Was It Right To Interrupt Obama?

The People seem to be getting that last one quite well.

It's not like it isn't fucking totally true.

When does truth have anything to do with it? At least you know when you are lying...I'll give you that.

You can't distinguish between truth and falsehood? That's just sad.

You are more pathetic than I thought.

Everyone lies sometimes. I am not immune.

But you are unable to point to even one lie I ever told.

Meanwhile, back ON the point: it is absolutely 100% true that for the first couple years of the Administration of the incumbent, both Houses of Congress were in the hands of his political Party.

You could deny it, but your denial would be "false." Maybe with some outside help you can learn to grasp the distinction between a true statement and a false one, someday.

Backing off point for a moment... I don't waste time pointing out your lies because you already know.

Back ON point.. I will make a small exception for your small mind to ponder. You are a liar. Show me where the majority of the GOP supported any legislation that improved the economy im the last 3 and a half years. They did in fact do thier damndest to block EVERY piece of legislation that would have improved the recovery and were nearly 100% successful in that effort. If you have better information please bring it counselor.
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They did in fact do thier damndest to block EVERY piece of legislation that would have improved the recovery and were nearly 100% successful in that effort. If you have better information please bring it counselor.

Um, how do you know what "would have improved the economy?"

Are you God?

If so, then why can you not make a Dungeness Crab Appear in Seattle?:evil:
When does truth have anything to do with it? At least you know when you are lying...I'll give you that.

You can't distinguish between truth and falsehood? That's just sad.

You are more pathetic than I thought.

Everyone lies sometimes. I am not immune.

But you are unable to point to even one lie I ever told.

Meanwhile, back ON the point: it is absolutely 100% true that for the first couple years of the Administration of the incumbent, both Houses of Congress were in the hands of his political Party.

You could deny it, but your denial would be "false." Maybe with some outside help you can learn to grasp the distinction between a true statement and a false one, someday.

Backing off point for a moment... I don't waste time pointing out your lies because you already know.

You would "point" one out if you could. But you can't and that's what we BOTH know. So, let's just label your claim a "lie" and be done with it. :thup:

Back ON point.. I will make a small exception for your small mind to ponder. You are a liar. Show me where the majority of the GOP supported any legislation that improved the economy im the last 3 and a half years. They did in fact do thier damndest to block EVERY piece of legislation that would have improved the recovery and were nearly 100% successful in that effort. If you have better information please bring it counselor.

Let me respond for your sub-microscopic "mind" to try to latch on to: I said NOTHING about any GOP support for or opposition to ANYTHING. You are one truly transparent hack sometimes.

What I DID say --actually getting back ON point -- is that it was TRUE that the President's political Party controlled BOTH houses of Congress for two years of his term, to date.

So once again, you can point to no lie of mine, as we both know. This DOES establish that your claim about me was a deliberate falsehood. YOU lied, not me. :cool:

Muddle on, Smugz.
When does truth have anything to do with it? At least you know when you are lying...I'll give you that.

You can't distinguish between truth and falsehood? That's just sad.

You are more pathetic than I thought.

Everyone lies sometimes. I am not immune.

But you are unable to point to even one lie I ever told.

Meanwhile, back ON the point: it is absolutely 100% true that for the first couple years of the Administration of the incumbent, both Houses of Congress were in the hands of his political Party.

You could deny it, but your denial would be "false." Maybe with some outside help you can learn to grasp the distinction between a true statement and a false one, someday.

Backing off point for a moment... I don't waste time pointing out your lies because you already know.

Back ON point.. I will make a small exception for your small mind to ponder. You are a liar. Show me where the majority of the GOP supported any legislation that improved the economy im the last 3 and a half years. They did in fact do thier damndest to block EVERY piece of legislation that would have improved the recovery and were nearly 100% successful in that effort. If you have better information please bring it counselor.

Complete with Bill numbers for easier reference.

This is, of course, a partial list as these only address the topic of 'energy'

North American-Made Energy Security Act (H.R. 1938) – require the federal government to allow the Keystone XL pipeline

Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act (H.R. 1230) – address high gas prices and support the creation of new American jobs by increasing offshore energy production.

Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act (H.R. 1229) – ending the moratorium on American energy production in the Gulf of Mexico.

Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act (H.R. 1231) – ending the moratorium on American energy production in the Gulf of Mexico.
I don't agree with his being interrupted. I find it strange that CNN is calling for the reporter to be deported because of it though.

Later, Munro again interrupted the president in midstatement. Obama kept his cool; he simply finished his statement. If I had been president, I would have deported Munro back to his country of origin.

What's behind dissing of the president? - CNN.com

So you can come here legally and interrupt someone and get deported or come her illegally and demand to stay.

Strange that.
CaféAuLait;5459764 said:
I don't agree with his being interrupted. I find it strange that CNN is calling for the reporter to be deported because of it though.

Later, Munro again interrupted the president in midstatement. Obama kept his cool; he simply finished his statement. If I had been president, I would have deported Munro back to his country of origin.

What's behind dissing of the president? - CNN.com

So you can come here legally and interrupt someone and get deported or come her illegally and demand to stay.

Strange that.

and obama just came out in support of NOT deporting people?
how funny, you can't interrupt the obama without people wanting to kick you out the country
I'm not so sure about that. I don't remember if he announced it, or just started doing it. It was sometime after the debt ceiling debacle last year.

He never announced he would bypass Congress when he wanted to, sorry.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUtLcVmi67Q]Obama wants to bypass Congress - YouTube[/ame]

He didn't say that he would bypass Congress when he wanted to in that video clip.
They did in fact do thier damndest to block EVERY piece of legislation that would have improved the recovery and were nearly 100% successful in that effort. If you have better information please bring it counselor.

Um, how do you know what "would have improved the economy?"

Are you God?

If so, then why can you not make a Dungeness Crab Appear in Seattle?:evil:

I can't change the grand design. Once it is in motion...that's it Buckeroo! I can, though, go out today and buy some fresh Dungeness Crab at the store and enjoy it whilst I read your posts..

Isn't it ironic?
They did in fact do thier damndest to block EVERY piece of legislation that would have improved the recovery and were nearly 100% successful in that effort. If you have better information please bring it counselor.

Um, how do you know what "would have improved the economy?"

Are you God?

If so, then why can you not make a Dungeness Crab Appear in Seattle?:evil:

I can't change the grand design. Once it is in motion...that's it Buckeroo! I can, though, go out today and buy some fresh Dungeness Crab at the store and enjoy it whilst I read your posts..

Isn't it ironic?


I thought the question was appropriate and well timed. What about American workers? Remember America?
The reporter did not disrespect the office of the presidency. obama has demeaned the office of the presidency to the point where it no longer worthy of anyone's resepect. He does not respect his office, why should anyone give that lack of respect legitimacy. All you're really doing is respecting obama's lack of respect.
Um, how do you know what "would have improved the economy?"

Are you God?

If so, then why can you not make a Dungeness Crab Appear in Seattle?:evil:

I can't change the grand design. Once it is in motion...that's it Buckeroo! I can, though, go out today and buy some fresh Dungeness Crab at the store and enjoy it whilst I read your posts..

Isn't it ironic?



Just for that I'll feed some of it to my dogs.. :lol:

No he didn't.

I'm not so sure about that. I don't remember if he announced it, or just started doing it. It was sometime after the debt ceiling debacle last year.

He never announced he would bypass Congress when he wanted to, sorry.

He never "announced" that he would ignore the Separation of Powers BEFORE he tried to ignore the Separation of Powers?

Powerful argument you have going there Oomphy.
I'm not so sure about that. I don't remember if he announced it, or just started doing it. It was sometime after the debt ceiling debacle last year.

He never announced he would bypass Congress when he wanted to, sorry.

What does that have to do with the fact that he just did???


He said he would go it alone if he had to when he gave his "We can't wait speech".

Obama: "Where Congress Is Not Willing To Act, We're Going To Go Ahead And Do It Ourselves" | RealClearPolitics

Either republicans do what they are told, without question, or he will rule by edict.
anyone see how the left in the media is saying what this reporter did is racist?

now who didn't expect this?

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