Was it really necessary to gun down the Capitol Hill chase driver?

I bet those pigs led her by the tail right to the WH, so those male chauvinist pigs could teach women a lesson for all-time.
It's a pretty safe bet that if this had happened on W's watch, the MSM headlines would be screeching about how an African American woman was executed by a White President.
They had her stopped, and it is clear they did nothing to contain her. They left a way for her to get away. 50 gunshots in a busy area are far more dangerous to the public than a speeding driver. I am amazed that the anti gun nuts are so supportive of the police killing this woman and endangering the public safety with such a rain of bullets. I think at some level they believe this woman really was a danger to their lord and savior, which she clearly was not. She was a traffic violator initially. Engaging her in a high speed chase was far more dangerous to the public. They should use the resources they have, like for instance the ability to contact other officers in the direction she is heading and cut her off, rather than all of them hanging behind her and chasing her through a busy city. And yes, DC is busy even if much of it is shut down.

"She was a traffic violator initially"? And how do you know this? How many pursuits have you been involved in or supervised?
They had her stopped, and it is clear they did nothing to contain her. They left a way for her to get away. 50 gunshots in a busy area are far more dangerous to the public than a speeding driver. I am amazed that the anti gun nuts are so supportive of the police killing this woman and endangering the public safety with such a rain of bullets. I think at some level they believe this woman really was a danger to their lord and savior, which she clearly was not. She was a traffic violator initially. Engaging her in a high speed chase was far more dangerous to the public. They should use the resources they have, like for instance the ability to contact other officers in the direction she is heading and cut her off, rather than all of them hanging behind her and chasing her through a busy city. And yes, DC is busy even if much of it is shut down.

"She was a traffic violator initially"? And how do you know this?

Yes she was. It is easy for some drivers, especially when they are nervous, to lose control of their vehicle, and that's what happened. Carey lost control and crashed into a barrier, then panicked.

Driver In U.S. Capitol Car Chase ID'd As Conn. Woman

As for why police opened fire, correspondent Miller reports that will be the subject of an entirely separate shooting investigation as to what was in the mind of each officer when he fired those shots. Miller added there is a piece of context here, which is this isn't your average police chase for a traffic violation - it starts off with the collision of the barriers outside of the White House and then there's a chase at high speed to the Capitol...
i think the police grossly over reacted and should be prosecuted for murder.

No, the police were panic stricken, trigger happy and not very bright. Sack them and you'll end up having to sack half of all the cops in America.

Try them for murder? Not a chance of conviction and a lot of tax-payers money transferred to the pockets of lawyers. (Perhaps you are a lawyer and like the sound of this outcome.)
Based on what I saw in the video the police acted well within the rules of Procedure, which call for the use of deadly force to subdue a driver who is using a motor vehicle as a weapon or in a manner which clearly presents a menace to the police or to the public and refuses to yield when commanded to.

So regardless of any personal resentment or ideas to the contrary, the police acted completely within the boundaries and requirements of Procedure.
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i think the police grossly over reacted and should be prosecuted for murder.

No, the police were panic stricken, trigger happy and not very bright. Sack them and you'll end up having to sack half of all the cops in America.

Try them for murder? Not a chance of conviction and a lot of tax-payers money transferred to the pockets of lawyers. (Perhaps you are a lawyer and like the sound of this outcome.)

With all due respect, the police ALWAYS have an excuse, and this time it was a doozy. Their training does include every scenario imaginable, a by-product of fighting terrorists for a decade. What if this had really been a terrorist attack and a Muslim at the wheel? Would they have brought out bazookas and started shooting up the crowd, boom, boom, boom? See what I mean. They need to be prepared for routine violations of the law that escalate and also surreptitious attacks and can't treat either differently, since everyone in the U.S. is protected by the Constitution and presumed innocent until proven guilty. The panic by the officers also made them far less effective, if there had been a bomb in the car.
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Based on what I saw in the video the police acted well within the rules of Procedure, which call for the use of deadly force to subdue a driver who is using a motor vehicle as a weapon or in a manner which clearly presents a menace to the police or to the public and refuses to yield when commanded to.

So regardless of any personal resentment or ideas to the contrary, the police acted completely within the boundaries and requirements of Procedure.

In some cities, the police have procedure that while they are engaging a car pursuit, they are not allowed to get out of their cars or have any officer standing in the area. Too many policemen have been killed this way, and I remember one that was run over and thrown more than 100 feet.

Sometimes officers get so frustrated they get out of their car on purpose and try to get in the way of the fleeing car. They get just close enough and to the side so that they can't be hit then they can commit murder with impunity.
With all due respect, the police ALWAYS have an excuse,[...]
As long as their actions can be perceived as occuring within guidelines set forth in the rules of Procedure, you are quite correct.

Those who watch the popular "ride-along" police documentary, COPS, will occasionally see examples of excessive force being used in a manner which conforms with Procedure. I have seen more than one example of an arrest subject who is offering no resistance whatsoever being forcibly thrown to the ground, his face pressed forcibly onto a filthy street by a heavy policeman's knee, another policeman's knee driven into his spine, and his arms twisted with unnecessary force while applying handcuffs. This sometimes happens while the arrest subject is screaming in pain and the police are simultaneously shouting "Stop resisting!" for the benefit of the camera and/or any observing bystanders.

Because it is virtually impossible to prove a subject was not in fact resisting, this common example makes it clear how established Procedure enables police (who are so inclined) to effectively brutalize an arrest subject while remaining well within the rules.
i think the police grossly over reacted and should be prosecuted for murder.

No, the police were panic stricken, trigger happy and not very bright. Sack them and you'll end up having to sack half of all the cops in America.

Try them for murder? Not a chance of conviction and a lot of tax-payers money transferred to the pockets of lawyers. (Perhaps you are a lawyer and like the sound of this outcome.)

With all due respect, the police ALWAYS have an excuse, and this time it was a doozy. Their training does include every scenario imaginable, a by-product of fighting terrorists for a decade. What if this had really been a terrorist attack and a Muslim at the wheel? Would they have brought out bazookas and started shooting up the crowd, boom, boom, boom? See what I mean. They need to be prepared for routine violations of the law that escalate and also surreptitious attacks and can't treat either differently, since everyone in the U.S. is protected by the Constitution and presumed innocent until proven guilty. The panic by the officers also made them far less effective, if there had been a bomb in the car.

Panic? In the videos I saw professional law enforcement from several agencies acted swiftly and confidently to protect elected officials and the public.
Was it necessary? Only if superman was there and he used his x-ray vision to determine that she and her 3,500 pound vehicle was not loaded with explosives, and that she was not armed. However, it was, indeed, necessary, because Superman was having a tryst with Wonder Woman in a cheap hotel on K street at the time. Also, the fact that she hit a federal agent with her car and flipped him over the hood kind of weighed against her case.
BREAKING: Multiple Injured, High Speed Car Chase Ends after Multiple Gunshots on Capitol Hill - YouTube

Ok, he or she made a big mistake, trying to go through the barriers, but the death penalty is not called for, and the police are not judges. They are neither juries or executioners, yet they acted as such. The woman was getting out of the car, in all common sense, to surrender. These cops should be fired. :mad:

Oh, I see. When they murder someone they get fired. When we do it, we get life in prison.
They had her stopped, and it is clear they did nothing to contain her. They left a way for her to get away. 50 gunshots in a busy area are far more dangerous to the public than a speeding driver. I am amazed that the anti gun nuts are so supportive of the police killing this woman and endangering the public safety with such a rain of bullets. I think at some level they believe this woman really was a danger to their lord and savior, which she clearly was not. She was a traffic violator initially. Engaging her in a high speed chase was far more dangerous to the public. They should use the resources they have, like for instance the ability to contact other officers in the direction she is heading and cut her off, rather than all of them hanging behind her and chasing her through a busy city. And yes, DC is busy even if much of it is shut down.

If everyone in the crowd had been armed, this would have been dealt with quickly. But those damn gun restriction laws made this a sad result.
BREAKING: Multiple Injured, High Speed Car Chase Ends after Multiple Gunshots on Capitol Hill - YouTube

Ok, he or she made a big mistake, trying to go through the barriers, but the death penalty is not called for, and the police are not judges. They are neither juries or executioners, yet they acted as such. The woman was getting out of the car, in all common sense, to surrender. These cops should be fired. :mad:

Yet you appoint yourself judge and jury protecting a menace to society and turning such a dangerous misfit loose on the rest of us. Her lack of consideration for others and for public safety shows she asked for it. We are lucky we still have police who haven't been handcuffed yet by your criminal contempt for normal people.
How did they know the car wasn't packed with explosives? It is an extremely sensitive area, after all.

How would shooting her improve that situation?
How could it have hurt? She wouldn't get the chance to detonate perhaps. You don't go barreling a car in to highly sensitive areas and not expect deadly force, period. The world has changed.

If the world has changed, why aren't touchy-feely thuglovers laughed at with maximum contempt and told to run home to Mommy?

For what reason? She wasn't a danger to anyone or the police.

You question was answered in the thread.

By the way..I wish the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center were shot down too.

Why? Hijackers aren't a danger to anyone or the police. They are just idealists who will fly their hostages to a safe place and negotiate. Why are you so mean instead of being nice? If we can't be nice and sing Kumbaya, the terrorists win!

By the way, the world should have known that was no longer true after February 23, 1973, when the Israelis revealed they had discovered the tactic later used on September 11, 2001. Curiously, that was the date in 1683 that the last jihad peaked.
They felt like it was at the time. It was perceived as a threat.
Based on what I saw in the video the police acted well within the rules of Procedure, which call for the use of deadly force to subdue a driver who is using a motor vehicle as a weapon or in a manner which clearly presents a menace to the police or to the public and refuses to yield when commanded to.

So regardless of any personal resentment or ideas to the contrary, the police acted completely within the boundaries and requirements of Procedure.

The driver was acting as judge and jury over what her driving rights were and potential executioner of everyone who might get in her way. We can't afford to turn such selfish and reckless people loose on society. Their way of pursuing happiness threatens life and liberty. People like that have no right to live. Even less so do those who force tolerance on us against the will of the people.

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