegn policy is one thing, but to pick one of the bigger enemies, and then not going all war like on them makes you look weak, not strong. If this was Yemen I would be more apt to go the conspiracy route (still wouldnt, just more apt to).

3. To legalistic. We stopped the attempt. A conspiracy would have allowed it to happen, and then cash in on the moral indignation to produce support for a military response.

To me its seems like some low level idiot in Iran's security service cooked up some scheme involving a wanna be martyr. If it was unapproved by the higher ups there expect this low level flunky to dissapaear real soon.
What would we do if they assassinated him? Not much. It doesn't matter who was President, we would not have started something militarily with Iran because it would interrupt the flow of oil from the Gulf and cause dire economic consequences in the US. A war in the Gulf would cause fuel prices to soar to above $5 a gallon. You saw what fuel prices near $4 a gallon did to the recovery.

They made deals with Reagan and he was a Repub. Of course they walked all over Carter but that was in the beginning before they had any inkling of what international relations were.

I think Obama would except all of the above, he apparently has no problem putting the screws to our country as it is now, I could see him pulling troops from Iraq and throwing them into Iran, if for nothing other than to spend trillions more abroad while jacking up fuel prices here domestically. If I where congress I would not authorize it and make him go at it alone, then impeach him if he does.
We can not afford another war right now, So I would look for Obama to get us into one.
What would we do if they assassinated him? Not much. It doesn't matter who was President, we would not have started something militarily with Iran because it would interrupt the flow of oil from the Gulf and cause dire economic consequences in the US. A war in the Gulf would cause fuel prices to soar to above $5 a gallon. You saw what fuel prices near $4 a gallon did to the recovery.

They made deals with Reagan and he was a Repub. Of course they walked all over Carter but that was in the beginning before they had any inkling of what international relations were.

Between Canada and the US there is enough oil to flood the market, which would lower oil value enough to enable us to say fuck Iran. Not to mention what it would do for the economy on this continent.
Exactly, which is why the Democrats won't allow drilling. It is being played out like in Venezuela, they will only drill for it as a means to support socialism when the time comes. The system has not collapsed yet, but when it does and we enter a dictatorship, they will begin the drilling.
If it was, than there are a lot of Republicans on board with this.

Conspiracy theories often arise when an 'official' explanation
of an event seems incongruous to people who have a worldview that doesn't connect
with the prevailing view. Conspiracy theorists tend to be people who feel like they
don't have power in the world, and when believing they've been victimized
come up with wild theories of how something, or somebody, must be behind it all.

I never mentioned "conspiracy". I think the current administration is too freaking stupid and clueless to realize this could have been a high stakes Chess game move by Iran.

And no, its not "too early", it takes months to plan and maneuver Naval battle groups around. And to look all USA Presidential on the World stage.

Just in time for the heat of the campaign cycle.
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I dunno....but the stuff about his AG supplying weapons to the cartels disappeared from notice.
I dunno....but the stuff about his AG supplying weapons to the cartels disappeared from notice.

Well, I feel Obama has already received a poll bump from his tough talk about this situation.

If he plays this right, he can get a lot of political milage out of this whether it was Iran's intent or not. Either way, I'm sure Iran is tickled.

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