Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

So does that mean that no one should have the right to question you?


It means that :

A. when I'm speaking, then I shouldn't be interrupted.
B. When I am not speaking, then you can ask questions.

Not really that fucking complicated a fucking concept.
What if you decide to make a dash and not answer questions? If a reporter feels that is going to happen especially on a politically charged issue such as this you don't feel he should interrupt?

If a reporter feels something will happen in the future, then he should get into the palm reading business.

If he wants an interview, then he needs to schedule one.

Otherwise, they need to STFU and simply report facts.
I'm not so sure about that. I don't remember if he announced it, or just started doing it. It was sometime after the debt ceiling debacle last year.

He never announced he would bypass Congress when he wanted to, sorry.

The repubs never "announced" before Obama's election that they would attempt to block every piece of legislation intended to overcome the effects of the financial crisis Obama walked into from day one. I see his efforts to bypass a stalemated congress as commendable but ultimately futile. You people that would see America on it's knees as a fair price to make Obama look bad are fucking asshole traitors and can all go fuck yourselves.

right sure, the people aren't buying that one anymore...Obama had two years before Republicans took control of the house..Instead he chose to shove ObamaCare down our throats in that time and said, fuck the economy and jobs.
so here's this...waaa waa waa
He never announced he would bypass Congress when he wanted to, sorry.

The repubs never "announced" before Obama's election that they would attempt to block every piece of legislation intended to overcome the effects of the financial crisis Obama walked into from day one. I see his efforts to bypass a stalemated congress as commendable but ultimately futile. You people that would see America on it's knees as a fair price to make Obama look bad are fucking asshole traitors and can all go fuck yourselves.

right sure, the people aren't buying that one anymore...Obama had two years before Republicans took control of the house..
so here's this...waaa waa waa

right back atcha..."the people aren't buying that one anymore".
I'm not so sure about that. I don't remember if he announced it, or just started doing it. It was sometime after the debt ceiling debacle last year.

He never announced he would bypass Congress when he wanted to, sorry.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

#1 the tape was obviously edited
#2 he said he would "do whatever he could do;" All Presidents do "whatever they can do," within the law (sometimes outside the law).

When Obama actually does something unlawful, then we impeach presidents.

So far, ya got nothin'
The repubs never "announced" before Obama's election that they would attempt to block every piece of legislation intended to overcome the effects of the financial crisis Obama walked into from day one. I see his efforts to bypass a stalemated congress as commendable but ultimately futile. You people that would see America on it's knees as a fair price to make Obama look bad are fucking asshole traitors and can all go fuck yourselves.

right sure, the people aren't buying that one anymore...Obama had two years before Republicans took control of the house..
so here's this...waaa waa waa

right back atcha..."the people aren't buying that one anymore".

oh I think they are...but we'll see soon enough
The repubs never "announced" before Obama's election that they would attempt to block every piece of legislation intended to overcome the effects of the financial crisis Obama walked into from day one. I see his efforts to bypass a stalemated congress as commendable but ultimately futile. You people that would see America on it's knees as a fair price to make Obama look bad are fucking asshole traitors and can all go fuck yourselves.

right sure, the people aren't buying that one anymore...Obama had two years before Republicans took control of the house..
so here's this...waaa waa waa

right back atcha..."the people aren't buying that one anymore".

The People seem to be getting that last one quite well.

It's not like it isn't fucking totally true.
He never announced he would bypass Congress when he wanted to, sorry.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

#1 the tape was obviously edited
#2 he said he would "do whatever he could do;" All Presidents do "whatever they can do," within the law (sometimes outside the law).

When Obama actually does something unlawful, then we impeach presidents.

So far, ya got nothin'

I never said anything about impeachment
So does that mean that no one should have the right to question you?


It means that :

A. when I'm speaking, then I shouldn't be interrupted.
B. When I am not speaking, then you can ask questions.

Not really that fucking complicated a fucking concept.
What if you decide to make a dash and not answer questions? If a reporter feels that is going to happen especially on a politically charged issue such as this you don't feel he should interrupt?

No. I don't. Rude is rude, is rude is rude is rude.

He was out of line.
Will Conservatives have the same attitude toward how a president should be treated if a Republican ever gets re-elected? I doubt it. Attitudes about politics are in flux (the only thing Conservatives have in flux) Their manners are flexible. A Conservative president is to be deferred to and respected. A Liberal president should be openly mocked.

If a Conservative's level of respect for the office is so shallow, can we then rightfully conclude that EVERYTHING about a Conservative is shallow?
Will Conservatives have the same attitude toward how a president should be treated if a Republican ever gets re-elected? I doubt it. Attitudes about politics are in flux (the only thing Conservatives have in flux) Their manners are flexible. A Conservative president is to be deferred to and respected. A Liberal president should be openly mocked.

If a Conservative's level of respect for the office is so shallow, can we then rightfully conclude that EVERYTHING about a Conservative is shallow?

/tiptoes carefully around the landmine and prays there are no wires
Will Conservatives have the same attitude toward how a president should be treated if a Republican ever gets re-elected? I doubt it. Attitudes about politics are in flux (the only thing Conservatives have in flux) Their manners are flexible. A Conservative president is to be deferred to and respected. A Liberal president should be openly mocked.

If a Conservative's level of respect for the office is so shallow, can we then rightfully conclude that EVERYTHING about a Conservative is shallow?

Same attitude regardless of the Party of the person in power.

Dan Rather rudely asked a pretty dismissive question of Pres. Nixon. He took very little shit for it.

When President Obama got "interrupted," the "reporter" was also being a bit rude. I don't think that's even honestly debatable. But the reaction of the President was pretty revealing (his prickly superiority attitude and narcissism) about the kind of person he is. And few if any on the left will admit that.
Will Conservatives have the same attitude toward how a president should be treated if a Republican ever gets re-elected? I doubt it. Attitudes about politics are in flux (the only thing Conservatives have in flux) Their manners are flexible. A Conservative president is to be deferred to and respected. A Liberal president should be openly mocked.

If a Conservative's level of respect for the office is so shallow, can we then rightfully conclude that EVERYTHING about a Conservative is shallow?

/tiptoes carefully around the landmine and prays there are no wires

Notso says something lame, limp and vapid, and Boop chimes in to promptly "agree" for no logical or rational reason.
right sure, the people aren't buying that one anymore...Obama had two years before Republicans took control of the house..
so here's this...waaa waa waa

right back atcha..."the people aren't buying that one anymore".

The People seem to be getting that last one quite well.

It's not like it isn't fucking totally true.

When does truth have anything to do with it? At least you know when you are lying...I'll give you that.
In the words of Bill O'Reilly, "you respect the office, not the man". If I was President, I would've given him 10 seconds to shut is fuckin' mouth, before I'd have the Secret Service take him into custody and remove his big-mouth ass from the press conference. I would let him know, you'd better be respectful when talking to the big dog on campus, or you're gonna get bit!

BTW, I'm a liberal and I didn't care for that guy in Iraq throwing a shoe at my President. Here at home, my objections to GW's policies are between him and me; over there, whether I voted for him or not, he's my President and I don't appreciate people throwing things at the leader of my nation.

You couldn't get anymore opposed to Bush legally, than me. But at least I waited a couple of years into his first term, before I started criticizing his policies. And when he did things that I agreed with, I made it a point to give him credit for it.

Too bad you fuckers on the right can't reciprocate with Obama. You started criticizing him less than 10 days into his Presidency and give him credit for absolutely nothing. And you go out of your way to say the most ridiculous accusations about him. Like saying the government can't create jobs, then turning right around and blaming Obama for the economy. Well, which is it? It's either one or the other, you can't have both!

Yea, that whole "Freedom of Speech" thing is SUUUCH a pain in the ass, ain't it?!


Obama has this crazy habit of bolting once he makes an announcement. I think it was okay to interrupt him because chances are he was gonna leave as soon as he was done.

Even Fox cut out the angry exchange that took place, which really surprised me.

Obama lost his cool and I think that questions should be asked about his essentially unilaterally granting amnesty.

I'm somewhat torn on this. When I first watched it, I actually cringed. I immediately thought that it was demeaning, not to Obama, but to the office of the presidency.

But this is the president that feels he is above having to answer for his actions, having the fewest number of press conferences than any other president in modern times.

And we all knew he wasn't going to take any questions, so what else was he supposed to do?

Obama shows no respect to the office he holds, he has demeaned it to the this point himself, but let us not sink to his levels.

I still believe it was a classless move that shouldn't have taken place, and only served to further this administration's cause.
right back atcha..."the people aren't buying that one anymore".

The People seem to be getting that last one quite well.

It's not like it isn't fucking totally true.

When does truth have anything to do with it? At least you know when you are lying...I'll give you that.

You can't distinguish between truth and falsehood? That's just sad.

You are more pathetic than I thought.

Everyone lies sometimes. I am not immune.

But you are unable to point to even one lie I ever told.

Meanwhile, back ON the point: it is absolutely 100% true that for the first couple years of the Administration of the incumbent, both Houses of Congress were in the hands of his political Party.

You could deny it, but your denial would be "false." Maybe with some outside help you can learn to grasp the distinction between a true statement and a false one, someday.

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