Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

anyone see how the left in the media is saying what this reporter did is racist?

now who didn't expect this?

Well, maybe that's gonna be their first tact rather than their last.

Used to be they resorted to the race-card after they lost on everything else.

I heard a few weeks ago that the WH was gonna try to look for racism in media coverage and try to say that everything Mitt Romney says is code for racism.
They did in fact do thier damndest to block EVERY piece of legislation that would have improved the recovery and were nearly 100% successful in that effort. If you have better information please bring it counselor.

Um, how do you know what "would have improved the economy?"

Are you God?

If so, then why can you not make a Dungeness Crab Appear in Seattle?:evil:

I can't change the grand design. Once it is in motion...that's it Buckeroo! I can, though, go out today and buy some fresh Dungeness Crab at the store and enjoy it whilst I read your posts..

Isn't it ironic?

Wow, every piece that was blocked, would have improved the economy and you believe that? So when the stimulus, bailouts and heathcare were passed, they didnt improve the economy, but you bought that tshirt anyway, and now you still believe them? A sucker born every minute!
links and VIDEO at site

Politico Reporter: Yes, Daily Caller Reporter Interrupting Obama Was Racist…

And he said it on MSNBC last night, making this their fourth play of the race card.

Via Newsbusters:

JOE WILLIAMS: It’s very, very difficult to place race outside of this context. Mostly because a lot of the interruptions, a lot of the disrespect has been unprecedented. We haven’t seen anything like this before. A lot of people will suggest it’s because the Republican party has moved so far to the right that they’re willing to do things that were unthinkable. But certainly in my experience, it’s hard to divorce that because this president doesn’t look like the others. And not only do we have a lot of these sort of interruptions, a lot of disrespect towards the office, in more than my view, I mean, a lot of people in the tourist field and practicing journalists were agog, were aghast at what had happened. But you also have the promotions of the Tea Party, where they’re using racially-tinged imagery, and racially-tinged sort of statements to get their point across. You have a lot of Members of Congress on the Republican side who feel like they can do whatever or talk about whatever. I mean, have you ever heard of a president being talked about in the way that this congress has talked about him, where you say our job is to make sure this guy serves one term, as opposed to our job is to see that the best interests of the country are served. So given all that evidence, it’s hard to divorce that. A lot of people will defend it as saying other presidents were disrespected, but in my view none so publicly.

Keep reading…
from..Weasel Zippers
links and VIDEO at site

Politico Reporter: Yes, Daily Caller Reporter Interrupting Obama Was Racist…
And he said it on MSNBC last night, making this their fourth play of the race card.
Via Newsbusters:

JOE WILLIAMS: It’s very, very difficult to place race outside of this context.
Keep reading…
from..Weasel Zippers

You want me to link to Weaselzipper to get information?

You're kidding, right?

Just because Joe Williams (whoever that is) says there's a racial component, doesn't account for "the left in the media."
links and VIDEO at site

Politico Reporter: Yes, Daily Caller Reporter Interrupting Obama Was Racist…
And he said it on MSNBC last night, making this their fourth play of the race card.
Via Newsbusters:

JOE WILLIAMS: It’s very, very difficult to place race outside of this context.
Keep reading…
from..Weasel Zippers

You want me to link to Weaselzipper to get information?

You're kidding, right?

Just because Joe Williams (whoever that is) says there's a racial component, doesn't account for "the left in the media."

I posted the transcript with it, you don't have to go anywhere you don't want..
links and VIDEO at site

Politico Reporter: Yes, Daily Caller Reporter Interrupting Obama Was Racist…
And he said it on MSNBC last night, making this their fourth play of the race card.
Via Newsbusters:

JOE WILLIAMS: It’s very, very difficult to place race outside of this context.
Keep reading…
from..Weasel Zippers

You want me to link to Weaselzipper to get information?

You're kidding, right?

Just because Joe Williams (whoever that is) says there's a racial component, doesn't account for "the left in the media."

I posted the transcript with it, you don't have to go anywhere you don't want..

I'm only surprised you needed to use anything so obscure.

Chris Matthews hasn't said anything stupid yet?
He never announced he would bypass Congress when he wanted to, sorry.

What does that have to do with the fact that he just did???


He said he would go it alone if he had to when he gave his "We can't wait speech".

Obama: "Where Congress Is Not Willing To Act, We're Going To Go Ahead And Do It Ourselves" | RealClearPolitics

Either republicans do what they are told, without question, or he will rule by edict.

I see where he says he will act to protect the economy even if Congress doesn't do anything.

... but where does he say he's giong to bypass Congress whenever he wants?

Exercising lawful executive authority isn't "bypassing" Congress idiot. Why do I waste my time with morons like you?
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You can't distinguish between truth and falsehood? That's just sad.

You are more pathetic than I thought.

Everyone lies sometimes. I am not immune.

But you are unable to point to even one lie I ever told.

Meanwhile, back ON the point: it is absolutely 100% true that for the first couple years of the Administration of the incumbent, both Houses of Congress were in the hands of his political Party.

You could deny it, but your denial would be "false." Maybe with some outside help you can learn to grasp the distinction between a true statement and a false one, someday.

Backing off point for a moment... I don't waste time pointing out your lies because you already know.

Back ON point.. I will make a small exception for your small mind to ponder. You are a liar. Show me where the majority of the GOP supported any legislation that improved the economy im the last 3 and a half years. They did in fact do thier damndest to block EVERY piece of legislation that would have improved the recovery and were nearly 100% successful in that effort. If you have better information please bring it counselor.

Complete with Bill numbers for easier reference.

This is, of course, a partial list as these only address the topic of 'energy'

North American-Made Energy Security Act (H.R. 1938) – require the federal government to allow the Keystone XL pipeline

Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act (H.R. 1230) – address high gas prices and support the creation of new American jobs by increasing offshore energy production.

Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act (H.R. 1229) – ending the moratorium on American energy production in the Gulf of Mexico.

Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act (H.R. 1231) – ending the moratorium on American energy production in the Gulf of Mexico.

I'm sure someone will be along to correct me shortly, but it looks like serving the oil industry is their primary objective, and getting Americans back to work is secondary.
Backing off point for a moment... I don't waste time pointing out your lies because you already know.

Back ON point.. I will make a small exception for your small mind to ponder. You are a liar. Show me where the majority of the GOP supported any legislation that improved the economy im the last 3 and a half years. They did in fact do thier damndest to block EVERY piece of legislation that would have improved the recovery and were nearly 100% successful in that effort. If you have better information please bring it counselor.

Complete with Bill numbers for easier reference.

This is, of course, a partial list as these only address the topic of 'energy'

North American-Made Energy Security Act (H.R. 1938) – require the federal government to allow the Keystone XL pipeline

Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act (H.R. 1230) – address high gas prices and support the creation of new American jobs by increasing offshore energy production.

Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act (H.R. 1229) – ending the moratorium on American energy production in the Gulf of Mexico.

Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act (H.R. 1231) – ending the moratorium on American energy production in the Gulf of Mexico.

I'm sure someone will be along to correct me shortly, but it looks like serving the oil industry is their primary objective, and getting Americans back to work is secondary.

Ya...they go on and on about thier 20,000 job sweetheart project for thier puppet handlers that won't add a single drop of gasoline at our pumps and ignore infrastructure repair that will add MILLIONS of good paying jobs that will actually do something for the economy. Ya these guys are a real prize.

Obama has this crazy habit of bolting once he makes an announcement. I think it was okay to interrupt him because chances are he was gonna leave as soon as he was done.

Even Fox cut out the angry exchange that took place, which really surprised me.

Obama lost his cool and I think that questions should be asked about his essentially unilaterally granting amnesty.

That's why he was so butt hurt, he couldn't finish his statement and run.:badgrin:

Obama has this crazy habit of bolting once he makes an announcement. I think it was okay to interrupt him because chances are he was gonna leave as soon as he was done.

Even Fox cut out the angry exchange that took place, which really surprised me.

Obama lost his cool and I think that questions should be asked about his essentially unilaterally granting amnesty.

Obama is the first Black to ever get close to the presidency much less win. All the racist, asshole, MF's in this country have gone ape shit. That's where you stack up in my book....ape shit.
are we supposed to agree with everything this guy does just because he is black?....you can never disagree with the guy?.......

I don't know the protocol at these things, nor do I really care, but this kind of behavior helps no one, advances nothing, and just adds to the shit hole status of our political environment. I'd think conservatives would not be thrilled because it could easily make Obama look like the victim - on the other hand, all they care about is attack, attack, attack, damn the consequences, because that's what Rush and Sean do.

The reporter guy got lots of publicity for it, and let's face it, that's all that currently matters.


Yet that was the primary reason Obama went around congress to do this rather than actually make a genuine attempt to work with them.

He intentionally screwed with them last year over the debt ceiling negotiations just so he could say they won't work with him. The Dems in the Senate won't do their jobs and the only people that are can't get anything done because of the obstructionists in the Senate and the White House. That is where the obstruction is going on, not the GOP.

A good president works within the government, not outside of it. Obama won't work inside it because for one, it's just too difficult. For another, most of his ideas are bad for the economy and bad for workers. He does nothing to help private job creation. He only talks about job creation in government. Cops, teachers, and firefighters. None of these positions creates one cent that pays down debt, only increases it.

Obama put off dealing with immigration intentionally so he could make a big splash this way during an election year. The GOP tried to tackle this issue 5 years ago and all they got was pilloried in the press.

Bovine feces. Surely you've heard of the filibuster? It was used on the Dream Act. That's right...not even allowed to have a discussion on it thanks to the filibuster...

Dream Act students sue to stop Senate filibuster

Bovine Feces?....:lol:.....ok i havent heard Shit said like that before....

Obama has this crazy habit of bolting once he makes an announcement. I think it was okay to interrupt him because chances are he was gonna leave as soon as he was done.

Even Fox cut out the angry exchange that took place, which really surprised me.

Obama lost his cool and I think that questions should be asked about his essentially unilaterally granting amnesty.

Obama is the first Black to ever get close to the presidency much less win. All the racist, asshole, MF's in this country have gone ape shit. That's where you stack up in my book....ape shit.
are we supposed to agree with everything this guy does just because he is black?....you can never disagree with the guy?.......

You're the just the kind of American whose ancestors probably owned Blacks, so now you should feel guilty and suppress the urge to disagree.

Except being illegally in this country moron.

What a putz.

There is no federal law which imposes criminal penalties for residing in the country without papers, MORON.

Since they were brought here as minors, in most cases in the custody of a parent or other legal guardian, they are not liable for the crime of illegal entry, either.

And since to enter the program they must be free of a criminal past - the only folks that are eligible are people who have committed no crime.

Not to mention the fact that we are required, BY LAW, to give them an education.

So, these people are brought here as children, attend American schools and are immersed in American culture. They ARE Americans in all but one sense of the word and some here want to "send them back". Send them back where? This is their home.

Children yes.....but 20-30 year olds aint kids and there are a lot of them....and do these people get to move ahead of those who are already in line waiting doing things the right way?....just askin....
There is no federal law which imposes criminal penalties for residing in the country without papers, MORON.

Since they were brought here as minors, in most cases in the custody of a parent or other legal guardian, they are not liable for the crime of illegal entry, either.

And since to enter the program they must be free of a criminal past - the only folks that are eligible are people who have committed no crime.

Not to mention the fact that we are required, BY LAW, to give them an education.

So, these people are brought here as children, attend American schools and are immersed in American culture. They ARE Americans in all but one sense of the word and some here want to "send them back". Send them back where? This is their home.

Children yes.....but 20-30 year olds aint kids and there are a lot of them....and do these people get to move ahead of those who are already in line waiting doing things the right way?....just askin....


Why the fuck would anyone wait in line?

Just grab a bottle of water and wade across the Rio Grand.
There is no federal law which imposes criminal penalties for residing in the country without papers, MORON.

Since they were brought here as minors, in most cases in the custody of a parent or other legal guardian, they are not liable for the crime of illegal entry, either.

And since to enter the program they must be free of a criminal past - the only folks that are eligible are people who have committed no crime.

Not to mention the fact that we are required, BY LAW, to give them an education.

So, these people are brought here as children, attend American schools and are immersed in American culture. They ARE Americans in all but one sense of the word and some here want to "send them back". Send them back where? This is their home.

Children yes.....but 20-30 year olds aint kids and there are a lot of them....and do these people get to move ahead of those who are already in line waiting doing things the right way?....just askin....

........plus give them a free education so they can stay here.

I wish he would do that for American kids.
Not to mention the fact that we are required, BY LAW, to give them an education.

So, these people are brought here as children, attend American schools and are immersed in American culture. They ARE Americans in all but one sense of the word and some here want to "send them back". Send them back where? This is their home.

Children yes.....but 20-30 year olds aint kids and there are a lot of them....and do these people get to move ahead of those who are already in line waiting doing things the right way?....just askin....

........plus give them a free education so they can stay here.

I wish he would do that for American kids.

Public education is free, but I don't wish it upon anyone, legal or no.

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