Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

That's funny. Obama changed that. Wherever he is located is from now on considered a no freedom of speech zone. You can be arrested for speaking up within so many hundred feet of Obama. So the zone seems to float with him.....sort of like a moving "Cone of silence".

This is a fact.

And naturally you can provide a link for this "fact"?
Righties think merely stating something makes it fact

so do many lefties....Franco being one of the biggest being guilty of that...
That must be one of those Media Matters secret stories.

Where have you been living that you hadn't heard about Bush's "protest zones"?

Quarantining dissent

All that shit goes down the memory hole with conservatives. Like Baghram airport and the taxi cab driver contractors beat to death. Or Abu Ghariab and the people beaten to death there. Or American Padillia and his rights being shitted on by the Bush administration.


Sallow why dont you bake some cookies for Padilla if you think the poor basterd is being railroaded...and then when you see him ...give him a hug....
That must be one of those Media Matters secret stories.

Where have you been living that you hadn't heard about Bush's "protest zones"?

Quarantining dissent


That's the PAST - and if right wingers had to be held responsible for their past, well heck, none of them would ever get elected. Just remember, EVERYTHING is Obama's fault.

apparently you cant talk about Obama either without being called a racist....
Where have you been living that you hadn't heard about Bush's "protest zones"?

Quarantining dissent


That's the PAST - and if right wingers had to be held responsible for their past, well heck, none of them would ever get elected. Just remember, EVERYTHING is Obama's fault.

apparently you cant talk about Obama either without being called a racist....

Children yes.....but 20-30 year olds aint kids and there are a lot of them....and do these people get to move ahead of those who are already in line waiting doing things the right way?....just askin....

........plus give them a free education so they can stay here.

I wish he would do that for American kids.

Public education is free, but I don't wish it upon anyone, legal or no.

A college education.......:cool:
Needless to say, rw's disagree but if this had been a (white) R president, you'd all be screaming your heads off.

Dudley stick your fucking racial bullshit up your flabby old ass.....just because you agree with every fucking thing this guy says or does BECAUSE you dont want to be perceived as a racist....many people out here dont give a dam about your Politically correct bullshit and will disagree with the guy if we dont like what he is doing....and if you cant except that....tough fucking shit.....
Needless to say, rw's disagree but if this had been a (white) R president, you'd all be screaming your heads off.

Dudley stick your fucking racial bullshit up your flabby old ass.....just because you agree with every fucking thing this guy says or does BECAUSE you dont want to be perceived as a racist....many people out here dont give a dam about your Politically correct bullshit and will disagree with the guy if we dont like what he is doing....and if you cant except that....tough fucking shit.....

I smell brewski breath.
He's black, so it was OK.

i can imagine how you would be Dean if Obama was a Republican..... you would not like the guy because he is a Republican.....and you would be called a racist because the guy is black and i bet you would not care for that label would you?...you fucking Hypocrite....
Will Conservatives have the same attitude toward how a president should be treated if a Republican ever gets re-elected? I doubt it. Attitudes about politics are in flux (the only thing Conservatives have in flux) Their manners are flexible. A Conservative president is to be deferred to and respected. A Liberal president should be openly mocked.

If a Conservative's level of respect for the office is so shallow, can we then rightfully conclude that EVERYTHING about a Conservative is shallow?

hey Nosmo....you are right.... but at the same time i dont recall anyone here on the left having anything good to say about any Republican Presidents.....so Democrats are pretty shallow themselves.....
Obama is the first Black to ever get close to the presidency much less win. All the racist, asshole, MF's in this country have gone ape shit. That's where you stack up in my book....ape shit.
are we supposed to agree with everything this guy does just because he is black?....you can never disagree with the guy?.......

You're the just the kind of American whose ancestors probably owned Blacks, so now you should feel guilty and suppress the urge to disagree.


sorry my people were still in the old country cooking pasta.....:lol:
Not to mention the fact that we are required, BY LAW, to give them an education.

So, these people are brought here as children, attend American schools and are immersed in American culture. They ARE Americans in all but one sense of the word and some here want to "send them back". Send them back where? This is their home.

Children yes.....but 20-30 year olds aint kids and there are a lot of them....and do these people get to move ahead of those who are already in line waiting doing things the right way?....just askin....


Why the fuck would anyone wait in line?

Just grab a bottle of water and wade across the Rio Grand.

there quite a few who are in LINE....and shelling out some bucks too....some "Latinos" i guess have integrity.....
Not to mention the fact that we are required, BY LAW, to give them an education.

So, these people are brought here as children, attend American schools and are immersed in American culture. They ARE Americans in all but one sense of the word and some here want to "send them back". Send them back where? This is their home.

Children yes.....but 20-30 year olds aint kids and there are a lot of them....and do these people get to move ahead of those who are already in line waiting doing things the right way?....just askin....

........plus give them a free education so they can stay here.

I wish he would do that for American kids.

when Gov. Brown was campaigning he said he would give these kids a free Education and was questioned if that included California born kids....he said there is enough money for everyone and then walked away.....and i seen him say this.....so he gets in and then he cuts the budget......so much for that....

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