Was it really necessary to gun down the Capitol Hill chase driver?

For what reason? She wasn't a danger to anyone or the police.

You question was answered in the thread.

By the way..I wish the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center were shot down too.

No it wasn't. The police can't go around gunning people down just because it's convenient for them. What will happen the next time a car chase ends up at a gas station or at the gates of a PG&E gas factory?

You can't compare a gas station to the Capitol Building or the White House
this frikken administration is scary as hell...it has no qualms about gunning down an American citizen even A WOMEN...then want's GUN control ON you the people?

She was a threat, they dealt with the known threat. The investigation will decide if they acted outside procedures established to deal with situations like this.

As to "this administration" nice try, we have all kind of things to complain about with Obama, but if you honestly think he had anything to do with the DC police or secret service in this instance you are beyond help.

Making crap up from whole cloth to lump on Obama just makes it easier for his defenders to dismiss the real complaints by pointing out all the ignorant rants that have been put out there.
With all due respect, the police ALWAYS have an excuse,[...]
As long as their actions can be perceived as occuring within guidelines set forth in the rules of Procedure, you are quite correct.

Those who watch the popular "ride-along" police documentary, COPS, will occasionally see examples of excessive force being used in a manner which conforms with Procedure. I have seen more than one example of an arrest subject who is offering no resistance whatsoever being forcibly thrown to the ground, his face pressed forcibly onto a filthy street by a heavy policeman's knee, another policeman's knee driven into his spine, and his arms twisted with unnecessary force while applying handcuffs. This sometimes happens while the arrest subject is screaming in pain and the police are simultaneously shouting "Stop resisting!" for the benefit of the camera and/or any observing bystanders.

Because it is virtually impossible to prove a subject was not in fact resisting, this common example makes it clear how established Procedure enables police (who are so inclined) to effectively brutalize an arrest subject while remaining well within the rules.

My lifelong friend, Mark participated in the ride-a-long program for quite awhile in high school. I don't know what that has to do with anything, nonetheless the segments chosen for those shows are scrutinized to the max and only instances that make cops look good are chosen.

Yea, you can never tell if someone is resisting for sure. That's why I posted earlier, everyone is presumed innocent per our Constitution. Nothing was further from the minds of these rampant cops.
No, the police were panic stricken, trigger happy and not very bright. Sack them and you'll end up having to sack half of all the cops in America.

Try them for murder? Not a chance of conviction and a lot of tax-payers money transferred to the pockets of lawyers. (Perhaps you are a lawyer and like the sound of this outcome.)

With all due respect, the police ALWAYS have an excuse, and this time it was a doozy. Their training does include every scenario imaginable, a by-product of fighting terrorists for a decade. What if this had really been a terrorist attack and a Muslim at the wheel? Would they have brought out bazookas and started shooting up the crowd, boom, boom, boom? See what I mean. They need to be prepared for routine violations of the law that escalate and also surreptitious attacks and can't treat either differently, since everyone in the U.S. is protected by the Constitution and presumed innocent until proven guilty. The panic by the officers also made them far less effective, if there had been a bomb in the car.

Panic? In the videos I saw professional law enforcement from several agencies acted swiftly and confidently to protect elected officials and the public.

When cops are milling around like that, you can bet your life on the fact they were in panic mode.
BREAKING: Multiple Injured, High Speed Car Chase Ends after Multiple Gunshots on Capitol Hill - YouTube

Ok, he or she made a big mistake, trying to go through the barriers, but the death penalty is not called for, and the police are not judges. They are neither juries or executioners, yet they acted as such. The woman was getting out of the car, in all common sense, to surrender. These cops should be fired. :mad:

Oh, I see. When they murder someone they get fired. When we do it, we get life in prison.

I wish they could charge them with murder, but that's unrealistic.
BREAKING: Multiple Injured, High Speed Car Chase Ends after Multiple Gunshots on Capitol Hill - YouTube

Ok, he or she made a big mistake, trying to go through the barriers, but the death penalty is not called for, and the police are not judges. They are neither juries or executioners, yet they acted as such. The woman was getting out of the car, in all common sense, to surrender. These cops should be fired. :mad:

Yet you appoint yourself judge and jury protecting a menace to society and turning such a dangerous misfit loose on the rest of us. Her lack of consideration for others and for public safety shows she asked for it. We are lucky we still have police who haven't been handcuffed yet by your criminal contempt for normal people.

Did you read the news article I posted? She had a fender-bender, and then when park police came towards her, she got nervous and panicked.
You question was answered in the thread.

By the way..I wish the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center were shot down too.

No it wasn't. The police can't go around gunning people down just because it's convenient for them. What will happen the next time a car chase ends up at a gas station or at the gates of a PG&E gas factory?

You can't compare a gas station to the Capitol Building or the White House

I can't? No I can't. I was comparing apples and oranges, the same way you are now.
Yes, they should of blasted her beyond recognition.

We need more severe consequences for crimes

Wonder if Obama had another daughter she would look like Mirimm Carey?

Actually, looks like his old lady....



I'm sure this chick's ass would make the moo cow a good Sunday face.
You question was answered in the thread.

By the way..I wish the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center were shot down too.

No it wasn't. The police can't go around gunning people down just because it's convenient for them. What will happen the next time a car chase ends up at a gas station or at the gates of a PG&E gas factory?

Sure it was.

She was in a highly sensitive area, she refused to obey police instructions, she was driving erratically and she used her car to plow into several officers.

Which was the key to her likely having a problem like a mental illness or low blood sugar. Bombers do not tend to be erratic. They function with all deliberate caution. Wouldn't it have been convenient if the Boston bomber had been erratic? Or Timothy McVeigh? But they weren't erratic before the crime. They were very cautious and deliberate.

And if it took them 50 shots to take her down, their shooting skills stink.
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How did they know the car wasn't packed with explosives? It is an extremely sensitive area, after all.

How would shooting her improve that situation?
How could it have hurt? She wouldn't get the chance to detonate perhaps. You don't go barreling a car in to highly sensitive areas and not expect deadly force, period. The world has changed.

the world hasnt changed the government has a new face lift.

worst case she blows up a barricade lol
No it wasn't. The police can't go around gunning people down just because it's convenient for them. What will happen the next time a car chase ends up at a gas station or at the gates of a PG&E gas factory?

Sure it was.

She was in a highly sensitive area, she refused to obey police instructions, she was driving erratically and she used her car to plow into several officers.

Which was the key to her likely having a problem like a mental illness or low blood sugar. Bombers do not tend to be erratic. They function with all deliberate caution. Wouldn't it have been convenient if the Boston bomber had been erratic? Or Timothy McVeigh? But they weren't erratic before the crime. They were very cautious and deliberate.

And if it took them 50 shots to take her down, their shooting skills stink.

2 bombs from the murrah building did not detonate and were sent back to sandia labs, you do know what sandia labs is involved with yes?
Yes, they should of blasted her beyond recognition.

We need more severe consequences for crimes

Wonder if Obama had another daughter she would look like Mirimm Carey?

Actually, looks like his old lady....


he is delivering on his promise, change!
I doubt it was necessary to fill the pretty black woman full of holes.

It reminds me of this movie, where the government also killed two notorious criminals in a hail of bullets (@1:30). I wonder if it will become a trend now. :eek:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6egrQZ9w_2c]Bonnie and Clyde-1967-death scene - YouTube[/ame]
I doubt it was necessary to fill the pretty black woman full of holes.

It reminds me of this movie, where the government also killed two notorious criminals in a hail of bullets (@1:30). I wonder if it will become a trend now. :eek:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6egrQZ9w_2c]Bonnie and Clyde-1967-death scene - YouTube[/ame]

I wish it were the "trend" when Saudi Nationals hijacked 4 planes and rammed them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
I doubt it was necessary to fill the pretty black woman full of holes.

It reminds me of this movie, where the government also killed two notorious criminals in a hail of bullets (@1:30). I wonder if it will become a trend now. :eek:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6egrQZ9w_2c]Bonnie and Clyde-1967-death scene - YouTube[/ame]

I wish it were the "trend" when Saudi Nationals hijacked 4 planes and rammed them into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Why? Do you have a fear of flying?
As to "this administration" nice try, we have all kind of things to complain about with Obama, but if you honestly think he had anything to do with the DC police or secret service in this instance you are beyond help.

Making crap up from whole cloth to lump on Obama just makes it easier for his defenders to dismiss the real complaints by pointing out all the ignorant rants that have been put out there.


PRUDEN: The cheap tricks of the game - Washington Times

The games politicians play: Barack Obama is having a lot of fun using the government shutdown to squeeze the public in imaginative ways. The point of the shutdown game is to see who can squeeze hardest, make the most pious speech and listen for the applause. It’s a variation on the grade-school ritual of “you show me yours, and I’ll show you mine.”

The Park Service appears to be closing streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.

“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.”
I wouldn't put it past park police to use reverse psychology, and his comment was a well-planned-out assault on the American psyche. idk But that way, they can keep their future plans more clandestine and operate in impunity. :funnyface:

Intrigue is alive, well and vibrant in America. Good folks are practicing for Obama's plan to start WWIII, and when the infant in the WH throws the final temper tantrum, by invading Syria, we will all follow like ants. Lead or get the fuck out of the way is our motto. That means the rest of us love to be ants.

If government is willing to interrupt the lives of a mass population, which WILL cause deaths, due to circumstance where vital medicine can't be found or just food can't be found by those with no more money to even take the bus, they can easily apply their "new" game to any murderous plot.
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Sure it was.

She was in a highly sensitive area, she refused to obey police instructions, she was driving erratically and she used her car to plow into several officers.

Which was the key to her likely having a problem like a mental illness or low blood sugar. Bombers do not tend to be erratic. They function with all deliberate caution. Wouldn't it have been convenient if the Boston bomber had been erratic? Or Timothy McVeigh? But they weren't erratic before the crime. They were very cautious and deliberate.

And if it took them 50 shots to take her down, their shooting skills stink.

2 bombs from the murrah building did not detonate and were sent back to sandia labs, you do know what sandia labs is involved with yes?

And your point is..........?

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