Was ISIS' burning the Jordanian pilot unforgiveable?

War's become a business. To claim no one likes war is patently and demonstratably false. The American corporations supplying the military with everything now from q-tips to aircraft carriers LOVE war. They make lots of money the longer they go on. And the politicians who accept campaign donations from them love it to because they get more money themselves.

Only people not especially fond of war are the ones called upon to fight them.
War is like violence itself. I hate both, but when it comes to protecting myself and those I love, then it's on, whether I like it or not.

You are a seriously sick puppy.
I don't justify violence. That's your guys' thing. I just show how neither side has moral superiority.

But you are justifying their wrong by pointing out other wrongs. So yes, you are in effect justifying their violence.
I don't think it's "wrong" for individuals to do terrible things in war .... against enemy combatants. There are grey lines. Firebombing Dresden in WWII. the A-bombs. That's not to make moral judgements, but rather to say I won't judge other's beliefs on the specific actions. However, there's no comparison between burning a prisoner in a cage, and using a flame thrower to destroy a bunker containing people shooting at, and trying to kill, you.

"Obama's Pentagon Covered Up War Crimes in Afghanistan, Says Amnesty International
The human-rights group reports the U.S. military systematically ignored evidence of torture and unlawful killings in Afghanistan as recently as last year.

The U.S. military has systematically covered up or disregarded “abundant and compelling evidence” of war crimes, torture, and unlawful killings in Afghanistan as recently as last year, according to a report by Amnesty International published today in Kabul."
Obama s Pentagon Covered Up War Crimes in Afghanistan Says Amnesty International - The Daily Beast

" “US Practiced Torture after 9/11, Nonpartisan Review Concludes” (Apr. 16, 2013)

• “Afghans Say an American Tortured Civilians” (May 13, 2013)

• “CIA Drones Kill Civilians in Pakistan” (Mar. 18, 2011)

• “GI Kills 16 Afghans, Including 9 Children, in Attacks on Homes” (Mar. 12, 2012)

• “Libya Effort is Called Violation of War Act” (May 26, 2011)

• “NATO and Afghan forces killed 310 civilians over the same period, mostly from airstrikes, the UN reports” (Aug. 3, 2009)

• “100,000 Iraqis killed since U.S. invasion analysis says” (Oct. 29, 2004)

• “U.N. Chief Ignites Firestorm by Calling Iraq War ‘Illegal’” (Sep. 17, 2004);

• “Iraq Says Blast in Baghdad Kills Dozens of Civilians: U.S. Blamed” (Mar. 29, 2003)

• “U.S. Presses for Total Exemption from War Crimes Court” (Oct. 9, 2002)

• “Pentagon Says U.S. Airstrike Killed Women and Children” (Mar. 13, 2002)

• “Bombing Necessary Despite Toll on Civilians, U.S. Envoy Says” (Jan. 9, 2002);

• “U.S. helicopters fire on women, children in Somalia” (Sep. 10, 1993)

• “US forces buried enemy forces alive” (Sep. 13, 1991)

• “200,000 died in Gulf War, and counting” (May 30, 1991)"
Double Standards for US War Crimes Consortiumnews

How about instead of trying to depict our enemies as the bad guys, and us as the good guys we begin depicting wars as the bad guy, and peace as the good guy?

Damn you are stupid!

No one wants war you moron, but there comes a time when it's necessary, America has always fought for peace.

Really and not for political reasons. Some of the Politicians love war, the neocons that wrote PNAC, have produced a following.

Name them and then show proof they love war.
War's become a business. To claim no one likes war is patently and demonstratably false. The American corporations supplying the military with everything now from q-tips to aircraft carriers LOVE war. They make lots of money the longer they go on. And the politicians who accept campaign donations from them love it to because they get more money themselves.

Only people not especially fond of war are the ones called upon to fight them.

And your evidence is?
But you are justifying their wrong by pointing out other wrongs. So yes, you are in effect justifying their violence.
I don't think it's "wrong" for individuals to do terrible things in war .... against enemy combatants. There are grey lines. Firebombing Dresden in WWII. the A-bombs. That's not to make moral judgements, but rather to say I won't judge other's beliefs on the specific actions. However, there's no comparison between burning a prisoner in a cage, and using a flame thrower to destroy a bunker containing people shooting at, and trying to kill, you.

"Obama's Pentagon Covered Up War Crimes in Afghanistan, Says Amnesty International
The human-rights group reports the U.S. military systematically ignored evidence of torture and unlawful killings in Afghanistan as recently as last year.

The U.S. military has systematically covered up or disregarded “abundant and compelling evidence” of war crimes, torture, and unlawful killings in Afghanistan as recently as last year, according to a report by Amnesty International published today in Kabul."
Obama s Pentagon Covered Up War Crimes in Afghanistan Says Amnesty International - The Daily Beast

" “US Practiced Torture after 9/11, Nonpartisan Review Concludes” (Apr. 16, 2013)

• “Afghans Say an American Tortured Civilians” (May 13, 2013)

• “CIA Drones Kill Civilians in Pakistan” (Mar. 18, 2011)

• “GI Kills 16 Afghans, Including 9 Children, in Attacks on Homes” (Mar. 12, 2012)

• “Libya Effort is Called Violation of War Act” (May 26, 2011)

• “NATO and Afghan forces killed 310 civilians over the same period, mostly from airstrikes, the UN reports” (Aug. 3, 2009)

• “100,000 Iraqis killed since U.S. invasion analysis says” (Oct. 29, 2004)

• “U.N. Chief Ignites Firestorm by Calling Iraq War ‘Illegal’” (Sep. 17, 2004);

• “Iraq Says Blast in Baghdad Kills Dozens of Civilians: U.S. Blamed” (Mar. 29, 2003)

• “U.S. Presses for Total Exemption from War Crimes Court” (Oct. 9, 2002)

• “Pentagon Says U.S. Airstrike Killed Women and Children” (Mar. 13, 2002)

• “Bombing Necessary Despite Toll on Civilians, U.S. Envoy Says” (Jan. 9, 2002);

• “U.S. helicopters fire on women, children in Somalia” (Sep. 10, 1993)

• “US forces buried enemy forces alive” (Sep. 13, 1991)

• “200,000 died in Gulf War, and counting” (May 30, 1991)"
Double Standards for US War Crimes Consortiumnews

How about instead of trying to depict our enemies as the bad guys, and us as the good guys we begin depicting wars as the bad guy, and peace as the good guy?

Damn you are stupid!

No one wants war you moron, but there comes a time when it's necessary, America has always fought for peace.

Really and not for political reasons. Some of the Politicians love war, the neocons that wrote PNAC, have produced a following.

Name them and then show proof they love war.

Well none are going to admit it. Read PNAC and look at the signers, and there are a new bunch of neocons, that "love" war, of course they don't want to fight in one.
We seemed to forgive this didn't we, well some people still remember, but most have forgotten:

Shocking footage shows Israeli police savagely beating American teen cousin of Palestinian boy, 15, burned alive in revenge attack over death of three Jewish youths

  • Mohammed Abu Khder, 16, was kidnapped and found murdered Wednesday
  • Autopsy results show he was burned to death
  • Tensions running high between Israel and Palestine after two days of violence

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2681717/Israeli-police-beat-American-teen-cousin-Palestinian-boy-burned-alive-revenge-attack-death-Jewish-youths.html#ixzz3RYiUHN00
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I watched but did they ever find the ones who burnt this boy to death and prosecute them? I doubt it.

How interesting-----you are wrong----the people who committed that crime were arrested within a few days---
---the muzzie pig who murdered the three Israeli kids
was kept hidden by your fellow scum------you do not have
much of a memory for the filth or your own. They had him
in a basement------it took quite a bit of baksheesh to get
a muzzie dog to SING (or is that "bark")
Define forgive. It's always possible to forgive individuals. It's probably impossible, and really bad thing to do, to "forgive" something totally evil and without excuse.

As to flame throwers and WWII, both sides were armed. It's easy to say we were "right" and they were "wrong," and I honestly believe democracy had to triumph over totalitarianism, though avoiding war through diplomacy is preferable, when possible. But, I don't think you are making any valid comparison here between Isis burning an unarmed caged prisoner, and armed combat.

Wanna try justifying "zippo raids" during Vietnam?
Wanna try justifying putting captive in a cage, soaking him in petrol and burning him to death?
We made the same point simultaneously:thup: He's justifying isis :wtf:

I don't justify violence. That's your guys' thing. I just show how neither side has moral superiority.
Go over there and discuss it with isis let me know goes it goes. They'll love a guy like you:thup:
Why do people think they are making some kind of point by mentioning shit that happened decades ago? What the fuck does fire bombing Japan have to do with todays America? It isn't 1945, and it isn't 1970 either. I don't care about what people did before I was alive. What relevance does it have?

"Hey guys, we sold slaves in open markets 200 years ago. We are just like Isis!"

Get the fuck out of here with that moronic nonsense. Don't insult our intelligence with these absurd comparisons. Either make a good argument, or stop wasting our time.
Flame throwers were a combat weapon. Propaganda posters were a legitimate source of entertainment and information during WW2. So what does that have to do with putting a POW in a cage, dousing him with gas and lighting him on fire? If you can't distinguish the difference between a WW2 propaganda poster and real life you are in trouble.
I guess that's where we are today...
Cutting ISIS slack because they weren't the first ones to do it...
The outrage is justifiable because immolation was used as an execution method. Our use of fire weapons like flamethrowers, napalm, phosphorus, incindiary bombs and catapults slinging Greek Fire is clear. War always is the muse of the industrial death machine. But, those weapons, as horrifying as they are, were used as weapons of war, not methods of execution, all apologies to Joan d'Arc.

Western civilization is justifiably repulsed by fire as execution method. We aren't as repulsed by fire weapons used in war, as either an offensive or defensive weapon.

I know that this is thin ice, morality-wise, but there is a distinction that tries to inform.

But this is ok because we did it? But if anyone does it to us or our friends it's not ok? And if you think it's an unfair comparison because this is a drawing and not real, I can link to real video and imagery. But I choose not to trusting the realness of our own sins isn't in dispute.

We're being conditioned to hate everybody but ourselves and our friends condemning them for doing exactly what we ourselves have done and usually on much larger scales. Every war features propaganda from both sides. But pretending either side is blameless or innocent or horrible atrocities against human life is foolish. Even more now with the internet making retrieval of these things something anyone can do in just moments.

The difference is the Japanese were active combatants and armed to the teeth. Further the flamethrowers were used to deal with Japanese soldiers in entrenched positions that would have caused tremendous casualties were we to fight conventionally.

And even further, the Japanese soldiers were culturally, and militarily incapable of surrender. There was no other option.
We seemed to forgive this didn't we, well some people still remember, but most have forgotten:

Shocking footage shows Israeli police savagely beating American teen cousin of Palestinian boy, 15, burned alive in revenge attack over death of three Jewish youths

  • Mohammed Abu Khder, 16, was kidnapped and found murdered Wednesday
  • Autopsy results show he was burned to death
  • Tensions running high between Israel and Palestine after two days of violence

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2681717/Israeli-police-beat-American-teen-cousin-Palestinian-boy-burned-alive-revenge-attack-death-Jewish-youths.html#ixzz3RYiUHN00
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I watched but did they ever find the ones who burnt this boy to death and prosecute them? I doubt it.

How interesting-----you are wrong----the people who committed that crime were arrested within a few days---
---the muzzie pig who murdered the three Israeli kids
was kept hidden by your fellow scum------you do not have
much of a memory for the filth or your own. They had him
in a basement------it took quite a bit of baksheesh to get
a muzzie dog to SING (or is that "bark")

Not my kin, they those kids who burned that kid alive are yours. Make you proud?
Define forgive. It's always possible to forgive individuals. It's probably impossible, and really bad thing to do, to "forgive" something totally evil and without excuse.

As to flame throwers and WWII, both sides were armed. It's easy to say we were "right" and they were "wrong," and I honestly believe democracy had to triumph over totalitarianism, though avoiding war through diplomacy is preferable, when possible. But, I don't think you are making any valid comparison here between Isis burning an unarmed caged prisoner, and armed combat.

Wanna try justifying "zippo raids" during Vietnam?

You defend "the Force" - Satan - relentlessly and yet you have never once mentioned the nature of Satan - to demand blood sacrifice, skinning babies alive - cannibalism, drinking of blood, forced breeders to produce yet more sacrifices - serial killers for Satan that kidnap, torture (and lock in cages - part of their MO) murder again and again and again and yet you have nothing to say about how evil the Force is - instead you've got yourself posting a comic book and blaming America for WWII (instead of the occult practitioner Hitler and his Nazi SS) and for what? To prove there is no greater hypocrisy then to ignore what you condone while condemning a military action during WWII against a pilot locked in a cage and set on fire? Whether it was your motive - or not - you have achieved it, Delta.
Yes, we used flame throwers in combat. As opposed to what the Japanese did to our POWs in the Philipines. And we firebombed Japanese and German cities. But first, there were the cities that the Germans and Japanese bombed. Remember the Rape of Nanking? We have done terrible things when pushed to it by the terrible things the enemies of that time did. That is war.

But the burning to death of that Jordanian pilot was not war, that was an act of terrorism. And deserves to be treated as such. Isis must be eradicated, period. Defeated, destroyed, and all that participated, killed or imprisoned. They are the modern equivelant of the Nazis.
I guess that's where we are today...
Cutting ISIS slack because they weren't the first ones to do it...

Define forgive. It's always possible to forgive individuals. It's probably impossible, and really bad thing to do, to "forgive" something totally evil and without excuse.

As to flame throwers and WWII, both sides were armed. It's easy to say we were "right" and they were "wrong," and I honestly believe democracy had to triumph over totalitarianism, though avoiding war through diplomacy is preferable, when possible. But, I don't think you are making any valid comparison here between Isis burning an unarmed caged prisoner, and armed combat.
It is always possible to forgive and we should forgive but forgive and trust are two different things. You should never trust someone who has not repented and shown real evidence of that repentance. Forgive them but do not put yourself in a position of trusting them and opening yourself up for future trouble. It would be best to not speak to them at all - if possible - unless God specifically called you to do otherwise.

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