Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

Another disgrace from the loudmouth brainwashed "no compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME)... greedy corporate/rich tools.

:confused:.;...geezus.....and this meatball says he used to be a teacher.....was this lady one of your pupils Frankie?.....
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqi0DwNLJdM]are you smarter than a 5th grader - dumb blonde american - YouTube[/ame]
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Children yes.....but 20-30 year olds aint kids and there are a lot of them....and do these people get to move ahead of those who are already in line waiting doing things the right way?....just askin....

........plus give them a free education so they can stay here.

I wish he would do that for American kids.

when Gov. Brown was campaigning he said he would give these kids a free Education and was questioned if that included California born kids....he said there is enough money for everyone and then walked away.....and i seen him say this.....so he gets in and then he cuts the budget......so much for that....

What kids are paying for public school in Cal.?? Thanks for the Depression, Pubs, and cutting state aid for teachers, cops, and firemen...BRILLIANT

Blinded by hatespeak dupes.
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How is it possible to find so many ignorant people in one thread. It is not right to interrupt anybody's speech, let alone the president of our country. And this incident has nothing to do with whether or not anybody laughed because the last president had a shoe thrown at him by some foreigner!!! Leave it to right wing idiots to mix apples and oranges.
How is it possible to find so many ignorant people in one thread. It is not right to interrupt anybody's speech, let alone the president of our country. And this incident has nothing to do with whether or not anybody laughed because the last president had a shoe thrown at him by some foreigner!!! Leave it to right wing idiots to mix apples and oranges.

It is rude to interrupt.

It is a bit worse when the one you interrupt is the President.

It is also not terribly cool to throw a hissy fit over someone being rude when you happen to BE the President.

And if one does not interrupt the President's propaganda speeches, one cannot ever ask a question. That's kind of uncool, too; on this President's part.
........plus give them a free education so they can stay here.

I wish he would do that for American kids.

when Gov. Brown was campaigning he said he would give these kids a free Education and was questioned if that included California born kids....he said there is enough money for everyone and then walked away.....and i seen him say this.....so he gets in and then he cuts the budget......so much for that....

What kids are paying for public school in Cal.?? Thanks for the Depression, Pubs, and cutting state aid for teachers, cops, and firemen...BRILLIANT

Blinded by hatespeak dupes.
What kids are paying for public school in Cal.??

way to much and it is not working Frankie...its like half the State budget.....the kids are not paying Frankie....the tax payer is....should they put more money into it?.....Brown doesnt think so....he cut the budget....Dean says he must hate Education and wants to end it.......thanx Frankie your fucking tribe has ruined a once great State....
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This was a stunt.

Tucker Carlson knows damn well that the conservative base is unhinged and eats this shit up. So, showing disrespect to the office of the president is profitable.

If you applauded this nonsense, congrats. You are Carlson's target audience.

Papa needs a new bow tie.......
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Republicans are jerks....Wilson, OReilly, this idiot....

OReilly tries to shout people down when they disagree with him.

He interrupted the President about 100 times when Obama went on OReilly's show.

If you have the facts, state the facts.

If you have the law, state the laws.

if you have neither, bang on the table.

Republicans just bang on the table all the time.

Sam Donaldson rocks.

Never once did I interrupt a president in any way while he was making a formal statement, a speech, honoring awardees or in any other way holding the floor. Yes, almost always when he was finished in the Rose Garden or in the Briefing Room or at a photo opportunity with other world leaders I tried to question him (only rarely was it a shout on the rope line, more often a more normal tone of voice) and other reporters of course did the same thing along with me.

What this man did yesterday is something new, to me wrong and unusual. I think it is probably the result of the growing incivility of the times, the competition among reporters and news organizations to be noticed not only for the work product but for the theatrics of the gathering…and there is one more factor, let’s face it: Many on the political right believe this president ought not to be there – they oppose him not for his polices and political view but for who he is, an African American! These people and perhaps even certain news organizations (certainly the right wing talkers like Limbaugh) encourage disrespect for this president. That is both regrettable and adds, in this case, to the general dislike of the press on the part of the general public.

For Tucker Carlson to say that he would if he can give this man a raise for this rude attempt to interrupt the president is reflective of what I’ve said above and, to me, lowers my opinion of Tucker.

Obama has this crazy habit of bolting once he makes an announcement. I think it was okay to interrupt him because chances are he was gonna leave as soon as he was done.

Even Fox cut out the angry exchange that took place, which really surprised me.

Obama lost his cool and I think that questions should be asked about his essentially unilaterally granting amnesty.

Hmmmm who was the president who ousted Helen Thomas from the press core?

Links at site

Associated Press, 1987: 'Why Do Grown Men And Women Shout At President Reagan?'

Before anyone goes, "Hrrumph, Newsbusters," note the main aspect is an AP report:

[url=http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/2012/06/16/associated-press-1987-why-do-grown-men-and-women-shout-president-reagan]Associated Press, 1987: 'Why Do Grown Men And Women Shout At President Reagan?' | NewsBusters.org

Associated Press, 1987: 'Why Do Grown Men And Women Shout At President Reagan?'

By Tom Blumer | June 16, 2012

You'd think from the reaction to Daily Caller White House Correspondent Neal Munro's shouted question during President Obama's announcement of de facto amnesty for 30-and-under illegal aliens at the Rose Garden yesterday that it's the first time any reporter has ever shouted a question at a U.S. president out of turn. Friday afternoon, the Daily Caller, Munro's employer, carried his explanation of the incident, as well as sturdy defenses from Editor-in-Chief Tucker Carlson and Publisher Neil Patel.

What follows is some historical perspective ("Why Do Grown Men And Women Shout At President Reagan?") coming from (yes, really) Associated Press writer Christopher Connell in October 1987 which is more than necessary in the circumstances (save here in full for fair use and discussion purposes; key items underlined by me).

Here it is:



Comments on the underlined items:

* Not only did they "do it for a living," they did it almost constantly during Reagan's eight years, almost regardless of the circumstances. It appeared to be a strategy designed to make the president appaer aloof and stand-offish, when by 1987 (which is probably why Connell decided to cover it) it was clear that the press's image had been severely tarnished by its years-long virtually non-stop childishness.

* It got so bad that by Reagan's second term, the press was almost routinely interrupting equivalent presidential functions like the one Robert Bork was involved in as described above.

* I believe it's fair to say that Obama and his apparatchiks have limited direct presidential access to Dear Leader far more than Reagan and his handlers ever did. Shoot, at one point (and I believe it's still the case), Obama's people were deciding ahead of time who in the press would get the privilege of asking him questions.

Now, all of a sudden, Neil Munro is a "heckler" getting a beat-down from the White House Correspondents Association amid speculation that The Daily Caller might "lose its access to the President and to the White House." What a bunch of flaming, presidential boot-licking hypocrisy.

Obama has this crazy habit of bolting once he makes an announcement. I think it was okay to interrupt him because chances are he was gonna leave as soon as he was done.

Even Fox cut out the angry exchange that took place, which really surprised me.

Obama lost his cool and I think that questions should be asked about his essentially unilaterally granting amnesty.

Progressives interrupted Bush all the time.

Anyone remember Cindy Sheehan (among others?)....

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