Was it really necessary for Biden to spend untold thousands to fly to Israel and read from cue cards for 90 seconds?

It would have been helpful if he met with other leaders in the area to chill them out. But in a massive slap in his face, they cancelled the meetings while he was in the air.
Why should they waste their time smelling his dirty diapers?
LOL, those people are sheep, in countries killing themselves slowly demographically.

The puppetmasters are more aware, but just as stupid.
You know life expectancy in Europe is higher than US... They have no need to arm themselves as they have real democracies with more than two parties ....

Any way the MAGA are going a little cuckoo, Biden goes to Isreal while Trump goes to Court....

I say we paint a prison White so Trump can say he is going to a bigger White House.... It's huge...
For national security Biden should avoid meeting any world leaders in person and showing them how weak and pathetic he is.
You know life expectancy in Europe is higher than US... They have no need to arm themselves as they have real democracies with more than two parties ....

Any way the MAGA are going a little cuckoo, Biden goes to Isreal while Trump goes to Court....

I say we paint a prison White so Trump can say he is going to a bigger White House.... It's huge...

And they are inviting in the people that are going to take them over, that don't share their current viewpoints, AND they are doing nothing to assimilate them.
That could have been done on camera from the oval office for free. But instead we spend a ridiculous amount of money to pump Bidens ego. The man claims to be a foreign policy expert as the world is aflame. He sure as hell doesn't belong in a war cabinet meeting in Israel.

Hey guess what? Biden spent 7 hours in Tel Aviv yesterday. And guess what else? He's back home and will address the country tonight.

Anything else to bitch about? I'm sure you do because you are one.
Hey guess what? Biden spent 7 hours in Tel Aviv yesterday. And guess what else? He's back home and will address the country tonight.

Anything else to bitch about? I'm sure you do because you are one.
There is no reason to address the nation. None, other than to puff his chest over shit that has nothing to do with us.
Where was his oval office address and hundres of millions immediately after the Hawaii disaster?
Only reason he's doing this is because the public is sick of our money being sent overseas while we have massive problems of our own going unaddressed.

There is no reason to address the nation. None, other than to puff his chest over shit that has nothing to do with us.
Where was his oval office address and hundres of millions immediately after the Hawaii disaster?
Only reason he's doing this is because the public is sick of our money being sent overseas while we have massive problems of our own going unaddressed.

Would you rather hear all about in on Fox News, you know, the news that gets you all wound up in the morning?
That could have been done on camera from the oval office for free. But instead we spend a ridiculous amount of money to pump Bidens ego. The man claims to be a foreign policy expert as the world is aflame. He sure as hell doesn't belong in a war cabinet meeting in Israel.

he doesn't know how to address our problems, and his masters won't let him, he is a senile puppet. gay boi obozo is really running our government, wake up.
Would you rather hear all about in on Fox News, you know, the news that gets you all wound up in the morning?
I have antenna TV dumbfuck. None of the 3 cable news liars are available to me. Who needs that shit in the day of instant information via the net. All three need to go belly up and stop the constant barrage of propaganda
Let's give him due credit.

Most people in his frail condition would try to rest and take it easy.

But ever since he became president, he has visited other countries without stop.

It is kind of cute that they now have him use the shorter ramp at the rear end of the airplane so that it is safer for him.

It is impossible to be angry about him.

He is kind of an elderly king who doesn't know how pitiful he is.
I have antenna TV dumbfuck. None of the 3 cable news liars are available to me. Who needs that shit in the day of instant information via the net. All three need to go belly up and stop the constant barrage of propaganda
Sounds like a personal problem, asshole.
Also sounds like you are SOL and out of the loop, so keep on whining.
Biden only confuses the issue. It's more about politics than diplomacy.
But he openly disagrees with some in his own party? You logically can argue his policy is wrong, but not that it does not exist.
That could have been done on camera from the oval office for free. But instead we spend a ridiculous amount of money to pump Bidens ego. The man claims to be a foreign policy expert as the world is aflame. He sure as hell doesn't belong in a war cabinet meeting in Israel.

Thousands?!!! No dude, it costs MILLIONS of dollars for that trip. Not only do they bring Airforce 1, they have C130's that bring the motorcade too. All the personell, the extra security because its in a warzone, the man hours involved, etc comes with a gigantic pricetag.
You criticize him for this, yet no criticism for supporting a genocidal war. WTF!
Hey! The man thinks we have friends if everybody gets their war paid for by way of ignoring the Constitution and ordering checks be written to whoever is fighting each other. Sheesh! But clever? ehhhh.....no.

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