Was Jesus a deadbeat?

Christians are supposed to live their lives a certain way not because they want a reward, but out of love of God.

And God, out of love for us, rewards us when we do so. We are made to serve God and we are happiest when we lead godly lives.

Also healthiest and most productive. Whether or not you think Yahshua was a dead beat, the Bible gave us the principle "if a man does not work he does not eat". He wasn't a roaming hippy, he was in traveling ministry for three years, because he had to be simply because he lived and was raised in Nazareth but it was required for him to be crucified in Jerusalem. He had a three year mission.

The Bible makes it clear that man must work in order to make a living. It's a demand throughout scripture, in matter of fact if you read the creation story in Genesis it's what man was created to do, fortify the Earth.

Another example: the dietary laws even though most christians don't follow them (I do) are the healthiest guidlines for preparation and the partaking of food. Applying the law of God and the word of God to your life and making an effort to follow it daily is a rewarding experience in itself.

What of the free lunch of fishes and loaves for those who were too stupit to pack a lunch?

He didn't make a living as a carpenter once he began spreading the word.

And for those who want to pretend Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, she wasn't.
It never mentions his building anything.

It oft mentions him sending his disciples to beg for room and board.

The only time it mentions carpentry is when it mentions his father- a profession he was expected to go into before he shows up as a traveling bum.
He didn't make a living as a carpenter once he began spreading the word.

And for those who want to pretend Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, she wasn't.

No. She probably wasn't. She was probably his wife (at the risk of offending you. apologies in advance). But under jewish law, the only women who were allowed to attend a dead man's body were his mother and his wife. If you look at the new testament, the two mary's attended the body of jesus after the crucifixion.
He didn't make a living as a carpenter once he began spreading the word.

And for those who want to pretend Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, she wasn't.

I am not saying she was or was not, but having a female "sponsor" back then must have bent a lot of social rules?
Jesus broke the rules, and was crucified for it. But I don't think that necessarily was one of the rules he got flak for. While Romans were exceedingly sexist, Jews were not. Women could own property and were respected in their own right. Mary M. was a wealthy widow, and as such would have been afforded respect and a certain amount of power in Jewish society.
He didn't make a living as a carpenter once he began spreading the word.

And for those who want to pretend Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, she wasn't.

I am not saying she was or was not, but having a female "sponsor" back then must have bent a lot of social rules?
Maybe yes and maybe no! There have been plenty of Matriarchal societies. In fact Judaism itself is passed down from the mother's side of the family.

Women had it worse before the Feminist movement. And thank the old school social Conservatives for making that struggle tougher than it should have been!
Maybe yes and maybe no! There have been plenty of Matriarchal societies. In fact Judaism itself is passed down from the mother's side of the family.

Smart idea, they at least knew who the mother was.
I think most Indian tribes trace bloodlines along the mom's side of the family, too.
Jesus broke the rules, and was crucified for it. But I don't think that necessarily was one of the rules he got flak for. While Romans were exceedingly sexist, Jews were not. Women could own property and were respected in their own right. Mary M. was a wealthy widow, and as such would have been afforded respect and a certain amount of power in Jewish society.
You have Jews confused with Muslims and Mary Magdalene confused with Khadija, Mohammad's wife
Hi Citizen:

Does the bible ever speak of Jesus actually doing productive work?

Yes. Romans 5:6-8.

Heck he (He) was even asleep while his buddies were sailing in a storm. Why was he not up helping out?

You men of little faith are clueless ... Christ calmed the storm (Matt. 8:23-27).

Disclosure: I do not believe in any deity or afterlife.

Then nothing in my words is addressed to you. Unbelievers enter the lake of fire before 'murderers' and 'all liars' (Rev. 21:8). You come to the USMB Religion Forum to share your 'unbelief' ...

But I do think Jesus taught some good ways to live together. ie ethics.

Bullony! Jesus Christ claims to be the "Son of God" (John 10:36, Rev. 2:18), which means He 'is' the "Son of God" (like John the Baptist says) OR he is a liar. There is no room in the middle for the "Lord" (Rom. 10:9) to be merely a good man ...

Even those using "His name" (Acts 4:12) have raised the dead. If you have no faith in the Son of God, then you are far wiser to never mention 'His name' at all ...

In Christ Jesus,

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Don't get me wrong now. I am all for real Christinas, those striving to live as Jesus taught them.
Just forget the supreme deity and afterlife stuff.
If you are correct then there will be salvation for you since Jesus is the way. That is what that really means.

Live the way not for the rewards later but for the enhancement of all of our lives in the here and now.

What did He teach that you find valuable? Worth living by?

treat your fellow man with respect regardelss of their status in life.
Well at least until they show you they do not deserve respect.

Let the little children come unto me...

Help the needy.

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